I have gz. file of individual. But is too big to merge all individual, I want to cut the gz. file by chromosome then to merge. I have tried the following, but it product VCF file. I want it to product gz. file, so it merge much quick.
./vcftools --gzvcf /home/chung/seqdataQC/NGS2015011D_S1.genome.vcf.gz --chr chr1 --out /home/chung/seqdataQC/NGS2015011D/NGS2015011D_chr1 --recode
How can I do with vcftools ??
gz file means that it is gunzipped, similar as zip file on windows. It is compressed to save diskspace, and has nothing to do with real bioinformatics.
use gzip command to make gz files of your vcf file.