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7.7 years ago
I have a VCf file from my GBS data. I am trying to do SNP annotation. I am using R package. i have got my vcf read using the "vcf <- readVcf("my vcf file", "Brasica napus genome")
but then I lost my way to do the annotation. I am wondering if you anybody has some guiding suggestions
Which annotation do you want to add? Does it have to be R?
I want to know the distribution of SNPs within the genome (coding sequence, UTR, interons, etc). Yes. Unfortunately, it has to be R, because this only packge I have installed. withy the government computer it is very length to have know software installed.
Have you tried this? https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/VariantAnnotation.html
Actually, I am using this package, everthing worked fine but I could not use "locateVariants" function. The manual I have is about human genome but i am working on on plant genome. I have the reference genome and the gff, gff3 files on my computer, but I do not know to use them.
Why don't you say from the beginning which package you are using? How can we guess that?
Please be more specific. You are making this too hard. What was the error message? What happened? What didn't happen? We can't see your screen, you know.
Here what I did and what I got
What else I need to do to eventually be able to run "locateVariant" function? Again I have the reference genome, gff, gff3 and vcf files on my computer, and remeber i am working on Brassica napus genome.