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8.0 years ago
I'm trying to use bedtools muticov to find out Copy Number Variations among my samples, using the CANOES soft. I got many bam samples and canno't figure out how to "impute" a list of bams to bedtools multicov.
Already tried the following
find *.bam | xargs bedtools multicov -bed probes.bed -q 20 > canoes.reads.txt
An other way around:
find *.bam > bam.list
bedtools multicov -bams bam.list -bed probes.bed -q 20 > canoes.reads.txt
CANOES tutorial suggests the following form, but I can't understand how a quote around bam list could enhance things.
bedtools multicov -bams `cat bamlist.txt` -bed probes.bed -q 20 > canoes.reads.txt
Thank you eveyone!
The ` (backtick) causes the system command to run with the output being passed to program. They are there for a reason.
Thanks I got it for the backtick, but still doesn't do the job here...
And what's wrong with just following the tutorial? :-P
hehe, it doesn't work when I follow the tutorial :-P Gonna ask to bedtools team if it's bedtools' version issue. But i'm still surprised that other way around don't make it work out.