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7.9 years ago
I am trying to perform Variant Annotation using "VariantAnnotation" in R I was trying to make TxDb file form Gff file but I got a warning messages as shown below. I am wondering if anybody has gone into the same problem and how it was solved.
> txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gtffile, format= "gtf",circ_seqs=character())
Import genomic features from the file as a GRanges object ... OK
Prepare the 'metadata' data frame ... OK
Make the TxDb object ... OK
Warning messages:
1: In .local(con, format, text, ...) :
gff-version directive indicates version is 3, not 2
2: In .extract_transcripts_from_GRanges(tx_IDX, gr, type, ID, Name) :
The following transcripts have multiple parts that were merged:
3: Named parameters not used in query: internal_chrom_id, chrom, length, is_circular
A warning is not an error, so if for the rest everything goes fine with the rest of your commands then this isn't something to worry about.
Here is the whole process. The outcome was not something I was expecting. Any idea where I amde a mistake or missed something.
Hint: Highlight text and then use the "101" button to format code/output to make it readable.
Which text do you refere to?
e.g. from your previous post everything from
>vcf ..... seqinfo: no sequences
.I did. Is it readable now?
You could check if the variables gtffile, txdb and rd look "as expected" to figure out which step went wrong.
I solved the problem. there was an error in the gff file.