I have been trying to find out whether the H3K27ac Histone modification generates sharp or broad peaks during a ChiP-Seq experiment and therefore to either use the "--broad"-flag in macs2 or not.
Several studies I found (http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v12/n1/full/nrg2905.html for example) mentioned that H3K27me3 "and other" histone modifications generate broad peaks but H3K27ac was never explicitly addressed.
In contrast some studies (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299653522_Identification_of_Epigenetic_Biomarkers_of_Lung_Adenocarcinoma_through_Multi-Omics_Data_Analysis) even treat H3K27ac as narrow peak creating but unfortunately lack suitable sources.
I really appreciate your help!
Clarification always help, thank you :)