I did genome guided assembly using StringTie, It generate multiple isoforms, Can you please suggest how i can map these transcripts to genome again, to get only single accurately assembled transcripts for each locus.
I did genome guided assembly using StringTie, It generate multiple isoforms, Can you please suggest how i can map these transcripts to genome again, to get only single accurately assembled transcripts for each locus.
From your comments I think what you want is redundancy removal. This can be done with -
1) Without the reference using Vmatch or CD-hit or uclust without the need of a reference - combine both denovo and genome guided assembly transcripts and take only the longest from the superset removing complete overlapping regions.
2) Use the reference to map the transcripts with a split-aware mapper and keep only the longest one in the region when they are overlapping subsets.
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1)take only the longest from the superset removing complete overlapping regions? Please suggest if any tool is available, do you think CD-HIT is useful here.
2) Use the reference to map the transcripts with a split-aware mapper and keep only the longest one in the region when they are overlapping subsets.
What about second step, how can I do it?
1) Vmatch or CD-hit or uclust - These are all tools to keep the longest sequences. The commands for vmatch are as follows (these were 2 years old, not sure if there are changes) -
2) You can use GMAP or bwa-mem to map the sequences at high identity. Then use bedtools (cluster) or kent-utilities (bedRemoveOverlap) to remove the subsets or completely overlapping sequences.