I am about to use nucleoatac and read the following by the authors regarding the broad peaks called by MACS2: "It is potentially advisable to extend these regions a bit (e.g. using bedtools slop)"
From a 2016 paper using nucleoatac: "peak regions were widened to 2500 bp, centered over the maximum read density value calculated, and used as input regions of interest for NucleoATAC analysis"
Does anyone have nucleoatac experience with this? Nucleoatac implements a mixture model based on the overall fragment length distribution of a given sample. The occupancy measures how likely a given fragment (0-1 scale) is to come from nucleosome-free (NFR) DNA or nucleosomal DNA.
MACS2 output:
fragment length = 200
min broad peak length = 200
max broad peak length = 5000
I'm guessing that the idea is to extend the short peaks, but this is just a guess and I cant defend why.
Thank you,
well spotted. thank you :)