I have a problem. I have genotyping data for hundreds of thousands of snps and thousands of individuals. The coordinates are in hg17 and I need to convert them into hg19. Liftover is fine for this, but it works with bed files. So I need to convert my files into bed format, carry to hg19, then convert bed to genotyping format again.
If it was for a list of SNPs of several thousands, I can write a perl script for that. But for a dataset of this size, it will take too long because each line consists thousands of fields, so parsing would be slow. Is there a practical tool for this?
The file format is as follows:
identifier hg17_coordinate allele1 allele2 subject1_a1a1 subject2_a1a2 subject1_a2a2 subject2_a1a1 ...
rs1111 2564468 A G 1 0 0 0 1 0 ...