Hi, I have a downloaded blast database already. Is it possible to blast this database and only get all the sequences in the database that contain EXACTLY this sequence ADARS ?
In other words, if any protein sequence contains ADARS EXACTLY, then I would you in my XML output/, this is my code so far. Thanks.
blastp -outfmt 5 -query /usr/local/projects/heptamer/peptide.fa -word_size 2 -matrix=PAM30 -db /usr/local/projects/heptamer/blastDB/specialBlastDB/BacteriaNR/all_bacteria_nonredundant_protein.faa -out /usr/local/projects/heptamer/blastResults/blastp/Bacteria/BacteriaFTP.xml -evalue 1000000000000000000000000000 -max_target_seqs 5000000
Have you looked at the
parameter?What about
grep -B 1 ADARS all_bacteria_nonredundant_protein.fa
or variants thereof ?This assumes unformatted fasta, though.
Yes, the rest is covered in the 'variants' part :)
Thank you all for your help. The qcov worked!