In value description of findOverlapsOfPeaks in the ChIPpeakAnno manual (R) it says:
peaklist: a list consists of all overlapping peaks or unique peaks
uniquePeaks: an object of GRanges consists of all unique peaks
mergedPeaks: an object of GRanges consists of all merged overlapping peaks
peaksInMergedPeaks: an object of GRanges consists of all peaks in each samples involved in the overlapping peaks
overlappingPeaks: a list of data frame consists of the annotation of all the overlapped peaks
all.peaks: a list of GRanges object which contain the input peaks with formated rownames
What's the difference between "all overlapping peaks" given by the "peaklist", "all merged overlapping peaks" in "mergedPeaks" and "all peaks in each samples involved in the overlapping peaks"? Isn't this just different ways of saying regions of overlap between two groups of peaks?