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7.6 years ago
Dear all,
I am trying to run bowtie 2 on my Illumina file and I receiving the following error:
Error: Encountered one or more spaces while parsing the quality string for read NB50
1124:10:H5LKGAFXX:3:21612:11073:20398 1:N:0:CTTGTN. If this is a FASTQ file with in
teger (non-ASCII-encoded) qualities, try re-running with the --integer-quals option.
Error: Encountered exception: 'Unidentified exception'
this is a sample of my data
@NB501124:10:H5LKGAFXX:3:11401:20911:1028 1:N:0:
Thanks for the help,
And how does the quality string of read 1124:10:H5LKGAFXX:3:21612:11073:20398 1:N:0:CTTGTN look like?
I checked the quality using Fastqc and it was good. (if this is what you are asking?)
I think I found part of the issue with you asked @genomax2, my output looks like this
Do the (z) grep on the fastq file. Not the bam file.
that doesn't look right...
As you can see it is missing Q values for a number of bases in that read. If that is the only issue then you could delete that read (and its mate) from R1/R2 files.
thank you for the help geno
could you post it as an answer so I could close this topic?
Done. Recopy your result from post above below the answer. Then I can clean this thread up.