I'm attempting to generate an rpsblast database from a set of protein cluster alignments. For most of them, I could use blastpgp -B <alignment> to generate the PSSM without problem, but several of the alignments (namely the large ones, or the ones with huge sequences) crash (seg-fault) blastpgp (legacy v2.2.23, if it matters).
However, these alignments can be hmmbuilt into HMMER profiles without complaint. I know there has to be a way to convert the HMMs to psiblast profiles, since does it for CDD with PFAM and TIGRFAM. I'm just hoping it something better than exporting the alignment, then blastpgp -- particularly since that's what's crashing.
Anyone got a script to convert them directly?
Was the script working or were you able to create your own conversion script? If so, please share your findings because I'm looking into the exact same thing right now.
Can someone explain the script of Yun He? I've never used Perl and I don't understand where I have to put what. If I change the
to my own hmm profile it only prints the effective alphabet and nothing else.