I want to blastx a huge sequnce set against swissprot (as it takes too long aginst nr), is it possible in a resonable time with a regular hardware and how to install and run it locally?
Thanks alot!
I want to blastx a huge sequnce set against swissprot (as it takes too long aginst nr), is it possible in a resonable time with a regular hardware and how to install and run it locally?
Thanks alot!
Blast can be downloaded from the NCBI and swissprot from www.uniprot.org .
The last major update is also available through the NCBI: swissprot.tar.gz | Swiss-Prot sequence database (last major update).
Yes, it is possible "in a resonable time with a regular hardware." Use the links Pierre gave and run 100 or 1000 searches. See how long those take and then look for ways to optimize the process if need be. Each compute environment is different and so it is difficult to say with absolute certainty how long a job will take until one tries a subset of the queries.
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your question is way too broad.. "how to install and run it"??? google, download, try and after that ask. +1 to Pierre Lindenbaum for the link.