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7.9 years ago
Hemant Gupta
Dear Biostars,
I have interval.list file with columns including chr, start, end, gene_name, TSS, Strand, as shown below:
chr19 58864565 58865165 A1BG 58864865 -
chr19 58863035 58863635 A1BG-AS1 58863335 +
chr10 52645135 52645735 A1CF 52645435 -
If any variant fall in to listed interval, How can I add gene name, TSS and Strand info relevant to that interval as well as variant to the VCF.
I got following error while compiling your program:
is there any workaroud to solve this problem, I think its conflicting with MacOS build.
But it works on Linux and the output is like what i want, Thanks alot!
good to know, Thanks , I've changed the option
in my Makefile.