Dear all, I did an orthology analysis for four species and annotated the orthogroups which are unique for one of the species or species groups. Now I want to compare the found GO terms to each other if there are any statistical differences between the species. Furthermore, I want to compare the results between two groups of species (two species are sexual and the other two are asexual). The data looks like that:
Go term Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 Spec4 Spec1&2 Spec3&4 database
GO:0000003 23 0 4 5 1003 508 26755
GO:0000228 2 0 0 5 190 96 7349
GO:0000278 14 42 9 0 371 92 10200
Total 39 42 13 10 1564 696 136800
The numbers represent the counts of the found GO term for each species or species group, respectively. The last column is the number from the reference database. Which test should i use to detect the GO terms with a significant difference between the species sets?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Dear Jean-Karim Heriche, could you please be more detailed. I want to get the significant differences for each GO term for each comparison. A Chi-squared test will show if there are any differences but not for what GO term and species, isn't it?
You first do a global test to check if there's independence between GO terms and species then if this leads you to reject the null hypothesis, do post-hoc tests to find where the differences are. Don't forget to correct for multiple testing. If you only care about 1/2 vs 3/4 then just test this.