Dear all,
I successfully used BLAST2Go (blastx under default settings) to obatin gene annotations (gene identifiers) for my list of candidate sequences under selection. However, all my Blast hits are predicted from mRNA sequences, i.e. I only obtain RefSeq mRNA accession numbers as results. When I try to do perform the mapping of GO terms of my Blast hits it fails for nearly all sequences. Also, when I use bioDBnet to translate my RefSeq mRNA accession numbers into GO terms I do not get any GO results. Nevertheless, bioDBnet at least gives me the correct NCBI gene identifiers when I try to go from RefSeq accession numbers back to the GI I got with Blast2GO. Thus, it seems at least the annotation in general is okay. Still, does anyone have an idea why my Blast hits, RefSeq mRNA accession numbers, cannot be associated with GO terms? Is there another way to get GO terms from RefSeq mRNA accession numbers apart from Blast2GO, bioDBnet? I also used biomart in R but it also did not yield any GO terms. I would be very thankful for any suggestions.
Best wishes, Belinda