Dear All, How would get a list with number exons for all non-coding genes? Any suggestion would be really great Thank you
Dear All, How would get a list with number exons for all non-coding genes? Any suggestion would be really great Thank you
This I made it in very rough way. But it works. The below command will give you number of exons per transcript of non-coding regions from Ensembl GTF file.
Create Exon numbers file with transcript ID:
zcat Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.74.gtf.gz | grep -v "protein_coding" | cut -f9 | sed 's/gene_id\ \"//' | sed 's/transcript_id\ \"//' | sed 's/exon_number\ \"//' | sed 's/gene_name\ \"//' | sed 's/gene_biotype\ \"//' | sed 's/\"\;/\t/g' | awk '{print $2"\t"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5;}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}{ if( !seen[$1]++ ) order[++oidx] = $1; stuff[$1] = stuff[$1] $2 "," } END { for( i = 1; i <= oidx; i++ ) print order[i]"\t"stuff[order[i]] }' | awk -v FS="" 'BEGIN{print"Transcript\tExons"}{cnt=0;for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i==",") cnt++; print $0"\t"cnt}' | cut -f1,3 > transcript_with_numberOfExons.out
Create annotation file with transcript ID:
zcat Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.74.gtf.gz | cut -f9 | sed 's/gene_id\ \"//' | sed 's/transcript_id\ \"//' | sed 's/exon_number\ \"//' | sed 's/gene_name\ \"//' | sed 's/gene_biotype\ \"//' | sed 's/\"\;/\t/g' | awk '{print $2"\t"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5;}' | awk '!x[$0]++' > Ensembl_ENST_annotation.table
Merge the files to have complete transcript information:
join -j1 <(sort Ensembl_ENST_annotation.table) <(sort transcript_with_numberOfExons.out) -t $'\t' > Complete_annotation_exonNumbers.out
Final Output: (Last column is exon numbers for transcripts from first column)
ENST00000021776 ENSG00000020219 CCT8L1P pseudogene 1
ENST00000162863 ENSG00000186704 DTX2P1 pseudogene 9
ENST00000216407 ENSG00000256075 RP11-81H14.3 pseudogene 1
ENST00000219758 ENSG00000103472 RRN3P2 pseudogene 11
ENST00000221169 ENSG00000104725 NEFL processed_transcript 4
ENST00000222301 ENSG00000105694 TCEB1P28 pseudogene 2
ENST00000222396 ENSG00000226472 RP11-551L14.4 lincRNA 4
ENST00000223076 ENSG00000184414 RP11-44M6.3 pseudogene 1
ENST00000225587 ENSG00000108452 ZNF29P pseudogene 1
ENST00000225973 ENSG00000267267 CTD-3199J23.4 lincRNA 1
JFI: Single gene (ENSG) can have multiple transcripts/isoforms (ENSTs)
using mysql UCSC/knownGene
$ mysql --user=genome -A -D hg19 -e 'select chrom,txStart,txEnd,name,strand,exonCount from knownGene where cdsStart=cdsEnd '
| chrom | txStart | txEnd | name | strand | exonCount |
| chr1 | 11873 | 14409 | uc001aaa.3 | + | 3 |
| chr1 | 11873 | 14409 | uc010nxr.1 | + | 3 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 16765 | uc009vis.3 | - | 4 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 19759 | uc009vit.3 | - | 9 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 19759 | uc009viu.3 | - | 10 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 19759 | uc001aae.4 | - | 10 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 29370 | uc001aah.4 | - | 11 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 29370 | uc009vir.3 | - | 10 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 29370 | uc009viq.3 | - | 7 |
| chr1 | 14361 | 29370 | uc001aac.4 | - | 11 |
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It's unclear what you want to obtain, please elaborate. Ideal questions also have examples of input and output.
Non-coding genes? Do you mean pseudogenes? or non-coding transcripts?