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7.7 years ago
I am running a standalone Blast 2.6.0 on my Mac OS 10.12.2 with 1.6 Ghz intel core i5 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3.
Everytime when I want to build a blast database with the makeblastdb command, I get the following error:
Building a new DB, current time: 01/24/2017 09:13:26 New DB name: /Users/*/bin/blast/blastdb/Cat2.fasta New DB title: Cat2.fasta Sequence type: Nucleotide Keep MBits: T Maximum file size: 1000000000B Abort trap: 6
What can I do? My file is 3.4Mb big.
I appreciate your help!
Can you post your command?
makeblastdb -in Cat19_prot.fasta -parse_seqids -dbtype prot
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it produces 6 indexes, then;
next problem: formatdb command is not found...
is the correct command for blast+.I found out that formatdb is superseded by the makeblastdb command
Giving it a quick google, I found that such error can only be the cause of some mishandling in C++ code. Therefore, I think there might be something wrong in your input fasta file. How did you generate it?
I had an excel sheet with 3 columns: consecutive number, name of gene, sequence therefore I copied everything into a text editor and replaced all tabs with underscore, all slashes/colons with underscore etc and added a bigger than sign to the beginning, so this:
so it should be formatted as a fasta file
I also performed all search+replace commands with two other files of the same structure and there were no problems with the makeblastdb command
I have formatted your code correctly. In future use the icon shown below (after highlighting the text you want to format as code) when editing (Screenshot courtsey of @Wouter).
I have two concerns:
yes it is unformatted text, also when I display invisible characters, the only invisible character is the new line feed. I did not try uppercase, because makeblastdb with lowercase letters has already worked
---edit--- I found out that I only get that Abort trap: 6 error when I add the flag -parse_seqids