I downloaded a GRO-Seq dataset from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE38140 and got a bedGraph file that's 4.2gb large.
I wanted to generate heatmaps of sense and antisense strands using deeptools, which requires a bigWig file format. I figured it'd be pretty simple using a bdg2bw script found here but I received this error:
$ /Users/Carlos/Dropbox/bdg2bw Gro-Seq.bdg /Users/Carlos/Desktop/Projects/GenomicDataPublication_Project/Gencode/hg19.chrom.sizes
Overlapping regions in bedGraph line 44 of Gro-Seq.bdg.clip
Not quite sure what to do to fix this. I know it's pretty simple in concept, just remove overlapping regions. But I'm not sure how exactly to go about doing that or if it would bias the results or something just as terrible, of the heatmap if I did.
Any ideas?
This looks promising. I'm not very (or at all) versed at scripting, but i'll give it a whirl and see if I can figure it out.
Go ahead and post again with what you have if you get stuck.
Not surprisingly I got stuck quite quickly. Here's the edited script: (if you can call it that)
The error I'm receiving:
For whatever reason you couldn't open "Gro-Seq.bdg" for opening (are you using the "WriterIntegration" branch?). Also, I apparently introduced a bug recently where "maxZooms" doesn't work! I'll try to get that fixed today.
should now work as either a keyword or optional argument, though obviously ifopen()
then you're having a different issue.Hi, Is there any update about this post? Thanks. T.