Hi all,
I downloaded a RNAseq raw data and found it in weird format. The data is generated by ABI_SOLID platform. Data ID is SRR179593.fastq and here are a few lines inside it:
@SRR179593.1 mendel_20110320_FRAG_BC_Ryan_RNA_Seq_2_58_240/1
@SRR179593.2 mendel_20110320_FRAG_BC_Ryan_RNA_Seq_2_58_300/1
@SRR179593.3 mendel_20110320_FRAG_BC_Ryan_RNA_Seq_2_58_638/1
I tried to map it to the genome using STAR:
cd .
/usr/local/star/2.4.1c/bin/STAR --runThreadN 4 \
--genomeDir /escratch4/tw30282/tw30282_Mar_17/STAR/ENSEMBL.homo_sapiens.release-75 \
--readFilesIn SRR179593.fastq.gz \
--outFileNamePrefix Wei_NPC_rep1_STAR_SE. \
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--readFilesCommand zcat
But an error returned and said input file in wrong format.
Is there anyway to transform or fix the format?
Thanks, Tianming