I have three different excel files from three biological replicates with fold change values (transcriptome analysis). I want to combine all the data in one file, but the problem is the sequence of gene listing in file is different in all three files (eg. gene A is on 1st place in first file but is on 157th and 3045th place in file 2 and 3, respectively). This makes simple copy-paste impossible. Is there any other way to arrange this data? Thanks in advance.
Are those columns sorted by the fold change values? Should it not be simple enough to re-sort the data using the gene name column and then combine the data columns in a new file/workbook?
Some genes are missing in one or other file (due to zero read, i guess), and i have whole transcriptome there. Even after arranging gene name column i found data was not aligned correctly.
You may be able to use
(https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/102298/join-two-files-with-different-number-of-columns-and-rows), VLOOKUP in excel or do this in R.Join is good. Merge() in R also works quite well for this kind of thing:
I'll try your suggestions. Cheers.
'vlookup' in MS Excel might work for you.