I am getting some error while building database in SnpEff:
java -jar /home/yog/software/snpEff/snpEff.jar build -gtf22 -v genome
00:00:00 SnpEff version SnpEff 4.3k (build 2017-03-29 17:16), by Pablo Cingolani
00:00:00 Command: 'build'
00:00:00 Building database for 'genome'
00:00:00 Reading configuration file 'snpEff.config'. Genome: 'genome'
00:00:00 Reading config file: /home/yog/software/snpEff/snpEff.config
java.lang.RuntimeException: Property: 'genome.genome' not found
Please suggest how to build database exactly. I have gtf and genome fasta file.
Please also suggest how to add information in snp.Eff.config?
Sorry, I am not able to understand in which folder I should store gtf and fasta file.... and which path and name should I mention in snp.Eff.config.
My fasta file name is Radish.fasta
gtf file name is genes.gtf
Thanks. It is resolved.
I too am having the same problem. Can you advise me on how you solved your problem? I have a fasta file renamed with extension .genome and a gff3 file in a dir. I am not sure I entered the information correctly in the snpEFF.config file or if I am not pointing the build command to match that in the config file.
I added the following to my config file:
Sorghum_bicolor genome, version 3.0.1
Sbicolor_454_v3.0.1.genome : Sorghum
And my genome file is located here: /pkgs/snpeff-4.3.1p-1/share/snpeff-4.3.1p-1/Sbicolor_454_v3.0.1/genome
I am running the following command: java -jar snpEff.jar build -gff3 -v Sbicolor_454_v3.0.1
Please make a folder like (mm37.61) in this path:
put fasta and gtf file there
and then in config file mention these file like this:
data_dir = /home/path/snpEff/data/mm37.61
I hope this may help you.