Hi all, I try to annotate subcellular localization for all human, rat, mouse proteins. My goal is to add clear and simple information to manage (use a very limited vocabulary -example: secreted, transmembrane, cytosol, mitochondria, nucleus). I think I already performed a good annotation focused on secreted, using several db and papers. For the other localization, I'm going to look at eSLDB, LOCATE, comPPI.. Other possibility will be to used a predictor but ideally, I want to make a distinction between experimental evidence, prediction, inferred by homology, ... My goal is not to have a perfect thing at the end but to find easy sets of data to integrate, with a limited number of vocabulary/ cell compartment.
I know that is an old question, I find a similar post, with some good and usefull information but this post is 7 years olds.
Finally my question is , how do you manage localization in a simple way?