I had question about my gene counting results, i was using featureCounts and htseq counts and I was comparing the output of the two. It seems like they agree nicely however the counts themselves are the same just their ratios. It appears that featureCounts counts twice as many for each gene that htseq does so I was wondering if that was common for other people and if there was a reason for it? Thanks.
Do you have paired end data? Possibly featureCount counted both reads per pair?
Exactly. featureCounts needs an extra
flag.Yeah that helped bring down some of the count. For htseq counts, is there a similar option because I couldn't find anything relating to paired end when I looked at the options? I think my pairs aren't adjacent because so I'm not if thats what is causing the problem.
If you want to know which one is more accurate, look up a gene (preferably with low counts, say ~10) and check in IGV how many reads you can count manually.
probably because featurecounts is including multi-hit sequences? but it thought that htseq did the same. Tell us if you find the answer.
By default it doesn't.
Do also let us know how you handled the multi-mappers when you did the actual mapping.