I am using trinity on galaxy.In output I received fasta file .kindly guide how to capture basic assembly stats.
I am using trinity on galaxy.In output I received fasta file .kindly guide how to capture basic assembly stats.
perl /path/to/Trinity/install/Trinity_stats.pl Trinity_output.fasta
or save this (from Trinity_stats.pl) to a file, and run with perl if you have it installed:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib ("$FindBin::RealBin/../PerlLib");
use Fasta_reader;
use BHStats;
my $usage = "\n\nusage: $0 transcripts.fasta\n\n";
my $fasta_file = $ARGV[0] or die $usage;
main: {
my $fasta_reader = new Fasta_reader($fasta_file);
my @all_seq_lengths;
my $number_transcripts = 0;
my $num_GC = 0;
my %component_to_longest_isoform;
my $tot_seq_len = 0;
while (my $seq_obj = $fasta_reader->next()) {
my $acc = $seq_obj->get_accession();
my $comp_id;
if ($acc =~ /^(.*c\d+_g\d+)/) {
$comp_id = $1;
elsif ($acc =~ /^(.*comp\d+_c\d+)/) {
$comp_id = $1;
else {
die "Error, cannot decipher gene identifier from acc: $acc";
my $sequence = $seq_obj->get_sequence();
my $seq_len = length($sequence);
$tot_seq_len += $seq_len;
if ( (! exists $component_to_longest_isoform{$comp_id})
$component_to_longest_isoform{$comp_id} < $seq_len) {
$component_to_longest_isoform{$comp_id} = $seq_len;
push (@all_seq_lengths, $seq_len);
while ($sequence =~ /[gc]/ig) {
print "\n\n";
print "################################\n";
print "## Counts of transcripts, etc.\n";
print "################################\n";
print "Total trinity 'genes':\t" . scalar(keys %component_to_longest_isoform) . "\n";
print "Total trinity transcripts:\t" . $number_transcripts . "\n";
my $pct_gc = sprintf("%.2f", $num_GC / $tot_seq_len * 100);
print "Percent GC: $pct_gc\n\n";
print "########################################\n";
print "Stats based on ALL transcript contigs:\n";
print "########################################\n\n";
print "\n\n";
print "#####################################################\n";
print "## Stats based on ONLY LONGEST ISOFORM per 'GENE':\n";
print "#####################################################\n\n";
&report_stats(values %component_to_longest_isoform);
print "\n\n\n";
sub report_stats {
my (@seq_lengths) = @_;
@seq_lengths = reverse sort {$a<=>$b} @seq_lengths;
my $cum_seq_len = 0;
foreach my $len (@seq_lengths) {
$cum_seq_len += $len;
for (my $i = 10; $i <= 50; $i += 10) {
my $cum_len_needed = $cum_seq_len * $i/100;
my $N_val = &get_contigNvalue($cum_len_needed, \@seq_lengths);
print "\tContig N$i: $N_val\n";
print "\n";
my $median_len = &BHStats::median(@seq_lengths);
print "\tMedian contig length: $median_len\n";
my $avg_len = sprintf("%.2f", &BHStats::avg(@seq_lengths));
print "\tAverage contig: $avg_len\n";
print "\tTotal assembled bases: $cum_seq_len\n";
sub get_contigNvalue {
my ($cum_len_needed, $seq_lengths_aref) = @_;
my $partial_sum_len = 0;
foreach my $len (@$seq_lengths_aref) {
$partial_sum_len += $len;
if ($partial_sum_len >= $cum_len_needed) {
return -1; # shouldn't happen.
How it was mentioned by st.ph.n the simplest way to get assembly stats is using the comand Trinity_stats.pl that come available with Trinity, but you need to instal Trinity in your computer.
I do not know if the Galaxy wrapper of Trinity has this available. The best way is ask at https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/
If you want, there exist many other software you can use to evaluate the assembled transcriptome. For instance, Transrate (http://hibberdlab.com/transrate/)
For a more detailed explanation in transcriptome assembly quality assesment you can consult https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq/wiki/Transcriptome-Assembly-Quality-Assessment
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Hi, kindly be more specific and provide information on what you consider basic assembly stats.