Hi, I'm a computer scientist working on PPI networks. I'm trying to understand the concept of synonym. How are synonyms defined and how can one conclude that 2 gene names are synonyms?
I thought they would be the same or almost same, having very similar sequence and interactions but I found counter examples. For example I'm wondering how this situation does exist:
I found a gene in Homo Sapiens called MEN1 (official symbol). When I look at its synonyms, I see SCG2 which is the official symbol of a gene also in Homo Sapiens.
There are 2 genes. They are both in Homo Sapiens and they are synonyms. Their interactions are completely different.
I could not find much information about this issue. I'd like to know the definition of synonym and if I can assume two genes that are synonyms are the same for some specific cases.
A particularly problematic symbol in mouse was a (http://www.informatics.jax.org/javawi2/servlet/WIFetch?page=markerDetail&key=3).
Grrr.... And there's that whole controversy of excel sheets changing items like Oct8 to dates. There's even a paper on that.
Yes, I almost added the MARCH, SEPT, OCT and DEC genes to the list above, but that is not really a problem in my mind with gene symbols, but a problem with Excel.