I have output from Deseq2 but those genes names are ENSEMBL id , I need the gene name . Can any one help me how do i map the ENSEMBL id to gene name ?
Sample code or something I read about biomart tried their code given in manual but i could make it work use annotaiondbi
but i get this error Error in .testForValidKeys(x, keys, keytype, fks) :
None of the keys entered are valid keys for 'ENSEMBL'. Please use the keys method to see a listing of valid arguments.
Any suggestion or help would be highly appreciated
You should provide entire code snippet that you are using along with R package name etc. Just posting an error message without any other information is not enough. Please edit the original post and add this information there.
When your ENSEMBL gene ids contain a decimal point
will complain this. Remove those decimal point from ENSEMBL gene id and do, it will work. I did this like an hour before.