Hi All,
How can I exclude single gene or a list of genes from a txdb object. I have a txdb from hg38 build and I want to exclude single transcript ""uc021wui.2". I can select this transcript using select function from genomic features package. however I do not know how to exclude it from the TxDb object.
library("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene") library("org.Hs.eg.db") library("GenomicFeatures") txdb<-(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene,miRBaseBuild= "GRCh37.p5") target<-"uc021wui.2" select(txdb,keys=target,keytype = "TXNAME",columns =cols )
Thanks Tarek
what have you tried so far? How did you obtain the txdb object?
what is a 'txdb' object ?
Thanks for the reply I have a txdb from hg38 build and I want to exclude single transcript ""uc021wui.2". I can select this transcript using select function from genomic features package. however I do not know how to exclude it from the TxDb object.
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