I have pair end Fastq files from illumina (Fast1.fastq and Fast2.fastq). Now, how should I proceed further with de-novo genome assembly? I'am completely new to this field of assembling genome sequences? Which open-end tools can be used?
Please help me with the tools and tutorials which can be used for de-novo assembly of sequences.
I don't know of many off-hand. CLC Genomics Workbench will do assembly, but it isn't free. It's a decent one-stop-shop for pretty much everything however (and is GUI based if you're commandline averse).
Many other programs do it. In particular, Velvet and SOAP can use reference genomes to assist a de novo assembly.
In my hands. the using of a trusted reference genome for assisting a de novo assembly, gave better results than a de novo assembly that was processed by Mauve afterwards
Hi , You can read this article to start : http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0017915
what did you try? There are plenty of tutorials out there. What organism do you have? Bacteria?
Yes it is for Bacteria
I think we need a little more details to help you. If you want to learn general procedures, well the literature is there for you as it was for us!
Ya general procedures with the softwares available
I spoke with friend who work on meta genomic Bacteria data and to him the most use software for bacteria assembly is SPADes.