Dear All,
I am trying to use ChIPpeakAnno package to annotate peaks generated by MACS2. First, I tried to convert my peaks file to GRange object using toGRanges function. It did not work when I used summit.bed or .xls MACS2 files, however, it only worked with narrowPeak files. I need to use summit.bed file as it has more information.
Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, : scan() expected 'an integer', got 'HSCHR10_1_CTG3'
Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, : scan() expected 'an integer', got 'HSCHR10_1_CTG3'
> peaks<-toGRanges("result_input_bowtie_q0.05_peaks.narrowPeak" ,format="narrowPeak")
Warning message: In formatStrand(strand) : All the characters for strand, other than '1', '-1', '+', '-' and '', will be converted into ''.
Thanks Tarek
Can you indicate what information (columns?) you need from
for annotation? Other toolkits may offer the features you need to solve your problem.