Based on a query of "bioinformatics && year:2010" to Citeulike and some html parsing, the top 10 papers published in 2010 on bioinformatics are, in decreasing order of number of libraries containing the article:
56 - Wooley, J. C., A. Godzik, and I. Friedberg (2010, February). A Primer
on Metagenomics. PLoS Comput Biol 6(2), e1000667+.
51 - Searls, D. B. (2010, June). The Roots of Bioinformatics. PLoS Comput
Biol 6(6), e1000809+.
44 - Moore, J. H., F. W. Asselbergs, and S. M. Williams (2010, February).
Bioinformatics challenges for genome-wide association studies.
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 26(4), 445-455.
36 - Li, H. and N. Homer (2010, September). A survey of sequence alignment
algorithms for next-generation sequencing. Briefings in
Bioinformatics 11(5), 473-483.
35 - Goecks, J., A. Nekrutenko, J. Taylor, and The Galaxy Team (2010, August).
Galaxy: a comprehensive approach for supporting accessible,
reproducible, and transparent computational research in the life
sciences. Genome Biology 11(8), R86+.
32 - Schadt, E. E., M. D. Linderman, J. Sorenson, L. Lee, and G. P. Nolan
(2010, September). Computational solutions to large-scale data
management and analysis. Nature Reviews Genetics 11(9), 647-657.
30 - Horner, D. S., G. Pavesi, T. Castrignana, P. D. De Meo, S. Liuni,
M. Sammeth, E. Picardi, and G. Pesole (2010, March). Bioinformatics
approaches for genomics and post genomics applications of
next-generation sequencing. Briefings in Bioinformatics 11(2),
29 - Navlakha, S. and C. Kingsford (2010, April). The power of protein
interaction networks for associating genes with diseases.
Bioinformatics 26(8), 1057-1063.
28 - Jelizarow, M., V. Guillemot, A. Tenenhaus, K. Strimmer, and A.-L.
Boulesteix (2010, August). Over-optimism in bioinformatics: an
illustration. Bioinformatics 26(16), 1990-1998.
27 - Rebholz-Schuhmann, D., S. Kavaliauskas, and P. Pezik (2010, April).
PaperMaker: validation of biomedical scientific publications.
Bioinformatics 26(7), 982-984.
A quick summary suggest that most folks think metagenomics, genome-wide association studies, next-generation sequencing, reproducible research, large scale data management, interaction networks, validation, and text-mining are topics to watch.
Community wiki.
what do you mean by 'helping you to cheat'?
Ok, cheat is to strong word for that :)