Forum:Programming language use distribution from recent programs / articles
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7.9 years ago

I would be interested to see a breakdown distribution of the different programming languages used for recently published bioinformatic programs.

I suspect such a breakdown isn't available, but would there be a good enough source or quick and dirty way of assessing this? If possible, without having to go through a year of Bioinformatics Journal, download each paper and/or program and find what language each used.

Alternatively, what interesting online sources compile language use by year and, ideally, by sector?

Basically, I'm interested in something like the TIOBE index, but for bioinformatics:

programming-language programs • 13k views
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Not strictly related, as it's not Bioinfx, but I saw this on twitter a few weeks ago. Kind of interesting. Some of the conclusions are perhaps a bit sketchy, like python > java > C might reflect an increase in programming skill rather than a trend toward a 'better' language.

You might be able to adapt their work flow idea though?

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I saw it pass too but didn't really look at it much last time. It is quite interesting :)

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There may only be two a few Java programs: BBMap suite and FastQC.

Edit: Danger of responding to a poll like this. Things I don't generally use fade away in mind.

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.gatk , picard ...

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trimmomatic is also in java.

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Mauve, Artemis, Qualimap(?)...

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7.9 years ago

I've quickly written something:

With a simple algorithm, It' s difficult to detect languages like 'C' ( e.g: 'in C.' vs 'C. Elegans')

output for 'bioinformatics 2017'

29490021 r ShinyKGode: an Interactive Application for ODE Parameter Inference Using Gradient Matching. 2018 the [R package] for shiny
29490015 r Isoform-level gene expression patterns in single-cell RNA-sequencing data. 2018 nted as a [R package] and is av
29490010 python SECLAF: A Webserver and Deep Neural Network Design Tool for Hierarchical Biological Sequence Classification. 2018 mented in [python], and is a
29486711 r lme4qtl: linear mixed models with flexible covariance structure for genetic studies of related individuals. 2018 mms). the [R package] lme4 is a
29474733 c Bacmeta: simulator for genomic evolution in bacterial metapopulations. 2018 simulated [using C] ++ object
29474526 r IWTomics: testing high-resolution sequence-based Omics data at multiple locations and scales. 2018 le at the [Bioconductor] website (
29462241 r flowLearn: Fast and precise identification and quality checking of cell populations in flow cytometry. 2018 ble as an [R package] on https:
29458351 r CEMiTool: a Bioconductor package for performing comprehensive modular co-expression analyses. 2018 cemitool [R package] provides
29447401 r RaMWAS: Fast Methylome-Wide Association Study Pipeline for Enrichment Platforms. 2018 conductor [R package] called ra
29444641 java Oasis 2: improved online analysis of small RNA-seq data. 2018 mented in [java], j2ee, my
29444641 python Oasis 2: improved online analysis of small RNA-seq data. 2018 e, mysql, [python], r, php a
29444641 javascript Oasis 2: improved online analysis of small RNA-seq data. 2018 , php and [javascript]. it is fr
29444236 r findGSE: estimating genome size variation within human and Arabidopsis using k-mer frequencies. 2018 [R package] of findgs
29444234 python ThreaDNA: predicting DNA mechanics' contribution to sequence selectivity of proteins along whole genomes. 2018 [python] software
29444205 python ssbio: A Python Framework for Structural Systems Biology. 2018 ssbio: a [python] framework
29438558 r KMgene: a unified R package for gene-based association analysis for complex traits. 2018 a unified [R package] for gene-
29438498 r chromswitch: A flexible method to detect chromatin state switches. 2018 ted as an [R package] available
29432517 mathlab Spectral clustering based on learning similarity matrix. 2018 mented in [matlab]. the sour
29432514 r Improving SNP Prioritization and Pleiotropic Architecture Estimation by Incorporating Prior Knowledge Using graph-GPA. 2018 ted as an [R package] 'ggpa', w
29420693 r FWER and FDR Control When Testing Multiple Mediators. 2018 [R package] multimed
29420676 mathlab Principal Metabolic Flux Mode Analysis. 2018 [matlab] software
29415263 mathlab scEpath: Energy landscape-based inference of transition probabilities and cellular trajectories from single-cell transcriptomic data. 2018 a [matlab] package o
29401218 javascript MutHTP: Mutations in Human Transmembrane Proteins. 2018 , php and [javascript] and suppo
29401212 python GEMMER: GEnome-wide tool for Multi-scale Modeling data Extraction and Representation for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2018 ritten in [python], javascri
29401212 javascript GEMMER: GEnome-wide tool for Multi-scale Modeling data Extraction and Representation for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2018 n python, [javascript] library d
29394323 python pymzML v2.0: introducing a highly compressed and seekable gzip format. 2018 requires [python3].4+ and op
29390967 javascript Cross-linking BioThings APIs through JSON-LD to facilitate knowledge exploration. 2018 e adopted [javascript] object no
29385404 python TOXsIgN: a cross-species repository for toxicogenomic signatures. 2018 mented in [python], javascri
29385404 javascript TOXsIgN: a cross-species repository for toxicogenomic signatures. 2018 n python, [javascript], and mong
29385403 r TSAPA: identification of tissue-specific alternative polyadenylation sites in plants. 2018 eloped an [R package] called ts
29361904 python Spherical: an iterative workflow for assembling metagenomic datasets. 2018 mented in [python], to addre
29360996 r Feature Specific Quantile Normalization Enables Cross-Platform Classification of Molecular Subtypes using Gene Expression Data. 2018 ted as an [R package] to cran.
29360936 python Haystack: systematic analysis of the variation of epigenetic states and cell-type specific regulatory elements. 2018 platform, [python] package c
29357822 javascript MutScan: fast detection and visualization of target mutations by scanning FASTQ data. 2018 html and [javascript]. algorith
29346510 java VIPER: a web application for rapid expert review of variant calls. 2018 mented in [java] and javas
29346510 javascript VIPER: a web application for rapid expert review of variant calls. 2018 java and [javascript] and is fr
29346509 r A distance-based approach for testing the mediation effect of the human microbiome. 2018 an [R package] medtest
29342241 java iPat: Intelligent Prediction and Association Tool for Genomic Research. 2018 ritten in [java] for adapt
29342236 r MAGNAMWAR: An R package for genome-wide association studies of bacterial orthologs. 2018 amwar: an [R package] for genom
29342233 r QuantumClone: Clonal assessment of functional mutations in cancer based on a genotype-aware method for clonal reconstruction. 2018 ntumclone [R package] are freel
29340616 python PyChimera: Use UCSF Chimera modules in any Python 2.7 project. 2018 es in any [python] 2.7 proje
29340599 r A benchmark study of scoring methods for non-coding mutations. 2018 ake, c ++ [and R] codes are
29334888 r diceR: an R package for class discovery using an ensemble driven approach. 2018 dicer: an [R package] for class
29329398 python LeNup: Learning Nucleosome positioning from DNA sequences with improved convolutional neural networks. 2018 ilable as [python] and lua s
29329372 r Enrichment analysis with EpiAnnotator. 2018 tor is an [R package] accompani
29315360 r CGManalyzer:an R package for analyzing continuous glucose monitoring studies. 2018 alyzer:an [R package] for analy
29310570 r Thresher: determining the number of clusters while removing outliers. 2018 ted in an [R package] called th
29309511 r DiffGraph: An R package for identifying gene network rewiring using differential graphical models. 2017 graph: an [R package] for ident
29300846 python ChopStitch: exon annotation and splice graph construction using transcriptome assembly and whole genome sequencing data. 2017 ritten in [python] and c ++
29300845 python ChronQC: A Quality Control Monitoring System for Clinical Next Generation Sequencing. 2017 ) and the [python] package i
29297298 mathlab 2D-EM clustering approach for high-dimensional data through folding feature vectors. 2017 methods. [matlab] implement
29297297 mathlab Divisive hierarchical maximum likelihood clustering. 2017 logies. a [matlab] implement
29297289 javascript dBBQs: dataBase of Bacterial Quality scores. 2017 teractive [javascript] chart fra
29293946 r polyPK: An R package for pharmacokinetic analysis of multi-component drugs using a metabolomics approach. 2017 olypk: an [R package] for pharm
29293920 java Towards Self-Learning Based Hypotheses Generation in Biomedical Text Domain. 2017 relevant [java] codes are
29291710 r Simulating autosomal genotypes with realistic linkage disequilibrium and a spiked-in genetic effect. 2018 hod in an [R package] (triadsim
29280999 r Multiple hot-deck imputation for network inference from RNA sequencing data. 2017 ble as an [R package], rnaseqne
29280991 r R2DGC: Threshold-free peak alignment and identification for 2D gas chromatography mass spectrometry in R. 2017 eloped an [R package] that impl
29272352 r Missing value imputation for LC-MS metabolomics data by incorporating metabolic network and adduct ion relations. 2017 the [R package] is availa
29267850 r Rcupcake: an R package for querying and analyzing biomedical data through the BD2K PIC-SURE RESTful API. 2017 pcake: an [R package] for query
29267848 python ProbAnnoWeb and ProbAnnoPy: probabilistic annotation and gap-filling of metabolic reconstructions. 2017 tandalone [python] package c
29258445 java A biological network-based regularized artificial neural network model for robust phenotype prediction from gene expression data. 2017 provide a [java] code of o
29253085 python JASPAR RESTful API: accessing JASPAR data from any programming language. 2017 mented in [python] using the
29253072 r K2 and K*2: Efficient alignment-free sequence similarity measurement based on Kendall statistics. 2017 ed in the [R language] as a pack
29244013 java Cache and energy efficient algorithms for Nussinov's RNA Folding. 2017 pose. the [java] versions
29244010 mathlab RocSampler: regularizing overlapping protein complexes in protein-protein interaction networks. 2017 ampler in [matlab] and its e
29240889 java GeoBoost: accelerating research involving the geospatial metadata of virus GenBank records. 2017 mented in [java] 1.8, and
29237399 r Redundancy analysis allows improved detection of methylation changes in large genomic regions. 2017 n meal, a [Bioconductor] package d
29237398 python pyAmpli: an amplicon-based variant filter pipeline for targeted resequencing data. 2017 allelized [python] package t
29236977 r gene2drug: a Computational Tool for Pathway-based Rational Drug Repositioning. 2017 an [R package] is under
29236969 r DaMiRseq-an R/Bioconductor package for data mining of RNA-Seq data: normalization, feature selection and classification. 2017 rs at the [Bioconductor] open-sour
29236954 python NGLview - Interactive molecular graphics for Jupyter notebooks. 2017 /nglview. [python] packages
29236954 javascript NGLview - Interactive molecular graphics for Jupyter notebooks. 2017 -side and [javascript] on the cl
29228294 bash Accurate Mapping of tRNA Reads. 2017 both as a [bash] script an
29228182 python PEITH(Θ) - Perfecting Experiments with Information Theory in Python with GPU support. 2017 theory in [python] with gpu
29212440 python CONSTAX: a tool for improved taxonomic resolution of environmental fungal ITS sequences. 2017 onomy), a [python] tool that
29206901 mathlab GenSSI 2.0: Multi-experiment structural identifiability analysis of SBML models. 2017 range of [matlab] versions
29194472 r ThetaMater: Bayesian estimation of population size parameter θ from genomic data. 2017 en source [R package] comprisin
29194470 r iDINGO - Integrative Differential Network Analysis in Genomics with Shiny Application. 2017 he idingo [R package] to estima
29187149 r DBNorm: normalizing high-density oligonucleotide microarray data based on distributions. 2017 ted as an [R package], is an al
29187143 python DMRfinder: efficiently identifying differentially methylated regions from MethylC-seq data. 2017 ritten in [python] and r, an
29187143 r DMRfinder: efficiently identifying differentially methylated regions from MethylC-seq data. 2017 in python [and R], and is s
29186450 java SPECTRE: a Suite of PhylogEnetiC Tools for Reticulate Evolution. 2017 ritten in [java], that com
29186355 mathlab Global proteomics profiling improves drug sensitivity prediction: results from a multi-omics, pan-cancer modeling approach. 2017 s well as [matlab] implement
29186344 perl MOCASSIN-prot: A Multi-Objective Clustering Approach for Protein Similarity Networks. 2017 mented in [perl] and matla
29186344 mathlab MOCASSIN-prot: A Multi-Objective Clustering Approach for Protein Similarity Networks. 2017 perl and [matlab], is freel
29186339 java bioalcidae, samjs and vcffilterjs: object-oriented formatters and filters for bioinformatics files. 2017 or a pure [java] expressio
29186339 javascript bioalcidae, samjs and vcffilterjs: object-oriented formatters and filters for bioinformatics files. 2017 s using a [javascript] engine or
29186333 python FUn: A Framework for Interactive Visualizations of Large, High Dimensional Datasets on the Web. 2017 kages and [python] libraries
29186328 r Meta-analytic Principal Component Analysis in Integrative Omics Application. 2017 an [R package] metapca i
29186322 java SAPP: functional genome annotation and analysis through a semantic framework using FAIR principles. 2017 ritten in [java] and freel
29186321 java Mapping-free variant calling using haplotype reconstruction from k-mer frequencies. 2017 ion for a [java] implement
29186298 python SimulaTE: Simulating complex landscapes of transposable elements of populations. 2017 mented in [python] and avail
29186290 perl scHiCNorm: A Software Package to Eliminate Systematic Biases in Single-Cell Hi-C Data. 2017 hicnorm/. [perl] scripts a
29186288 java Reproducible and flexible simulation experiments with ML-Rules and SESSL. 2017 mented in [java], sessl an
29186284 c CALQ: compression of quality values of aligned sequencing data. 2017 calq is [written in C] ++ and ca
29178844 r BoolFilter: an R package for estimation and identification of partially-observed Boolean dynamical systems. 2017 ilter: an [R package] for estim
29166858 r ADAGE signature analysis: differential expression analysis with data-defined gene sets. 2017 d both an [R package] (adagepat
29162056 perl Synima: a Synteny imaging tool for annotated genome assemblies. 2017 ritten in [perl], which us
29155928 python Modeling positional effects of regulatory sequences with spline transformations increases prediction accuracy of deep neural networks. 2017 e concise [python] package:
29151019 r bcROCsurface: an R package for correcting verification bias in estimation of the ROC surface and its volume for continuous diagnostic tests. 2017 rface: an [R package] for corre
29145823 r dbMDEGA: a database for meta-analysis of differentially expressed genes in autism spectrum disorder. 2017 e applied [R language] software
29132318 c++ BugMat and FindNeighbour: command line and server applications for investigating bacterial relatedness. 2017 is a fast [C++] applicati
29126132 python Cost-effective and accurate method of measuring fetal fraction using SNP imputation. 2017 [python] source co
29121165 python PERF: An Exhaustive Algorithm for Ultra-Fast and Efficient Identification of Microsatellites from Large DNA Sequences. 2017 ed in the [python] programmi
29112706 r NanoStringNormCNV: Pre-processing of NanoString CNV data. 2017 rmcnv, an [R package] for pre-p
29110634 java JS-MS: a cross-platform, modular javascript viewer for mass spectrometry signals. 2017 a modular [java] backend w
29110634 javascript JS-MS: a cross-platform, modular javascript viewer for mass spectrometry signals. 2017 , modular [javascript] viewer fo
29106469 python DFAST: a flexible prokaryotic genome annotation pipeline for faster genome publication. 2017 mented in [python] 3 and run
29106443 r Estimation of QTL heritability based on pooled sequencing data. 2017 uires the [R package] rootsolve
29106441 python orchid: a novel management, annotation, and machine learning framework for analyzing cancer mutations. 2017 orchid, a [python] based sof
29095980 javascript pedigreejs: a web-based graphical pedigree editor. 2017 ritten in [javascript], which us
29095974 python BEAM web server: A tool for structural RNA motif discovery. 2017 odejs and [python] with all
29092015 java MetaCherchant: analyzing genomic context of antibiotic resistance genes in gut microbiota. 2018 ritten in [java] and is pl
29092009 r Machine learning annotation of human branchpoints. 2017 ogramming [language r] and is fr
29091997 r Efficient comparative phylogenetics on large trees. 2017 ent a new [R package], named c
29091996 javascript Visualization portal for genetic variation (VizGVar): a tool for interactive visualization of SNPs and somatic mutations in exons, genes and protein domains. 2017 web-based [javascript] visualiza
29088314 r An exact test for comparing a fixed quantitative property between gene sets. 2017 ilable on [CRAN].
29088309 python DIEGO: Detection of Differential Alternative Splicing using Aitchison's Geometry. 2017 the [python] tool dieg
29088309 perl DIEGO: Detection of Differential Alternative Splicing using Aitchison's Geometry. 2017 ython and [perl] parsers f
29087464 python MutaNET: a tool for automated analysis of genomic mutations in gene regulatory networks. 2017 mented in [python] and suppo
29087446 r ndexr-an R package to interface with the network data exchange. 2018 ndexr-an [R package] to interf
29087435 javascript Dynamic Assessment of Microbial Ecology (DAME): A web app for interactive analysis and visualization of microbial sequencing data. 2017 css, and [javascript]. it is fr
29077810 python ISEScan: automated identification of insertion sequence elements in prokaryotic genomes. 2017 mented in [python] and relea
29077807 r pqsfinder: an exhaustive and imperfection-tolerant search tool for potential quadruplex-forming sequences in R. 2017 developed [Bioconductor] package f
29077797 c++ netReg: Network-regularized linear models for biological association studies. 2017 ckage and [C++] commandli
29077797 r netReg: Network-regularized linear models for biological association studies. 2017 tion. the [R package] is freely
29077795 r Group Spike-and-Slab Lasso Generalized Linear Models for Disease Prediction and Associated Genes Detection by Incorporating Pathway Information. 2017 available [R package] bhglm (ht
29077792 r Unsupervised multiple kernel learning for heterogeneous data integration. 2017 le in the [R package] mixkernel
29069317 mathlab Constructing Prediction Models from Expression Profiles for Large Scale lncRNA-miRNA Interaction Profiling. 2017 [matlab] codes and
29069312 mathlab PESTO: Parameter EStimation TOolbox. 2018 mathworks [matlab]. it offer
29069305 r heatmaply: an R package for creating interactive cluster heatmaps for online publishing. 2017 maply: an [R package] for creat
29061110 mathlab A rapid and accurate approach for prediction of interactomes from co-elution data (PrInCE). 2017 mented in [matlab] (version
29048524 python Krait: an ultrafast tool for genome-wide survey of microsatellites and primer design. 2018 in c and [python], and supp
29048466 python PyBEL: a computational framework for Biological Expression Language. 2018 universal [python] code. its
29045591 c SAGE2: parallel human genome assembly. 2018 sage2 is [written in C] ++ and op
29040453 mathlab Detection of Sputum by Interpreting the Time-frequency Distribution of Respiratory Sound Signal Using Image Processing Techniques. 2017 the [matlab] codes and
29040451 r An omnibus test for differential distribution analysis of microbiome sequencing data. 2018 [R package] is availa
29040384 mathlab SELANSI: a toolbox for Simulation of Stochastic Gene Regulatory Networks. 2017 under the [matlab] environme
29037149 r chngpt: threshold regression model estimation and inference. 2017 the [R package] chngpt pr
29036584 python cgHeliParm: analysis of dsDNA helical parameters for coarse-grained MARTINI molecular dynamics simulations. 2017 liparm, a [python] program t
29036584 r cgHeliParm: analysis of dsDNA helical parameters for coarse-grained MARTINI molecular dynamics simulations. 2017 examples [and R] scripts a
29036562 r nandb-number and brightness in R with a novel automatic detrending algorithm. 2017 an [R package] for perfo
29036558 python MethRaFo: MeDIP-seq methylation estimate using a Random Forest Regressor. 2017 able as a [python] package (
29036557 python Standardizing biomass reactions and ensuring complete mass balance in genome-scale metabolic models. 2017 altab and [python] scripts a
29036546 java CrocoBLAST: Running BLAST efficiently in the age of next-generation sequencing. 2017 mented in [java]. crocobla
29036536 python wft4galaxy: a workflow testing tool for galaxy. 2017 a regular [python] program o
29036513 r ScanGEO: parallel mining of high-throughput gene expression data. 2017 e code is [written in R] and imple
29036507 r ggseqlogo: a versatile R package for drawing sequence logos. 2017 versatile [R package] for drawi
29036452 python A nonparametric significance test for sampled networks. 2018 ritten in [python] and uses
29036400 r Prediction and modeling of pre-analytical sampling errors as a strategy to improve plasma NMR metabolomics data. 2017 mpledrift [R package] is availa
29036359 r proFIA: a data preprocessing workflow for flow injection analysis coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry. 2017 ble as an [R package] on the bi
29036320 r Detect differentially methylated regions using non-homogeneous hidden Markov model for methylation array data. 2017 ble as an [R package] at the cr
29036318 r DIMM-SC: a Dirichlet mixture model for clustering droplet-based single cell transcriptomic data. 2018 -friendly [R package] with a de
29036307 mathlab Irys Extract. 2018 eloped in [matlab] r2015a, i
29036291 python Phylotyper: in silico predictor of gene subtypes. 2017 yper is a [python] and r pac
29036291 r Phylotyper: in silico predictor of gene subtypes. 2017 ython and [R package]. it is av
29036287 r powsimR: power analysis for bulk and single cell RNA-seq experiments. 2017 the [R package] and assoc
29036277 python PySeqLab: an open source Python package for sequence labeling and segmentation. 2017 en source [python] package f
29029016 r diffuStats: an R package to compute diffusion-based scores on biological networks. 2018 stats: an [R package] to comput
29028963 r ZCCHC17 is a master regulator of synaptic gene expression in Alzheimer's disease. 2018 matlab [and R] scripts u
29028963 mathlab ZCCHC17 is a master regulator of synaptic gene expression in Alzheimer's disease. 2018 [matlab] and r scr
29028961 r Towards unified quality verification of synthetic count data with countsimQC. 2018 ted as an [R package] (for r ve
29028923 r Detecting presence of mutational signatures in cancer with confidence. 2017 ted in an [R package], called s
29028911 r Genome-wide pre-miRNA discovery from few labeled examples. 2018 an [R package] can be do
29028902 python graphkernels: R and Python packages for graph comparison. 2018 ls: r and [python] packages
29028896 python PyDREAM: high-dimensional parameter inference for biological models in python. 2018 models in [python].
29028890 r MALDIrppa: quality control and robust analysis for mass spectrometry data. 2018 this [R package] helps to
29028267 r VariantTools: an extensible framework for developing and testing variant callers. 2017 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/.
29028264 javascript TeachEnG: a Teaching Engine for Genomics. 2017 ritten in [javascript] and compa
29028262 r TSIS: an R package to infer alternative splicing isoform switches for time-series data. 2017 tsis: an [R package] to infer
29028260 r pulseR: Versatile computational analysis of RNA turnover from metabolic labeling experiments. 2017 he pulser [R package] simplifie
29025394 r Prediction of Human Phenotype Ontology terms by means of hierarchical ensemble methods. 2017 ble as an [R package] from the
29017446 python LSTrAP: efficiently combining RNA sequencing data into co-expression networks. 2017 mented in [python] 3.4 (or h
28981576 r SEGtool: a specifically expressed gene detection tool and applications in human tissue and single-cell sequencing data. 2017 f segtool [R package] is freely
28981573 r OPATs: Omnibus P-value association tests. 2017 mmed in r [and R] graphical
28974199 r Tissue-aware RNA-Seq processing and normalization for heterogeneous and sparse data. 2017 an [R package] instantia
28968872 python PySCeSToolbox: a collection of metabolic pathway analysis tools. 2018 on to the [python] simulator
28968815 mathlab A Novel SCCA Approach via Truncated ℓ1-norm and Truncated Group Lasso for Brain Imaging Genetics. 2017 the [matlab] code and
28968783 java SMLocalizer, a GPU accelerated ImageJ plugin for single molecule localization microscopy. 2018 n imagej. [java] and cuda
28968706 r LinkageMapView - Rendering High Resolution Linkage and QTL Maps. 2017 n package [written in R] that prod
28968704 r SINCERITIES: Inferring gene regulatory networks from time-stamped single cell transcriptional expression profiles. 2017 he matlab [and R] version o
28968704 mathlab SINCERITIES: Inferring gene regulatory networks from time-stamped single cell transcriptional expression profiles. 2017 the [matlab] and r ver
28968701 python Interactive network visualization in Jupyter notebooks: visJS2jupyter. 2018 ps://pypi.[python].org/pypi/
28968701 javascript Interactive network visualization in Jupyter notebooks: visJS2jupyter. 2018 uses the [javascript] library v
28968690 r regNet: An R package for network-based propagation of gene expression alterations. 2017 egnet: an [R package] for netwo
28968682 r Identification and visualization of differential isoform expression in RNA-seq time series. 2018 ty of the [R package] masigpro
28968671 r Three-dimensional cardiovascular imaging-genetics: a mass univariate framework. 2018 ded in an [R package] freely av
28968667 mathlab Genome-scale fluxes predicted under the guidance of enzyme abundance using a novel hyper-cube shrink algorithm. 2018 mented by [matlab] and c ++.
28968663 mathlab Morphologically constrained and data informed cell segmentation of budding yeast. 2018 the [matlab] code for
28968645 python Kfits: a software framework for fitting and cleaning outliers in kinetic measurements. 2018 mented in [python] and avail
28968644 r Phosphonormalizer: an R package for normalization of MS-based label-free phosphoproteomics. 2018 lizer: an [R package] for norma
28968630 r Pathway enrichment analysis approach based on topological structure and updated annotation of pathway. 2017 eloped an [R package] to implem
28962546 c++ pulver: an R package for parallel ultra-rapid p-value computation for linear regression interaction terms. 2017 language [C++]. furtherm
28962546 r pulver: an R package for parallel ultra-rapid p-value computation for linear regression interaction terms. 2017 ulver: an [R package] for paral
28961999 r Prediction of delayed retention of antibodies in hydrophobic interaction chromatography from sequence using machine learning. 2017 st-cases, [and R] scripts u
28961965 java Real-time demultiplexing Nanopore barcoded sequencing data with npBarcode. 2017 n japsa-a [java] tools kit
28961912 r Enabling reproducible real-time quantitative PCR research: the RDML package. 2017 computing [language r]. rdml is
28961895 mathlab HiDi: an efficient reverse engineering schema for large-scale dynamic regulatory network reconstruction using adaptive differentiation. 2017 the [matlab] code of t
28961861 r Conditional asymptotic inference for the kernel association test. 2017 ed in the [R package] igasso.
28961782 c MetaCache: context-aware classification of metagenomic reads using minhashing. 2017 software [written in C] ++ and ca
28961763 r psygenet2r: a R/Bioconductor package for the analysis of psychiatric disease genes. 2017 net2r, an [R package] that cont
28961761 r clustComp, a bioconductor package for the comparison of clustering results. 2017 stcomp, a [Bioconductor] package f
28961756 mathlab 4D nucleome Analysis Toolbox: analysis of Hi-C data with abnormal karyotype and time series capabilities. 2018 powerful [matlab] toolbox f
28961747 r An improved compound Poisson model for the number of motif hits in DNA sequences. 2017 able as a [Bioconductor] package n
28961746 r ChAMP: updated methylation analysis pipeline for Illumina BeadChips. 2017 on of the [Bioconductor] package c
28961742 perl BSviewer: a genotype-preserving, nucleotide-level visualizer for bisulfite sequencing data. 2017 mented in [perl] and runs
28961740 python EMHP: an accurate automated hole masking algorithm for single-particle cryo-EM image processing. 2017 s minimal [python] dependenc
28961706 r Genome-wide association studies using a penalized moving-window regression. 2017 ovided in [R package] mwlasso.
28961702 r MWASTools: an R/Bioconductor package for metabolome-wide association studies. 2017 ols is an [R package] designed
28957498 r ClusterSignificance: a bioconductor package facilitating statistical analysis of class cluster separations in dimensionality reduced data. 2017 nce is an [R package] available
28927242 r biospear: an R package for biomarker selection in penalized Cox regression. 2018 spear: an [R package] for bioma
28923005 r Methods for discovering genomic loci exhibiting complex patterns of differential methylation. 2017 egmentseq [R package] is extend
28911038 perl Spliceman2: a computational web server that predicts defects in pre-mRNA splicing. 2017 ache, and [perl], with all
28882003 python miniMDS: 3D structural inference from high-resolution Hi-C data. 2017 a [python] implement
28881993 java Genomes as documents of evolutionary history: a probabilistic macrosynteny model for the reconstruction of ancestral genomes. 2017 ritten in [java] is availa
28881990 r A new method to study the change of miRNA-mRNA interactions due to environmental exposures. 2017 [R package] ijrf is a
28881987 mathlab Efficient simulation of intrinsic, extrinsic and external noise in biochemical systems. 2017 nsight, a [matlab] script is
28881985 mathlab popFBA: tackling intratumour heterogeneity with Flux Balance Analysis. 2017 he popfba [matlab] function
28881984 mathlab Estimation of time-varying growth, uptake and excretion rates from dynamic metabolomics data. 2017 the [matlab] code for
28881983 mathlab A scalable moment-closure approximation for large-scale biochemical reaction networks. 2017 en-source [matlab] toolbox c
28881979 mathlab Identification of associations between genotypes and longitudinal phenotypes via temporally-constrained group sparse canonical correlation analysis. 2017 the [matlab] code is a
28881975 r Molecular signatures that can be transferred across different omics platforms. 2017 lete data [and R] codes nec
28881967 mathlab HopLand: single-cell pseudotime recovery using continuous Hopfield network-based modeling of Waddington's epigenetic landscape. 2017 the [matlab] implement
28750623 r l1kdeconv: an R package for peak calling analysis with LINCS L1000 data. 2017 econv: an [R package] for peak
28724417 r Examining the role of unmeasured confounding in mediation analysis with genetic and genomic applications. 2017 mediation [R package] enables t
28716000 python Quantiprot - a Python package for quantitative analysis of protein sequences. 2017 iprot - a [python] package f
28683752 r TnseqDiff: identification of conditionally essential genes in transposon sequencing studies. 2017 nction in [R package] tnseq and
28676075 r sgnesR: An R package for simulating gene expression data from an underlying real gene network structure considering delay parameters. 2017 gnesr: an [R package] for simul
28673016 mathlab FALCON: a toolbox for the fast contextualization of logical networks. 2017 propose a [matlab] toolbox,
28666369 r CausalR: extracting mechanistic sense from genome scale data. 2017 able from [Bioconductor].
28666322 python SVM-dependent pairwise HMM: an application to protein pairwise alignments. 2017 a [python] implement
28666320 mathlab Inferring transcriptional logic from multiple dynamic experiments. 2017 ritten in [matlab] and stati
28666314 python GPU-powered model analysis with PySB/cupSODA. 2017 from the [python] package i
28659129 python SLMSuite: a suite of algorithms for segmenting genomic profiles. 2017 e them in [python], ruby and
28659129 c++ SLMSuite: a suite of algorithms for segmenting genomic profiles. 2017 ruby and [C++]. slmsuite
28655158 python CoreTracker: accurate codon reassignment prediction, applied to mitochondrial genomes. 2017 ritten in [python] and avail
28655153 r The KSEA App: a web-based tool for kinase activity inference from quantitative phosphoproteomics. 2017 le as the [R package] kseaapp
28651569 mathlab ReTrOS: a MATLAB toolbox for reconstructing transcriptional activity from gene and protein expression data. 2017 retros: a [matlab] toolbox f
28651334 r TSGSIS: a high-dimensional grouped variable selection approach for detection of whole-genome SNP-SNP interactions. 2017 d through [CRAN] and is av
28651329 java High-speed and high-ratio referential genome compression. 2017 c ++ and [java] source co
28645171 r UpSetR: an R package for the visualization of intersecting sets and their properties. 2017 psetr: an [R package] for the v
28645150 python GfaPy: a flexible and extensible software library for handling sequence graphs in Python. 2017 graphs in [python].
28637232 python PhylOligo: a package to identify contaminant or untargeted organism sequences in genome assemblies. 2017 ritten in [python3] and r und
28637232 r PhylOligo: a package to identify contaminant or untargeted organism sequences in genome assemblies. 2017 n python3 [and R] under the
28637183 python NucliTrack: an integrated nuclei tracking application. 2017 en source [python] package.
28637183 mathlab NucliTrack: an integrated nuclei tracking application. 2017 itrack. a [matlab] toolbox i
28633423 r rqt: an R package for gene-level meta-analysis. 2017 rqt: an [R package] for gene-
28633418 r Detecting and removing multiplicative spatial bias in high-throughput screening technologies. 2017 ilable on [CRAN].
28633357 r matter: an R package for rapid prototyping with larger-than-memory datasets on disk. 2017 atter: an [R package] for rapid
28633344 java Pheno4J: a gene to phenotype graph database. 2017 data. our [java] based sol
28633344 python Pheno4J: a gene to phenotype graph database. 2017 java and [python] code are
28617225 c++ A greedy alignment-free distance estimator for phylogenetic inference. 2017 mented in [C++] and has b
28605539 python runBNG: a software package for BioNano genomic analysis on the command line. 2017 perl and [python] software.
28605539 bash runBNG: a software package for BioNano genomic analysis on the command line. 2017 ritten in [bash], with the
28605539 perl runBNG: a software package for BioNano genomic analysis on the command line. 2017 ges, gcc, [perl] and pytho
28605519 r CancerSubtypes: an R/Bioconductor package for molecular cancer subtype identification, validation and visualization. 2017 types, an [R package] for ident
28605449 python FQC Dashboard: integrates FastQC results into a web-based, interactive, and extensible FASTQ quality control tool. 2017 mented in [python] 3 and jav
28605449 javascript FQC Dashboard: integrates FastQC results into a web-based, interactive, and extensible FASTQ quality control tool. 2017 hon 3 and [javascript], and is m
28595310 r Phantom: investigating heterogeneous gene sets in time-course data. 2017 phantom . [R package] of phanto
28587596 r A systematic evaluation of nucleotide properties for CRISPR sgRNA design. 2017 iency. an [R package] predictsg
28582565 python ISAMBARD: an open-source computational environment for biomolecular analysis, modelling and design. 2017 from the [python] package i
28582538 python BreakPoint Surveyor: a pipeline for structural variant visualization. 2017 ted in r, [python] and bash
28582538 bash BreakPoint Surveyor: a pipeline for structural variant visualization. 2017 ython and [bash] scripts,
28582485 python COMPASS: the COMPletely Arbitrary Sequence Simulator. 2017 mented in [python] 2.7, and
28582481 python FunGAP: Fungal Genome Annotation Pipeline using evidence-based gene model evaluation. 2017 ritten in [python] script an
28575207 python Moran's I quantifies spatio-temporal pattern formation in neural imaging data. 2017 [python] 2.7 code
28575171 r karyoploteR: an R/Bioconductor package to plot customizable genomes displaying arbitrary data. 2017 e through [Bioconductor] (http://w
28575169 python MD-TASK: a software suite for analyzing molecular dynamics trajectories. 2017 mented in [python] and suppo
28558647 c++ Hapl-o-Mat: open-source software for HLA haplotype frequency estimation from ambiguous and heterogeneous data. 2017 mented in [C++], hapl-o-m
28549446 java gnparser : a powerful parser for scientific names based on Parsing Expression Grammar. 2017 . it is a [java] tool writ
28545397 java JED: a Java Essential Dynamics Program for comparative analysis of protein trajectories. 2017 jed: a [java] essential
28545397 r JED: a Java Essential Dynamics Program for comparative analysis of protein trajectories. 2017 sion of q [and R], and repo
28535748 r DTWscore: differential expression and cell clustering analysis for time-series single-cell RNA-seq data. 2017 datasets [and R] packages
28535188 r Molecular heterogeneity at the network level: high-dimensional testing, clustering and a TCGA case study. 2017 as the [Bioconductor] package n
28532394 python CircularLogo: A lightweight web application to visualize intra-motif dependencies. 2017 cript and [python] based on
28532394 javascript CircularLogo: A lightweight web application to visualize intra-motif dependencies. 2017 mented in [javascript] and pytho
28525538 r chimeraviz: a tool for visualizing chimeric RNA. 2017 viz is an [R package] available
28525531 javascript PhyD3: a phylogenetic tree viewer with extended phyloXML support for functional genomics data visualization. 2017 using the [javascript] library d
28521770 python Coordinates and intervals in graph-based reference genomes. 2017 ve made a [python] package f
28520900 mathlab Accelerating high-dimensional clustering with lossless data reduction. 2017 r, [matlab] and sas/i
28520848 mathlab Pattern fusion analysis by adaptive alignment of multiple heterogeneous omics data. 2017 nted as a [matlab] package,
28505270 r HTSvis: a web app for exploratory data analysis and visualization of arrayed high-throughput screens. 2017 en-source [R package], download
28505251 r False discovery rate control incorporating phylogenetic tree increases detection power in microbiome-wide multiple testing. 2017 [R package] structfdr
28505247 r Single-cell regulome data analysis by SCRAT. 2017 rat as an [R package].
28505226 java OMTools: a software package for visualizing and processing optical mapping data. 2017 mented in [java] 1.8 and r
28499413 mathlab Ranking metrics in gene set enrichment analysis: do they matter? 2017 mented in [matlab], and is a
28498885 python PROXiMATE: a database of mutant protein-protein complex thermodynamics and kinetics. 2017 mented in [python], and supp
28494801 mathlab Spectral imaging toolbox: segmentation, hyperstack reconstruction, and batch processing of spectral images for the determination of cell and model membrane lipid order. 2017 present a [matlab] spectral
28481978 r Application of the cghRA framework to the genomic characterization of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. 2017 [R package] and sourc
28481966 r RankProd 2.0: a refactored bioconductor package for detecting differentially expressed features in molecular profiling datasets. 2017 efactored [Bioconductor] package f
28475668 java MarDRe: efficient MapReduce-based removal of duplicate DNA reads in the cloud. 2017 ritten in [java] to maximi
28475666 r Assembling draft genomes using contiBAIT. 2017 ilable on [Bioconductor]. source f
28475662 r twoddpcr: an R/Bioconductor package and Shiny app for Droplet Digital PCR analysis. 2017 en source [R package] 'twoddpcr
28472919 javascript WebGIVI: a web-based gene enrichment analysis and visualization tool. 2017 document [javascript] libraries
28472395 mathlab SinCHet: a MATLAB toolbox for single cell heterogeneity analysis in cancer. 2017 inchet: a [matlab] toolbox f
28472345 python STOPGAP: a database for systematic target opportunity assessment by genetic association predictions. 2017 perl and [python] scripts a
28472345 perl STOPGAP: a database for systematic target opportunity assessment by genetic association predictions. 2017 shell, r, [perl] and pytho
28472273 r EBT: a statistic test identifying moderate size of significant features with balanced power and precision for genome-wide rate comparisons. 2017 an [R package] implement
28472272 python modlAMP: Python for antimicrobial peptides. 2017 modlamp: [python] for antim
28472271 r Annotating function to differentially expressed LincRNAs in myelodysplastic syndrome using a network-based method. 2017 mented in [R language] and matla
28472271 mathlab Annotating function to differentially expressed LincRNAs in myelodysplastic syndrome using a network-based method. 2017 guage and [matlab].
28472248 r Accounting for tumor purity improves cancer subtype classification from DNA methylation data. 2017 s part of [R package] infiniump
28472230 python OMSim: a simulator for optical map data. 2017 the [python] simulatio
28472220 r The spike-and-slab lasso Cox model for survival prediction and associated genes detection. 2017 available [R package] bhglm ( h
28464826 java microTaboo: a general and practical solution to the k-disjoint problem. 2017 , running [java] 7 and hig
28464823 r Zipper plot: visualizing transcriptional activity of genomic regions. 2017 ogramming [language r] and is fr
28453684 python MAPPI-DAT: data management and analysis for protein-protein interaction data from the high-throughput MAPPIT cell microarray platform. 2017 eloped in [python], using r
28453684 r MAPPI-DAT: data management and analysis for protein-protein interaction data from the high-throughput MAPPIT cell microarray platform. 2017 n python, [using R] for data
28453675 javascript CircosVCF: circos visualization of whole-genome sequence variations stored in VCF files. 2017 mented in [javascript] and is av
28453674 c ntCard: a streaming algorithm for cardinality estimation in genomics data. 2017 ntcard is [written in C] ++ and is
28453672 python Primerize-2D: automated primer design for RNA multidimensional chemical mapping. 2017 and-alone [python] package f
28453670 r GppFst: genomic posterior predictive simulations of FST and dXY for identifying outlier loci from population genomic data. 2017 en source [R package] that gene
28453611 r modSaRa: a computationally efficient R package for CNV identification. 2017 efficient [R package] for cnv i
28449031 python RNAblueprint: flexible multiple target nucleic acid sequence design. 2017 ritten in [python] to demons
28444139 mathlab Multi-label classifier based on histogram of gradients for predicting the anatomical therapeutic chemical class/classes of a given compound. 2017 the [matlab] code for
28444126 r CImbinator: a web-based tool for drug synergy analysis in small- and large-scale datasets. 2017 uses the [R package] drc for a
28431087 mathlab A method for learning a sparse classifier in the presence of missing data for high-dimensional biological datasets. 2017 a [matlab] implement
28430977 java Deep mining heterogeneous networks of biomedical linked data to predict novel drug-target associations. 2017 eloped in [java] and it is
28420344 python Erratum to: The JBEI quantitative metabolic modeling library (jQMM): a python library for modeling microbial metabolism. 2017 (jqmm): a [python] library f
28419235 r A Bayesian group sparse multi-task regression model for imaging genetics. 2017 ble as an [R package] 'bgsmtr'
28410574 r Comparison of different cell type correction methods for genome-scale epigenetics studies. 2017 the minfi [R package], the meth
28407035 javascript IcyTree: rapid browser-based visualization for phylogenetic trees and networks. 2017 ient-side [javascript] (no plugi
28407034 r Network module-based model in the differential expression analysis for RNA-seq. 2017 the [R package] seqmade i
28402395 python mzML2ISA & nmrML2ISA: generating enriched ISA-Tab metadata files from metabolomics XML data. 2017 a set of [python] packages
28402393 r MetCirc: navigating mass spectral similarity in high-resolution MS/MS metabolomics data. 2017 en-source [R language], together
28398543 r FunChIP: an R/Bioconductor package for functional classification of ChIP-seq shapes. 2017 from the [Bioconductor] website (
28398503 r Systemic evaluation of cellular reprogramming processes exploiting a novel R-tool: eegc. 2017 eegc [R package] is releas
28398502 python PyGOLD: a python based API for docking based virtual screening workflow generation. 2017 pygold: a [python] based api
28398468 r RTK: efficient rarefaction analysis of large datasets. 2017 c ++ [and R] source co
28398456 java GARN2: coarse-grained prediction of 3D structure of large RNA molecules by regret minimization. 2017 ritten in [java]. it is fr
28388874 python Pgltools: a genomic arithmetic tool suite for manipulation of Hi-C peak and other chromatin interaction data. 2017 ompatible [python] package a
28383704 python ploidyNGS: visually exploring ploidy with Next Generation Sequencing data. 2017 mented in [python] and r.
28383704 r ploidyNGS: visually exploring ploidy with Next Generation Sequencing data. 2017 in python [and R].
28381205 python The JBEI quantitative metabolic modeling library (jQMM): a python library for modeling microbial metabolism. 2017 (jqmm): a [python] library f
28379466 python Mackinac: a bridge between ModelSEED and COBRApy to generate and analyze genome-scale metabolic models. 2017 ckinac, a [python] package t
28379351 java SQC: secure quality control for meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies. 2017 mented in [java] and is pu
28379302 r cnAnalysis450k: an R package for comparative analysis of 450k/EPIC Illumina methylation array derived copy number data. 2017 s450k: an [R package] for compa
28369371 perl EUPAN enables pan-genome studies of a large number of eukaryotic genomes. 2017 mented in [perl], r and c 
28369339 python HiC-spector: a matrix library for spectral and reproducibility analysis of Hi-C contact maps. 2017 julia and [python], and deta
28369316 r annotatr: genomic regions in context. 2017 annotatr [Bioconductor] package t
28369284 python Spresso: an ultrafast compound pre-screening method based on compound decomposition. 2017 c ++ and [python], and is a
28369284 c Spresso: an ultrafast compound pre-screening method based on compound decomposition. 2017 presso is [written in C] ++ and py
28369277 r GenoGAM: genome-wide generalized additive models for ChIP-Seq analysis. 2017 tps://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
28369256 mathlab Entropy-based consensus clustering for patient stratification. 2017 the [matlab] package i
28369250 r rMSI: an R package for MS imaging data handling and visualization. 2017 rmsi: an [R package] for ms im
28369225 java Aozan: an automated post-sequencing data-processing pipeline. 2017 mented in [java] and pytho
28369225 python Aozan: an automated post-sequencing data-processing pipeline. 2017 java and [python], supporte
28369222 r EthSEQ: ethnicity annotation from whole exome sequencing data. 2017 [R package] available
28369214 java Constructing linkage maps in the genomics era with MapDisto 2.0. 2017 on of new [java] modules t
28369193 mathlab Sequential computation of elementary modes and minimal cut sets in genome-scale metabolic networks using alternate integer linear programming. 2017 mented in [matlab], and is p
28369168 python ConKit: a python interface to contact predictions. 2017 conkit: a [python] interface
28369166 python Cpipe: a comprehensive computational platform for sequence and structure-based analyses of Cysteine residues. 2017 mented in [python] and freel
28361684 r NEArender: an R package for functional interpretation of 'omics' data via network enrichment analysis. 2017 ender: an [R package] for funct
28361683 mathlab Comparative network stratification analysis for identifying functional interpretable network biomarkers. 2017 nted as a [matlab] package,
28340552 python StrAuto: automation and parallelization of STRUCTURE analysis. 2017 e popular [python] program s
28334409 r SIApopr: a computational method to simulate evolutionary branching trees for analysis of tumor clonal evolution. 2017 ns) is an [R package] to simula
28334395 r poRe GUIs for parallel and real-time processing of MinION sequence data. 2017 s for the [R package] pore that
28334390 r SeqArray-a storage-efficient high-performance data format for WGS variant calls. 2017 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
28334360 python HLA-MA: simple yet powerful matching of samples using HLA typing results. 2017 mented in [python] 3 and fre
28334349 r DeepBlueR: large-scale epigenomic analysis in R. 2017 is in the [Bioconductor] ecosystem
28334344 r Estimating gene regulatory networks with pandaR. 2017 conductor [R package] and is av
28334340 r Meta-analytic framework for liquid association. 2017 a metala [R package], data and
28334306 java PeptideMapper: efficient and versatile amino acid sequence and tag mapping. 2017 en source [java] compomics
28334266 python Phenopolis: an open platform for harmonization and analysis of genetic and phenotypic data. 2017 ted using [python], mongodb,
28334266 bash Phenopolis: an open platform for harmonization and analysis of genetic and phenotypic data. 2017 d various [bash] shell scr
28334231 javascript ProtVista: visualization of protein sequence annotations. 2017 ista is a [javascript] component
28334222 r QRank: a novel quantile regression tool for eQTL discovery. 2017 an [R package] is availa
28334215 mathlab Systematic inference of functional phosphorylation events in yeast metabolism. 2017 [matlab] codes for
28334199 mathlab Stepwise inference of likely dynamic flux distributions from metabolic time series data. 2017 mented in [matlab] (version
28334194 python swga: a primer design toolkit for selective whole genome amplification. 2017 mented in [python] and c and
28334167 r Identification of genetic outliers due to sub-structure and cryptic relationships. 2017 le in the [R package] stego fro
28334165 r ctsGE-clustering subgroups of expression data. 2017 rt of the [Bioconductor] project a
28334101 mathlab RefBool: a reference-based algorithm for discretizing gene expression data. 2017 ilable as [matlab] files in
28334094 r FUNNEL-GSEA: FUNctioNal ELastic-net regression in time-course gene set enrichment analysis. 2017 mented in [R package] funnel, f
28327092 r metaX: a flexible and comprehensive software for processing metabolomics data. 2017 eloped an [R package], metax, t
28302053 python A fast and efficient python library for interfacing with the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank. 2017 efficient [python] library f
28302053 javascript A fast and efficient python library for interfacing with the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank. 2017 quivalent [javascript] object no
28302051 c++ microclass: an R-package for 16S taxonomy classification. 2017 mented in [C++] but opera
28302051 r microclass: an R-package for 16S taxonomy classification. 2017 resent an [R package] with tool
28284194 java ClonoCalc and ClonoPlot: immune repertoire analysis from raw files to publication figures with graphical user interface. 2017 opment in [java] and r is
28284194 r ClonoCalc and ClonoPlot: immune repertoire analysis from raw files to publication figures with graphical user interface. 2017 wraps the [R package] tcr and f
28264647 r The Repertoire Dissimilarity Index as a method to compare lymphocyte receptor repertoires. 2017 ted as an [R package], and is a
28259147 r ProteoModlR for functional proteomic analysis. 2017 and-alone [R package].
28259142 r Avoiding the pitfalls of gene set enrichment analysis with SetRank. 2017 ble as an [R package] and throu
28253840 r Model based heritability scores for high-throughput sequencing data. 2017 ed in the [R package] heritseq.
28253836 r flippant-An R package for the automated analysis of fluorescence-based scramblase assays. 2017 ippant-an [R package] for the a
28241739 r MINT: a multivariate integrative method to identify reproducible molecular signatures across independent experiments and platforms. 2017 ixomics r [CRAN] package,
28241736 r BBCAnalyzer: a visual approach to facilitate variant calling. 2017 call. the [R package] is freely
28231764 r stpm: an R package for stochastic process model. 2017 stpm: an [R package] for stoch
28231760 c++ Meta-aligner: long-read alignment based on genome statistics. 2017 mented in [C++] and runs
28209127 r repo: an R package for data-centered management of bioinformatic pipelines. 2017 repo: an [R package] for data-
28205676 c GARLIC: Genomic Autozygosity Regions Likelihood-based Inference and Classification. 2017 garlic is [written in C] ++. sourc
28203714 r Glimma: interactive graphics for gene expression analysis. 2017 he glimma [R package] is availa
28203707 r Correlated mutations select misfolded from properly folded proteins. 2017 he decoys ['R'] us databa
28203700 r Threshold-seq: a tool for determining the threshold in short RNA-seq datasets. 2017 ble as an [R package] at: http:
28200075 r An approach to infer putative disease-specific mechanisms using neighboring gene networks. 2017 able an a [Bioconductor] package.
28200073 mathlab AptRank: an adaptive PageRank model for protein function prediction on   bi-relational graphs. 2017 the [matlab] code is a
28200033 r Genome-wide genetic heterogeneity discovery with categorical covariates. 2017 an [R package] fastcmh i
28187713 mathlab Novel methods to optimize gene and statistic test for evaluation - an application for Escherichia coli. 2017 ram using [matlab] r2014a un
28186257 r sfinx: an R package for the elimination of false positives from affinity purification-mass spectrometry datasets. 2017 sfinx: an [R package] for the e
28186227 r OncoSimulR: genetic simulation with arbitrary epistasis and mutator genes in asexual populations. 2017 able from [Bioconductor] for linux
28186226 python Binning_refiner: improving genome bins through the combination of different binning programs. 2017 mented in [python3] and is fr
28186225 r VALORATE: fast and accurate log-rank test in balanced and unbalanced comparisons of survival curves and cancer genomics. 2017 this, an [R package] (valorate
28186221 bash Kollector: transcript-informed, targeted de novo assembly of gene loci. 2017 nted as a [bash] script, a
28185580 python On the consistency of orthology relationships. 2016 mented in [python] and is av
28185573 python RGmatch: matching genomic regions to proximal genes in omics data integration. 2016 sy-to-use [python] tool that
28185568 r Identification of expression patterns in the progression of disease stages by integration of transcriptomic data. 2016 re script [written in R], named ge
28185544 python PWHATSHAP: efficient haplotyping for future generation sequencing. 2016 eloped in [python] and suppo
28177067 python GLINT: a user-friendly toolset for the analysis of high-throughput DNA-methylation array data. 2017 requires [python] 2.7 and s
28177064 perl CPSS 2.0: a computational platform update for the analysis of small RNA sequencing data. 2017 in php + [perl] + r and c
28174903 c Phyx: phylogenetic tools for unix. 2017 programs [written in C] ++ to exp
28174896 r PatternMarkers & GWCoGAPS for novel data-driven biomarkers via whole transcriptome NMF. 2017 he cogaps [Bioconductor] package (
28174895 r cooccurNet: an R package for co-occurrence network construction and analysis. 2017 urnet: an [R package] for co-oc
28172632 r SEQualyzer: interactive tool for quality control and exploratory analysis of high-throughput RNA structural profiling data. 2017 alyzer is [written in R], is platf
28172529 python Assocplots: a Python package for static and interactive visualization of multiple-group GWAS results. 2017 cplots: a [python] package f
28172469 r QUBIC: a bioconductor package for qualitative biclustering analysis of gene co-expression data. 2017 qubic: a [Bioconductor] package f
28172448 java OMBlast: alignment tool for optical mapping using a seed-and-extend approach. 2017 ented for [java] 1.7 and i
28172447 r Powerful differential expression analysis incorporating network topology for next-generation sequencing data. 2017 ted in an [R package] pathdeseq
28172414 r simPATHy: a new method for simulating data from perturbed biological PATHways. 2017 thy is an [R package], it is op
28166716 python PyHLA: tests for the association between HLA alleles and diseases. 2017 veloped a [python] package c
28165116 r pETM: a penalized Exponential Tilt Model for analysis of correlated high-dimensional DNA methylation data. 2017 the [R package] 'petm' is
28165111 python MotifNet: a web-server for network motif analysis. 2017 mented in [python] with data
28165109 python cyvcf2: fast, flexible variant analysis with Python. 2017 ysis with [python].
28158604 python Pathway Inspector: a pathway based web application for RNAseq analysis of model and non-model organisms. 2017 eloped in [python], making u
28158442 python Automated cell type discovery and classification through knowledge transfer. 2017 a [python] package (
28158396 r FIT: statistical modeling tool for transcriptome dynamics under fluctuating field conditions. 2017 d fit, an [R package] that offe
28158333 r admixturegraph: an R package for admixture graph manipulation and fitting. 2017 graph: an [R package] for admix
28152980 r DMDtoolkit: a tool for visualizing the mutated dystrophin protein and predicting the clinical severity in DMD. 2017 d in perl [and R] under the
28152980 perl DMDtoolkit: a tool for visualizing the mutated dystrophin protein and predicting the clinical severity in DMD. 2017 mented in [perl] and r und
28130242 r Hierarchical sets: analyzing pangenome structure through scalable set visualizations. 2017 hicalsets [R package] available
28130241 r Classification of RNA structure change by 'gazing' at experimental data. 2017 asssnitch [R package] is freely
28130233 python A comprehensive quality control workflow for paired tumor-normal NGS experiments. 2017 requires [python] 2.7 and m
28130232 r ANAQUIN: a software toolkit for the analysis of spike-in controls for next generation sequencing. 2017 tware and [R package] from bioc
28130227 java Unrealistic phylogenetic trees may improve phylogenetic footprinting. 2017 mented in [java] and can b
28119308 r QCEWAS: automated quality control of results of epigenome-wide association studies. 2017 he qcewas [R package]. qcewas e
28119307 java ASCIIGenome: a command line genome browser for console terminals. 2017 ritten in [java]. conseque
28118818 r GSAR: Bioconductor package for Gene Set analysis in R. 2017 gsar: [Bioconductor] package f
28114896 java Processing tracking in jMRUI software for magnetic resonance spectra quantitation reproducibility assurance. 2017 eloped in [java], authors
28110292 r Biomartr: genomic data retrieval with R. 2017 en source [R package], biomartr
28108449 mathlab Quantification of fibrous spatial point patterns from single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) data. 2017 mented in [matlab].
28105912 python DGW: an exploratory data analysis tool for clustering and visualisation of epigenomic marks. 2016 en source [python] package.
28096085 perl Improved orthology inference with Hieranoid 2. 2017 [perl] code free
28096075 r hppRNA-a Snakemake-based handy parameter-free pipeline for RNA-Seq analysis of numerous samples. 2017 dual perl [and R] scripts,
28096075 perl hppRNA-a Snakemake-based handy parameter-free pipeline for RNA-Seq analysis of numerous samples. 2017 ndividual [perl] and r scr
28095799 r MultiDataSet: an R package for encapsulating multiple data sets with application to omic data integration. 2017 taset: an [R package] for encap
28093409 python DeuteRater: a tool for quantifying peptide isotope precision and kinetic proteomics. 2017 eadme for [python] 2 and 3 v
28088763 r Scater: pre-processing, quality control, normalization and visualization of single-cell RNA-seq data in R. 2017 e through [Bioconductor] at http:/
28088185 r iGC-an integrated analysis package of gene expression and copy number alteration. 2017 tps://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
28088176 r TTCA: an R package for the identification of differentially expressed genes in time course microarray data. 2017 ttca: an [R package] for the i
28073760 r Better diagnostic signatures from RNAseq data through use of auxiliary co-data. 2017 dge is an [R package] that incl
28073756 r Feature selection using a one dimensional naïve Bayes' classifier increases the accuracy of support vector machine classification of CDR3 repertoires. 2017 tor . the [R package] e1071 is
28073755 r Advanced Boolean modeling of biological networks applied to systems pharmacology. 2017 ent on r) [R package]. the resu
28069594 r SigMod: an exact and efficient method to identify a strongly interconnected disease-associated module in a gene network. 2017 an [R package] sigmod is
28065917 r Transformation and model choice for RNA-seq co-expression analysis. 2017 propose a [Bioconductor] package c
28065903 python caspo: a toolbox for automated reasoning on the response of logical signaling networks families. 2017 oolbox, a [python] package i
28065901 java RENT+: an improved method for inferring local genealogical trees from haplotypes with recombination. 2017 mented in [java], and is f
28065897 mathlab TRFBA: an algorithm to integrate genome-scale metabolic and transcriptional regulatory networks with incorporation of expression data. 2017 mented in [matlab] software
28065895 java Automated neuron tracing using probability hypothesis density filtering. 2017 en in the [java] programmi
28062444 mathlab Robust parameter estimation for dynamical systems from outlier-corrupted data. 2017 the [matlab] implement
28062443 r A novel non-parametric method for uncertainty evaluation of correlation-based molecular signatures: its application on PAM50 algorithm. 2017 n 'pbcmc' [R package] at biocon
28062442 perl SINE_scan: an efficient tool to discover short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) in large-scale genomic datasets. 2017 mented in [perl] and suppo
28061750 java GenomeCAT: a versatile tool for the analysis and integrative visualization of DNA copy number variants. 2017 tandalone [java] applicati
28057685 r RImmPort: an R/Bioconductor package that enables ready-for-analysis immunology research data. 2017 platform [Bioconductor], to ensur
28057682 perl phyloSkeleton: taxon selection, data retrieval and marker identification for phylogenomics. 2017 eton is a [perl] module an
28057677 r PanViz: interactive visualization of the structure of functionally annotated pangenomes. 2017 companion [R package] that faci
28057677 javascript PanViz: interactive visualization of the structure of functionally annotated pangenomes. 2017 tirely in [javascript] and is av
28056760 perl MPD: multiplex primer design for next-generation targeted sequencing. 2017 g the mpd [perl] package p
28056760 javascript MPD: multiplex primer design for next-generation targeted sequencing. 2017 rimers. a [javascript] web appli
28052927 r DNABarcodes: an R package for the systematic construction of DNA sample tags. 2017 codes: an [R package] for the s
28049409 r Negative binomial mixed models for analyzing microbiome count data. 2017 available [R package] bhglm ( h
28040696 mathlab Parameter estimation for dynamical systems with discrete events and logical operations. 2017 advanced [matlab] interface
28039164 java AltORFev facilitates the prediction of alternative open reading frames in eukaryotic mRNAs. 2017 eloped in [java] 1.8 using
28035030 java CAME: identification of chromatin accessibility from nucleosome occupancy and methylome sequencing. 2017 mented in [java] and the p
28035029 r geneAttribution: trait agnostic identification of candidate genes associated with noncoding variation. 2017 ution, an [R package] that assi
28035026 java InMoDe: tools for learning and visualizing intra-motif dependencies of DNA binding sites. 2017 esent the [java] applicati
28035024 r Preprocessing, normalization and integration of the Illumina HumanMethylationEPIC array with minfi. 2017 from the [Bioconductor] project.
28031185 r MetaDCN: meta-analysis framework for differential co-expression network detection with an application in breast cancer. 2017 [R package] 'metadcn'
28031184 perl SVScore: an impact prediction tool for structural variation. 2017 mented in [perl] and avail
28025202 java Calypso: a user-friendly web-server for mining and visualizing microbiome-environment interactions. 2017 rammed in [java], perl and
28025202 r Calypso: a user-friendly web-server for mining and visualizing microbiome-environment interactions. 2017 ava, perl [and R] and the s
28025202 perl Calypso: a user-friendly web-server for mining and visualizing microbiome-environment interactions. 2017 in java, [perl] and r and
28025197 mathlab A novel approach based on KATZ measure to predict associations of human microbiota with non-infectious diseases. 2017 [matlab] codes and
28025179 r Measuring the diversity of the human microbiota with targeted next-generation sequencing. 2016 ilable an [R package], diversit
28011790 perl High-throughput interpretation of gene structure changes in human and nonhuman resequencing data, using ACE. 2017 c ++ and [perl] and is av
28011789 perl myGenomeBrowser: building and sharing your own genome browser. 2017 mented in [perl], javascri
28011789 javascript myGenomeBrowser: building and sharing your own genome browser. 2017 in perl, [javascript], apache a
28011787 r switchde: inference of switch-like differential expression along single-cell trajectories. 2017 ompanying [R package] for ident
28011779 r cerebroViz: an R package for anatomical visualization of spatiotemporal brain data. 2017 roviz: an [R package] for anato
28011775 r MetaboSignal: a network-based approach for topological analysis of metabotype regulation via metabolic and signaling pathways. 2017 nal is an [R package] that allo
28011774 python Fast motif matching revisited: high-order PWMs, SNPs and indels. 2017 0 and the [biopython] license (
28011773 r ALTRE: workflow for defining ALTered Regulatory Elements using chromatin accessibility data. 2017 ents), an [R package] and assoc
28011770 python Simulation-based estimation of branching models for LTR retrotransposons. 2017 ted using [python] software.
28007037 python Block network mapping approach to quantitative trait locus analysis. 2016 mapping. [python] scripts a
28003266 python GWAlpha: genome-wide estimation of additive effects (alpha) based on trait quantile distribution from pool-sequencing experiments. 2017 mented in [python], designed
28003264 r A general framework for association analysis of microbial communities on a taxonomic tree. 2017 relevant [R package] milineage
28003263 r bnstruct: an R package for Bayesian Network structure learning in the presence of missing data. 2017 truct: an [R package] for bayes
27998935 r CymeR: cytometry analysis using KNIME, docker and R. 2017 e, docker [and R].
27998275 r Efficient randomization of biological networks while preserving functional characterization of individual nodes. 2016 en-source [Bioconductor] package e
27993789 r SPADEVizR: an R package for visualization, analysis and integration of SPADE results. 2017 evizr: an [R package] for visua
27993788 java MRUniNovo: an efficient tool for de novo peptide sequencing utilizing the hadoop distributed computing framework. 2017 mented in [java]. the sour
27993787 bash Improved VCF normalization for accurate VCF comparison. 2017 ban linux [bash] script al
27993786 python DeFCoM: analysis and modeling of transcription factor binding sites using a motif-centric genomic footprinter. 2017 [python] code avai
27993779 java Recon2Neo4j: applying graph database technologies for managing comprehensive genome-scale networks. 2017 er/ . the [java] code file
27993778 r LEAP: constructing gene co-expression networks for single-cell RNA-sequencing data using pseudotime ordering. 2017 [R package] leap avai
27993774 r KODAMA: an R package for knowledge discovery and data mining. 2017 odama: an [R package] for knowl
27993773 r EGAD: ultra-fast functional analysis of gene networks. 2017 from the [Bioconductor] web site
27993773 mathlab EGAD: ultra-fast functional analysis of gene networks. 2017 in r and [matlab]. the pack
27964719 javascript Pathway collages: personalized multi-pathway diagrams. 2016 sent to a [javascript] pathway c
27938331 r Robust multi-group gene set analysis with few replicates. 2016 nsive. an [R package] implement
27938328 perl Combining independent de novo assemblies optimizes the coding transcriptome for nonconventional model eukaryotic organisms. 2016 a simple [perl] script) w
27927171 r Finding an appropriate equation to measure similarity between binary vectors: case studies on Indonesian and Japanese herbal medicines. 2016 ons as an [R package] called bm
27923364 r PCAN: phenotype consensus analysis to support disease-gene association. 2016 ity as an [R package] ( http://
27905885 python MeFiT: merging and filtering tool for illumina paired-end reads for 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. 2016 mented in [python] and the s
27884103 python ampliMethProfiler: a pipeline for the analysis of CpG methylation profiles of targeted deep bisulfite sequenced amplicons. 2016 ritten in [python] language
27832739 c++ libFLASM: a software library for fixed-length approximate string matching. 2016 en-source [C++] software
27814681 mathlab WUFlux: an open-source platform for13C metabolic flux analysis of bacterial metabolism. 2016 nment) in [matlab], we built
27809781 mathlab PSE-HMM: genome-wide CNV detection from NGS data using an HMM with Position-Specific Emission probabilities. 2016 ide cnvs. [matlab] programs
27797784 mathlab BoostGAPFILL: improving the fidelity of metabolic network reconstructions through integrated constraint and pattern-based methods. 2017 [matlab] open sour
27797783 python PyBoolNet: a python package for the generation, analysis and visualization of boolean networks. 2017 oolnet: a [python] package f
27797782 java ImageJ-MATLAB: a bidirectional framework for scientific image analysis interoperability. 2017 ghtweight [java] library f
27797782 mathlab ImageJ-MATLAB: a bidirectional framework for scientific image analysis interoperability. 2017 y between [matlab] and image
27797781 r tcpl: the ToxCast pipeline for high-throughput screening data. 2017 the tcpl [R package] and its a
27797779 java JADOPPT: java based AutoDock preparing and processing tool. 2017 jadoppt: [java] based aut
27797778 r Network-based analysis of omics data: the LEAN method. 2017 ilable on [CRAN] ( https:/
27797777 python INTEGRATE-neo: a pipeline for personalized gene fusion neoantigen discovery. 2017 c ++ and [python]. full sou
27797775 r Optimizing ChIP-seq peak detectors using visual labels and supervised machine learning. 2017 unk-db/ , [R package] to comput
27797772 r ImpulseDE: detection of differentially expressed genes in time series data using impulse models. 2017 ede is an [R package] suited to
27797771 r Imputing gene expression to maximize platform compatibility. 2017 able as a [R package] (affyimpu
27797767 r miRNAmeConverter: an R/bioconductor package for translating mature miRNA names to different miRBase versions. 2017 conductor [R package] and web i
27797766 python yMap: an automated method to map yeast variants to protein modifications and functional regions. 2017 present a [python] framework
27797763 python Rabifier2: an improved bioinformatic classifier of Rab GTPases. 2017 from the [python] package i
27797762 perl CLIP Tool Kit (CTK): a flexible and robust pipeline to analyze CLIP sequencing data. 2017 mented in [perl]. the sour
27797761 javascript Isomorphic semantic mapping of variant call format (VCF2RDF). 2017 mented in [javascript], and was
27797760 r Improving cross-study prediction through addon batch effect adjustment or addon normalization. 2017 ed in our [R package] bapred.
27797758 r gsrc: an R package for genome structure rearrangement calling. 2017 gsrc: an [R package] for genom
27794558 r Efficient detection of differentially methylated regions using DiMmeR. 2017 ogramming [language r], have no
27794557 python FractBias: a graphical tool for assessing fractionation bias following polyploidy. 2017 able with [python] 2.7 or ip
27667792 r Detecting subnetwork-level dynamic correlations. 2017 the [R package] is availa
27591080 r signeR: an empirical Bayesian approach to mutational signature discovery. 2017 able as a [R package] at http:/
27793083 python MEvoLib v1.0: the first molecular evolution library for Python. 2016 brary for [python].
27402908 mathlab SYNBADm: a tool for optimization-based automated design of synthetic gene circuits. 2016 e popular [matlab] computati
27402905 python PyPanda: a Python package for gene regulatory network reconstruction. 2016 ypanda: a [python] package f
27402900 r samExploreR: exploring reproducibility and robustness of RNA-seq results based on SAM files. 2016 roduce an [R package] called sa
27378304 r MetaCycle: an integrated R package to evaluate periodicity in large scale data. 2016 ntegrated [R package] to evalua
27378300 r An empirical Bayes method for genotyping and SNP detection using multi-sample next-generation sequencing data. 2016 ed in the [R package] ebgenotyp
27378295 mathlab Unbiased classification of spatial strategies in the Barnes maze. 2016 nlab as a [matlab] applicati
27378292 java ConsPred: a rule-based (re-)annotation framework for prokaryotic genomes. 2016 mented in [java], perl and
27378292 perl ConsPred: a rule-based (re-)annotation framework for prokaryotic genomes. 2016 in java, [perl] and shell
27378290 r TwoPhaseInd: an R package for estimating gene-treatment interactions and discovering predictive markers in randomized clinical trials. 2016 seind: an [R package] for estim
27784265 r AlignStat: a web-tool and R package for statistical comparison of alternative multiple sequence alignments. 2016 -tool and [R package] for stati
27769170 r dupRadar: a Bioconductor package for the assessment of PCR artifacts in RNA-Seq data. 2016 pradar: a [Bioconductor] package f
27766961 python VDJML: a file format with tools for capturing the results of inferring immune receptor rearrangements. 2016 n c++ and [python], for read
27766961 c++ VDJML: a file format with tools for capturing the results of inferring immune receptor rearrangements. 2016 ritten in [C++] and pytho
27766949 r Improving sensitivity of linear regression-based cell type-specific differential expression deconvolution with per-gene vs. global significance threshold. 2016 ovide the [R package], lrcde, w
27766934 r CC-PROMISE effectively integrates two forms of molecular data with multiple biologically related endpoints. 2016 the [R package] ccpromise
27760515 perl Convert your favorite protein modeling program into a mutation predictor: MODICT . 2016 he modict [perl] package a
27756200 r Roar: detecting alternative polyadenylation with standard mRNA sequencing libraries. 2016 ithm in a [Bioconductor] package t
27742697 python Visualizing the geography of genetic variants. 2017 q_api/ ). [python] and javas
27742697 javascript Visualizing the geography of genetic variants. 2017 ython and [javascript] source co
27733121 r Extending digital PCR analysis by modelling quantification cycle data. 2016 en source [language r] has been
27717304 java Je, a versatile suite to handle multiplexed NGS libraries with unique molecular identifiers. 2016 mented in [java] and uses
27716034 r VennDiagramWeb: a web application for the generation of highly customizable Venn and Euler diagrams. 2016 nndiagram [R package]. venndiag
27694195 r Combining multiple tools outperforms individual methods in gene set enrichment analyses. 2017 ble as an [R package] at http:/
27677958 r Rare variant association test in family-based sequencing studies. 2017 ted in an [R package] 'gskat',
27667791 java LongISLND: in silico sequencing of lengthy and noisy datatypes. 2016 mented in [java] and avail
27667790 java cMapper: gene-centric connectivity mapper for EBI-RDF platform. 2017 ped using [java] and deplo
27663497 perl AcCNET (Accessory Genome Constellation Network): comparative genomics software for accessory genome analysis using bipartite networks. 2017 ork) is a [perl] applicati
27659774 javascript MicroScope: ChIP-seq and RNA-seq software analysis suite for gene expression heatmaps. 2016 on the d3 [javascript] library:
27659451 r PSSV: a novel pattern-based probabilistic approach for somatic structural variation identification. 2017 an [R package] of pssv i
27651481 r AlloMap6: an R package for genetic linkage analysis in allohexaploids. 2017 omap6: an [R package] for genet
27650223 r systemPipeR: NGS workflow and report generation environment. 2016 tems from [Bioconductor] ( http://
27634949 perl Verdant: automated annotation, alignment and phylogenetic analysis of whole chloroplast genomes. 2017 d in php, [perl], mysql, j
27634949 javascript Verdant: automated annotation, alignment and phylogenetic analysis of whole chloroplast genomes. 2017 l, mysql, [javascript], html and
27634947 r IsotopicLabelling: an R package for the analysis of MS isotopic patterns of labelled analytes. 2017 lling: an [R package] for the a
27634135 python Development of a prediction system for tail-anchored proteins. 2016 ritten in [python] is availa
27618863 python Tissue enrichment analysis for C. elegans genomics. 2016 ded using [python]'s standar
27616707 mathlab DM-BLD: differential methylation detection using a hierarchical Bayesian model exploiting local dependency. 2017 a [matlab] package o
27614350 java Assessment of cancer and virus antigens for cross-reactivity in human tissues. 2017 nted as a [java] program,
27605107 mathlab BeReTa: a systematic method for identifying target transcriptional regulators to enhance microbial production of chemicals. 2017 [matlab] code is a
27605105 java ReliableGenome: annotation of genomic regions with high/low variant calling concordance. 2017 mented in [java], source c
27605102 java PHYLOViZ 2.0: providing scalable data integration and visualization for multiple phylogenetic inference methods. 2017 dependent [java] tool that
27605100 python MPRAnator: a web-based tool for the design of massively parallel reporter assay experiments. 2017 mented in [python], perl and
27605100 perl MPRAnator: a web-based tool for the design of massively parallel reporter assay experiments. 2017 n python, [perl] and javas
27605100 javascript MPRAnator: a web-based tool for the design of massively parallel reporter assay experiments. 2017 perl and [javascript] and is fr
27605099 java OntoBrowser: a collaborative tool for curation of ontologies by subject matter experts. 2017 run on a [java] ee applic
27605098 r DAPAR & ProStaR: software to perform statistical analyses in quantitative discovery proteomics. 2017 ed in the [R language] and are a
27597310 r NEAT: an efficient network enrichment analysis test. 2016 ed in the [R package] neat, whi
27592708 r Gene- and pathway-based association tests for multiple traits with GWAS summary statistics. 2017 mented in [R package] aspu, fre
27591081 r Precrec: fast and accurate precision-recall and ROC curve calculations in R. 2017 able from [CRAN] (https://
27587701 python Bayesian parameter estimation for the Wnt pathway: an infinite mixture models approach. 2016 [python] scripts f
27587695 r Large-scale inference of conjunctive Bayesian networks. 2016 ted as an [R package] available
27587694 mathlab L1 regularization facilitates detection of cell type-specific parameters in dynamical systems. 2016 a [matlab] implement
27587693 python A probabilistic model for detecting rigid domains in protein structures. 2016 the [python] source co
27587690 python Patterns of amino acid conservation in human and animal immunodeficiency viruses. 2016 a [python] package i
27587680 r A unified model based multifactor dimensionality reduction framework for detecting gene-gene interactions. 2016 a [R package] ummdr a
27587666 java PanTools: representation, storage and exploration of pan-genomic data. 2016 the [java] implement
27587664 java The Network Library: a framework to rapidly integrate network biology resources. 2016 eloped in [java] and avail
27587659 python Combining dependent P-values with an empirical adaptation of Brown's method. 2016 ilable in [python], r, and m
27587659 r Combining dependent P-values with an empirical adaptation of Brown's method. 2016 able as a [Bioconductor] package f
27587659 mathlab Combining dependent P-values with an empirical adaptation of Brown's method. 2016 n, r, and [matlab] and can b
27587657 r TANDEM: a two-stage approach to maximize interpretability of drug response models based on multiple molecular data types. 2016 ble as an [R package] on cran (
27585881 r Risk-conscious correction of batch effects: maximising information extraction from high-throughput genomic datasets. 2016 lly as an [R package] ( https:/
27585881 mathlab Risk-conscious correction of batch effects: maximising information extraction from high-throughput genomic datasets. 2016 compiled [matlab] package (
27578804 python FATSLiM: a fast and robust software to analyze MD simulations of membranes. 2017 ritten in [python]. source c
27565584 java A likelihood ratio-based method to predict exact pedigrees for complex families from next-generation sequencing data. 2017 a [java] standalon
27559155 mathlab Fast-SNP: a fast matrix pre-processing algorithm for efficient loopless flux optimization of metabolic models. 2016 code for [matlab] including
27559153 c Discoal: flexible coalescent simulations with selection. 2016 ed in the [C programming] language.
27553625 mathlab Stepwise iterative maximum likelihood clustering approach. 2016 ethods. a [matlab] package o
27553489 r Interpreting transcriptional changes using causal graphs: new methods and their practical utility on public networks. 2016 od in the [R package] quaternar
27543791 r Robust logistic regression to narrow down the winner's curse for rare and recessive susceptibility variants. 2017 ended the [R package] 'robustba
27542772 r STAMS: STRING-assisted module search for genome wide association studies and application to autism. 2016 ted as an [R package] and is fr
27542771 python MSIdV: a versatile tool to visualize biological indices from mass spectrometry imaging data. 2016 mented in [python] 2.7 and i
27542770 r DEsubs: an R package for flexible identification of differentially expressed subpathways using RNA-seq experiments. 2016 esubs: an [R package] for flexi
27534850 r A machine learning strategy for predicting localization of post-translational modification sites in protein-protein interacting regions. 2016 plemented [R package] is availa
27522082 r oxBS-MLE: an efficient method to estimate 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in paired bisulfite and oxidative bisulfite treated DNA. 2016 mented in [Bioconductor] package e
27522081 javascript Gene Slider: sequence logo interactive data-visualization for education and research. 2016 mented in [javascript] and proce
27516195 python BAMQL: a query language for extracting reads from BAM files. 2016 pysam for [python]. both all
27516195 perl BAMQL: a query language for extracting reads from BAM files. 2016 tools for [perl] and pysam
27515739 python LCA*: an entropy-based measure for taxonomic assignment within assembled metagenomes. 2016 and-alone [python] library c
27515738 r NVT: a fast and simple tool for the assessment of RNA-seq normalization strategies. 2016 the [R package] is freely
27503227 perl SRinversion: a tool for detecting short inversions by splitting and re-aligning poorly mapped and unmapped sequencing reads. 2016 mented in [perl] and is pu
27503226 r shinyGEO: a web-based application for analyzing gene expression omnibus datasets. 2016 ta export [and R] code gene
27503224 python PathScore: a web tool for identifying altered pathways in cancer data. 2016 mented in [python] and mysql
27503223 r Bayesian network feature finder (BANFF): an R package for gene network feature selection. 2016 anff): an [R package] for gene
27497442 r A novel copy number variants kernel association test with application to autism spectrum disorders studies. 2016 a [R package] to implem
27497440 r scphaser: haplotype inference using single-cell RNA-seq data. 2016 haser, an [R package] that phas
27497439 python genipe: an automated genome-wide imputation pipeline with automatic reporting and statistical tools. 2016 en source [python] software
27493193 perl FARAO: the flexible all-round annotation organizer. 2016 mented in [perl] and is su
27480116 r Gene, Environment and Methylation (GEM): a tool suite to efficiently navigate large scale epigenome wide association studies and integrate genotype and interaction between genotype and environment. 2016 ts. it is [written in R] code and
27473172 r RevEcoR: an R package for the reverse ecology analysis of microbiomes. 2016 vecor: an [R package] for the r
27466625 mathlab Joint sparse canonical correlation analysis for detecting differential imaging genetics modules. 2016 the [matlab] code is a
27465477 r flowVS: channel-specific variance stabilization in flow cytometry. 2016 ilable in [Bioconductor].
27454116 mathlab A systematic framework to derive N-glycan biosynthesis process and the automated construction of glycosylation networks. 2016 tworks in [matlab] with the
27436563 r Variance adaptive shrinkage (vash): flexible empirical Bayes estimation of variances. 2016 ted in an [R package] vashr ava
27412096 javascript MSAViewer: interactive JavaScript visualization of multiple sequence alignments. 2016 teractive [javascript] visualiza
27370569 r MethPed: an R package for the identification of pediatric brain tumor subtypes. 2016 thped: an [R package] for the i
27363390 perl A De-Novo Genome Analysis Pipeline (DeNoGAP) for large-scale comparative prokaryotic genomics studies. 2016 ped using [perl], bioperl
27357171 r Estimating and testing high-dimensional mediation effects in epigenetic studies. 2016 [R package], source c
27357170 r Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. 2016 ilable on [CRAN].
27354701 python CellProfiler Analyst: interactive data exploration, analysis and classification of large biological image sets. 2016 ritten in [python], builds o
27354695 r ABAEnrichment: an R package to test for gene set expression enrichment in the adult and developing human brain. 2016 hment: an [R package] to test f
27342648 mathlab TRaCE+: Ensemble inference of gene regulatory networks from transcriptional expression profiles of gene knock-out experiments. 2016 tines for [matlab] are freel
27342194 java EmpPrior: using outside empirical data to inform branch-length priors for Bayesian phylogenetics. 2016 ritten in [java] to query
27342194 r EmpPrior: using outside empirical data to inform branch-length priors for Bayesian phylogenetics. 2016 rior-fit, [written in R] to parame
27341818 r Exploiting expression patterns across multiple tissues to map expression quantitative trait loci. 2016 ithin the [R package] jaguar, w
27334476 r SERAPHIM: studying environmental rasters and phylogenetically informed movements. 2016 [R package], source c
27334471 perl CAGEd-oPOSSUM: motif enrichment analysis from CAGE-derived TSSs. 2016 mented in [perl], mysql an
27334001 r multiDE: a dimension reduced model based statistical method for differential expression analysis using RNA-sequencing data with multiple treatment conditions. 2016 thods. an [R package] implement
27333889 r Generalized enrichment analysis improves the detection of adverse drug events from the biomedical literature. 2016 rovide an [R package] for explo
27324198 python RTCR: a pipeline for complete and accurate recovery of T cell repertoires from high throughput sequencing data. 2016 mented in [python] (v2.7) an
27324197 r Integrated gene set analysis for microRNA studies. 2016 ed in the [Bioconductor] library m
27323392 r compendiumdb: an R package for retrieval and storage of functional genomics data. 2016 iumdb: an [R package] for retri
27323392 perl compendiumdb: an R package for retrieval and storage of functional genomics data. 2016 mysql and [perl]. source c
27318208 python Statistical modeling of isoform splicing dynamics from RNA-seq time series data. 2016 [python] code is f
27318205 r NegGOA: negative GO annotations selection using ontology structure. 2016 he matlab [and R] codes are
27318205 mathlab NegGOA: negative GO annotations selection using ontology structure. 2016 the [matlab] and r cod
27318203 perl The structural effects of mutations can aid in differential phenotype prediction of beta-myosin heavy chain (Myosin-7) missense variants. 2016 mented in [perl] and c and
27318199 python TADtool: visual parameter identification for TAD-calling algorithms. 2016 n or as a [python] package f
27318198 r Pseudotime estimation: deconfounding single cell time series. 2016 ilable on [CRAN] in the de
27316337 r PGA: an R/Bioconductor package for identification of novel peptides using a customized database derived from RNA-Seq. 2016 e with an [R package], assigned
27312412 perl RADIS: analysis of RAD-seq data for interspecific phylogeny. 2016 oduce the [perl] pipeline
27312411 python MultiQC: summarize analysis results for multiple tools and samples in a single report. 2016 thub, the [python] package i
27312410 java ARGON: fast, whole-genome simulation of the discrete time Wright-fisher process. 2016 ritten in [java], open sou
27307645 java BioASF: a framework for automatically generating executable pathway models specified in BioPAX. 2016 mented in [java], is open
27307638 c RNAiFold2T: Constraint Programming design of thermo-IRES switches. 2016 ftware is [written in C] ++ and us
27307630 r Linear effects models of signaling pathways from combinatorial perturbation data. 2016 able as a [R package] at http:/
27307614 c deBWT: parallel construction of Burrows-Wheeler Transform for large collection of genomes with de Bruijn-branch encoding. 2016 mented in [C language], the sour
27307611 mathlab Analysis of differential splicing suggests different modes of short-term splicing regulation. 2016 r and [matlab] codes imp
27307610 r A cross-species bi-clustering approach to identifying conserved co-regulated genes. 2016 the [R package] containin
27307609 python Influence maximization in time bounded network identifies transcription factors regulating perturbed pathways. 2016 mented in [python] and avail
27296983 mathlab A time-varying group sparse additive model for genome-wide association studies of dynamic complex traits. 2016 mented in [matlab].
27296982 r GSA-Lightning: ultra-fast permutation-based gene set analysis. 2016 lightning [R package] is availa
27296981 r CONDOP: an R package for CONdition-Dependent Operon Predictions. 2016 ondop: an [R package] for condi
27296979 java Web-based network analysis and visualization using CellMaps. 2016 in c and [java].
27296979 javascript Web-based network analysis and visualization using CellMaps. 2016 available [javascript] api.
27295045 r Inferring active regulatory networks from gene expression data using a combination of prior knowledge and enrichment analysis. 2016 ted as an [R package], currentl
27288501 r RareVariantVis: new tool for visualization of causative variants in rare monogenic disorders using whole genome sequencing data. 2016 tps://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
27288499 r GenVisR: Genomic Visualizations in R. 2016 isr is an [R package] available
27288495 r Inferring the perturbation time from biological time course data. 2016 ion: : an [R package], detime,
27288494 r bdvis: visualizing biodiversity data in R. 2016 scribe an [R package], bdvis, w
27288492 r Zerone: a ChIP-seq discretizer for multiple replicates with built-in quality control. 2016 and as an [R package]. the c so
27283952 java TaggerOne: joint named entity recognition and normalization with semi-Markov Models. 2016 gerone, a [java] implement
27283951 r GHap: an R package for genome-wide haplotyping. 2016 ghap: an [R package] for genom
27283948 python pong: fast analysis and visualization of latent clusters in population genetic data. 2016 using the [python] package m
27273669 r R.JIVE for exploration of multi-source molecular data. 2016 intuitive [R package] to perfor
27266441 r HDTD: analyzing multi-tissue gene expression data. 2016 the [R package] hdtd is p
27259541 java MetaFast: fast reference-free graph-based comparison of shotgun metagenomic data. 2016 ritten in [java] and is pl
27256314 r RANKS: a flexible tool for node label ranking and classification in biological networks. 2016 ackage is [written in R], except f
27230384 javascript Crowdsourcing the nodulation gene network discovery environment. 2016 nd vis.js [javascript] libraries
27207944 r Differential rhythmicity: detecting altered rhythmicity in biological data. 2016 ilable on [CRAN].
27207943 r Complex heatmaps reveal patterns and correlations in multidimensional genomic data. 2016 from the [Bioconductor] project:
27187204 r seqlm: an MDL based method for identifying differentially methylated regions in high density methylation array data. 2016 mented in [R package] seqlm tha
27153821 perl DensityMap: a genome viewer for illustrating the densities of features. 2016 ghtweight [perl] program t
27153725 python NMRPro: an integrated web component for interactive processing and visualization of NMR spectra. 2016 parts: a [python] package t
27153719 r MetaKTSP: a meta-analytic top scoring pair method for robust cross-study validation of omics prediction analysis. 2016 an [R package] metaktsp
27153717 python FRED 2: an immunoinformatics framework for Python. 2016 ework for [python].
27153716 java Multiple structure single parameter: analysis of a single protein nano environment descriptor characterizing a shared loci on structurally aligned proteins. 2016 in perl, [java] and javas
27153716 perl Multiple structure single parameter: analysis of a single protein nano environment descriptor characterizing a shared loci on structurally aligned proteins. 2016 mented in [perl], java and
27153716 javascript Multiple structure single parameter: analysis of a single protein nano environment descriptor characterizing a shared loci on structurally aligned proteins. 2016 java and [javascript] and jmol
27153715 r cit: hypothesis testing software for mediation analysis in genomic applications. 2016 en-source [R package] is freely
27153711 mathlab Simulated single molecule microscopy with SMeagol. 2016 l runs on [matlab] r2014 and
27153705 mathlab KiT: a MATLAB package for kinetochore tracking. 2016 kit: a [matlab] package f
27153704 r A web application for sample size and power calculation in case-control microbiome studies. 2016 erface is [written in R] code usin
27153702 c SweepFinder2: increased sensitivity, robustness and flexibility. 2016 e that is [written in C] and can b
27153696 mathlab ll-ACHRB: a scalable algorithm for sampling the feasible solution space of metabolic networks. 2016 code for [matlab] and octav
27153692 java Reaction Decoder Tool (RDT): extracting features from chemical reactions. 2016 mented in [java], supporte
27153684 r solarius: an R interface to SOLAR for variance component analysis in pedigrees. 2016 ilable on [CRAN] and on gi
27153679 r Coala: an R framework for coalescent simulation. 2016 coala, an [R package] for calli
27153677 r Assessing statistical significance in multivariable genome wide association analysis. 2016 en-source [Bioconductor] package h
27153673 python Goldilocks: a tool for identifying genomic regions that are 'just right'. 2016 ilocks: a [python] package p
27153672 r RCP: a novel probe design bias correction method for Illumina Methylation BeadChip. 2016 into the [R package] enmix, wh
27153665 python DOGMA: domain-based transcriptome and proteome quality assessment. 2016 mented in [python] and publi
27153664 mathlab Combenefit: an interactive platform for the analysis and visualization of drug combinations. 2016 ided as a [matlab] package b
27153663 python MEANS: python package for Moment Expansion Approximation, iNference and Simulation. 2016 means: [python] package f
27153661 r densityCut: an efficient and versatile topological approach for automatic clustering of biological data. 2016 ensitycut [R package] is availa
27153657 mathlab Spectral identification of topological domains. 2016 the [matlab] source co
27153654 python rnaQUAST: a quality assessment tool for de novo transcriptome assemblies. 2016 mented in [python] and is fr
27153652 java ARACNe-AP: gene network reverse engineering through adaptive partitioning inference of mutual information. 2016 a [java] cross-pla
27153646 javascript TnT: a set of libraries for visualizing trees and track-based annotations for the web. 2016 ritten in [javascript], licensed
27153645 r Romulus: robust multi-state identification of transcription factor binding sites from DNase-seq data. 2016 ble as an [R package] at http:/
27153642 r Pasha: a versatile R package for piling chromatin HTS data. 2016 versatile [R package] for pilin
27153639 r gkmSVM: an R package for gapped-kmer SVM. 2016 kmsvm: an [R package] for gappe
27153638 r Beta-Poisson model for single-cell RNA-seq data analyses. 2016 an [R package] bpsc for
27153635 r TreeQTL: hierarchical error control for eQTL findings. 2016 the [R package] treeqtl i
27153632 c hotspot: software to support sperm-typing for investigating recombination hotspots. 2016 otspot is [written in C]. sources
27153628 r flowAI: automatic and interactive anomaly discerning tools for flow cytometry data. 2016 resent an [R package], flowai,
27153627 mathlab MEMO: multi-experiment mixture model analysis of censored data. 2016 mented in [matlab] and freel
27153626 python Tools4miRs - one place to gather all the tools for miRNA analysis. 2016 mented in [python] using dja
27153620 python MOCAT2: a metagenomic assembly, annotation and profiling framework. 2016 erl 5 and [python] 2.7, desi
27153620 perl MOCAT2: a metagenomic assembly, annotation and profiling framework. 2016 mented in [perl] 5 and pyt
27153619 python ProtPOS: a python package for the prediction of protein preferred orientation on a surface. 2016 rotpos: a [python] package f
27153616 python SBtab: a flexible table format for data exchange in systems biology. 2016 and-alone [python] code cont
27153616 r SBtab: a flexible table format for data exchange in systems biology. 2016 l, matlab [and R]. the stan
27153616 mathlab SBtab: a flexible table format for data exchange in systems biology. 2016 ms excel, [matlab] and r. th
27153605 javascript pileup.js: a JavaScript library for interactive and in-browser visualization of genomic data. 2016 eup.js: a [javascript] library f
27153599 r HilbertCurve: an R/Bioconductor package for high-resolution visualization of genomic data. 2016 from the [Bioconductor] project:
27153598 r FREGAT: an R package for region-based association analysis. 2016 regat: an [R package] for regio
27153596 r OxyBS: estimation of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine from tandem-treated oxidative bisulfite and bisulfite DNA. 2016 ybs is an [R package] available
27153595 python MGEScan: a Galaxy-based system for identifying retrotransposons in genomes. 2016 h mpi and [python] threading
27153592 r Characterizing gene sets using discriminative random walks with restart on heterogeneous biological networks. 2016 ted as an [R package] available
27153588 java Ferret: a user-friendly Java tool to extract data from the 1000 Genomes Project. 2016 -friendly [java] tool to e
27153587 python jSplice: a high-performance method for accurate prediction of alternative splicing events and its application to large-scale renal cancer transcriptome data. 2016 tandalone [python] applicati
27153585 r EBglmnet: a comprehensive R package for sparse generalized linear regression models. 2016 rehensive [R package] for spars
27153580 r chromPlot: visualization of genomic data in chromosomal context. 2016 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org
27153579 perl ARGs-OAP: online analysis pipeline for antibiotic resistance genes detection from metagenomic data using an integrated structured ARG-database. 2016 [perl] script fo
27153577 mathlab Analysis of CFSE time-series data using division-, age- and label-structured population models. 2016 the [matlab] source co
27153575 python mDCC_tools: characterizing multi-modal atomic motions in molecular dynamics trajectories. 2016 c ++ and [python], and supp
27153574 r SNPhood: investigate, quantify and visualise the epigenomic neighbourhood of SNPs using NGS data. 2016 conductor [R package] to invest
27153572 javascript Visual Omics Explorer (VOE): a cross-platform portal for interactive data visualization. 2016 html and [javascript] code. voe
27146037 r readat: An R package for reading and working with SomaLogic ADAT files. 2016 eadat: an [R package] for readi
27143038 javascript QUADrATiC: scalable gene expression connectivity mapping for repurposing FDA-approved therapeutics. 2016 advanced [javascript] framework
27117841 mathlab eSTGt: a programming and simulation environment for population dynamics. 2016 or using [matlab]'s command
27113060 r Erratum to: 'CompGO: an R package for comparing and visualizing Gene Ontology enrichment differences between DNA binding experiments'. 2016 ompgo: an [R package] for compa
27094401 r Growthcurver: an R package for obtaining interpretable metrics from microbial growth curves. 2016 urver: an [R package] for obtai
27083325 python UNDR ROVER - a fast and accurate variant caller for targeted DNA sequencing. 2016 mented in [python] and runs
27071656 python Implementation of a methodology for determining elastic properties of lipid assemblies from molecular dynamics simulations. 2016 a set of [python] modules u
27059780 java CollapsABEL: an R library for detecting compound heterozygote alleles in genome-wide association studies. 2016 ncy using [java] or c++. i
27059780 c++ CollapsABEL: an R library for detecting compound heterozygote alleles in genome-wide association studies. 2016 g java or [C++]. intermed
27059780 r CollapsABEL: an R library for detecting compound heterozygote alleles in genome-wide association studies. 2016 on in the [R package] collapsab
27044654 java The systems biology format converter. 2016 ritten in [java] and can b
27044654 mathlab The systems biology format converter. 2016 sbgn-ml, [matlab], octave,
27029470 r Sample size calculation while controlling false discovery rate for differential expression analysis with RNA-sequencing experiments. 2016 rovide an [R package] ssizerna
27005934 r caOmicsV: an R package for visualizing multidimensional cancer genomic data. 2016 micsv: an [R package] for visua
27001666 r Leveraging protein quaternary structure to identify oncogenic driver mutations. 2016 eins. the [R package] is availa
26968614 r GOexpress: an R/Bioconductor package for the identification and visualisation of robust gene ontology signatures through supervised learning of gene expression data. 2016 standard [Bioconductor] extension
26964749 mathlab PeTTSy: a computational tool for perturbation analysis of complex systems biology models. 2016 ckage for [matlab] which imp
26961892 r FastPop: a rapid principal component derived method to infer intercontinental ancestry using genetic data. 2016 efficient [R package] that fill
26961516 perl Geena 2, improved automated analysis of MALDI/TOF mass spectra. 2016 n php and [perl]. input an
26956433 r Improving cell mixture deconvolution by identifying optimal DNA methylation libraries (IDOL). 2016 (2)>0.90 [and R] m s e<4.0
26951498 r Testing for association between RNA-Seq and high-dimensional data. 2016 sion. the [R package] globalseq
26873932 java An empirical Bayes change-point model for identifying 3' and 5' alternative splicing by next-generation RNA sequencing. 2016 mented in [java] and can b
26861823 python Predicting physiologically relevant SH3 domain mediated protein-protein interactions in yeast. 2016 ted using [python] 2.7 and c
26861822 r Measuring the spatial correlations of protein binding sites. 2016 an [R package] is availa
26861821 r TRONCO: an R package for the inference of cancer progression models from heterogeneous genomic data. 2016 ronco: an [R package] for the i
26861819 mathlab MOCCASIN: converting MATLAB ODE models to SBML. 2016 onverting [matlab] ode model
26860319 r LowMACA: exploiting protein family analysis for the identification of rare driver mutations in cancer. 2016 aca is an [R package] available
26860128 r Analysing multiple types of molecular profiles simultaneously: connecting the needles in the haystack. 2016 a the sim [Bioconductor] package.
26833345 r GiANT: gene set uncertainty in enrichment analysis. 2016 ilable on [CRAN].
26833343 mathlab Model-based media selection to minimize the cost of metabolic cooperation in microbial ecosystems. 2016 able as a [matlab] script in
26833341 mathlab Integrative analysis for identifying joint modular patterns of gene-expression and drug-response data. 2016 a [matlab] package o
26830926 python ClinQC: a tool for quality control and cleaning of Sanger and NGS data in clinical research. 2016 ritten in [python] with mult
26819473 javascript BioCircos.js: an interactive Circos JavaScript library for biological data visualization on web applications. 2016 ve circos [javascript] library f
26819470 r Differential methylation analysis for BS-seq data under general experimental design. 2016 ilable as [Bioconductor] package d
26819469 python FILTUS: a desktop GUI for fast and efficient detection of disease-causing variants, including a novel autozygosity detector. 2016 ritten in [python] and runs
26819101 javascript DNAism: exploring genomic datasets on the web with Horizon Charts. 2016 existing [javascript] library (
26818685 r A full Bayesian partition model for identifying hypo- and hyper-methylated loci from single nucleotide resolution sequencing data. 2016 lysis. an [R package] named as
26803162 r DesignSignatures: a tool for designing primers that yields amplicons with distinct signatures. 2016 able from [Bioconductor].
26803161 r PAA: an R/bioconductor package for biomarker discovery with protein microarrays. 2016 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
26803158 r FamAgg: an R package to evaluate familial aggregation of traits in large pedigrees. 2016 amagg: an [R package] to evalua
26803157 r lodGWAS: a software package for genome-wide association analysis of biomarkers with a limit of detection. 2016 sy-to-use [R package] that prov
26801960 mathlab Structured sparse canonical correlation analysis for brain imaging genetics: an improved GraphNet method. 2016 the [matlab] code and
26794317 perl The TraDIS toolkit: sequencing and analysis for dense transposon mutant libraries. 2016 xtensible [perl] library w
26794315 r TFBSTools: an R/bioconductor package for transcription factor binding site analysis. 2016 from the [Bioconductor] website (
26791995 r Bioconductor's EnrichmentBrowser: seamless navigation through combined results of set- & network-based enrichment analysis. 2016 [Bioconductor]'s enrichm
26787665 r Sampletrees and Rsampletrees: sampling gene genealogies conditional on SNP genotype data. 2016 .html the [R package] rsampletr
26773132 perl SIRAH tools: mapping, backmapping and visualization of coarse-grained models. 2016 ritten in [perl], tcl, or
26772743 c++ A computational method for genotype calling in family-based sequencing data. 2016 ntly in a [C++] program f
26769317 python Realizing privacy preserving genome-wide association studies. 2016 a [python] implement
26757899 python Aligning the unalignable: bacteriophage whole genome alignments. 2016 trains. a [python] implement
26755624 python Computational discovery of pathway-level genetic vulnerabilities in non-small-cell lung cancer. 2016 mented in [python] and is fr
26753519 r Combining location-and-scale batch effect adjustment with data cleaning by latent factor adjustment. 2016 es in the [R package] bapred av
26743507 r OEFinder: a user interface to identify and visualize ordering effects in single-cell RNA-seq data. 2016 ble as an [R package] along wit
26733452 r Path2PPI: an R package to predict protein-protein interaction networks for a set of proteins. 2016 h2ppi: an [R package] to predic
26729218 java Diffany: an ontology-driven framework to infer, visualise and analyse differential molecular networks. 2016 en-source [java] library a
26708336 r rCGH: a comprehensive array-based genomic profile platform for precision medicine. 2016 the rcgh [R package] is availa
26708334 javascript HitWalker2: visual analytics for precision medicine and beyond. 2016 neo4j and [javascript] (d3.js an
26685309 mathlab Fast integration-based prediction bands for ordinary differential equation models. 2016 based on [matlab] and freel
26685307 r traseR: an R package for performing trait-associated SNP enrichment analysis in genomic intervals. 2016 raser: an [R package] for perfo
26685306 r PaxtoolsR: pathway analysis in R using Pathway Commons. 2016 conductor [R package] repositor
26685305 mathlab FluxModeCalculator: an efficient tool for large-scale flux mode computation. 2016 ration in [matlab], called f
26677932 python PCTFPeval: a web tool for benchmarking newly developed algorithms for predicting cooperative transcription factor pairs in yeast. 2015 n php and [python] programmi
26668005 r DNAshapeR: an R/Bioconductor package for DNA shape prediction and feature encoding. 2016 ogramming [language r] and is fr
26656933 c BioFVM: an efficient, parallelized diffusive transport solver for 3-D biological simulations. 2016 biofvm is [written in C] ++ with p
26656932 python Sequence database versioning for command line and Galaxy bioinformatics servers. 2016 ritten in [python] and relea
26656570 r Adaptive gene- and pathway-trait association testing with GWAS summary statistics. 2016 mented in [R package] aspu, fre
26656004 r PharmacoGx: an R package for analysis of large pharmacogenomic datasets. 2016 acogx: an [R package] for analy
26652794 java MRMPlus: an open source quality control and assessment tool for SRM/MRM assay development. 2015 dependent [java] programin
26644415 java Joint detection of copy number variations in parent-offspring trios. 2016 nation of [java] and r is
26644415 r Joint detection of copy number variations in parent-offspring trios. 2016 n of java [and R] is freely
26637292 c Maligner: a fast ordered restriction map aligner. 2016 ftware is [written in C] ++ and is
26635141 r rcellminer: exploring molecular profiles and drug response of the NCI-60 cell lines in R. 2016 cellminer [R package] provides
26628587 mathlab IKAP: A heuristic framework for inference of kinase activities from Phosphoproteomics data. 2016 mented in [matlab] and be do
26607490 r Genefu: an R/Bioconductor package for computation of gene expression-based signatures in breast cancer. 2016 able from [Bioconductor]. http://w
26589280 c++ hybridSPAdes: an algorithm for hybrid assembly of short and long reads. 2016 mented in [C++] as a part
26589278 r Reliable ABC model choice via random forests. 2016 ed in the [R package] abcrf ava
26589277 python SomVarIUS: somatic variant identification from unpaired tissue samples. 2016 ritten in [python] 2.7 and a
26589276 perl ParTIES: a toolbox for Paramecium interspersed DNA elimination studies. 2016 -threaded [perl] software
26589275 python FoCuS-point: software for STED fluorescence correlation and time-gated single photon counting. 2016 ritten in [python] and is av
26589274 r LocusExplorer: a user-friendly tool for integrated visualization of human genetic association data and biological annotations. 2016 plorer is [written in R] using the
26589273 mathlab CellTracker (not only) for dummies. 2016 ritten in [matlab] (the math
26577052 r DiffLogo: a comparative visualization of sequence motifs. 2015 -friendly [R package] for visua
26568633 python Optimal design of gene knockout experiments for gene regulatory network inference. 2016 atlab and [python] scripts o
26568633 mathlab Optimal design of gene knockout experiments for gene regulatory network inference. 2016 [matlab] and pytho
26568624 c++ Optimal seed solver: optimizing seed selection in read mapping. 2016 solver in [C++] at: https
26558877 c Two molecular measures of relatedness based on haplotype sharing. 2015 founders. [using C] in linear
26556386 r contamDE: differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data for contaminated tumor samples. 2016 an [R package] contamde
26556385 r Specific identification and quantification of circular RNAs from sequencing data. 2016 ns by our [R package] circtest
26556383 java Realtime analysis and visualization of MinION sequencing data with npReader. 2016 ritten in [java] and is fr
26553913 r CopyNumber450kCancer: baseline correction for accurate copy number calling from the 450k methylation array. 2016 ted as an [R package]. the pack
26552737 java From raw data to data-analysis for magnetic resonance spectroscopy--the missing link: jMRUI2XML. 2015 2xml is a [java] solution
26545824 python Automatic generation of bioinformatics tools for predicting protein-ligand binding sites. 2016 mented in [python] and suppo
26545822 r Comparison of genetic variants in matched samples using thesaurus annotation. 2016 ted in an [R package] available
26545820 r Probabilistic models of genetic variation in structured populations applied to global human studies. 2016 conductor [R package] called lf
26543176 mathlab Shape component analysis: structure-preserving dimension reduction on biological shape spaces. 2016 s made in [matlab] and suppo
26543171 r TESS: an R package for efficiently simulating phylogenetic trees and performing Bayesian inference of lineage diversification rates. 2016 tess: an [R package] for effic
26538306 python Fizzy: feature subset selection for metagenomics. 2015 ped a new [python] command l
26537733 c++ BitTorious volunteer: server-side extensions for centrally-managed volunteer storage in BitTorrent swarms. 2015 ovided in [C++] for infor
26537417 python ODTbrain: a Python library for full-view, dense diffraction tomography. 2015 tbrain: a [python] library f
26530724 python PHYLUCE is a software package for the analysis of conserved genomic loci. 2016 itten for [python] 2.7. phyl
26520854 java Enumeration and extension of non-equivalent deterministic update schedules in Boolean networks. 2016 m made in [java] and the f
26519502 r Bayesian inference with historical data-based informative priors improves detection of differentially expressed genes. 2016 mented in [R package] ipbt, whi
26515826 javascript Protael: protein data visualization library for the web. 2016 tael is a [javascript] library f
26515824 c++ SeqSIMLA2_exact: simulate multiple disease sites in large pedigrees with given disease status for diseases with low prevalence. 2016 nted with [C++] and is av
26515822 perl PRIMUS: improving pedigree reconstruction using mitochondrial and Y haplotypes. 2016 pdates in [perl] and it is
26515818 r EMDomics: a robust and powerful method for the identification of genes differentially expressed between heterogeneous classes. 2016 the [R package] is availa
26514335 r ToPASeq: an R package for topology-based pathway analysis of microarray and RNA-Seq data. 2015 paseq: an [R package] for topol
26508760 r RVFam: an R package for rare variant association analysis with family data. 2016 rvfam: an [R package] for rare
26508757 r LOLA: enrichment analysis for genomic region sets and regulatory elements in R and Bioconductor. 2016 [R package] available
26508755 r caRpools: an R package for exploratory data analysis and documentation of pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screens. 2016 pools: an [R package] for explo
26504142 python Pycellerator: an arrow-based reaction-like modelling language for biological simulations. 2016 erator, a [python] library f
26504139 java IsoMIF Finder: online detection of binding site molecular interaction field similarities. 2016 jsmol (no [java] plugin re
26500152 r funtooNorm: an R package for normalization of DNA methylation data when there are multiple cell or tissue types. 2016 onorm: an [R package] for norma
26493835 javascript PDB-Explorer: a web-based interactive map of the protein data bank in shape space. 2015 mented in [javascript] in a plat
26487736 perl RNA structure framework: automated transcriptome-wide reconstruction of RNA secondary structures from high-throughput structure probing data. 2016 ritten in [perl] and is fr
26476781 python A-DaGO-Fun: an adaptable Gene Ontology semantic similarity-based functional analysis tool. 2016 nux using [python] under fre
26476780 java Scalable clustering algorithms for continuous environmental flow cytometry. 2016 mented in [java] for use w
26471456 python Computational discovery of specificity-conferring sites in non-ribosomal peptide synthetases. 2016 mented in [python] with flas
26468003 r BiTrinA--multiscale binarization and trinarization with quality analysis. 2016 ilable on [CRAN].
26458889 c++ A multi-objective optimization approach accurately resolves protein domain architectures. 2016 mented in [C++] and the s
26454281 python CSSSCL: a python package that uses combined sequence similarity scores for accurate taxonomic classification of long and short sequence reads. 2016 cssscl: a [python] package t
26454280 python SUPER-FOCUS: a tool for agile functional analysis of shotgun metagenomic data. 2016 mented in [python], and its
26454279 c++ Fast and accurate non-sequential protein structure alignment using a new asymmetric linear sum assignment heuristic. 2016 mented in [C++]. the sour
26454276 java Rapid and enhanced remote homology detection by cascading hidden Markov model searches in sequence space. 2016 mented in [java] along wit
26454275 python miTRATA: a web-based tool for microRNA Truncation and Tailing Analysis. 2016 mented in [python] (version
26454273 python Jflow: a workflow management system for web applications. 2016 ion and a [python] library p
26454094 python Pathway Tools version 19.0 update: software for pathway/genome informatics and systems biology. 2016 opment of [python] and web-s
26449931 r CpGFilter: model-based CpG probe filtering with replicates for epigenome-wide association studies. 2016 n via the [R package] 'cpgfilte
26449930 python HapFlow: visualizing haplotypes in sequencing data. 2016 flow is a [python] applicati
26446136 javascript The new protein topology graph library web server. 2016 d in php, [javascript], postgres
26446133 mathlab SIMToolbox: a MATLAB toolbox for structured illumination fluorescence microscopy. 2016 oolbox: a [matlab] toolbox f
26446060 r Multiple Testing of Gene Sets from Gene Ontology: Possibilities and Pitfalls. 2016 ed in the [R package] cherry.
26445311 r DECIPHER: harnessing local sequence context to improve protein multiple sequence alignment. 2015 decipher [R package] and sourc
26428291 c++ ALP & FALP: C++ libraries for pairwise local alignment E-values. 2016 p & falp: [C++] libraries
26428289 r Generalized empirical Bayesian methods for discovery of differential data in high-throughput biology. 2016 ilable on [Bioconductor] http://ww
26428288 c++ Pseudoknots in RNA folding landscapes. 2016 mented in [C++] as standa
26424859 r Warpgroup: increased precision of metabolomic data processing by consensus integration bound analysis. 2016 en source [R package] available
26424858 r regioneR: an R/Bioconductor package for the association analysis of genomic regions based on permutation tests. 2016 ner is an [R package] that impl
26424855 r missMethyl: an R package for analyzing data from Illumina's HumanMethylation450 platform. 2016 ethyl: an [R package] for analy
26423836 javascript Density-based parallel skin lesion border detection with webCL. 2015 ebcl is a [javascript] binding o
26423515 mathlab Efficient experimental design for uncertainty reduction in gene regulatory networks. 2015 cantly. a [matlab] software
26415849 r NetBenchmark: a bioconductor package for reproducible benchmarks of gene regulatory network inference. 2015 chmark: a [Bioconductor] package f
26415725 c++ XPIWIT--an XML pipeline wrapper for the Insight Toolkit. 2016 ard-coded [C++] pipelines
26415723 r ScreenBEAM: a novel meta-analysis algorithm for functional genomics screens via Bayesian hierarchical modeling. 2016 [R package] and sourc
26415722 javascript Cytoscape.js: a graph theory library for visualisation and analysis. 2016 mented in [javascript]. document
26411870 c++ JBASE: Joint Bayesian Analysis of Subphenotypes and Epistasis. 2016 mented in [C++], supporte
26411869 c++ CLUSTERnGO: a user-defined modelling platform for two-stage clustering of time-series data. 2016 the [C++] and qt so
26411867 r XLmap: an R package to visualize and score protein structure models based on sites of protein cross-linking. 2016 xlmap: an [R package] to visual
26399714 python htsint: a Python library for sequencing pipelines that combines data through gene set generation. 2015 htsint: a [python] library f
26384762 c++ Lab Retriever: a software tool for calculating likelihood ratios incorporating a probability of drop-out for forensic DNA profiles. 2015 top of a [C++] implement
26384762 javascript Lab Retriever: a software tool for calculating likelihood ratios incorporating a probability of drop-out for forensic DNA profiles. 2015 marily in [javascript], on top o
26382197 java NanoOK: multi-reference alignment analysis of nanopore sequencing data, quality and error profiles. 2016 mented in [java] with supp
26382193 perl ICT: isotope correction toolbox. 2016 language [perl] and, ther
26374744 r mAPKL: R/ Bioconductor package for detecting gene exemplars and revealing their characteristics. 2015 ed in the [R package], which is
26374641 r A weighting approach for judging the effect of patient strata on high-dimensional risk prediction signatures. 2015 ed in the [R package] coxboost
26369703 python PyPDB: a Python API for the Protein Data Bank. 2016 pypdb: a [python] api for t
26363176 c++ markophylo: Markov chain analysis on phylogenetic trees. 2016 ritten in [C++] and the i
26363176 r markophylo: Markov chain analysis on phylogenetic trees. 2016 and fast [R package] is introd
26363029 java An algorithm for automated layout of process description maps drawn in SBGN. 2016 orithm in [java] is availa
26363028 c++ BamHash: a checksum program for verifying the integrity of sequence data. 2016 mented in [C++], gpl lice
26358728 c++ SeDuS: segmental duplication simulator. 2016 mented in [C++] and can b
26358727 r Group and sparse group partial least square approaches applied in genomics context. 2016 rehensive [R package] called sg
26342229 r BMix: probabilistic modeling of occurring substitutions in PAR-CLIP data. 2016 or matlab [and R].
26342229 mathlab BMix: probabilistic modeling of occurring substitutions in PAR-CLIP data. 2016 lable for [matlab] and r.
26338769 mathlab Discovering hospital admission patterns using models learnt from electronic hospital records. 2015 full [matlab] source co
26338767 r DIGGIT: a Bioconductor package to infer genetic variants driving cellular phenotypes. 2015 diggit: a [Bioconductor] package t
26329719 r CompGO: an R package for comparing and visualizing Gene Ontology enrichment differences between DNA binding experiments. 2015 ompgo: an [R package] for compa
26328606 java Pan-Tetris: an interactive visualisation for Pan-genomes. 2015 tetris, a [java] based int
26328469 r VisRseq: R-based visual framework for analysis of sequencing data. 2015 s such as [Bioconductor]. to addre
26323718 c++ NgsRelate: a software tool for estimating pairwise relatedness from next-generation sequencing data. 2015 mented in [C++] and is av
26323716 c BiopLib and BiopTools--a C programming library and toolset for manipulating protein structure. 2015 ptools--a [C programming] library a
26323713 c++ RASER: reads aligner for SNPs and editing sites of RNA. 2015 ritten in [C++] and freel
26319390 c++ Utilizing de Bruijn graph of metagenome assembly for metatranscriptome analysis. 2016 mented in [C++] and has b
26319221 c++ BS-SNPer: SNP calling in bisulfite-seq data. 2015 ritten in [C++] and perl,
26319221 perl BS-SNPer: SNP calling in bisulfite-seq data. 2015 n c++ and [perl], and is f
26315911 r msa: an R package for multiple sequence alignment. 2015 msa: an [R package] for multi
26315910 python Identification of hierarchical chromatin domains. 2016 a [python] implement
26315909 c++ glmgraph: an R package for variable selection and predictive modeling of structured genomic data. 2015 in r and [C++] armadillo
26315909 r glmgraph: an R package for variable selection and predictive modeling of structured genomic data. 2015 graph: an [R package] for varia
26315908 c HiXCorr: a portable high-speed XCorr engine for high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry. 2015 eloped in [C language]. hence, o
26315907 c++ Fast and accurate approximate inference of transcript expression from RNA-seq data. 2015 in r and [C++], and are
26315907 r Fast and accurate approximate inference of transcript expression from RNA-seq data. 2015 he bitseq [Bioconductor] package.
26315904 java LIBRA: LIgand Binding site Recognition Application. 2015 eloped in [java] se 7 with
26315903 perl Bayexer: an accurate and fast Bayesian demultiplexer for Illumina sequences. 2015 mented in [perl] and freel
26298294 python Automatically visualise and analyse data on pathways using PathVisioRPC from any programming environment. 2015 perl, and [python]. subseque
26298294 perl Automatically visualise and analyse data on pathways using PathVisioRPC from any programming environment. 2015 s like r, [perl], and pyth
26286809 python svviz: a read viewer for validating structural variants. 2015 mented in [python] and freel
26283514 r diffHic: a Bioconductor package to detect differential genomic interactions in Hi-C data. 2015 iffhic: a [Bioconductor] package t
26283310 r SIMAT: GC-SIM-MS data analysis tool. 2015 uce a new [R package] called si
26275896 r DSviaDRM: an R package for estimating disease similarity via dysfunctional regulation mechanism. 2015 iadrm: an [R package] for estim
26272984 r motifbreakR: an R/Bioconductor package for predicting variant effects at transcription factor binding sites. 2015 ed within [Bioconductor].
26261223 java Vizardous: interactive analysis of microbial populations with single cell resolution. 2015 xecutable [java] archive a
26254488 java BLSSpeller: exhaustive comparative discovery of conserved cis-regulatory elements. 2015 ritten in [java]. source c
26249815 r cgmisc: enhanced genome-wide association analyses and visualization. 2015 gmisc, an [R package] that enab
26249810 python NRGsuite: a PyMOL plugin to perform docking simulations in real time using FlexAID. 2015 mented in [python] and c/c++
26249809 python ASSIsT: an automatic SNP scoring tool for in- and outbreeding species. 2015 eloped in [python] and runs
26243017 r NAM: association studies in multiple populations. 2015 e nam, an [R package] that allo
26231430 r stringgaussnet: from differentially expressed genes to semantic and Gaussian networks generation. 2015 ssnet, an [R package] that inte
26231427 python An efficient algorithm for the extraction of HGVS variant descriptions from sequences. 2015 code and [python] interface
26231427 c++ An efficient algorithm for the extraction of HGVS variant descriptions from sequences. 2015 .nl). the [C++] source co
26231426 r MICC: an R package for identifying chromatin interactions from ChIA-PET data. 2015 micc: an [R package] for ident
26227145 python BackCLIP: a tool to identify common background presence in PAR-CLIP datasets. 2015 mented in [python]. the comm
26227143 perl SNPGenie: estimating evolutionary parameters to detect natural selection using pooled next-generation sequencing data. 2015 1.2 is a [perl] program w
26220962 r MetTailor: dynamic block summary and intensity normalization for robust analysis of mass spectrometry data in metabolomics. 2015 the [R package] mettailor
26220961 r Designing alternative splicing RNA-seq studies. Beyond generic guidelines. 2015 ge at www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
26209431 r dendextend: an R package for visualizing, adjusting and comparing trees of hierarchical clustering. 2015 xtend: an [R package] for visua
26208945 python Object-based representation and analysis of light and electron microscopic volume data using Blender. 2015 embedded [python] applicati
26206305 python Identifying kinase dependency in cancer cells by integrating high-throughput drug screening and kinase inhibition data. 2015 aded as a [python] function
26206305 mathlab Identifying kinase dependency in cancer cells by integrating high-throughput drug screening and kinase inhibition data. 2015 tion or a [matlab] script al
26198102 perl Roary: rapid large-scale prokaryote pan genome analysis. 2015 mented in [perl] and is fr
26187943 r RxnSim: a tool to compare biochemical reactions. 2015 network, [CRAN] (http://c
26163694 r SomaticSignatures: inferring mutational signatures from single-nucleotide variants. 2015 the [R package] somaticsi
26163509 r TiMEx: a waiting time model for mutually exclusive cancer alterations. 2016 conductor [R package] at
26160651 python Evaluation of BLAST-based edge-weighting metrics used for homology inference with the Markov Clustering algorithm. 2015 inimalist [python] implement
26153515 java LayerCake: a tool for the visual comparison of viral deep sequencing data. 2015 ework for [java].
26148744 r DINGO: differential network analysis in genomics. 2015 [R package] at: odin.
26142188 mathlab Data2Dynamics: a modeling environment tailored to parameter estimation in dynamical systems. 2015 nment for [matlab] that pion
26142186 c++ al3c: high-performance software for parameter inference using Approximate Bayesian Computation. 2015 t al3c, a [C++] framework
26130249 python YBYRÁ facilitates comparison of large phylogenetic trees. 2015 ritten in [python], hence th
26130577 r A DNA shape-based regulatory score improves position-weight matrix-based recognition of transcription factor binding sites. 2015 en-source [R package] at that i
26130576 perl Estimating beta diversity for under-sampled communities using the variably weighted Odum dissimilarity index and OTUshuff. 2015 a [perl] script fo
26130574 python ProFET: Feature engineering captures high-level protein functions. 2015 mented in [python] and adapt
26130573 r Inference of Markovian properties of molecular sequences from NGS data and applications to comparative genomics. 2016 ilable as [R package] ''
26115986 python nextflu: real-time tracking of seasonal influenza virus evolution in humans. 2015 [python] and javas
26115986 javascript nextflu: real-time tracking of seasonal influenza virus evolution in humans. 2015 ython and [javascript] source co
26112292 perl damidseq_pipeline: an automated pipeline for processing DamID sequencing datasets. 2015 mented in [perl] and is co
26112291 java Real-time multi-view deconvolution. 2015 olution', [java] wrappers
26112290 r biRte: Bayesian inference of context-specific regulator activities and transcriptional networks. 2015 ilable on [Bioconductor] (http://b
26099265 c++ Bandage: interactive visualization of de novo genome assemblies. 2015 mented in [C++] and suppo
26099264 r Sincell: an R/Bioconductor package for statistical assessment of cell-state hierarchies from single-cell RNA-seq. 2015 e sincell [R package] implement
26093150 javascript GenomeD3Plot: a library for rich, interactive visualizations of genomic data in web applications. 2015 ritten in [javascript] using the
26093147 r An efficient Bayesian inference framework for coalescent-based nonparametric phylodynamics. 2015 nd in the [R package] phylodyn
26092860 r atSNP: transcription factor binding affinity testing for regulatory SNP detection. 2015 efficient [R package] for ident
26088801 r Rchemcpp: a web service for structural analoging in ChEMBL, Drugbank and the Connectivity Map. 2015 e and the [R package] are freel
26085504 mathlab Fast-SL: an efficient algorithm to identify synthetic lethal sets in metabolic networks. 2015 the [matlab] implement
26085503 python libRoadRunner: a high performance SBML simulation and analysis library. 2015 rough its [python] interface
26085503 c++ libRoadRunner: a high performance SBML simulation and analysis library. 2015 s via its [C++] and c bin
26085503 mathlab libRoadRunner: a high performance SBML simulation and analysis library. 2015 e apis of [matlab] ( wwwmath
26079347 java JSBML 1.0: providing a smorgasbord of options to encode systems biology models. 2015 cial pure [java] programmi
26076722 mathlab REDEMPTION: reduced dimension ensemble modeling and parameter estimation. 2015 through a [matlab] user inte
26072515 mathlab Inferring orthologous gene regulatory networks using interspecies data fusion. 2015 [matlab] code is a
26072513 c++ Reconstructing gene regulatory dynamics from high-dimensional single-cell snapshot data. 2015 [C++] and matla
26072513 mathlab Reconstructing gene regulatory dynamics from high-dimensional single-cell snapshot data. 2015 c++ and [matlab] code avai
26072511 python Robust reconstruction of gene expression profiles from reporter gene data using linear inversion. 2015 able as a [python] package (
26072509 python IgRepertoireConstructor: a novel algorithm for antibody repertoire construction and immunoproteogenomics analysis. 2015 a c++ and [python] program r
26072509 c++ IgRepertoireConstructor: a novel algorithm for antibody repertoire construction and immunoproteogenomics analysis. 2015 able as a [C++] and pytho
26072506 mathlab Using collective expert judgements to evaluate quality measures of mass spectrometry images. 2015 y and the [matlab] source co
26072499 python A generic methodological framework for studying single cell motility in high-throughput time-lapse data. 2015 [python] code and
26072472 java MSProGene: integrative proteogenomics beyond six-frames and single nucleotide polymorphisms. 2015 ritten in [java] and pytho
26072472 python MSProGene: integrative proteogenomics beyond six-frames and single nucleotide polymorphisms. 2015 java and [python]. it is op
26069263 java IBS: an illustrator for the presentation and visualization of biological sequences. 2015 mented in [java], while th
26069263 javascript IBS: an illustrator for the presentation and visualization of biological sequences. 2015 html5 and [javascript]. both the
26063839 r oposSOM: R-package for high-dimensional portraying of genome-wide expression landscapes on bioconductor. 2015 conductor [R package].
26059717 python BUSCO: assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with single-copy orthologs. 2015 mented in [python] and datas
26056047 c++ Clotho: addressing the scalability of forward time population genetic simulation. 2015 tion as a [C++] template
26055961 c++ Optimization of sequence alignments according to the number of sequences vs. number of sites trade-off. 2015 en source [C++] implement
26051821 python Automatising the analysis of stochastic biochemical time-series. 2015 dependent [python] tool to a
26051409 java adLIMS: a customized open source software that allows bridging clinical and basic molecular research studies. 2015 ritten in [java] j2ee, as
26049161 bash GeIST: a pipeline for mapping integrated DNA elements. 2015 nation of [bash] shell scr
26049161 perl GeIST: a pipeline for mapping integrated DNA elements. 2015 pting and [perl]. geist is
26048599 python Sparse multi-view matrix factorization: a multivariate approach to multiple tissue comparisons. 2015 [python] code is a
26040457 javascript A web application for the unspecific detection of differentially expressed DNA regions in strand-specific expression data. 2015 n php and [javascript].
26040456 c++ Assembling short reads from jumping libraries with large insert sizes. 2015 mented in [C++] as a part
26034064 r FourCSeq: analysis of 4C sequencing data. 2015 ed in the [R package] fourcseq
26026169 python DisVis: quantifying and visualizing accessible interaction space of distance-restrained biomolecular complexes. 2015 disvis, a [python] package a
26026168 r lpNet: a linear programming approach to reconstruct signal transduction networks. 2015 ach as an [R package] available
26026138 c QVZ: lossy compression of quality values. 2015 qvz is [written in C] and can b
26026137 c++ ACE: accurate correction of errors using K-mer tries. 2015 mented in [C++] and runs
26026136 r Differential protein expression and peak selection in mass spectrometry data by binary discriminant analysis. 2015 ed in the [R package] binda, wh
26017500 r tcR: an R package for T cell receptor repertoire advanced data analysis. 2015 tcr: an [R package] for t cel
26017358 r MANTIS: an R package that simulates multilocus models of pathogen evolution. 2015 antis: an [R package] that simu
26007226 python IgSimulator: a versatile immunosequencing simulator. 2015 a c++ and [python] program r
26007226 c++ IgSimulator: a versatile immunosequencing simulator. 2015 able as a [C++] and pytho
26002886 mathlab Diffusion maps for high-dimensional single-cell analysis of differentiation data. 2015 the [matlab] implement
26002885 r Bayesian mixture analysis for metagenomic community profiling. 2015 friendly [R package], freely a
26002884 r tmle.npvi: targeted, integrative search of associations between DNA copy number and gene expression, accounting for DNA methylation. 2015 en-source [R package] tmle.npvi
26002883 r pwOmics: an R package for pathway-based integration of time-series omics data using public database knowledge. 2015 omics: an [R package] for pathw
25995232 python When less is more: 'slicing' sequencing data improves read decoding accuracy and de novo assembly quality. 2015 [python] scripts t
25995231 r ABC: a tool to identify SNVs causing allele-specific transcription factor binding from ChIP-Seq experiments. 2015 (≥5.18.1) [and R] (≥3.1.1)
25995231 perl ABC: a tool to identify SNVs causing allele-specific transcription factor binding from ChIP-Seq experiments. 2015 ritten in [perl] and can b
25991004 r affy2sv: an R package to pre-process Affymetrix CytoScan HD and 750K arrays for SNP, CNV, inversion and mosaicism calling. 2015 fy2sv: an [R package] to pre-pr
25987568 python TRAL: tandem repeat annotation library. 2015 en-source [python] 3 library
25987567 c++ IMSEQ--a fast and error aware approach to immunogenetic sequence analysis. 2015 mented in [C++] using the
25982853 java ProtDCal: A program to compute general-purpose-numerical descriptors for sequences and 3D-structures of proteins. 2015 ed in the [java] programmi
25980407 python NetCooperate: a network-based tool for inferring host-microbe and microbe-microbe cooperation. 2015 en-source [python] module; b
25979472 r Seq2pathway: an R/Bioconductor package for pathway analysis of next-generation sequencing data. 2015 ay offers [Bioconductor] users enh
25972088 r ISOpureR: an R implementation of a computational purification algorithm of mixed tumour profiles. 2015 ted as an [R package]. the isop
25971991 r GENLIB: an R package for the analysis of genealogical data. 2015 enlib: an [R package] for the a
25971742 javascript GEO2Enrichr: browser extension and server app to extract gene sets from GEO and analyze them for biological functions. 2015 ichr adds [javascript] code to g
25971741 r Fast parametric time warping of peak lists. 2015 /ptw) and [CRAN] (http://c
25971740 r CAPRI: efficient inference of cancer progression models from cross-sectional data. 2015 oncology [R package] and is fr
25968113 python Domain similarity based orthology detection. 2015 sed using [python] and c++ l
25968113 c++ Domain similarity based orthology detection. 2015 ython and [C++] languages
25964631 r GOplot: an R package for visually combining expression data with functional analysis. 2015 oplot: an [R package] for visua
25962835 r A multi-view genomic data simulator. 2015 sses. the [R package] mvbiodata
25957349 r Tax4Fun: predicting functional profiles from metagenomic 16S rRNA data. 2015 en-source [R package] and appli
25957348 r INSPEcT: a computational tool to infer mRNA synthesis, processing and degradation dynamics from RNA- and 4sU-seq time course experiments. 2015 ect is an [R package] for the i
25951947 r Performance of a blockwise approach in variable selection using linkage disequilibrium information. 2015 ed in the [R package] bald (blo
25948716 r pez: phylogenetics for the environmental sciences. 2015 pez is an [R package] that perm
25943746 r Estimation of the methylation pattern distribution from deep sequencing data. 2015 in the r [Bioconductor] package m
25943565 r Controlling false discoveries in high-dimensional situations: boosting with stability selection. 2015 available [R package] stabs (ht
25940563 javascript Phylesystem: a git-based data store for community-curated phylogenetic estimates. 2015 eployed a [javascript] applicati
25940562 java HTT-DB: horizontally transferred transposable elements database. 2015 based on [java] and mysql
25933606 python Pydna: a simulation and documentation tool for DNA assembly strategies using python. 2015 ies using [python].
25931516 c++ 'Flatten plus': a recent implementation in WSxM for biological research. 2015 mented in [C++] supported
25928861 r Moment based gene set tests. 2015 available [Bioconductor] package,
25928765 r coMET: visualisation of regional epigenome-wide association scan results and DNA co-methylation patterns. 2015 comet, an [R package] and onlin
25926345 r Polyester: simulating RNA-seq datasets with differential transcript expression. 2015 ter is an [R package] designed
25924931 r plethy: management of whole body plethysmography data in R. 2015 rt of the [Bioconductor] project h
25924884 c++ UrQt: an efficient software for the Unsupervised Quality trimming of NGS data. 2015 mented in [C++] in an eff
25913208 r phylogeo: an R package for geographic analysis and visualization of microbiome data. 2015 logeo: an [R package] for geogr
25913205 mathlab Genome-scale strain designs based on regulatory minimal cut sets. 2015 [matlab] code and
25913204 r chipPCR: an R package to pre-process raw data of amplification curves. 2015 ippcr: an [R package] to pre-pr
25910694 java ms-data-core-api: an open-source, metadata-oriented library for computational proteomics. 2015 ritten in [java], enables
25908790 r MultiMeta: an R package for meta-analyzing multi-phenotype genome-wide association studies. 2015 imeta: an [R package] for meta-
25900919 r edgeRun: an R package for sensitive, functionally relevant differential expression discovery using an unconditional exact test. 2015 gerun: an [R package] for sensi
25888166 r micropan: an R-package for microbial pan-genomics. 2015 resent an [R package] for the s
25888118 java CHEXVIS: a tool for molecular channel extraction and visualization. 2015 th latest [java] plug-in.
25887779 java OTO: Ontology Term Organizer. 2015 built in [java].
25887573 c++ Automatic segmentation of deep intracerebral electrodes in computed tomography scans. 2015 en source [C++] prototype
25887481 c++ Family-based association analysis: a fast and efficient method of multivariate association analysis with multiple variants. 2015 eloped in [C++] and is av
25886992 r Pheno2Geno - High-throughput generation of genetic markers and maps from molecular phenotypes for crosses between inbred strains. 2015 e leading [R package] for qtl s
25886979 mathlab FastMotif: spectral sequence motif discovery. 2015 the [matlab] code of f
25885646 c FlowClus: efficiently filtering and denoising pyrosequenced amplicons. 2015 s); it is [written in C] and suppo
25884684 c++ histoneHMM: Differential analysis of histone modifications with broad genomic footprints. 2015 ritten in [C++] and compi
25884684 r histoneHMM: Differential analysis of histone modifications with broad genomic footprints. 2015 led as an [R package]. it runs
25861968 python MetaSV: an accurate and integrative structural-variant caller for next generation sequencing. 2015 code in [python] is at htt
25847007 r EBSeq-HMM: a Bayesian approach for identifying gene-expression changes in ordered RNA-seq experiments. 2015 an [R package] containin
25847006 r Stratifying tumour subtypes based on copy number alteration profiles using next-generation sequence data. 2015 an [R package] to run a
25838463 python do_x3dna: a tool to analyze structural fluctuations of dsDNA or dsRNA from molecular dynamics simulations. 2015 ncludes a [python] module dn
25812745 r KeBABS: an R package for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences. 2015 ebabs: an [R package] for kerne
25805722 python Identification of cell types from single-cell transcriptomes using a novel clustering method. 2015 atlab and [python]. the sour
25805722 mathlab Identification of cell types from single-cell transcriptomes using a novel clustering method. 2015 mented in [matlab] and pytho
25792553 r A robust approach for identifying differentially abundant features in metagenomic samples. 2015 an [R package] for raida
25788625 python Efficient visualization of high-throughput targeted proteomics experiments: TAPIR. 2015 efficient [python] visualiza
25788622 java A novel motif-discovery algorithm to identify co-regulatory motifs in large transcription factor and microRNA co-regulatory networks in human. 2015 mented in [java] and avail
25777525 r Cardinal: an R package for statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based imaging experiments. 2015 dinal: an [R package] for stati
25765347 r ChIPseeker: an R/Bioconductor package for ChIP peak annotation, comparison and visualization. 2015 ker is an [R package] for annot
25755273 java BMRF-Net: a software tool for identification of protein interaction subnetworks by a bagging Markov random field-based method. 2015 mented in [java] and c++,
25755273 c++ BMRF-Net: a software tool for identification of protein interaction subnetworks by a bagging Markov random field-based method. 2015 java and [C++], to ident
25735769 mathlab Logical transformation of genome-scale metabolic models for gene level applications and analysis. 2015 mented in [matlab], raven to
25725498 c++ L-GRAAL: Lagrangian graphlet-based network aligner. 2015 coded in [C++]. software
25725494 java GeLL: a generalized likelihood library for phylogenetic models. 2015 t gell, a [java] library t
25725090 r SimSeq: a nonparametric approach to simulation of RNA-sequence datasets. 2015 ed in the [R package] simseq, w
25717194 c++ Fast, accurate, and reliable molecular docking with QuickVina 2. 2015 the [C++] source co
25717189 r rSeqNP: a non-parametric approach for detecting differential expression and splicing from RNA-Seq data. 2015 resent an [R package], rseqnp,
25712692 r specL--an R/Bioconductor package to prepare peptide spectrum matches for use in targeted proteomics. 2015 ed in the [R language] and avail
25707528 c++ PEAT: an intelligent and efficient paired-end sequencing adapter trimming algorithm. 2015 tandalone [C++] source co
25701576 mathlab Pattern recognition methods to relate time profiles of gene expression with phenotypic data: a comparative study. 2015 the [matlab] code for
25701573 java Oasis: online analysis of small RNA deep sequencing data. 2015 ython, r, [java], php, c++
25701573 python Oasis: online analysis of small RNA deep sequencing data. 2015 mented in [python], r, java,
25701573 c++ Oasis: online analysis of small RNA deep sequencing data. 2015 ava, php, [C++] and javas
25701573 javascript Oasis: online analysis of small RNA deep sequencing data. 2015 , c++ and [javascript]. it is fr
25686638 java RAPTR-SV: a hybrid method for the detection of structural variants. 2015 ritten in [java] and uses
25677125 r DOSE: an R/Bioconductor package for disease ontology semantic and enrichment analysis. 2015 ose is an [R package] providing
25673340 python MESMER: minimal ensemble solutions to multiple experimental restraints. 2015 , modular [python] plugins e
25667548 c++ A multiobjective memetic algorithm for PPI network alignment. 2015 the [C++] source co
25661541 c++ Whiteboard: a framework for the programmatic visualization of complex biological analyses. 2015 mented in [C++] that enab
25652236 r BACA: bubble chArt to compare annotations. 2015 le at the [CRAN] repositor
25649621 python Incorporating peak grouping information for alignment of multiple liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry datasets. 2015 cation in [python], availabl
25644271 perl Transposome: a toolkit for annotation of transposable element families from unassembled sequence reads. 2015 mented in [perl] and is su
25644269 r ClassifyR: an R package for performance assessment of classification with applications to transcriptomics. 2015 sifyr: an [R package] for perfo
25644268 r CNOGpro: detection and quantification of CNVs in prokaryotic whole-genome sequencing data. 2015 from the [CRAN] repositor
25638814 mathlab Factor graph analysis of live cell-imaging data reveals mechanisms of cell fate decisions. 2015 the [matlab] source co
25638808 r TIMMA-R: an R package for predicting synergistic multi-targeted drug combinations in cancer cell lines or patient-derived samples. 2015 mma-r: an [R package] for predi
25638808 mathlab TIMMA-R: an R package for predicting synergistic multi-targeted drug combinations in cancer cell lines or patient-derived samples. 2015 original [matlab] code. the
25638391 r Sensitive and highly resolved identification of RNA-protein interaction sites in PAR-CLIP data. 2015 ed in the [R package] wavcluste
25637560 python Omics Pipe: a community-based framework for reproducible multi-omics data analysis. 2015 tandalone [python] package f
25637558 java Dizzy-Beats: a Bayesian evidence analysis tool for systems biology. 2015 graphical [java] bayesian
25627825 mathlab SFMetrics: an analysis tool for scanning force microscopy images of biomolecules. 2015 ng within [matlab] environme
25626999 r Exploring possible DNA structures in real-time polymerase kinetics using Pacific Biosciences sequencer data. 2015 using an [R package] that we h
25626688 c++ MDAT- Aligning multiple domain arrangements. 2015 coded in [C++], and the
25619996 r protr/ProtrWeb: R package and web server for generating various numerical representation schemes of protein sequences. 2015 protrweb: [R package] and web s
25619995 c++ Bayesian feature selection for high-dimensional linear regression via the Ising approximation with applications to genomics. 2015 he bia in [C++], along wi
25617415 r ASSIGN: context-specific genomic profiling of multiple heterogeneous biological pathways. 2015 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
25609796 r dslice: an R package for nonparametric testing of associations with application in QTL and gene set analysis. 2015 slice: an [R package] for nonpa
25609794 r MethylMix: an R package for identifying DNA methylation-driven genes. 2015 ylmix: an [R package] for ident
25600654 mathlab Sample size calculation in metabolic phenotyping studies. 2015 rithm for [matlab] and gnu o
25592847 r Semi-supervised adaptive-height snipping of the hierarchical clustering tree. 2015 data sets [and R] code are
25591917 mathlab Predicting protein functions using incomplete hierarchical labels. 2015 bels. the [matlab] code of p
25591325 javascript YersiniaBase: a genomic resource and analysis platform for comparative analysis of Yersinia. 2015 nchronous [javascript] and xml (
25568282 c++ A haplotype-based framework for group-wise transmission/disequilibrium tests for rare variant association analysis. 2015 d gtdt in [C++] and the s
25568279 java GlycoMine: a machine learning-based approach for predicting N-, C- and O-linked glycosylation in the human proteome. 2015 ebserver, [java] applet, u
25563332 r Co-expression analysis of high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data with Poisson mixture models. 2015 en-source [R package] htscluste
25550326 r PRSice: Polygenic Risk Score software. 2015 prsice is [written in R], includin
25550326 bash PRSice: Polygenic Risk Score software. 2015 ppers for [bash] data mana
25543048 python An automatic tool to analyze and cluster macromolecular conformations based on self-organizing maps. 2015 nt here a [python] library i
25540184 java J-Circos: an interactive Circos plotter. 2015 uses the [java] computer
25535243 c++ A Bayesian framework for de novo mutation calling in parents-offspring trios. 2015 the [C++] source co
25527832 c++ Population-based structural variation discovery with Hydra-Multi. 2015 ritten in [C++] and is fr
25524895 java VarSim: a high-fidelity simulation and validation framework for high-throughput genome sequencing with cancer applications. 2015 code in [java] and pytho
25524895 python VarSim: a high-fidelity simulation and validation framework for high-throughput genome sequencing with cancer applications. 2015 java and [python] along wit
25519981 mathlab DFBAlab: a fast and reliable MATLAB code for dynamic flux balance analysis. 2014 reliable [matlab] code for
25505095 python Epock: rapid analysis of protein pocket dynamics. 2015 rce code, [python] analysis
25505095 c++ Epock: rapid analysis of protein pocket dynamics. 2015 epock [C++] source co
25505094 java Detection of circular permutations within protein structures using CE-CP. 2015 s part of [biojava] 3 (http:/
25505092 python NMRFAM-SPARKY: enhanced software for biomolecular NMR spectroscopy. 2015 rsions of [python] and tcl/t
25505090 java 3Dmol.js: molecular visualization with WebGL. 2015 lugins or [java]. 3dmol.js
25505090 javascript 3Dmol.js: molecular visualization with WebGL. 2015 -oriented [javascript] library t
25505087 java Sputnik: ad hoc distributed computation. 2015 ng only a [java] runtime,
25504849 java MpTheory Java library: a multi-platform Java library for systems biology based on the Metabolic P theory. 2015 mptheory [java] library:
25504849 r MpTheory Java library: a multi-platform Java library for systems biology based on the Metabolic P theory. 2015 thematica [and R].
25504849 mathlab MpTheory Java library: a multi-platform Java library for systems biology based on the Metabolic P theory. 2015 , such as [matlab], gnu octa
25504848 python repDNA: a Python package to generate various modes of feature vectors for DNA sequences by incorporating user-defined physicochemical properties and sequence-order effects. 2015 repdna: a [python] package t
25496126 python Kiwi: a tool for integration and visualization of network topology and gene-set analysis. 2014 able as a [python] package a
25495450 r MPAgenomics: an R package for multi-patient analysis of genomic markers. 2014 omics: an [R package] for multi
25494997 perl Masking as an effective quality control method for next-generation sequencing data analysis. 2014 ield. the [perl] script fo
25492550 r Identifying and quantifying metabolites by scoring peaks of GC-MS data. 2014 core in a [R package] called me
25491122 python MCMC implementation of the optimal Bayesian classifier for non-Gaussian models: model-based RNA-Seq classification. 2014 video and [python] source co
25491031 r Integrating protein structural dynamics and evolutionary analysis with Bio3D. 2014 dependent [R package] under a g
25490956 r Pathomx: an interactive workflow-based tool for the analysis of metabolomic data. 2014 g matlab® [and R], allowing
25481010 python SNPlice: variants that modulate Intron retention from RNA-sequencing data. 2015 rs and as [python] source-co
25481009 c++ ICMA: an integrated cardiac modeling and analysis platform. 2015 mented in [C++] using ope
25481008 r flowCL: ontology-based cell population labelling in flow cytometry. 2015 e through [Bioconductor] (http://w
25480372 r Semiconductor sequencing: how many flows do you need? 2015 from the [CRAN] repositor
25465054 java VTBuilder: a tool for the assembly of multi isoform transcriptomes. 2014 mented in [java] and is av
25431350 c Meta-eQTL: a tool set for flexible eQTL meta-analysis. 2014 ive parts [written in C]. the soft
25431350 r Meta-eQTL: a tool set for flexible eQTL meta-analysis. 2014 utilities [written in R], with som
25431229 r An efficient algorithm to explore liquid association on a genome-wide scale. 2014 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org .
25417205 r QuasR: quantification and annotation of short reads in R. 2015 grated in [Bioconductor] so that i
25417204 r Genomation: a toolkit to summarize, annotate and visualize genomic intervals. 2015 built an [R package], genomati
25417203 python Efficient searching and annotation of metabolic networks using chemical similarity. 2015 [python] files wil
25416747 mathlab Multilevel regularized regression for simultaneous taxa selection and network construction with metagenomic count data. 2015 e mlrr in [matlab] is availa
25414364 c++ The Victor C++ library for protein representation and advanced manipulation. 2015 he victor [C++] library f
25413436 r A framework for generalized subspace pattern mining in high-dimensional datasets. 2014 e through [CRAN] (http://c
25398608 python SNV-PPILP: refined SNV calling for tumor data using perfect phylogenies and ILP. 2015 ritten in [python] and requi
25391397 c++ Optimization method for obtaining nearest-neighbour DNA entropies and enthalpies directly from melting temperatures. 2015 [C++] source co
25388151 java EVpedia: a community web portal for extracellular vesicles research. 2015 d in php, [java], mysql an
25380959 python PyFDAP: automated analysis of fluorescence decay after photoconversion (FDAP) experiments. 2015 ritten in [python] and runs
25380958 r Development of a robust classifier for quality control of reverse-phase protein arrays. 2015 percurve [R package], can be f
25380956 c++ TreeEFM: calculating elementary flux modes using linear optimization in a tree-based algorithm. 2015 mented in [C++] and inter
25378466 r flowDensity: reproducing manual gating of flow cytometry data by automated density-based cell population identification. 2015 e through [Bioconductor] (http://m
25371478 java JAMSS: proteomics mass spectrometry simulation in Java. 2015 lation in [java].
25371114 r Optimising parallel R correlation matrix calculations on gene expression data using MapReduce. 2014 ed on the [R package] rhipe, de
25371041 r Missing value imputation in high-dimensional phenomic data: imputable or not, and how? 2014 thods. an [R package] phenomei
25367050 mathlab A MATLAB tool for pathway enrichment using a topology-based pathway regulation score. 2014 a [matlab] tool for
25362092 c++ Mass spectrometry-based protein identification with accurate statistical significance assignment. 2015 mented in [C++] on a linu
25359893 mathlab eQTL epistasis: detecting epistatic effects and inferring hierarchical relationships of genes in biological pathways. 2015 the [matlab] source co
25359149 java CIG-P: Circular Interaction Graph for Proteomics. 2014 through a [java] based gui
25355790 r Detecting time periods of differential gene expression using Gaussian processes: an application to endothelial cells exposed to radiotherapy dose fraction. 2015 [R package] 'nsgp' is
25348213 python DIANA--algorithmic improvements for analysis of data-independent acquisition MS data. 2015 scala and [python] and avail
25344501 c iDoComp: a compression scheme for assembled genomes. 2015 docomp is [written in C] and can b
25344498 c++ Using 2k + 2 bubble searches to find single nucleotide polymorphisms in k-mer graphs. 2015 ode for a [C++] implement
25344497 javascript Semantic Body Browser: graphical exploration of an organism and spatially resolved expression data visualization. 2015 wser is a [javascript] web appli
25344496 java MP-GeneticSynth: inferring biological network regulations from time series. 2015 ynth is a [java] tool for
25342065 python piPipes: a set of pipelines for piRNA and transposon analysis via small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, degradome- and CAGE-seq, ChIP-seq and genomic DNA sequencing. 2015 ash, c++, [python], perl and
25342065 c++ piPipes: a set of pipelines for piRNA and transposon analysis via small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, degradome- and CAGE-seq, ChIP-seq and genomic DNA sequencing. 2015 in bash, [C++], python,
25342065 r piPipes: a set of pipelines for piRNA and transposon analysis via small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, degradome- and CAGE-seq, ChIP-seq and genomic DNA sequencing. 2015 hon, perl [and R]. pipipes
25342065 bash piPipes: a set of pipelines for piRNA and transposon analysis via small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, degradome- and CAGE-seq, ChIP-seq and genomic DNA sequencing. 2015 mented in [bash], c++, pyt
25342065 perl piPipes: a set of pipelines for piRNA and transposon analysis via small RNA-seq, RNA-seq, degradome- and CAGE-seq, ChIP-seq and genomic DNA sequencing. 2015 , python, [perl] and r. pi
25338717 python FlaiMapper: computational annotation of small ncRNA-derived fragments using RNA-seq high-throughput data. 2015 licensed [python] 2.7 code
25336502 perl Simple, rapid and accurate genotyping-by-sequencing from aligned whole genomes with ArrayMaker. 2015 mented in [perl] and runs
25336500 r Statistical significance of variables driving systematic variation in high-dimensional data. 2015 ilable in [CRAN].
25332377 r Seed: a user-friendly tool for exploring and visualizing microbial community data. 2015 . seed is [written in R] using the
25331652 perl SummonChimera infers integrated viral genomes with nucleotide precision from NGS data. 2014 mera is a [perl] program t
25322836 python Rcount: simple and flexible RNA-Seq read counting. 2015 s, useful [python] and r scr
25322836 c++ Rcount: simple and flexible RNA-Seq read counting. 2015 mented in [C++] using the
25322836 r Rcount: simple and flexible RNA-Seq read counting. 2015 ul python [and R] scripts a
25322835 java miRseqViewer: multi-panel visualization of sequence, structure and expression for analysis of microRNA sequencing data. 2015 mented in [java], is avail
25319962 mathlab GeneNet Toolbox for MATLAB: a flexible platform for the analysis of gene connectivity in biological networks. 2015 olbox for [matlab] (also ava
25301849 java NOVA: a software to analyze complexome profiling data. 2015 at least [java] 7 and run
25286921 r Chimera: a Bioconductor package for secondary analysis of fusion products. 2014 himera: a [Bioconductor] package f
25286920 r Deviance residuals-based sparse PLS and sparse kernel PLS regression for censored data. 2015 le on the [CRAN] and is ma
25273112 java MulRF: a software package for phylogenetic analysis using multi-copy gene trees. 2015 he gui in [java] swing.
25273112 c++ MulRF: a software package for phylogenetic analysis using multi-copy gene trees. 2015 mented in [C++] and the g
25273109 java KDDN: an open-source Cytoscape app for constructing differential dependency networks with significant rewiring. 2015 nted as a [java] cytoscape
25273108 mathlab Inference of protein kinetics by stochastic modeling and simulation of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments. 2015 mented in [matlab] r2011b. m
25273107 perl ExportAid: database of RNA elements regulating nuclear RNA export in mammals. 2015 mented in [perl], mysql, a
25273107 javascript ExportAid: database of RNA elements regulating nuclear RNA export in mammals. 2015 pache and [javascript] with all
25273104 r WhopGenome: high-speed access to whole-genome variation and sequence data in R. 2015 hopgenome [R package] is availa
25273102 python A Python package for parsing, validating, mapping and formatting sequence variants using HGVS nomenclature. 2015 a [python] package f
25267467 r DupChecker: a bioconductor package for checking high-throughput genomic data redundancy in meta-analysis. 2014 hecker: a [Bioconductor] package f
25266225 python GLAD: a mixed-membership model for heterogeneous tumor subtype classification. 2015 a [python] module im
25266224 c++ Sigma: strain-level inference of genomes from metagenomic analysis for biosurveillance. 2015 mented in [C++] with sour
25265915 python Polyphony: superposition independent methods for ensemble-based drug discovery. 2014 oded in a [python] package c
25262154 r Shiny-phyloseq: Web application for interactive microbiome analysis with provenance tracking. 2015 ly in the [R language]. it can b
25262153 r switchBox: an R package for k-Top Scoring Pairs classifier development. 2015 chbox: an [R package] for k-top
25260700 python HTSeq--a Python framework to work with high-throughput sequencing data. 2015 htseq--a [python] framework
25260699 r EasyStrata: evaluation and visualization of stratified genome-wide association meta-analysis data. 2015 the [R package] easystrat
25260628 r DiscML: an R package for estimating evolutionary rates of discrete characters using maximum likelihood. 2014 iscml: an [R package] for estim
25252999 c++ Ensemble analysis of adaptive compressed genome sequencing strategies. 2014 mbler 2.0 [C++] source co
25246431 mathlab NAIL, a software toolset for inferring, analyzing and visualizing regulatory networks. 2015 mented in [matlab], runs on
25246429 r Rcpi: R/Bioconductor package to generate various descriptors of proteins, compounds and their interactions. 2015 from the [Bioconductor] site (htt
25236458 r Using population data for assessing next-generation sequencing performance. 2015 sing perl [and R] can be fo
25236458 perl Using population data for assessing next-generation sequencing performance. 2015 ion using [perl] and r can
25212756 r UNDO: a Bioconductor R package for unsupervised deconvolution of mixed gene expressions in tumor samples. 2015 conductor [R package] for unsup
25212755 java cddApp: a Cytoscape app for accessing the NCBI conserved domain database. 2015 ritten in [java] and freel
25202135 r Performance evaluation of DNA copy number segmentation methods. 2015 -platform [R package] jointseg,
25192743 r Snowball: resampling combined with distance-based regression to discover transcriptional consequences of a driver mutation. 2015 [R package] and sourc
25192741 python BalestraWeb: efficient online evaluation of drug-target interactions. 2015 ted using [python], flask, n
25189781 r subSeq: determining appropriate sequencing depth through efficient read subsampling. 2014 he subseq [R package], which us
25176396 javascript jvenn: an interactive Venn diagram viewer. 2014 is a new [javascript] library.
25173419 r poRe: an R package for the visualization and analysis of nanopore sequencing data. 2015 pore: an [R package] for the v
25165095 c++ LoRDEC: accurate and efficient long read error correction. 2014 ritten in [C++], tested o
25165094 perl MIRPIPE: quantification of microRNAs in niche model organisms. 2014 mented in [perl] and integ
25165093 perl MR_predictor: a simulation engine for Mendelian Randomization studies. 2014 mented in [perl], and the
25161255 r Fast randomization of large genomic datasets while preserving alteration counts. 2014 loped the [R package] birewire,
25161251 python Large-scale automated identification of mouse brain cells in confocal light sheet microscopy images. 2014 mented in [python] and makes
25161247 mathlab Drug susceptibility prediction against a panel of drugs using kernelized Bayesian multitask learning. 2014 our [matlab] implement
25161243 c++ RidgeRace: ridge regression for continuous ancestral character estimation on phylogenetic trees. 2014 mented in [C++] as a stan
25161242 c++ Polytomy refinement for the correction of dubious duplications in gene trees. 2014 the [C++] source co
25161235 mathlab Causal network inference using biochemical kinetics. 2014 [matlab] r2014a so
25161225 r Broad-Enrich: functional interpretation of large sets of broad genomic regions. 2014 rsion and [R package].
25161224 r Two-dimensional segmentation for analyzing Hi-C data. 2014 he hicseg [R package] is availa
25161219 c++ Lambda: the local aligner for massive biological data. 2014 en-source [C++] library f
25158845 perl APTE: identification of indirect read-out A-DNA promoter elements in genomes. 2014 a [perl] program (
25152233 perl ExpTreeDB: web-based query and visualization of manually annotated gene expression profiling experiments of human and mouse from GEO. 2014 mented in [perl], php, r,
25150250 python ProtocolNavigator: emulation-based software for the design, documentation and reproduction biological experiments. 2014 mented in [python] 2.7, usin
25150247 c++ Cosi2: an efficient simulator of exact and approximate coalescent with selection. 2014 a free [C++] implement
25147360 javascript Visualization of protein sequence features using JavaScript and SVG with pViz.js. 2014 res using [javascript] and svg w
25147359 python PyBamView: a browser-based application for viewing short read alignments. 2014 standard [python] package.
25147358 r MethylAid: visual and interactive quality control of large Illumina 450k datasets. 2014 kage (www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
25143291 python Poretools: a toolkit for analyzing nanopore sequence data. 2014 ritten in [python] as both a
25123905 python SCDFinder, a web-based tool for the identification of putative novel ATM and ATR targets. 2014 pearl and [python], and is a
25123902 c++ Cross-validation under separate sampling: strong bias and how to correct it. 2014 e code in [C++], along wi
25123900 python READemption-a tool for the computational analysis of deep-sequencing-based transcriptome data. 2014 mented in [python] and is pu
25123899 r NetComm: a network analysis tool based on communicability. 2014 hod as an [R package] for use i
25115706 python Figmop: a profile HMM to identify genes and bypass troublesome gene models in draft genomes. 2014 in c and [python] and is su
25100686 c++ MEGADOCK 4.0: an ultra-high-performance protein-protein docking software for heterogeneous supercomputers. 2014 ritten in [C++] with open
25095879 python Tracking global changes induced in the CD4 T-cell receptor repertoire by immunization with a complex antigen using short stretches of CDR3 protein sequence. 2014 in r and [python], and sour
25086004 r Bias correction for selecting the minimal-error classifier from many machine learning models. 2014 uracy. an [R package] 'mlbias'
25078398 r Basic4Cseq: an R/Bioconductor package for analyzing 4C-seq data. 2014 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/. a v
25077818 java Towards a HPC-oriented parallel implementation of a learning algorithm for bioinformatics applications. 2014 n for the [java] programmi
25075120 r NetPathMiner: R/Bioconductor package for network path mining through gene expression. 2014 e through [Bioconductor] and from
25075118 c++ FARVAT: a family-based rare variant association test. 2014 mented in [C++], and appl
25075116 c++ Trowel: a fast and accurate error correction module for Illumina sequencing reads. 2014 ritten in [C++] and is pr
25075114 r Metabomxtr: an R package for mixture-model analysis of non-targeted metabolomics data. 2014 omxtr: an [R package] for mixtu
25075113 perl Circleator: flexible circular visualization of genome-associated data with BioPerl and SVG. 2014 ator is a [perl] applicati
25066046 mathlab Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods for efficient parameter estimation in steady state dynamical systems. 2014 ases. the [matlab] sources i
25064568 perl e-Driver: a novel method to identify protein regions driving cancer. 2014 a [perl] script wi
25064564 c++ Compression and fast retrieval of SNP data. 2014 nted in a [C++] library,
25061071 r FisHiCal: an R package for iterative FISH-based calibration of Hi-C data. 2014 hical: an [R package] for itera
25061070 python STAMP: statistical analysis of taxonomic and functional profiles. 2014 gnu gpl. [python] source co
25061069 mathlab Inferring condition-specific miRNA activity from matched miRNA and mRNA expression data. 2014 the r and [matlab] scripts a
25061068 r Más-o-menos: a simple sign averaging method for discrimination in genomic data analysis. 2014 mitted to [Bioconductor].
25053745 r sapFinder: an R/Bioconductor package for detection of variant peptides in shotgun proteomics experiments. 2014 nted as a [Bioconductor] package i
25035399 r lrgpr: interactive linear mixed model analysis of genome-wide association studies with composite hypothesis testing and regression diagnostics in R. 2014 stry. our [R package], lrgpr, a
25028724 r AffyPipe: an open-source pipeline for Affymetrix Axiom genotyping workflow. 2014 s) and an [R package] (snpolish
25012182 r repfdr: a tool for replicability analysis for genome-wide association studies. 2014 the [R package] repfdr pr
25005023 perl Simulate_PCR for amplicon prediction and annotation from multiplex, degenerate primers and probes. 2014 mand line [perl] script fr
25004928 r A test for comparing two groups of samples when analyzing multiple omics profiles. 2014 rt of the [Bioconductor] package s
24994891 mathlab FindPath: a Matlab solution for in silico design of synthetic metabolic pathways. 2014 ndpath: a [matlab] solution
24990767 r A spatial simulation approach to account for protein structure when identifying non-random somatic mutations. 2014 alk. the [R package] is availa
24990606 r Intensity drift removal in LC/MS metabolomics by common variance compensation. 2014 le as the [R package] intcor at
24990605 java ARBitrator: a software pipeline for on-demand retrieval of auto-curated nifH sequences from GenBank. 2014 [java] source an
24990604 r RAPIDR: an analysis package for non-invasive prenatal testing of aneuploidy. 2014 en-source [R package] that impl
24990603 c++ GATB: Genome Assembly & Analysis Tool Box. 2014 ritten in [C++] and is av
24982428 python COSMOS: Python library for massively parallel workflows. 2014 cosmos: [python] library f
24974206 r bammds: a tool for assessing the ancestry of low-depth whole-genome data using multidimensional scaling (MDS). 2014 s/. it is [using R] (http://w
24974204 python Learning protein-DNA interaction landscapes by integrating experimental data through computational models. 2014 mpete and [python] source co
24966365 bash H3M2: detection of runs of homozygosity from whole-exome sequencing data. 2014 ection of [bash], r and fo
24966365 fortran H3M2: detection of runs of homozygosity from whole-exome sequencing data. 2014 sh, r and [fortran] scripts a
24965054 mathlab Ycasd - a tool for capturing and scaling data from graphical representations. 2014 tted as a [matlab] or an r m
24947750 c++ Omega: an overlap-graph de novo assembler for metagenomics. 2014 mented in [C++] with sour
24939150 python DAFGA: diversity analysis of functional gene amplicons. 2014 veloped a [python] script pa
24938393 r CIRCUS: a package for Circos display of structural genome variations from paired-end and mate-pair sequencing data. 2014 mented an [R package] called ci
24938393 perl CIRCUS: a package for Circos display of structural genome variations from paired-end and mate-pair sequencing data. 2014 2009), a [perl] script, i
24932009 python Pareto-optimal phylogenetic tree reconciliation. 2014 our [python] tools are
24932008 python A combinatorial approach for analyzing intra-tumor heterogeneity from high-throughput sequencing data. 2014 [python] and matla
24932008 mathlab A combinatorial approach for analyzing intra-tumor heterogeneity from high-throughput sequencing data. 2014 ython and [matlab] implement
24931999 java Stochastic EM-based TFBS motif discovery with MITSU. 2014 [java] executabl
24931992 python A statistical approach for inferring the 3D structure of the genome. 2014 a [python] implement
24931977 c++ Graph-regularized dual Lasso for robust eQTL mapping. 2014 for both [C++] version a
24931977 mathlab Graph-regularized dual Lasso for robust eQTL mapping. 2014 rsion and [matlab] version i
24931973 r Cross-study validation for the assessment of prediction algorithms. 2014 e through [Bioconductor].
24930143 mathlab LICRE: unsupervised feature correlation reduction for lipidomics. 2014 the [matlab] implement
24930138 java The Scramble conversion tool. 2014 ion is in [java]. we prese
24930009 r Determination of sample size for a multi-class classifier based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms: a volume under the surface approach. 2014 anual for [R package] samplesi
24929920 perl An integrative method to normalize RNA-Seq data. 2014 ritten in [perl] and avail
24928209 r NetBioV: an R package for visualizing large network data in biology and medicine. 2014 tbiov: an [R package] for visua
24925766 python L.U.St: a tool for approximated maximum likelihood supertree reconstruction. 2014 ackage, a [python] tool for
24915860 mathlab Spot quantification in two dimensional gel electrophoresis image analysis: comparison of different approaches and presentation of a novel compound fitting algorithm. 2014 ripted in [matlab] (mathwork
24913447 c++ SMARTPOP: inferring the impact of social dynamics on genetic diversity through high speed simulations. 2014 coded in [C++] and is he
24909518 java MiningABs: mining associated biomarkers across multi-connected gene expression datasets. 2014 reatment. [java] source co
24907369 java ABRA: improved coding indel detection via assembly-based realignment. 2014 nation of [java] and c/c++
24907368 r Preserving biological heterogeneity with a permuted surrogate variable analysis for genomics batch correction. 2014 performed [using R] version 2
24907367 r MAGI: a Node.js web service for fast microRNA-Seq analysis in a GPU infrastructure. 2014 hp), perl [and R]. it is fr
24907367 perl MAGI: a Node.js web service for fast microRNA-Seq analysis in a GPU infrastructure. 2014 or (php), [perl] and r. it
24907367 javascript MAGI: a Node.js web service for fast microRNA-Seq analysis in a GPU infrastructure. 2014 e node.js [javascript] framework
24906803 c++ hsphase: an R package for pedigree reconstruction, detection of recombination events, phasing and imputation of half-sib family groups. 2014 mented in [C++] and paral
24906803 r hsphase: an R package for pedigree reconstruction, detection of recombination events, phasing and imputation of half-sib family groups. 2014 phase: an [R package] for pedig
24903420 r Sushi.R: flexible, quantitative and integrative genomic visualizations for publication-quality multi-panel figures. 2014 ushi) and [Bioconductor] (http://b
24903419 r Gene set analysis: limitations in popular existing methods and proposed improvements. 2014 ilable as [R package] from cran
24894503 r Next maSigPro: updating maSigPro bioconductor package for RNA-seq time series. 2014 pro is an [R package] specifica
24886250 r KRLMM: an adaptive genotype calling method for common and low frequency variants. 2014 d via the [Bioconductor] project (
24886202 r An R package that automatically collects and archives details for reproducible computing. 2014 an [R package] that auto
24885957 python MEIGO: an open-source software suite based on metaheuristics for global optimization in systems biology and bioinformatics. 2014 ilable in [python] via a wra
24885957 r MEIGO: an open-source software suite based on metaheuristics for global optimization in systems biology and bioinformatics. 2014 uded. the [R package] has been
24885957 mathlab MEIGO: an open-source software suite based on metaheuristics for global optimization in systems biology and bioinformatics. 2014 an r and [matlab] optimizat
24885091 java BLASTGrabber: a bioinformatic tool for visualization, analysis and sequence selection of massive BLAST data. 2014 nted as a [java] applicati
24884810 python GO2MSIG, an automated GO based multi-species gene set generator for gene set enrichment analysis. 2014 erl, r or [python]. the outp
24884810 perl GO2MSIG, an automated GO based multi-species gene set generator for gene set enrichment analysis. 2014 s such as [perl], r or pyt
24876377 r PatternCNV: a versatile tool for detecting copy number changes from exome sequencing data. 2014 cnv/, and [R package] at https:
24876377 perl PatternCNV: a versatile tool for detecting copy number changes from exome sequencing data. 2014 ted using [perl] and r, an
24876375 java CAVER Analyst 1.0: graphic tool for interactive visualization and analysis of tunnels and channels in protein structures. 2014 ritten in [java]. binaries
24872424 java CODOC: efficient access, analysis and compression of depth of coverage signals. 2014 [java] source co
24867942 c++ keeSeek: searching distant non-existing words in genomes for PCR-based applications. 2014 mented in [C++] and cuda
24867941 python MIPgen: optimized modeling and design of molecular inversion probes for targeted resequencing. 2014 ompanying [python] scripts a
24867941 c++ MIPgen: optimized modeling and design of molecular inversion probes for targeted resequencing. 2014 mented in [C++]. source c
24860160 perl Identification of chromosomal translocation hotspots via scan statistics. 2014 in r and [perl]. source c
24860159 java GenomeVISTA--an integrated software package for whole-genome alignment and visualization. 2014 c/c++ and [java], the sour
24860159 perl GenomeVISTA--an integrated software package for whole-genome alignment and visualization. 2014 mented in [perl], c/c++ an
24849580 mathlab Accurate cell segmentation in microscopy images using membrane patterns. 2014 [matlab] code and
24849579 c++ MaxLink: network-based prioritization of genes tightly linked to a disease seed set. 2014 tation in [C++], and the
24836530 r MethylSig: a whole genome DNA methylation analysis pipeline. 2014 ble as an [R package] at http:/
24833804 c++ Memory-efficient RNA energy landscape exploration. 2014 rt of the [C++] energy la
24828656 c++ Kmacs: the k-mismatch average common substring approach to alignment-free sequence comparison. 2014 mented in [C++], and the
24825614 java PLAAC: a web and command-line application to identify proteins with prion-like amino acid composition. 2014 mented in [java], with vis
24825612 python PyCorrFit-generic data evaluation for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. 2014 the [python] source co
24813215 r compcodeR--an R package for benchmarking differential expression methods for RNA-seq data. 2014 coder--an [R package] for bench
24813214 r Efficient RNA isoform identification and quantification from RNA-Seq data with network flows. 2014 ble as an [R package] from the
24812342 mathlab PhenoNet: identification of key networks associated with disease phenotype. 2014 [matlab] code is a
24812338 r RNASeqGUI: a GUI for analysing RNA-Seq data. 2014 rnaseqgui [R package], a graphi
24812337 mathlab SEK: sparsity exploiting k-mer-based estimation of bacterial community composition. 2014 dependent [matlab] implement
24794933 r unifiedWMWqPCR: the unified Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for analyzing RT-qPCR data in R. 2014 veloped a [Bioconductor] package f
24794931 r MSstats: an R package for statistical analysis of quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments. 2014 stats: an [R package] for stati
24794927 c++ A fast and powerful tree-based association test for detecting complex joint effects in case-control studies. 2014 mented in [C++] and r and
24794927 r A fast and powerful tree-based association test for detecting complex joint effects in case-control studies. 2014 ed in c++ [and R] and suppo
24778109 fortran Regulatory interactions maintaining self-renewal of human embryonic stem cells as revealed through a systems analysis of PI3K/AKT pathway. 2014 [fortran] codes for
24771560 java WebProtégé: a collaborative Web-based platform for editing biomedical ontologies. 2014 mented in [java] and javas
24771560 javascript WebProtégé: a collaborative Web-based platform for editing biomedical ontologies. 2014 java and [javascript] using the
24764462 r On non-detects in qPCR data. 2014 ed in the [R package], nondetec
24764461 python relax: the analysis of biomolecular kinetics and thermodynamics using NMR relaxation dispersion data. 2014 ritten in [python] with c mo
24764459 r kdetrees: Non-parametric estimation of phylogenetic tree distributions. 2014 ed as the [R package] kdetrees
24755303 r A power set-based statistical selection procedure to locate susceptible rare variants associated with complex traits with sequencing data. 2014 an [R package] 'rvsel' c
24753490 r Rgb: a scriptable genome browser for R. 2014 data, no [R package] currently
24753486 r aLFQ: an R-package for estimating absolute protein quantities from label-free LC-MS/MS proteomics data. 2014 alfq is [written in R] and freel
24747219 python DSRC 2--Industry-oriented compression of FASTQ files. 2014 or, c and [python] libraries
24740360 r Inferring rare disease risk variants based on exact probabilities of sharing by multiple affected relatives. 2014 es of the [R package] rvsharing
24733291 r R PheWAS: data analysis and plotting tools for phenome-wide association studies in the R environment. 2014 this [R package] is freely
24728858 java A change-point model for identifying 3'UTR switching by next-generation RNA sequencing. 2014 mented in [java] and can b
24728855 r geiger v2.0: an expanded suite of methods for fitting macroevolutionary models to phylogenetic trees. 2014 e popular [R package] geiger. w
24728852 mathlab Direct calculation of elementary flux modes satisfying several biological constraints in genome-scale metabolic networks. 2014 [matlab] code is p
24675730 r CAGExploreR: an R package for the analysis and visualization of promoter dynamics across multiple experiments. 2014 lorer: an [R package] for the a
24403538 python Allerdictor: fast allergen prediction using text classification techniques. 2014 mented in [python] and avail
24395754 r QCGWAS: A flexible R package for automated quality control of genome-wide association results. 2014 flexible [R package] for autom
24389661 r AbsCN-seq: a statistical method to estimate tumor purity, ploidy and absolute copy numbers from next-generation sequencing data. 2014 the [R package] abscnseq
24389660 c Estimation of fluorescence-tagged RNA numbers from spot intensities. 2014 xtensions [written in C] for param
24389660 mathlab Estimation of fluorescence-tagged RNA numbers from spot intensities. 2014 [matlab] extension
24389657 python Bias from removing read duplication in ultra-deep sequencing experiments. 2014 a [python] implement
24371153 r SigHunt: horizontal gene transfer finder optimized for eukaryotic genomes. 2014 nted in c [and R] and are p
24712852 java TOPS: a versatile software tool for statistical analysis and visualization of combinatorial gene-gene and gene-drug interaction screens. 2014 lysis), a [java] and r-bas
24711652 python Filling annotation gaps in yeast genomes using genome-wide contact maps. 2014 with the [python] code and
24700319 r rTANDEM, an R/Bioconductor package for MS/MS protein identification. 2014 ssociated [R package], shinytan
24695406 python Deconvolving tumor purity and ploidy by integrating copy number alterations and loss of heterozygosity. 2014 ritten in [python] and is pu
24681909 r flowFit: a Bioconductor package to estimate proliferation in cell-tracking dye studies. 2014 lowfit: a [Bioconductor] package t
24681908 c++ molBLOCKS: decomposing small molecule sets and uncovering enriched fragments. 2014 le as gpl [C++] source co
24681907 r VariantAnnotation: a Bioconductor package for exploration and annotation of genetic variants. 2014 tation: a [Bioconductor] package f
24681904 r CorMut: an R/Bioconductor package for computing correlated mutations based on selection pressure. 2014 mut is an [R package] designed
24681903 java Census 2: isobaric labeling data analysis. 2014 requires [java] version 6
24678608 r Differential meta-analysis of RNA-seq data from multiple studies. 2014 fects. an [R package] metarnase
24669769 r A graph theoretic approach to utilizing protein structure to identify non-random somatic mutations. 2014 hods. the [R package] is availa
24669753 python FreeContact: fast and free software for protein contact prediction from residue co-evolution. 2014 perl and [python] modules.
24669753 c++ FreeContact: fast and free software for protein contact prediction from residue co-evolution. 2014 the free [C++] library
24669753 perl FreeContact: fast and free software for protein contact prediction from residue co-evolution. 2014 s well as [perl] and pytho
24659106 c++ Improved transcript isoform discovery using ORF graphs. 2014 ilable as [C++] source co
24659105 r massiR: a method for predicting the sex of samples in gene expression microarray datasets. 2014 nted as a [Bioconductor] package i
24659032 r TroX: a new method to learn about the genesis of aneuploidy from trisomic products of conception. 2014 an [R package] implement
24655717 r spliceR: an R package for classification of alternative splicing and prediction of coding potential from RNA-seq data. 2014 licer: an [R package] for class
24651968 python tqDist: a library for computing the quartet and triplet distances between binary or general trees. 2014 er with a [python] module an
24651968 r tqDist: a library for computing the quartet and triplet distances between binary or general trees. 2014 le and an [R package] for scrip
24650281 python The characteristic direction: a geometrical approach to identify differentially expressed genes. 2014 uages: r, [python], matlab a
24650281 mathlab The characteristic direction: a geometrical approach to identify differentially expressed genes. 2014 , python, [matlab] and mathe
24648041 c++ Basin Hopping Graph: a computational framework to characterize RNA folding landscapes. 2014 mented in [C++] as standa
24646301 perl ShatterProof: operational detection and quantification of chromothripsis. 2014 ://search.[CPAN].org/~sgov
24642064 java KAnalyze: a fast versatile pipelined k-mer toolkit. 2014 mented in [java] 7, and th
24642064 perl KAnalyze: a fast versatile pipelined k-mer toolkit. 2014 built on [perl] and linux
24642063 perl Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation. 2014 mented in [perl] and is fr
24642062 mathlab Piecewise-constant and low-rank approximation for identification of recurrent copy number variations. 2014 the [matlab] code is a
24642061 r An R package to analyse LC/MS metabolomic data: MAIT (Metabolite Automatic Identification Toolkit). 2014 an [R package] to analys
24632499 mathlab A general method for accurate estimation of false discovery rates in identification of differentially expressed genes. 2014 mented in [matlab] and is av
24632498 perl FSuite: exploiting inbreeding in dense SNP chip and exome data. 2014 eloped in [perl] and uses
24618474 mathlab Characterization of p38 MAPK isoforms for drug resistance study using systems biology approach. 2014 data and [matlab] source co
24618468 r Genome-wide quantitative analysis of DNA methylation from bisulfite sequencing data. 2014 s part of [Bioconductor] at
24618465 java A personalized committee classification approach to improving prediction of breast cancer metastasis. 2014 atlab and [java] available
24618465 mathlab A personalized committee classification approach to improving prediction of breast cancer metastasis. 2014 mented in [matlab] and java
24618464 java The Biological Reference Repository (BioR): a rapid and flexible system for genomics annotation. 2014 mented in [java] and makes
24618464 perl The Biological Reference Repository (BioR): a rapid and flexible system for genomics annotation. 2014 java and [perl]. the tool
24618463 java A gradient-boosting approach for filtering de novo mutations in parent-offspring trios. 2014 nation of [java] and r is
24618463 r A gradient-boosting approach for filtering de novo mutations in parent-offspring trios. 2014 n of java [and R] is freely
24618462 perl The Bio-Community Perl toolkit for microbial ecology. 2014 community [perl] toolkit f
24603986 r Estimating optimal window size for analysis of low-coverage next-generation sequence data. 2014 an [R package] to estima
24603985 python PyRAD: assembly of de novo RADseq loci for phylogenetic analyses. 2014 ritten in [python] and freel
24590441 mathlab Protein fold recognition using geometric kernel data fusion. 2014 the [matlab] code used
24585771 python Wrangling Galaxy's reference data. 2014 mented in [python] and has b
24578404 perl Accurate computational prediction of the transcribed strand of CRISPR non-coding RNAs. 2014 the [perl] source co
24574115 java BioPlat: a software for human cancer biomarker discovery. 2014 mented in [java] and suppo
24567545 c++ iCall: a genotype-calling algorithm for rare, low-frequency and common variants on the Illumina exome array. 2014 mented in [C++] for use o
24567544 javascript jHeatmap: an interactive heatmap viewer for the web. 2014 adaptable [javascript] library d
24564732 r The Risa R/Bioconductor package: integrative data analysis from experimental metadata and back again. 2014 ilable in [Bioconductor] for subse
24564706 python Finishing bacterial genome assemblies with Mix. 2013 mented in [python] and is av
24564704 java Random forests on Hadoop for genome-wide association studies of multivariate neuroimaging phenotypes. 2013 the [java] codes are
24564437 mathlab HCS-Neurons: identifying phenotypic changes in multi-neuron images upon drug treatments of high-content screening. 2013 nloadable [matlab] project a
24564336 mathlab ProphNet: a generic prioritization method through propagation of information. 2014 ophnet. a [matlab] implement
24564231 r Efficient digest of high-throughput sequencing data in a reproducible report. 2013 uses the [R language] and bioco
24558116 c MRHMMs: multivariate regression hidden Markov models and the variantS. 2014 ftware is [written in C] for the s
24555693 r Statistical hypothesis testing of factor loading in principal component analysis and its application to metabolite set enrichment analysis. 2014 eloped an [R package] mseapca
24554630 mathlab Automated analysis of giant unilamellar vesicles using circular Hough transformation. 2014 mented in [matlab] (the math
24535097 r SeqGSEA: a Bioconductor package for gene set enrichment analysis of RNA-Seq data integrating differential expression and splicing. 2014 eqgsea: a [Bioconductor] package f
24532724 r ADaCGH2: parallelized analysis of (big) CNA data. 2014 gh2 is an [R package] available
24532722 c++ fast_protein_cluster: parallel and optimized clustering of large-scale protein modeling data. 2014 ritten in [C++] using ope
24532720 r LPmerge: an R package for merging genetic maps by linear programming. 2014 merge: an [R package] for mergi
24532718 python TSSV: a tool for characterization of complex allelic variants in pure and mixed genomes. 2014 tssv as a [python] package t
24519380 r An efficient algorithm for accurate computation of the Dirichlet-multinomial log-likelihood function. 2014 r work an [R package] giving ac
24511080 python HiBrowse: multi-purpose statistical analysis of genome-wide chromatin 3D organization. 2014 mented in [python], and sour
24501098 r Visualization and probability-based scoring of structural variants within repetitive sequences. 2014 hod as an [R package] available
24499370 r Mining locus tags in PubMed Central to improve microbial gene annotation. 2014 eloped an [R package] called pm
24499321 c++ Improving read mapping using additional prefix grams. 2014 mented in [C++], and the
24497503 python AMASS: a database for investigating protein structures. 2014 nted with [biopython] and apach
24493035 perl ARTS: automated randomization of multiple traits for study design. 2014 mented in [perl] and is av
24489371 c++ StochHMM: a flexible hidden Markov model tool and C++ library. 2014 tool and [C++] library.
24489369 r Comparing DNA integration site clusters with scan statistics. 2014 rxcluster [R package] containin
24489367 mathlab Bayesian joint analysis of heterogeneous genomics data. 2014 ritten in [matlab] and has b
24478339 r Minfi: a flexible and comprehensive Bioconductor package for the analysis of Infinium DNA methylation microarrays. 2014 rehensive [Bioconductor] package f
24470576 bash NGSANE: a lightweight production informatics framework for high-throughput data analysis. 2014 rom linux [bash] commands
24470574 python PGP: parallel prokaryotic proteogenomics pipeline for MPI clusters, high-throughput batch clusters and multicore workstations. 2014 mented in [python] and c++.
24470574 c++ PGP: parallel prokaryotic proteogenomics pipeline for MPI clusters, high-throughput batch clusters and multicore workstations. 2014 ython and [C++]. it bundl
24458951 r The most informative spacing test effectively discovers biologically relevant outliers or multiple modes in expression. 2014 the oasis [R package] at http:/
24451629 r h5vc: scalable nucleotide tallies with HDF5. 2014 rough the [Bioconductor] project.
24451624 r CAFE: an R package for the detection of gross chromosomal abnormalities from gene expression microarray data. 2014 cafe: an [R package] for the d
24451622 r Reference-free cell mixture adjustments in analysis of DNA methylation data. 2014 le in the [R package] reffreeew
24447369 mathlab Gene expression and nucleotide composition are associated with genic methylation level in Oryza sativa. 2014 he genes. [matlab] code with
24444459 java BioShell-Threading: versatile Monte Carlo package for protein 3D threading. 2014 a set of [java] classes c
24443383 r ProbMetab: an R package for Bayesian probabilistic annotation of LC-MS-based metabolomics. 2014 metab: an [R package] for bayes
24428888 r OncomiRdbB: a comprehensive database of microRNAs and their targets in breast cancer. 2014 using the ['R'] algorithm
24423115 python kruX: matrix-based non-parametric eQTL discovery. 2014 n matlab, [python] and r tha
24423115 r kruX: matrix-based non-parametric eQTL discovery. 2014 b, python [and R] that uses
24423115 mathlab kruX: matrix-based non-parametric eQTL discovery. 2014 mented in [matlab], python a
24407226 r Enhanced flowType/RchyOptimyx: a BioConductor pipeline for discovery in high-dimensional cytometry data. 2014 ptimyx: a [Bioconductor] pipeline
24371154 c++ MSIsensor: microsatellite instability detection using paired tumor-normal sequence data. 2014 sensor, a [C++] program f
24363381 perl SurpriseMe: an integrated tool for network community structure characterization using Surprise maximization. 2014 mented in [perl] and c/c++
24363379 java Ondex Web: web-based visualization and exploration of heterogeneous biological networks. 2014 ritten in [java] and can b
24363378 python SplicePlot: a utility for visualizing splicing quantitative trait loci. 2014 mented in [python] and is su
24363376 java JEPETTO: a Cytoscape plugin for gene set enrichment and topological analysis based on interaction networks. 2014 mented in [java] and multi
24363375 c++ GPU-Meta-Storms: computing the structure similarities among massive amount of microbial community samples using GPU. 2014 ture) and [C++]. source c
24359123 c++ A comparison study of succinct data structures for use in GWAS. 2013 veloped a [C++] library,
24351709 python CrossMap: a versatile tool for coordinate conversion between genome assemblies. 2014 ritten in [python] and c. so
24351708 mathlab Wigwams: identifying gene modules co-regulated across multiple biological conditions. 2014 a [matlab] implement
24336808 java ProbeSelect: selecting differentially expressed probes in transcriptional profile data. 2014 mented in [java] and avail
24336807 mathlab ORCA: a COBRA toolbox extension for model-driven discovery and analysis. 2014 t orca, a [matlab] package,
24336642 r ChAMP: 450k Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline. 2014 nted as a [Bioconductor] package i
24336414 c++ BEAMS: backbone extraction and merge strategy for the global many-to-many alignment of multiple PPI networks. 2014 s in leda [C++], experime
24336146 c++ forqs: forward-in-time simulation of recombination, quantitative traits and selection. 2014 mand-line [C++] program.
24330312 r Marmal-aid--a database for Infinium HumanMethylation450. 2013 using an [R package] to allow
24308302 python Processing genome scale tabular data with wormtable. 2013 r data in [python]. wormtabl
24307704 r Joint estimation of isoform expression and isoform-specific read distribution using multisample RNA-Seq data. 2014 hod in an [R package] called se
24307703 r Cascade: a R package to study, predict and simulate the diffusion of a signal through a temporal gene network. 2014 ascade: a [R package] to study,
24267918 java An efficient method for mining cross-timepoint gene regulation sequential patterns from time course gene expression datasets. 2013 sion. the [java] source co
24297519 mathlab Topological augmentation to infer hidden processes in biological systems. 2014 [matlab] code and
24292941 java AISAIC: a software suite for accurate identification of significant aberrations in cancers. 2014 escribe a [java] aisaic pa
24292937 r Exact likelihood computation in Boolean networks with probabilistic time delays, and its application in signal network reconstruction. 2014 atistical [language r]. code and
24281695 c++ Flexible analysis of RNA-seq data using mixed effects models. 2014 ithreaded [C++] programs
24273246 java Sequence alignment visualization in HTML5 without Java. 2014 5 without [java].
24273246 javascript Sequence alignment visualization in HTML5 without Java. 2014 html and [javascript] for inter
24273242 c++ jMetalCpp: optimizing molecular docking problems with a C++ metaheuristic framework. 2014 ms with a [C++] metaheuri
24273239 python Coarse-grained versus atomistic simulations: realistic interaction free energies for real proteins. 2014 the [python] analysis
24266924 python zipHMMlib: a highly optimised HMM library exploiting repetitions in the input to speed up the forward algorithm. 2013 hmm, with [python] bindings
24266924 c++ zipHMMlib: a highly optimised HMM library exploiting repetitions in the input to speed up the forward algorithm. 2013 ithm as a [C++] library,
24257187 mathlab Effect of separate sampling on classification accuracy. 2014 ritten in [matlab]. a functi
24257186 mathlab FastPros: screening of reaction knockout strategies for metabolic engineering. 2014 mented in [matlab] and cobra
24256072 r A novel phenotypic dissimilarity method for image-based high-throughput screens. 2013 ble as an [R package].
24255646 r Identification and removal of low-complexity sites in allele-specific analysis of ChIP-seq data. 2014 the [R package] abs filte
24243934 java ASSIST: a fast versatile local structural comparison tool. 2014 eloped in [java] se 6, wit
24234003 perl footprintDB: a database of transcription factors with annotated cis elements and binding interfaces. 2014 ed in php,[perl], mysql an
24229408 c++ SUNPLIN: simulation with uncertainty for phylogenetic investigations. 2013 en in the [C++] language.
24227677 r featureCounts: an efficient general purpose program for assigning sequence reads to genomic features. 2014 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org) soft
24227674 r MEDIPS: genome-wide differential coverage analysis of sequencing data derived from DNA enrichment experiments. 2014 antage of [Bioconductor]'s annotat
24222209 r tRanslatome: an R/Bioconductor package to portray translational control. 2014 ilable in [Bioconductor].
24215025 r RelateAdmix: a software tool for estimating relatedness between admixed individuals. 2014 nted in c [and R], is freel
24192544 perl WaveCNV: allele-specific copy number alterations in primary tumors and xenograft models from next-generation sequencing. 2014 plemented [perl].
24192544 mathlab WaveCNV: allele-specific copy number alterations in primary tumors and xenograft models from next-generation sequencing. 2014 mented in [matlab], and copy
24191071 javascript Phylowood: interactive web-based animations of biogeographic and phylogeographic histories. 2014 that uses [javascript] to genera
24191069 r Model-based clustering for RNA-seq data. 2014 an [R package], mbcluste
24177721 python AnchorMS: a bioinformatics tool to derive structural information from the mass spectra of cross-linked protein complexes. 2014 coded in [python], and is a
24177720 mathlab MetaboNetworks, an interactive Matlab-based toolbox for creating, customizing and exploring sub-networks from KEGG. 2014 tworks in [matlab] using mai
24177716 python pyGCluster, a novel hierarchical clustering approach. 2014 requires [python] 2.7, it i
24174567 r MSPrep--summarization, normalization and diagnostics for processing of mass spectrometry-based metabolomic data. 2014 he msprep [R package] to comple
24167158 r Direction pathway analysis of large-scale proteomics data reveals novel features of the insulin action pathway. 2014 the [R package] 'directpa
24167156 python AllergenFP: allergenicity prediction by descriptor fingerprints. 2014 ritten in [python], with giu
24162561 r Discriminative motif analysis of high-throughput dataset. 2014 e via the [Bioconductor] repositor
24162467 r Identification of important regressor groups, subgroups and individuals via regularization methods: application to gut microbiome data. 2014 ted in an [R package], which is
24152242 java Compact representation of k-mer de Bruijn graphs for genome read assembly. 2013 reads. a [java] implement
24149054 java SeqPig: simple and scalable scripting for large sequencing data sets in Hadoop. 2014 adoop and [java], they are
24149052 java BEReX: Biomedical Entity-Relationship eXplorer. 2014 tandalone [java] applicati
24149051 r Exploring high dimensional data with Butterfly: a novel classification algorithm based on discrete dynamical systems. 2014 butterfly [R package]. in the i
24135265 r A probabilistic approach to explore human miRNA targetome by integrating miRNA-overexpression data and sequence information. 2014 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
24135262 mathlab Automated prior knowledge-based quantification of neuronal patterns in the spinal cord of zebrafish. 2014 en-source [matlab] toolbox g
24132929 r gCMAP: user-friendly connectivity mapping with R. 2014 ystems at [Bioconductor] (http://w
24130306 java SecStAnT: secondary structure analysis tool for data selection, statistics and models building. 2014 mented in [java] and suppo
24123675 java GIIRA--RNA-Seq driven gene finding incorporating ambiguous reads. 2014 mented in [java] and is av
24123674 mathlab PLIDA: cross-platform gene expression normalization using perturbed topic models. 2014 [matlab] code is a
24123673 r Two novel pathway analysis methods based on a hierarchical model. 2014 an [R package] is under
24115169 c++ A penalized Bayesian approach to predicting sparse protein-DNA binding landscapes. 2014 mented in [C++] with open
24112435 java cudaMap: a GPU accelerated program for gene expression connectivity mapping. 2013 a popular [java] applicati
24108186 java The semantic measures library and toolkit: fast computation of semantic similarity and relatedness using biomedical ontologies. 2014 oviding a [java] library,
24098943 c++ Advances in the REDCAT software package. 2013 oriented [C++] environme
24085566 mathlab MMAD: microarray microdissection with analysis of differences is a computational tool for deconvoluting cell type-specific contributions from tissue samples. 2014 mented in [matlab] is public
24078713 r ReportingTools: an automated result processing and presentation toolkit for high-throughput genomic analyses. 2013 gtools, a [Bioconductor] package,
24078702 javascript STAR: an integrated solution to management and visualization of sequencing data. 2013 leverages [javascript], html5 ca
24078685 java Lep-MAP: fast and accurate linkage map construction for large SNP datasets. 2013 [java] source co
24072732 java WebGLORE: a web service for Grid LOgistic REgression. 2013 tes ajax, [java] applet/se
24068035 java BlastGraph: a comparative genomics tool based on BLAST and graph algorithms. 2013 teractive [java] program f
24064421 r Methods and challenges in timing chromosomal abnormalities within cancer samples. 2013 ods in an [R package] cancertim
24064420 c++ QSSPN: dynamic simulation of molecular interaction networks describing gene regulation, signalling and whole-cell metabolism in human cells. 2013 mented in [C++] are avail
24064416 python BioServices: a common Python package to access biological Web Services programmatically. 2013 a common [python] package t
24058058 python Exploring variation-aware contig graphs for (comparative) metagenomics using MaryGold. 2013 n c++ and [python] and can b
24058058 c++ Exploring variation-aware contig graphs for (comparative) metagenomics using MaryGold. 2013 ritten in [C++] and pytho
24058055 r customProDB: an R package to generate customized protein databases from RNA-Seq data for proteomics search. 2013 prodb: an [R package] to genera
24045775 java Pattern search in BioPAX models. 2014 eloped in [java]. source c
24015679 r MultiChIPmixHMM: an R package for ChIP-chip data analysis modeling spatial dependencies and multiple replicates. 2013 ixhmm: an [R package] for chip-
24013927 mathlab Multi-profile Bayesian alignment model for LC-MS data analysis with integration of internal standards. 2013 [matlab] code, raw
24008417 r NetWeAvers: an R package for integrative biological network analysis with mass spectrometry data. 2013 avers: an [R package] for integ
24006871 c++ Pathway-PDT: a flexible pathway analysis tool for nuclear families. 2013 mented in [C++] with posi
23995392 c++ PyroHMMvar: a sensitive and accurate method to call short indels and SNPs for Ion Torrent and 454 data. 2013 mented in [C++] and suppo
23995391 c++ Consed: a graphical editor for next-generation sequencing. 2013 ems or as [C++] source co
23990418 r Multiple alignment-free sequence comparison. 2013 ilable as [R package] named 'mu
23990415 r A-clustering: a novel method for the detection of co-regulated methylation regions, and regions associated with exposure. 2013 ovide the [R package] aclust th
23986565 r Identifying differentially expressed proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis experiments: inputs from transcriptomics statistical tools. 2013 kage from [Bioconductor] (http://w
23981227 r NPEBseq: nonparametric empirical bayesian-based procedure for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. 2013 asets and [R package] are avail
23980025 c++ MITIE: Simultaneous RNA-Seq-based transcript identification and quantification in multiple samples. 2013 mented in [C++] and is av
23975765 python GIM3E: condition-specific models of cellular metabolism developed from metabolomics and expression data. 2013 mented in [python] and requi
23975763 java RNAfbinv: an interactive Java application for fragment-based design of RNA sequences. 2013 teractive [java] applicati
23968174 r MethyQA: a pipeline for bisulfite-treated methylation sequencing quality assessment. 2013 n in perl [and R]. the pipe
23968174 perl MethyQA: a pipeline for bisulfite-treated methylation sequencing quality assessment. 2013 ritten in [perl] and r. th
23966112 r Strengths and limitations of microarray-based phenotype prediction: lessons learned from the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge. 2013 ell as an [R package] that impl
23965047 r A flexible count data model to fit the wide diversity of expression profiles arising from extensively replicated RNA-seq experiments. 2013 rt of the [Bioconductor] project a
23962615 c++ fmcsR: mismatch tolerant maximum common substructure searching in R. 2013 mented in [C++]. it inclu
23962615 r fmcsR: mismatch tolerant maximum common substructure searching in R. 2013 from the [Bioconductor] site (htt
23962281 python Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of gene expression time series across irregularly sampled replicates and clusters. 2013 mented in [python], and are
23958730 perl HippDB: a database of readily targeted helical protein-protein interactions. 2013 mented in [perl] and suppo
23958729 r iBMQ: a R/Bioconductor package for integrated Bayesian modeling of eQTL data. 2013 en-source [R package], ibmq. ou
23958727 r Efficient inference of local ancestry. 2013 ted as an [R package], which is
23958726 r RDAVIDWebService: a versatile R interface to DAVID. 2013 ble as an [R package] from the
23958724 r A new statistic for identifying batch effects in high-throughput genomic data that uses guided principal component analysis. 2013 the gpca [R package] (availabl
23956305 r A Turing test for artificial expression data. 2013 d via the [CRAN] package a
23956303 c++ SPOCS: software for predicting and visualizing orthology/paralogy relationships among genomes. 2013 the boost [C++] libraries
23946504 java SubNet: a Java application for subnetwork extraction. 2013 subnet: a [java] applicati
23946503 python omiRas: a Web server for differential expression analysis of miRNAs derived from small RNA-Seq data. 2013 mented in [python], postgres
23946501 python isomiRID: a framework to identify microRNA isoforms. 2013 mand line [python] script av
23941167 java ArkMAP: integrating genomic maps across species and data sources. 2013 -updating [java] 'web star
23937229 r RCircos: an R package for Circos 2D track plots. 2013 ircos: an [R package] for circo
23937229 perl RCircos: an R package for Circos 2D track plots. 2013 rcos is a [perl] language
23929032 perl ASPeak: an abundance sensitive peak detection algorithm for RIP-Seq. 2013 mented in [perl] as a comp
23929031 java PARSEC: PAtteRn SEarch and Contextualization. 2013 mented in [java], javascri
23929031 c++ PARSEC: PAtteRn SEarch and Contextualization. 2013 cript and [C++], with all
23929031 javascript PARSEC: PAtteRn SEarch and Contextualization. 2013 in java, [javascript] and c++,
23929030 java WebRASP: a server for computing energy scores to assess the accuracy and stability of RNA 3D structures. 2013 requires [java] plugin fo
23926227 mathlab OncoSNP-SEQ: a statistical approach for the identification of somatic copy number alterations from next-generation sequencing of cancer genomes. 2013 [matlab] code is a
23926226 r nCal: an R package for non-linear calibration. 2013 ncal: an [R package] for non-l
23918249 java The BioPAX Validator. 2013 ine tool, [java] library a
23918247 java CellMissy: a tool for management, storage and analysis of cell migration data produced in wound healing-like assays. 2013 eloped in [java]. source c
23900188 perl Indel and Carryforward Correction (ICC): a new analysis approach for processing 454 pyrosequencing data. 2013 mented in [perl] and suppo
23885712 r DepthTools: an R package for a robust analysis of gene expression data. 2013 tools: an [R package] for a rob
23884480 python OncodriveCLUST: exploiting the positional clustering of somatic mutations to identify cancer genes. 2013 nted as a [python] script an
23883280 r svapls: an R package to correct for hidden factors of variability in gene expression studies. 2013 vapls: an [R package] to correc
23870110 java Mining differential top-k co-expression patterns from time course comparative gene expression datasets. 2013 sses. the [java] source co
23868956 perl SAPA tool: finding protein regions by combination of amino acid composition, scaled profiles, patterns and rules. 2013 mented in [perl], html, cs
23868956 javascript SAPA tool: finding protein regions by combination of amino acid composition, scaled profiles, patterns and rules. 2013 , css and [javascript] and runni
23864731 r deltaGseg: macrostate estimation via molecular dynamics simulations and multiscale time series analysis. 2013 deltagseg [R package] that perf
23815292 c++ A subgraph isomorphism algorithm and its application to biochemical data. 2013 , and our [C++] implement
23853063 python Exhaustively characterizing feasible logic models of a signaling network using Answer Set Programming. 2013 en-source [python] package t
23846745 java SICOP: identifying significant co-interaction patterns. 2013 ritten in [java] and accep
23846743 python pyRMSD: a Python package for efficient pairwise RMSD matrix calculation and handling. 2013 pyrmsd: a [python] package f
23842814 perl A new framework for computational protein design through cost function network optimization. 2013 (based on [perl] scripts)
23842812 r A genomic random interval model for statistical analysis of genomic lesion data. 2013 an [R package] will be f
23842806 python BioSmalltalk: a pure object system and library for bioinformatics. 2013 sage than [biopython] and biope
23842806 perl BioSmalltalk: a pure object system and library for bioinformatics. 2013 ython and [bioperl] for some
23837715 r TCC: an R package for comparing tag count data with robust normalization strategies. 2013 tcc: an [R package] for compa
23836142 python Determining the subcellular location of new proteins from microscope images using local features. 2013 ritten in [python] and c++ a
23836142 c++ Determining the subcellular location of new proteins from microscope images using local features. 2013 ython and [C++] and is av
23832245 java PhosphoChain: a novel algorithm to predict kinase and phosphatase networks from high-throughput expression data. 2013 mented in [java] and avail
23828785 java Rapid similarity search of proteins using alignments of domain arrangements. 2014 provide a [java] api for p
23828782 c++ Scalable metagenomic taxonomy classification using a reference genome database. 2013 mented in [C++] and is fr
23825369 r mRMRe: an R package for parallelized mRMR ensemble feature selection. 2013 mrmre: an [R package] for paral
23825367 r CellMix: a comprehensive toolbox for gene expression deconvolution. 2013 llmix, an [R package] that inco
23821648 r Data-based filtering for replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing experiments. 2013 ed in the [R package] htsfilter
23818512 python BNFinder2: Faster Bayesian network learning and Bayesian classification. 2013 mented in [python] and freel
23812989 c++ Predicting protein interactions via parsimonious network history inference. 2013 mented in [C++], is open
23812983 java Inference of historical migration rates via haplotype sharing. 2013 doris, a [java] implement
23811095 java LNETWORK: an efficient and effective method for constructing phylogenetic networks. 2013 uilt as a [java] software
23803468 java Pipit: visualizing functional impacts of structural variations. 2013 -platform [java] applicati
23786769 r PING 2.0: an R/Bioconductor package for nucleosome positioning using next-generation sequencing data. 2013 en-source [R package], ping 2.0
23786768 python Quikr: a method for rapid reconstruction of bacterial communities via compressive sensing. 2013 , octave, [python] and c) fo
23786768 mathlab Quikr: a method for rapid reconstruction of bacterial communities via compressive sensing. 2013 ckage (in [matlab], octave,
23786315 python Bioinformatic pipelines in Python with Leaf. 2013 elines in [python] with leaf
23782613 java GPViz: dynamic visualization of genomic regions and variants affecting protein domains. 2013 based on [java] 7 and can
23772051 r AdvISER-PYRO: Amplicon Identification using SparsE Representation of PYROsequencing signal. 2013 ted in an [R package] (http://s
23766418 java Metingear: a development environment for annotating genome-scale metabolic models. 2013 mented in [java] with bund
23766417 java UniNovo: a universal tool for de novo peptide sequencing. 2013 mented in [java] and teste
23763826 java KNODWAT: a scientific framework application for testing knowledge discovery methods for the biomedical domain. 2013 ed, using [java] on spring
23758891 r Utilizing protein structure to identify non-random somatic mutations. 2013 logy. the [R package] is availa
23758828 c QualComp: a new lossy compressor for quality scores based on rate distortion theory. 2013 package, [written in C] and freel
23758781 javascript bioWeb3D: an online webGL 3D data visualisation tool. 2013 ritten in [javascript], bioweb3d
23735186 python A mixture model for expression deconvolution from RNA-seq in heterogeneous tissues. 2013 ritten in [python], and is f
23735122 python Software tool for 3D extraction of germinal centers. 2013 ritten in [python] with c ex
23749961 java NOA: a cytoscape plugin for network ontology analysis. 2013 n source, [java] program f
23749960 javascript Network2Canvas: network visualization on a canvas with enrichment analysis. 2013 with the [javascript] library d
23749958 r PurBayes: estimating tumor cellularity and subclonality in next-generation sequencing data. 2013 ted as an [R package], and sour
23742985 perl Automated design of paralogue ratio test assays for the accurate and rapid typing of copy number variation. 2013 forms: a [perl] script (v
23742983 python REDItools: high-throughput RNA editing detection made easy. 2013 suite of [python] scripts t
23740750 r Pathview: an R/Bioconductor package for pathway-based data integration and visualization. 2013 e through [Bioconductor] and r-for
23740744 r opm: an R package for analysing OmniLog(R) phenotype microarray data. 2013 opm: an [R package] for analy
23740742 java WhichCyp: prediction of cytochromes P450 inhibition. 2013 whichcyp [java] program a
23736531 c++ NGS++: a library for rapid prototyping of epigenomics software tools. 2013 ritten in [C++] using the
23732275 javascript Relating genes to function: identifying enriched transcription factors using the ENCODE ChIP-Seq significance tool. 2013 ritten in [javascript] on the cl
23732273 c++ SPANNER: taxonomic assignment of sequences using pyramid matching of similarity profiles. 2013 [C++] source co
23720490 r Drug-target interaction prediction through domain-tuned network-based inference. 2013 hrough an [R package] at the fo
23712657 c DeMix: deconvolution for mixed cancer transcriptomes using raw measured data. 2013 codes are [written in C] and integ
23709497 r viRome: an R package for the visualization and analysis of viral small RNA sequence datasets. 2013 irome: an [R package] for the v
23709494 r Triplex: an R/Bioconductor package for identification and visualization of potential intramolecular triplex patterns in DNA sequences. 2013 [R package] 'triplex'
23681123 r TANGO: a generic tool for high-throughput 3D image analysis for studying nuclear organization. 2013 analysis [and R] (http://c
23677940 python Identification of hidden relationships from the coupling of hydrophobic cluster analysis and domain architecture information. 2013 mented in [python] v2.7 and
23658420 java Twine: display and analysis of cis-regulatory modules. 2013 wine is a [java] gui with
23652425 python pyGenClean: efficient tool for genetic data clean up before association testing. 2013 en source [python] 2.7 softw
23645815 java RegaDB: community-driven data management and analysis for infectious diseases. 2013 en in the [java] programmi
23640718 mathlab miMsg: a target enrichment algorithm for predicted miR-mRNA interactions based on relative ranking of matched expression data. 2013 [matlab] source co
23630177 mathlab Intervention in gene regulatory networks with maximal phenotype alteration. 2013 results, [matlab] source co
23627667 r Steiner tree methods for optimal sub-network identification: an empirical study. 2013 nernet on [CRAN] (http://w
23625999 c++ NetworkTrail--a web service for identifying and visualizing deregulated subnetworks. 2013 mented in [C++]. networkt
23620362 r RSVSim: an R/Bioconductor package for the simulation of structural variations. 2013 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org. a vi
23617841 r Empirical Bayesian analysis of paired high-throughput sequencing data with a beta-binomial distribution. 2013 able from [Bioconductor] (http://w
23617301 java D-Light on promoters: a client-server system for the analysis and visualization of cis-regulatory elements. 2013 mented in [java] and provi
23617269 mathlab Ensemble-based prediction of RNA secondary structures. 2013 our data, [matlab] software
23617239 c++ An efficient algorithm to perform multiple testing in epistasis screening. 2013 mented in [C++] in our ep
23613487 python mapDamage2.0: fast approximate Bayesian estimates of ancient DNA damage parameters. 2013 age/ as a [python] package a
23595665 r CellH5: a format for data exchange in high-content screening. 2013 nd at www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
23595662 javascript A self-updating road map of The Cancer Genome Atlas. 2013 gine uses [javascript] in conjun
23595660 r Learning gene network structure from time laps cell imaging in RNAi Knock downs. 2013 rt of the [Bioconductor] r-package
23589650 r Shrinkage estimation of dispersion in Negative Binomial models for RNA-seq experiments with small sample size. 2013 .html and [Bioconductor].
23589649 mathlab Exome-based analysis for RNA epigenome sequencing data. 2013 the [matlab] package '
23586463 javascript Enrichr: interactive and collaborative HTML5 gene list enrichment analysis tool. 2013 using the [javascript] library,
23577585 r Random forest methodology for model-based recursive partitioning: the mobForest package for R. 2013 resent an [R package] called m
23575005 r An efficient post-hoc integration method improving peak alignment of metabolomics data from GCxGC/TOF-MS. 2013 measures. [R package] and examp
23574737 javascript Biographer: web-based editing and rendering of SBGN compliant biochemical networks. 2013 , css and [javascript] and can b
23574736 mathlab OKVAR-Boost: a novel boosting algorithm to infer nonlinear dynamics and interactions in gene regulatory networks. 2013 var-boost [matlab] code is a
23564846 java MonaLisa--visualization and analysis of functional modules in biochemical networks. 2013 at least [java] 6 and run
23564843 python LibSBMLSim: a reference implementation of fully functional SBML simulator. 2013 java, c#, [python] and ruby)
23564843 c LibSBMLSim: a reference implementation of fully functional SBML simulator. 2013 ed in the [C programming] language
23560875 r An AUC-based permutation variable importance measure for random forests. 2013 ed in the [R package] party for
23559638 python Bayesian hierarchical model of protein-binding microarray k-mer data reduces noise and identifies transcription factor subclasses and preferred k-mers. 2013 and r and [python] scripts a
23559638 r Bayesian hierarchical model of protein-binding microarray k-mer data reduces noise and identifies transcription factor subclasses and preferred k-mers. 2013 iled code [and R] and pytho
23557111 c++ CUDASW++ 3.0: accelerating Smith-Waterman protein database search by coupling CPU and GPU SIMD instructions. 2013 n in cuda [C++] and ptx a
23543414 r Fast simulation of reconstructed phylogenies under global time-dependent birth-death processes. 2013 ed in the [R package] tess, ava
23539306 java FishingCNV: a graphical software package for detecting rare copy number variations in exome-sequencing data. 2013 ted using [java] 1.6. it c
23508970 mathlab The Simmune Modeler visual interface for creating signaling networks based on bi-molecular interactions. 2013 port into [matlab].
23508967 mathlab SRV: an open-source toolbox to accelerate the recovery of metabolic biomarkers and correlations from metabolic phenotyping datasets. 2013 en-source [matlab] and gnu o
23505297 c++ TfReg: calculating DNA and RNA melting temperatures and opening profiles with mesoscopic models. 2013 xtensible [C++] implement
23505296 python Programming strategy for efficient modeling of dynamics in a population of heterogeneous cells. 2013 complete [python] code is a
23505295 c++ HAL: a hierarchical format for storing and analyzing multiple genome alignments. 2013 rehensive [C++] api. a se
23505294 mathlab Identification of cancer fusion drivers using network fusion centrality. 2013 [matlab] code impl
23505292 java Brain: biomedical knowledge manipulation. 2013 rain is a [java] software
23493324 python ChemoPy: freely available python package for computational biology and chemoinformatics. 2013 available [python] package f
23493321 perl Modeling risk stratification in human cancer. 2013 tation in [perl], r and ap
23479353 java JAWAMix5: an out-of-core HDF5-based java implementation of whole-genome association studies using mixed models. 2013 df5-based [java] implement
23476023 c Specificity and affinity quantification of protein-protein interactions. 2013 mented in [C language], and the
23471300 python freeIbis: an efficient basecaller with calibrated quality scores for Illumina sequencers. 2013 equires a [python] interpret
23471300 c++ freeIbis: an efficient basecaller with calibrated quality scores for Illumina sequencers. 2013 ter and a [C++] compiler.
23452827 perl BioTile, a Perl based tool for the identification of differentially enriched regions in tiling microarray data. 2013 iotile, a [perl] based too
23452776 r virtualArray: a R/bioconductor package to merge raw data from different microarray platforms. 2013 bi geo or [Bioconductor]. after es
23452721 c++ MethylPCA: a toolkit to control for confounders in methylome-wide association studies. 2013 sks, uses [C++] for cpu a
23449093 r SplicingCompass: differential splicing detection using RNA-seq data. 2013 atistical [language r] at http:/
23435069 javascript BioJS: an open source JavaScript framework for biological data visualization. 2013 en source [javascript] framework
23434837 mathlab An improved constraint filtering technique for inferring hidden states and parameters of a biological model. 2013 [matlab] code avai
23428642 r DeconRNASeq: a statistical framework for deconvolution of heterogeneous tissue samples based on mRNA-Seq data. 2013 naseq, an [R package] for decon
23428641 r EBSeq: an empirical Bayes hierarchical model for inference in RNA-seq experiments. 2013 an [R package] containin
23426256 python propy: a tool to generate various modes of Chou's PseAAC. 2013 en source [python] package c
23422340 mathlab IRootLab: a free and open-source MATLAB toolbox for vibrational biospectroscopy data analysis. 2013 en-source [matlab] toolbox f
23419378 java PleioGRiP: genetic risk prediction with pleiotropy. 2013 mented in [java], and it i
23419376 r Nozzle: a report generation toolkit for data analysis pipelines. 2013 ozzle, an [R package] that prov
23419375 r PLRS: a flexible tool for the joint analysis of DNA copy number and mRNA expression data. 2013 ted as an [R package] and avail
23419374 java Non-parametric Bayesian approach to post-translational modification refinement of predictions from tandem mass spectrometry. 2013 mented in [java] and is fr
23418188 mathlab Chemical rule-based filtering of MS/MS spectra. 2013 the [matlab] source co
23418185 python eMZed: an open source framework in Python for rapid and interactive development of LC/MS data analysis workflows. 2013 mework in [python] for rapid
23413438 r Efficient comparison of sets of intervals with NC-lists. 2013 , where q [and R] are the s
23368970 java An extensible six-step methodology to automatically generate fuzzy DSSs for diagnostic applications. 2013 alized in [java] following
23396124 mathlab Quantifying spatial relationships from whole retinal images. 2013 the [matlab] code for
23396123 javascript MODexplorer: an integrated tool for exploring protein sequence, structure and function relationships. 2013 html and [javascript] with all
23396118 r displayHTS: a R package for displaying data and results from high-throughput screening experiments. 2013 layhts: a [R package] for displ
23394478 c Multiple consensus trees: a method to separate divergent genes. 2013 us trees, [written in C] was made
23391497 python Coalescent simulation in continuous space. 2013 available [python] module.
23390138 c++ Fast thermodynamically constrained flux variability analysis. 2013 ritten in [C++] and publi
23390138 mathlab Fast thermodynamically constrained flux variability analysis. 2013 exists a [matlab] interface
23379655 r puma 3.0: improved uncertainty propagation methods for gene and transcript expression analysis. 2013 tion. the [Bioconductor] package p
23375020 python FANTOM: Functional and taxonomic analysis of metagenomes. 2013 mented in [python], is platf
23365410 python MosaicFinder: identification of fused gene families in sequence similarity networks. 2013 ed in the [python] program f
23365410 c++ MosaicFinder: identification of fused gene families in sequence similarity networks. 2013 od in the [C++] program m
23355290 c++ Bellman's GAP--a language and compiler for dynamic programming in sequence analysis. 2013 iled into [C++] code that
23331614 python Genecentric: a package to uncover graph-theoretic structure in high-throughput epistasis data. 2013 ted bpms. [python] is the on
23329415 java SBSI: an extensible distributed software infrastructure for parameter estimation in systems biology. 2013 ritten in [java] and are p
23327649 javascript Kerfuffle: a web tool for multi-species gene colocalization analysis. 2013 mented in [javascript] (using jq
23324080 java JContextExplorer: a tree-based approach to facilitate cross-species genomic context comparison. 2013 file and [java] webstart.
23323831 r GSVA: gene set variation analysis for microarray and RNA-seq data. 2013 rt of the [Bioconductor] project a
23323543 r SRAdb: query and use public next-generation sequencing data from within R. 2013 sradb [Bioconductor] package p
23320794 r Sources of variation in false discovery rate estimation include sample size, correlation, and inherent differences between groups. 2012 (umpire) [R package]. we estim
23314326 c++ Reconciling differential gene expression data with molecular interaction networks. 2013 [C++] software
23314324 python NGSUtils: a software suite for analyzing and manipulating next-generation sequencing datasets. 2013 systems. [python] 2.6+ and
23314322 perl gKaKs: the pipeline for genome-level Ka/Ks calculation. 2013 mented in [perl] and is fr
23314125 r CePa: an R package for finding significant pathways weighted by multiple network centralities. 2013 cepa: an [R package] for findi
23303511 java Fragment recruitment on metabolic pathways: comparative metabolic profiling of metagenomes and metatranscriptomes. 2013 -friendly [java] program f
23303510 r HitWalker: variant prioritization for personalized functional cancer genomics. 2013 ble as an [R package] from www.
23303509 python ALE: a generic assembly likelihood evaluation framework for assessing the accuracy of genome and metagenome assemblies. 2013 in c and [python].
23303508 python Decombinator: a tool for fast, efficient gene assignment in T-cell receptor sequences using a finite state machine. 2013 mented in [python] (v2.6) an
23303507 r SIBER: systematic identification of bimodally expressed genes using RNAseq data. 2013 the [R package] siber is
23282007 mathlab CFMDS: CUDA-based fast multidimensional scaling for genome-scale data. 2012 ng c# and [matlab]. in our e
23300135 perl MaSC: mappability-sensitive cross-correlation for estimating mean fragment length of single-end short-read sequencing data. 2013 en-source [perl] implement
23292739 mathlab KEGGParser: parsing and editing KEGG pathway maps in Matlab. 2013 y maps in [matlab].
23274212 r rBiopaxParser--an R package to parse, modify and visualize BioPAX data. 2013 arser--an [R package] to parse,
25937946 mathlab Exploiting identifiability and intergene correlation for improved detection of differential expression. 2013 rithms in [matlab] and in r
23271269 mathlab Inference of gene regulatory networks from genome-wide knockout fitness data. 2013 [matlab] code and
23267175 c++ Ultranet: efficient solver for the sparse inverse covariance selection problem in gene network modeling. 2013 mented in [C++] and avail
23267174 r Data exploration, quality control and testing in single-cell qPCR-based gene expression experiments. 2013 cellassay [R package] available
23242262 java Minerva and minepy: a C engine for the MINE suite and its R, Python and MATLAB wrappers. 2013 original [java] implement
23242262 python Minerva and minepy: a C engine for the MINE suite and its R, Python and MATLAB wrappers. 2013 nd its r, [python] and matla
23242262 c++ Minerva and minepy: a C engine for the MINE suite and its R, Python and MATLAB wrappers. 2013 ctave and [C++]. the c so
23242262 r Minerva and minepy: a C engine for the MINE suite and its R, Python and MATLAB wrappers. 2013 g for the [R package] minerva.
23242262 mathlab Minerva and minepy: a C engine for the MINE suite and its R, Python and MATLAB wrappers. 2013 ython and [matlab] wrappers.
23233655 perl Characterization of disordered proteins with ENSEMBLE. 2013 dded in a [perl] wrapper.
23220574 python Nestly--a framework for running software with nested parameter choices and aggregating results. 2013 nestly, a [python] package t
23216942 r A novel approach for biomarker selection and the integration of repeated measures experiments from two assays. 2012 ed in the [R package] mixomics
23216884 perl Flexible and efficient genome tiling design with penalized uniqueness score. 2012 nted as a [perl] program,
23202745 r BlueSNP: R package for highly scalable genome-wide association studies using Hadoop clusters. 2013 bluesnp: [R package] for highl
23178637 java Bioclipse-R: integrating management and visualization of life science data with statistical analysis. 2013 a set of [java] plug-ins
23178637 r Bioclipse-R: integrating management and visualization of life science data with statistical analysis. 2013 ogramming [language r]. the syne
23176119 r A tutorial in displaying mass spectrometry-based proteomic data using heat maps. 2012 ogramming [language r], which ca
23175757 mathlab An effective framework for reconstructing gene regulatory networks from genetical genomics data. 2013 a [matlab] implement
23172864 javascript Scribl: an HTML5 Canvas-based graphics library for visualizing genomic data over the web. 2013 mented in [javascript] with all
23172861 java DOOSS: a tool for visual analysis of data overlaid on secondary structures. 2013 ritten in [java] and is av
23164367 c++ Estimating relative abundances of proteins from shotgun proteomics data. 2012 eins. the [C++] source co
23162084 java An application of a relational database system for high-throughput prediction of elemental compositions from accurate mass values. 2013 mented in [java], mysql, a
23162059 java VAGUE: a graphical user interface for the Velvet assembler. 2013 rgets the [java] virtual m
23162058 perl VirusSeq: software to identify viruses and their integration sites using next-generation sequencing of human cancer tissue. 2013 mented in [perl] and is av
23162057 c++ Largenet2: an object-oriented programming library for simulating large adaptive networks. 2013 largenet2 [C++] library p
23151154 r Clustering of time-course gene expression profiles using normal mixture models with autoregressive random effects. 2012 developed [R package] is flexib
23148484 c++ Oculus: faster sequence alignment by streaming read compression. 2012 dependent [C++] source co
23137144 r Isotope pattern deconvolution for peptide mass spectrometry by non-negative least squares/least absolute deviation template matching. 2012 orms. the [R package] ippd impl
23129301 java HD-CNV: hotspot detector for copy number variants. 2013 en source [java] code and
23129297 r DvD: An R/Cytoscape pipeline for drug repurposing using public repositories of gene expression data. 2013 [R package] (submitte
23113980 r A novel algorithm for simultaneous SNP selection in high-dimensional genome-wide association studies. 2012 nking. an [R package] implement
23110970 java 13CFLUX2--high-performance software suite for (13)C-metabolic flux analysis. 2013 ard) with [java] and pytho
23110970 python 13CFLUX2--high-performance software suite for (13)C-metabolic flux analysis. 2013 java and [python] add-ons t
23110970 c++ 13CFLUX2--high-performance software suite for (13)C-metabolic flux analysis. 2013 mented in [C++] (iso/iec
23109181 java ADAM: automated data management for research datasets. 2013 ted using [java] and suppo
23104889 mathlab SPSens: a software package for stochastic parameter sensitivity analysis of biochemical reaction networks. 2013 face with [matlab], and seve
23104886 c++ STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. 2013 tandalone [C++] code. sta
23104885 java XiP: a computational environment to create, extend and share workflows. 2013 oth r and [java], the anal
23102059 java Combing the hairball with BioFabric: a new approach for visualization of large networks. 2012 en-source [java] applicati
23097421 python FFPopSim: an efficient forward simulation package for the evolution of large populations. 2012 ses and a [python] interface
23097421 c++ FFPopSim: an efficient forward simulation package for the evolution of large populations. 2012 ection of [C++] classes a
23097420 r AffyRNADegradation: control and correction of RNA quality effects in GeneChip expression data. 2013 lable via [Bioconductor] at the ur
23093610 c++ Genotype calling and phasing using next-generation sequencing reads and a haplotype scaffold. 2013 nted in a [C++] program a
23083219 r dsPIG: a tool to predict imprinted genes from the deep sequencing of whole transcriptomes. 2012 ovided an [R package] for dspig
23046475 perl Transcriptome profile of a bovine respiratory disease pathogen: Mannheimia haemolytica PHL213. 2012 nd custom [perl] scripts i
23046276 java BirdsEyeView (BEV): graphical overviews of experimental data. 2012 able as a [java] webstart
23052038 perl Navigating the unexplored seascape of pre-miRNA candidates in single-genome approaches. 2012 ted using [perl] scripts a
23047557 c++ SCALCE: boosting sequence compression algorithms using locally consistent encoding. 2012 mented in [C++] with both
23044551 c++ COPE: an accurate k-mer-based pair-end reads connection tool to facilitate genome assembly. 2012 mented in [C++] and is fr
23044545 r fRMA ST: frozen robust multiarray analysis for Affymetrix Exon and Gene ST arrays. 2012 rough the [Bioconductor] project.
23044544 c++ KGBassembler: a karyotype-based genome assembler for Brassicaceae species. 2012 mented in [C++] with a gr
23044538 c++ MesoRD 1.0: Stochastic reaction-diffusion simulations in the microscopic limit. 2012 ritten in [C++] and licen
23043260 python Frnakenstein: multiple target inverse RNA folding. 2012 nted as a [python] program c
23031277 java VarioML framework for comprehensive variation data representation and exchange. 2012 d data. a [java] implement
23023981 perl FeatureStack: Perl module for comparative visualization of gene features. 2012 urestack: [perl] module fo
23020243 r QUAliFiER: an automated pipeline for quality assessment of gated flow cytometry data. 2012 ssible to [Bioconductor]'s computa
23014632 c SpolPred: rapid and accurate prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis spoligotypes from short genomic sequences. 2012 olpred is [written in C] and is av
23014630 r integIRTy: a method to identify genes altered in cancer by accounting for multiple mechanisms of regulation using item response theory. 2012 the [R package] integirty
22989518 java MeDIP-HMM: genome-wide identification of distinct DNA methylation states from high-density tiling arrays. 2012 en-source [java] library j
22982574 mathlab Efficient methods for identifying mutated driver pathways in cancer. 2012 a [matlab] package o
22982573 java DLRS: gene tree evolution in light of a species tree. 2012 lable for [java] se 6+ und
22982573 c++ DLRS: gene tree evolution in light of a species tree. 2012 tly older [C++] version a
22976081 c++ Phylogenetics, likelihood, evolution and complexity. 2012 mented in [C++] and suppo
22976081 perl Phylogenetics, likelihood, evolution and complexity. 2012 accessory [perl] scripts a
22974078 r Analysis of tiling array expression studies with flexible designs in Bioconductor (waveTiling). 2012 esigns in [Bioconductor] (wavetili
22962481 c++ Imaging, quantification and visualization of spatio-temporal patterning in mESC colonies under different culture conditions. 2012 plemented [C++] and mathe
22962477 mathlab Comprehensive estimation of input signals and dynamics in biochemical reaction networks. 2012 [matlab] code is a
22962475 python Random sampling of elementary flux modes in large-scale metabolic networks. 2012 tation in [python] is freely
22962461 mathlab Multiple instance learning of Calmodulin binding sites. 2012 [matlab] code for
22962456 c++ Evolution of gene neighborhoods within reconciled phylogenies. 2012 [C++] implement
22962455 mathlab Nonlinear dimension reduction with Wright-Fisher kernel for genotype aggregation and association mapping. 2012 mented in [matlab]. source c
22962454 java An exome sequencing pipeline for identifying and genotyping common CNVs associated with disease with application to psoriasis. 2012 mented in [java] and r and
22962454 r An exome sequencing pipeline for identifying and genotyping common CNVs associated with disease with application to psoriasis. 2012 d in java [and R] and is fr
22962447 c++ Long read alignment based on maximal exact match seeds. 2012 ritten in [C++], and all
22962345 python Pythoscape: a framework for generation of large protein similarity networks. 2012 mented in [python] for proce
22962343 java ImgLib2--generic image processing in Java. 2012 essing in [java].
22954632 python Comb-p: software for combining, analyzing, grouping and correcting spatially correlated P-values. 2012 ool and a [python] library t
22946927 r ReQON: a Bioconductor package for recalibrating quality scores from next-generation sequencing data. 2012 package, [written in R] and avail
22945789 java JEnsembl: a version-aware Java API to Ensembl data systems. 2012 ion-aware [java] api to en
22945789 perl JEnsembl: a version-aware Java API to Ensembl data systems. 2012 -specific [perl] apis for
22942023 python CSB: a Python framework for structural bioinformatics. 2012 csb: a [python] framework
22942019 r A robust model for read count data in exome sequencing experiments and implications for copy number variant calling. 2012 d into an [R package] called ex
22923307 r FacPad: Bayesian sparse factor modeling for the inference of pathways responsive to drug treatment. 2012 the [R package] 'facpad'
22923303 r COMPADRE: an R and web resource for pathway activity analysis by component decompositions. 2012 adre. the [R package] is also a
22923296 c HiTC: exploration of high-throughput 'C' experiments. 2012 hroughput ['C'] experimen
22923296 r HiTC: exploration of high-throughput 'C' experiments. 2012 the [R package] hitc is a
22923295 c++ RazerS 3: faster, fully sensitive read mapping. 2012 mented in [C++] and openm
22923294 java The GlycomeAtlas tool for visualizing and querying glycome data. 2012 site as a [java] applet, i
22923293 python TRFolder-W: a web server for telomerase RNA structure prediction in yeast genomes. 2012 mand-line [python] toolkit f
22914219 mathlab Intensity quantile estimation and mapping--a novel algorithm for the correction of image non-uniformity bias in HCS data. 2012 [matlab] function
22914218 java Qualimap: evaluating next-generation sequencing alignment data. 2012 alimap, a [java] applicati
22909249 python Bio.Phylo: a unified toolkit for processing, analyzing and visualizing phylogenetic trees in Biopython. 2012 e built a [python] software
22892030 java SDAR: a practical tool for graphical analysis of two-dimensional data. 2012 ftware in [java] with a us
22877864 java PPfold 3.0: fast RNA secondary structure prediction using phylogeny and auxiliary data. 2012 dependent [java] applicati
22877863 java BioJava: an open-source framework for bioinformatics in 2012. 2012 ta in the [java] programmi
22870940 r Comparison of methods to detect copy number alterations in cancer using simulated and real genotyping data. 2012 it in an [R package] called cn
22863767 mathlab Identifying multi-layer gene regulatory modules from multi-dimensional genomic data. 2012 mented by [matlab] is freely
22863766 r An R package suite for microarray meta-analysis in quality control, differentially expressed gene analysis and pathway enrichment detection. 2012 an [R package] suite for
22856649 java A resource for benchmarking the usefulness of protein structure models. 2012 irements: [java] runtime e
22856649 perl A resource for benchmarking the usefulness of protein structure models. 2012 ); mysql, [perl] dbi and d
22856649 javascript A resource for benchmarking the usefulness of protein structure models. 2012 se); php, [javascript], jmol scr
22847934 mathlab A MATLAB toolbox for structural kinetic modeling. 2012 a [matlab] toolbox f
22847932 r easyRNASeq: a bioconductor package for processing RNA-Seq data. 2012 aseq', an [R package] that simp
22846331 r Estimation of sequencing error rates in short reads. 2012 ted in an [R package], which ca
22820205 python ANGES: reconstructing ANcestral GEnomeS maps. 2012 suite of [python] programs
22820202 java SpliceSeq: a resource for analysis and visualization of RNA-Seq data on alternative splicing and its functional impacts. 2012 tion is a [java] program t
22815360 r DanteR: an extensible R-based tool for quantitative analysis of -omics data. 2012 graphical [R package] that feat
22815359 python Quantifying uniformity of mapped reads. 2012 en source [python] script th
22800377 c++ Slim-filter: an interactive Windows-based application for illumina genome analyzer data assessment and manipulation. 2012 ritten in [C++] and is co
22796960 r GAPIT: genome association and prediction integrated tool. 2012 eloped an [R package] called ge
22796958 r A regression model for estimating DNA copy number applied to capture sequencing data. 2012 nted in c [and R] and the c
22796955 r MALDIquant: a versatile R package for the analysis of mass spectrometry data. 2012 versatile [R package] for the a
22789589 r iBBiG: iterative binary bi-clustering of gene sets. 2012 ed in the [Bioconductor] package i
22788675 java A graph-based approach for designing extensible pipelines. 2012 n and the [java] executabl
22782551 r Efficient sampling for Bayesian inference of conjunctive Bayesian networks. 2012 an [R package] including
22782546 java CytoSPADE: high-performance analysis and visualization of high-dimensional cytometry data. 2012 , c++ and [java].
22782546 c++ CytoSPADE: high-performance analysis and visualization of high-dimensional cytometry data. 2012 ted in r, [C++] and java.
22782546 r CytoSPADE: high-performance analysis and visualization of high-dimensional cytometry data. 2012 g and via [Bioconductor] version 2
22772947 mathlab TLM-Tracker: software for cell segmentation, tracking and lineage analysis in time-lapse microscopy movies. 2012 ilable as [matlab] code or e
22743227 perl PurityEst: estimating purity of human tumor samples using next-generation sequencing data. 2012 mented in [perl] and is av
22743226 python RSeQC: quality control of RNA-seq experiments. 2012 ritten in [python] and c. so
22743223 mathlab A bioimage informatics approach to automatically extract complex fungal networks. 2012 the [matlab] toolbox i
22734019 r Integrating literature-constrained and data-driven inference of signalling networks. 2012 ed in the [R package] cnorfeede
22730434 python gSearch: a fast and flexible general search tool for whole-genome sequencing. 2012 ruby and [python].
22730434 perl gSearch: a fast and flexible general search tool for whole-genome sequencing. 2012 s such as [perl], ruby and
22716030 c++ EGNAS: an exhaustive DNA sequence design algorithm. 2012 ized in a [C++] program.
22713124 r Down-weighting overlapping genes improves gene set analysis. 2012 ted as an [R package] available
22702410 r Bios2mds: an R package for comparing orthologous protein families by metric multidimensional scaling. 2012 s2mds: an [R package] for compa
22698142 python Simulating gene-gene and gene-environment interactions in complex diseases: Gene-Environment iNteraction Simulator 2. 2012 ritten in [python] language
22694346 r Bayesian model to detect phenotype-specific genes for copy number data. 2012 eloped an [R package], called b
22692220 r mcaGUI: microbial community analysis R-Graphical User Interface (GUI). 2012 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/packa
22689766 mathlab Nonparametric Bayesian inference for perturbed and orthologous gene regulatory networks. 2012 mented in [matlab] and are a
22689388 r synbreed: a framework for the analysis of genomic prediction data using R. 2012 t a novel [R package] named syn
22682516 r ROCS: a reproducibility index and confidence score for interaction proteomics studies. 2012 ble as an [R package] called r
22676372 c++ PollenCALC: software for estimation of pollen compatibility of self-incompatible allo- and autotetraploid species. 2012 ritten in [C++] programmi
22668791 mathlab Borrowing strength: a likelihood ratio test for related sparse signals. 2012 the [matlab] code is a
22668789 r SYNCSA--R tool for analysis of metacommunities based on functional traits and phylogeny of the community components. 2012 csa is an [R package] for the a
22668788 python DiNuP: a systematic approach to identify regions of differential nucleosome positioning. 2012 mented in [python] and is fr
22661647 java BioMercator V3: an upgrade of genetic map compilation and quantitative trait loci meta-analysis algorithms. 2012 mented in [java] and freel
22647087 python PyMS: a Python toolkit for processing of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) data. Application and comparative study of selected tools. 2012 pyms: a [python] toolkit f
22647057 r Detection and correction of probe-level artefacts on microarrays. 2012 step. an [R package] is freely
22645166 python An integrated open framework for thermodynamics of reactions that combines accuracy and coverage. 2012 mented in [python], mysql, a
22635606 java Gowinda: unbiased analysis of gene set enrichment for genome-wide association studies. 2012 mented in [java] (v1.6) an
22635605 r BATMAN--an R package for the automated quantification of metabolites from nuclear magnetic resonance spectra using a Bayesian model. 2012 atman--an [R package] for the a
22624611 java TreeSnatcher plus: capturing phylogenetic trees from images. 2012 ui-driven [java] applicati
22607271 java Natural product-likeness score revisited: an open-source, open-data implementation. 2012 tandalone [java] package f
22607234 c++ Multiple structure alignment with msTALI. 2012 ions. the [C++] source co
22595209 r flowPeaks: a fast unsupervised clustering for flow cytometry data via K-means and density peak finding. 2012 the [R package] flowpeaks
22595208 mathlab Robust identification of transcriptional regulatory networks using a Gibbs sampler on outlier sum statistic. 2012 s sampler [matlab] package i
22595207 r R/EBcoexpress: an empirical Bayesian framework for discovering differential co-expression. 2012 ndziorski [using R], a freely
22594948 r rCUR: an R package for CUR matrix decomposition. 2012 rcur: an [R package] for cur m
22594911 java Workflows for microarray data processing in the Kepler environment. 2012 thon, and [java] programmi
22594911 python Workflows for microarray data processing in the Kepler environment. 2012 in the r, [python], and java
22592383 r Fast computation for genome-wide association studies using boosted one-step statistics. 2012 the [R package] 'boss' is
22591016 c++ Handling the data management needs of high-throughput sequencing data: SpeedGene, a compression algorithm for the efficient storage of genetic data. 2012 provide a [C++] implement
22581181 r SRMA: an R package for resequencing array data analysis. 2012 srma: an [R package] for reseq
22581178 r iFad: an integrative factor analysis model for drug-pathway association inference. 2012 the [R package] 'ifad' an
22581176 c++ Software support for SBGN maps: SBGN-ML and LibSBGN. 2012 ilable in [C++] and java)
22576175 r CalMaTe: a method and software to improve allele-specific copy number of SNP arrays for downstream segmentation. 2012 en-source [R package] calmate,
22568821 java PHYLOViZ: phylogenetic inference and data visualization for sequence based typing methods. 2012 dependent [java] software
22563068 r Joint Bayesian inference of condition-specific miRNA and transcription factor activities from combined gene and microRNA expression data. 2012 ed in the [R package] birta, wh
22563066 python Identifying differentially expressed transcripts from RNA-seq data with biological variation. 2012 n c++ and [python]. the soft
22563066 c++ Identifying differentially expressed transcripts from RNA-seq data with biological variation. 2012 ritten in [C++] and pytho
22559915 c++ EpiFire: An open source C++ library and application for contact network epidemiology. 2012 en source [C++] library a
22559006 r Matching of array CGH and gene expression microarray features for the purpose of integrative genomic analyses. 2012 able from [Bioconductor].
22536965 python CONS-COCOMAPS: a novel tool to measure and visualize the conservation of inter-residue contacts in multiple docking solutions. 2012 ritten in [python], taking a
22543499 mathlab Truncated branch and bound achieves efficient constraint-based genetic design. 2012 ted using [matlab] and is fr
22543367 java Geneious Basic: an integrated and extendable desktop software platform for the organization and analysis of sequence data. 2012 mented in [java] and suppo
22543366 java DAVID-WS: a stateful web service to facilitate gene/protein list analysis. 2012 ritten in [java], perl, py
22543366 python DAVID-WS: a stateful web service to facilitate gene/protein list analysis. 2012 va, perl, [python] and matla
22543366 perl DAVID-WS: a stateful web service to facilitate gene/protein list analysis. 2012 in java, [perl], python a
22539671 python DecoyFinder: an easy-to-use python GUI application for building target-specific decoy sets. 2012 sy-to-use [python] gui appli
22539669 python Statistical interpretation of machine learning-based feature importance scores for biomarker discovery. 2012 [python] source co
22539669 mathlab Statistical interpretation of machine learning-based feature importance scores for biomarker discovery. 2012 ll as the [matlab] scripts u
22539667 java CNVRuler: a copy number variation-based case-control association analysis tool. 2012 ams r and [java] from sun
22539666 perl PSI-Search: iterative HOE-reduced profile SSEARCH searching. 2012 ritten in [perl] for linux
22531217 c++ Accurate extension of multiple sequence alignments using a phylogeny-aware graph algorithm. 2012 ritten in [C++], licensed
22531214 perl NuST: analysis of the interplay between nucleoid organization and gene expression. 2012 template [perl] code for
22513995 r NanoStringNorm: an extensible R package for the pre-processing of NanoString mRNA and miRNA data. 2012 xtensible [R package] for the p
22513994 r TSSi--an R package for transcription start site identification from 5' mRNA tag data. 2012 tssi--an [R package] for trans
22513993 c++ INRICH: interval-based enrichment analysis for genome-wide association studies. 2012 tandalone [C++] program,
22508794 c++ pIRS: Profile-based Illumina pair-end reads simulator. 2012 ritten in [C++] and perl,
22508794 perl pIRS: Profile-based Illumina pair-end reads simulator. 2012 n c++ and [perl], and is f
22507266 r 'maskBAD'--a package to detect and remove Affymetrix probes with binding affinity differences. 2012 friendly [R package], compatib
22500002 java Bpipe: a tool for running and managing bioinformatics pipelines. 2012 ring only [java] as a depe
22500001 c++ optiCall: a robust genotype-calling algorithm for rare, low-frequency and common variants. 2012 mented in [C++] for use o
22492646 mathlab CRNreals: a toolbox for distinguishability and identifiability analysis of biochemical reaction networks. 2012 e popular [matlab] computati
22492641 r Differential variability improves the identification of cancer risk markers in DNA methylation studies profiling precursor cancer lesions. 2012 able from [CRAN] (www.r-pr
22492640 java PaGeFinder: quantitative identification of spatiotemporal pattern genes. 2012 nloadable [java] programs
22492638 r Detection of differentially expressed segments in tiling array data. 2012 the [R package] including
22492314 java Eoulsan: a cloud computing-based framework facilitating high throughput sequencing analyses. 2012 mented in [java], supporte
22492311 r Rknots: topological analysis of knotted biopolymers with R. 2012 flexible [R package] providing
22479706 c++ Network-based functional enrichment. 2011 mented in [C++] and are f
22467912 r Reno: regularized non-parametric analysis of protein lysate array data. 2012 ogramming [language r] is availa
22467906 c++ OCAP: an open comprehensive analysis pipeline for iTRAQ. 2012 eloped in [C++] and is pr
22467906 r OCAP: an open comprehensive analysis pipeline for iTRAQ. 2012 ell as an [R package]. the r pa
22451269 r CpGassoc: an R function for analysis of DNA methylation microarray data. 2012 assoc, an [R package] that can
22426344 mathlab Proteus: a web-based, context-specific modelling tool for molecular networks. 2012 anguage), [matlab] or fortra
22426344 fortran Proteus: a web-based, context-specific modelling tool for molecular networks. 2012 matlab or [fortran] format an
22419785 c++ SAMSCOPE: an OpenGL-based real-time interactive scale-free SAM viewer. 2012 mented in [C++] for linux
22419783 java Harmonization of gene/protein annotations: towards a gold standard MEDLINE. 2012 mented in [java] and its r
22402612 r rehh: an R package to detect footprints of selection in genome-wide SNP data from haplotype structure. 2012 rehh: an [R package] to detect
22390939 mathlab Combining multiple approaches for gene microarray classification. 2012 the [mathlab] code of t
22373214 r Building gene expression profile classifiers with a simple and efficient rejection option in R. 2011 ed in the [R language] and envir
22383736 r Early immunologic correlates of HIV protection can be identified from computational analysis of complex multivariate T-cell flow cytometry assays. 2012 e through [Bioconductor]. addition
22378710 mathlab StochSens--Matlab package for sensitivity analysis of stochastic chemical systems. 2012 present a [matlab] package,
22373787 c++ Rchange: algorithms for computing energy changes of RNA secondary structures in response to base mutations. 2012 the [C++] source co
22368255 python High-quality sequence clustering guided by network topology and multiple alignment likelihood. 2012 the [python] software
22368254 java SED-ED, a workflow editor for computational biology experiments written in SED-ML. 2012 tandalone [java] applicati
22368248 c++ Unipro UGENE: a unified bioinformatics toolkit. 2012 ritten in [C++] using the
22368246 r R/DWD: distance-weighted discrimination for classification, visualization and batch adjustment. 2012 able from [CRAN].r-project
22368246 mathlab R/DWD: distance-weighted discrimination for classification, visualization and batch adjustment. 2012 relied on [matlab], which is
22345622 mathlab Signal analysis for genome-wide maps of histone modifications measured by ChIP-seq. 2012 e/lpchp a [matlab] implement
22345619 r GMD: measuring the distance between histograms with applications on high-throughput sequencing reads. 2012 ns) is an [R package] to assess
22333245 r A method of finding optimal weight factors for compound identification in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 2012 sults and [R package] are avail
22332239 java SBAL: a practical tool to generate and edit structure-based amino acid sequence alignments. 2012 mented in [java] to provid
22330431 r ICGE: an R package for detecting relevant clusters and atypical units in gene expression. 2012 icge: an [R package] for detec
22321652 r Identification of polymorphic inversions from genotypes. 2012 a unified [R package] inversion
22308148 javascript Improving your target-template alignment with MODalign. 2012 html and [javascript] with all
22305354 r Independent Principal Component Analysis for biologically meaningful dimension reduction of large biological data sets. 2012 ed in the [R package] mixomics
22302572 python pymzML--Python module for high-throughput bioinformatics on mass spectrometry data. 2012 ension to [python] that offe
22302569 java ArchTEx: accurate extraction and visualization of next-generation sequence data. 2012 requires [java] 1.6 or ne
22302568 java Hadoop-BAM: directly manipulating next generation sequencing data in the cloud. 2012 icard sam [jdk], so tools
22292714 r graphite - a Bioconductor package to convert pathway topology to gene network. 2012 phite - a [Bioconductor] package t
22285827 perl Chado controller: advanced annotation management with a community annotation system. 2012 resql and [perl].
22262673 python medpie: an information extraction package for medical message board posts. 2012 [python] 2.6 or 2.
22253290 r IMA: an R package for high-throughput analysis of Illumina's 450K Infinium methylation data. 2012 ima: an [R package] for high-
22253280 java BamView: visualizing and interpretation of next-generation sequencing read alignments. 2013 irements: [java] 1.6 or hi
22247280 c++ Estimation of pairwise sequence similarity of mammalian enhancers with word neighbourhood counts. 2012 en-source [C++] library s
22247279 r Robust rank aggregation for gene list integration and meta-analysis. 2012 as a gnu [R package] robustran
22244131 python PyElph - a software tool for gel images analysis and phylogenetics. 2012 mented in [python] which is
22244038 r MIPHENO: data normalization for high throughput metabolite analysis. 2012 hrough an [R package] in cran.
22238272 c++ A scalable and portable framework for massively parallel variable selection in genetic association studies. 2012 mented in [C++] and openc
22238261 python SSuMMo: rapid analysis, comparison and visualization of microbial communities. 2012 en source [python] software,
22238260 perl PHACTS, a computational approach to classifying the lifestyle of phages. 2012 ed in the [perl] programmi
22219204 perl NetSeed: a network-based reverse-ecology tool for calculating the metabolic interface of an organism with its environment. 2012 tool and [perl] module fo
22210868 java VarSifter: visualizing and analyzing exome-scale sequence variation data on a desktop computer. 2012 ritten in [java], and is f
22208906 r Partition decoupling for multi-gene analysis of gene expression profiling data. 2011 sease. an [R package] to carry
25969751 perl Electric LAMP: Virtual Loop-Mediated Isothermal AMPlification. 2012 elamp, a [perl] script, w
22199382 c++ Modeling mechanistic biological networks: an advanced Boolean approach. 2012 a sample [C++] implement
22199381 r htSeqTools: high-throughput sequencing quality control, processing and visualization in R. 2012 provide a [Bioconductor] package w
22199380 r Probe mapping across multiple microarray platforms. 2012 pi and an [R package] to map da
22195644 r Structural measures for network biology using QuACN. 2011 the [R package] quacn is
22151882 c++ STELLAR: fast and exact local alignments. 2011 the seqan [C++] library v
22177264 r GC-content normalization for RNA-Seq data. 2011 conductor [R package] edaseq.
22171336 mathlab MTBindingSim: simulate protein binding to microtubules. 2012 mented in [matlab] and runs
22171334 bash Detection of microRNAs in color space. 2012 a [bash] shell scr
22171333 java JDet: interactive calculation and visualization of function-related conservation patterns in multiple sequence alignments and structures. 2012 ritten in [java]. it is fr
22171331 r Identifying small interfering RNA loci from high-throughput sequencing data. 2012 le as the [Bioconductor] (www.bioc
22171329 c++ Transformations for the compression of FASTQ quality scores of next-generation sequencing data. 2012 our [C++] implement
22156367 r Optimized application of penalized regression methods to diverse genomic data. 2011 he pensim [R package], availabl
22155946 r GWAtoolbox: an R package for fast quality control and handling of genome-wide association studies meta-analysis data. 2012 olbox: an [R package] for fast
22155870 c++ Control-FREEC: a tool for assessing copy number and allelic content using next-generation sequencing data. 2012 [C++] source co
22155869 perl Identification and removal of ribosomal RNA sequences from metatranscriptomes. 2012 mented in [perl] and can b
22155866 r InFiRe -- a novel computational method for the identification of insertion sites in transposon mutagenized bacterial genomes. 2012 ogramming [language r]. for the
22155862 java Computing graphlet signatures of network nodes and motifs in Cytoscape with GraphletCounter. 2012 mented in [java]. it can b
22151536 r Empirical comparison of cross-platform normalization methods for gene expression data. 2011 rovide an [R package], conor, c
22136743 r From hybridization theory to microarray data analysis: performance evaluation. 2011 able from [Bioconductor], which re
22135419 java DMAN: a Java tool for analysis of multi-well differential scanning fluorimetry experiments. 2012 dman: a [java] tool for
22130594 perl PGAP: pan-genomes analysis pipeline. 2012 oped with [perl] script on
22121159 r Modelling time course gene expression data with finite mixtures of linear additive models. 2012 on of the [R package] flexmix i
22121158 c++ Inferring sequence regions under functional divergence in duplicate genes. 2012 rgence. a [C++] program,
22121157 mathlab CellAnimation: an open source MATLAB framework for microscopy assays. 2012 en source [matlab] framework
22115179 r iRefR: an R package to manipulate the iRefIndex consolidated protein interaction database. 2011 irefr: an [R package] to manipu
22113085 r MSnbase-an R/Bioconductor package for isobaric tagged mass spectrometry data visualization, processing and quantitation. 2012 ed by the [Bioconductor] project.
22113083 java A novel and versatile computational tool to model translation. 2012 ritten in [java], and is h
22113082 c++ GenomicTools: a computational platform for developing high-throughput analytics in genomics. 2012 ols and a [C++] api, for
22110245 java PGDSpider: an automated data conversion tool for connecting population genetics and genomics programs. 2012 spider, a [java] program t
22110244 mathlab FSR: feature set reduction for scalable and accurate multi-class cancer subtype classification based on copy number. 2012 mented in [matlab] r2010b an
22088846 java QuRe: software for viral quasispecies reconstruction from next-generation sequencing data. 2012 mented in [java]. it is di
22088841 mathlab NoRSE: noise reduction and state evaluator for high-frequency single event traces. 2012 -file for [matlab].
22087737 r ReCount: a multi-experiment resource of analysis-ready RNA-seq gene count datasets. 2011 est files [and R] source co
22085701 mathlab A flexible framework for sparse simultaneous component based data integration. 2011 ontains a [matlab] implement
22084255 java PubChem promiscuity: a web resource for gathering compound promiscuity data from PubChem. 2012 . it is a [java] servlet t
22078312 java Exact score distribution computation for ontological similarity searches. 2011 mented in [java], supports
22072386 java Wavelet-based image fusion in multi-view three-dimensional microscopy. 2012 eloped in [java]. the soft
22072386 mathlab Wavelet-based image fusion in multi-view three-dimensional microscopy. 2012 mented in [matlab] (the math
22072385 python MR-Tandem: parallel X!Tandem using Hadoop MapReduce on Amazon Web Services. 2012 ble and a [python] script th
22072385 c++ MR-Tandem: parallel X!Tandem using Hadoop MapReduce on Amazon Web Services. 2012 x!tandem [C++] executabl
22070167 perl ProPhylo: partial phylogenetic profiling to guide protein family construction and assignment of biological process. 2011 en source [perl] artistic
22059886 c++ A parallel method for enumerating amino acid compositions and masses of all theoretical peptides. 2011 ft visual [C++] and the m
22057162 r A robust clustering algorithm for identifying problematic samples in genome-wide association studies. 2012 orithm is [written in R] and is fr
22057161 r Detecting differential binding of transcription factors with ChIP-seq. 2012 [R package] dbchip is
22039209 r Correcting for cancer genome size and tumour cell content enables better estimation of copy number alterations from next-generation sequence data. 2012 an [R package], called c
22039206 c++ RAPSearch2: a fast and memory-efficient protein similarity search tool for next-generation sequencing data. 2012 mented in [C++], the sour
22034839 r Stepwise classification of cancer samples using clinical and molecular data. 2011 le at the [Bioconductor] website.
22034520 java SVGMap: configurable image browser for experimental data. 2012 svgmap, a [java] applicati
22034520 javascript SVGMap: configurable image browser for experimental data. 2012 wser with [javascript] enabled.
22032770 java Improving ontologies by automatic reasoning and evaluation of logical definitions. 2011 ovide the [java] software
22032230 python Automated NMR relaxation dispersion data analysis using NESSY. 2011 ritten in [python] for multi
22025481 perl Graph accordance of next-generation sequence assemblies. 2012 ted in oo [perl] and is av
22025480 r PoPoolation2: identifying differentiation between populations using sequencing of pooled DNA samples (Pool-Seq). 2011 d in perl [and R]. it is fr
22025480 perl PoPoolation2: identifying differentiation between populations using sequencing of pooled DNA samples (Pool-Seq). 2011 mented in [perl] and r. it
21989326 java A hidden Markov model for copy number variant prediction from whole genome resequencing data. 2011 mented in [java], zinfande
22016409 javascript VizPrimer: a web server for visualized PCR primer design based on known gene structure. 2011 cture and [javascript] to intera
22016407 java PRINCIPLE: a tool for associating genes with diseases via network propagation. 2011 iple is a [java] applicati
22014236 r An integrated workflow for robust alignment and simplified quantitative analysis of NMR spectrometry data. 2011 ted as an [R package] called s
22006916 python Enrich: software for analysis of protein function by enrichment and depletion of variants. 2011 mented in [python] and is av
21999355 r Comparison of lists of genes based on functional profiles. 2011 able from [Bioconductor], http://b
21995452 r Bayesian hierarchical clustering for microarray time series data with replicates and outlier measurements. 2011 rt of the [R package] 'bhc' (ve
21984758 mathlab Sparse distance-based learning for simultaneous multiclass classification and feature selection of metagenomic data. 2011 thod in a [matlab] toolbox c
21961884 javascript Interactive metagenomic visualization in a Web browser. 2011 html5 and [javascript] implement
21955789 r Mulcom: a multiple comparison statistical test for microarray data in Bioconductor. 2011 y data in [Bioconductor].
21949271 python Pybedtools: a flexible Python library for manipulating genomic datasets and annotations. 2011 flexible [python] library f
21937664 r inSilicoDb: an R/Bioconductor package for accessing human Affymetrix expert-curated datasets from GEO. 2011 ds on the [Bioconductor] project's
21923903 r Thawing Frozen Robust Multi-array Analysis (fRMA). 2011 resent an [R package], frmatool
21914187 mathlab MetaboLab--advanced NMR data processing and analysis for metabolomics. 2011 abolab, a [matlab] based sof
21908865 r Random forest Gini importance favours SNPs with large minor allele frequency: impact, sources and recommendations. 2012 eproduced [using R] code avai
21873638 mathlab Feature-based 3D motif filtering for ribosomal RNA. 2011 [matlab] code can
21865301 perl SDRS--an algorithm for analyzing large-scale dose-response data. 2011 able from [CPAN] (www.cpan
21851628 python DARS-RNP and QUASI-RNP: new statistical potentials for protein-RNA docking. 2011 ructures. [python] implement
21851598 r Development and application of a modified dynamic time warping algorithm (DTW-S) to analyses of primate brain expression time series. 2011 ble as an [R package] timeshift
21846738 r Identifying associations between amino acid changes and meta information in alignments. 2011 le on the [CRAN] network a
21846735 python Reconstructing the architecture of the ancestral amniote genome. 2011 n c++ and [python], is avail
21846735 c++ Reconstructing the architecture of the ancestral amniote genome. 2011 code, in [C++] and pytho
21840874 c++ Conserved and differential gene interactions in dynamical biological systems. 2011 e code in [C++] and r is
21840874 r Conserved and differential gene interactions in dynamical biological systems. 2011 de in c++ [and R] is availa
21838867 r IQMNMR: Open source software using time-domain NMR data for automated identification and quantification of metabolites in batches. 2011 qmnmr, an [R package] that inte
21831268 c++ Efficient counting of k-mers in DNA sequences using a bloom filter. 2011 ritten in [C++] and is gp
21828086 r Exome sequencing-based copy-number variation and loss of heterozygosity detection: ExomeCNV. 2011 [CRAN] package '
21813478 c++ GlobalMIT: learning globally optimal dynamic bayesian network with the mutual information test criterion. 2011 atlab and [C++], is avail
21813478 mathlab GlobalMIT: learning globally optimal dynamic bayesian network with the mutual information test criterion. 2011 mented in [matlab] and c++,
21813477 java The GNAT library for local and remote gene mention normalization. 2011 the gnat [java] library f
21813013 java RNAexinv: An extended inverse RNA folding from shape and physical attributes to sequences. 2011 teractive [java] applicati
21810900 r A powerful and flexible approach to the analysis of RNA sequence count data. 2011 an [R package] containin
21804112 r Penalized regression elucidates aberration hotspots mediating subtype-specific transcriptional responses in breast cancer. 2011 compliant [R package] dance is
21803803 java JMassBalance: mass-balanced randomization and analysis of metabolic networks. 2011 mented in [java] and freel
21788211 perl RNAG: a new Gibbs sampler for predicting RNA secondary structure for unaligned sequences. 2011 the [perl] implement
21785131 mathlab CAM-CM: a signal deconvolution tool for in vivo dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging of complex tissues. 2011 the [matlab] source co
21784795 r Estimating classification probabilities in high-dimensional diagnostic studies. 2011 urce code [written in R] is freely
21784792 mathlab GenSSI: a software toolbox for structural identifiability analysis of biological models. 2011 e popular [matlab] environme
21775307 java Simple high-throughput annotation pipeline (SHAP). 2011 mented in [java], shap rec
21775306 java GaggleBridge: collaborative data analysis. 2011 ed in the [java] language
21775304 python Making whole genome multiple alignments usable for biologists. 2011 mented in [python] and has b
21771315 r Inferring signalling networks from longitudinal data using sampling based approaches in the R-package 'ddepn'. 2011 forge and [CRAN] http://dd
21767381 perl Bio::Homology::InterologWalk--a Perl module to build putative protein-protein interaction networks through interolog mapping. 2011 ogwalk--a [perl] module to
21765096 python Stage prediction of embryonic stem cell differentiation from genome-wide expression data. 2011 e form of [python] scripts a
21757464 java PDBpaint, a visualization webservice to tag protein structures with sequence annotations. 2011 the jmol [java] viewer).
21757464 perl PDBpaint, a visualization webservice to tag protein structures with sequence annotations. 2011 mented in [perl], with all
21757463 c++ Sufficient statistics and expectation maximization algorithms in phylogenetic tree models. 2011 the [C++] source co
21752800 mathlab A novel signal processing approach for the detection of copy number variations in the human genome. 2011 tensky/ a [matlab] code for
21742635 c++ DivBayes and SubT: exploring species diversification using Bayesian statistics. 2011 leased as [C++] source co
21742634 r PREDA: an R-package to identify regional variations in genomic data. 2011 ysis), an [R package] for detec
21737438 mathlab Simulating systems genetics data with SysGenSIM. 2011 ncoded in [matlab], and a us
21737437 r APCluster: an R package for affinity propagation clustering. 2011 uster: an [R package] for affin
21727140 python ModeRNA server: an online tool for modeling RNA 3D structures. 2011 using the [python] language
21724594 python MethylCoder: software pipeline for bisulfite-treated sequences. 2011 es only a [python] interpret
21714896 r DOSim: an R package for similarity between diseases based on Disease Ontology. 2011 dosim: an [R package] for simil
21712251 c++ Paired-end RAD-seq for de novo assembly and marker design without available reference. 2011 perl and [C++] implement
21712251 perl Paired-end RAD-seq for de novo assembly and marker design without available reference. 2011 a [perl] and c++ i
21712248 java BRISK--research-oriented storage kit for biology-related data. 2011 entation, [java] source co
21697129 java JSBML: a flexible Java library for working with SBML. 2011 flexible [java] library f
21697128 r Metab: an R package for high-throughput analysis of metabolomics data generated by GC-MS. 2011 metab: an [R package] for high-
21697127 r A procedure to statistically evaluate agreement of differential expression for cross-species genomics. 2011 an [R package] is curren
21697126 r ontoCAT: an R package for ontology traversal and search. 2011 tocat: an [R package] for ontol
21697125 java GeneNetWeaver: in silico benchmark generation and performance profiling of network inference methods. 2011 with its [java] source co
21693065 r Sparse PLS discriminant analysis: biologically relevant feature selection and graphical displays for multiclass problems. 2011 le in the [R package] mixomics,
21693013 r Deregulation upon DNA damage revealed by joint analysis of context-specific perturbation data. 2011 able in a [Bioconductor] package '
21689434 java PhyloMap: an algorithm for visualizing relationships of large sequence data sets and its application to the influenza A virus genome. 2011 mented in [java], and the
21685105 r vipR: variant identification in pooled DNA using R. 2011 ooled dna [using R].
21685095 java Small sets of interacting proteins suggest functional linkage mechanisms via Bayesian analogical reasoning. 2011 [java] code is a
21685094 r From sets to graphs: towards a realistic enrichment analysis of transcriptomic systems. 2011 d into an [R package] and tied
21685091 mathlab ccSVM: correcting Support Vector Machines for confounding factors in biological data classification. 2011 tation in [matlab] is availa
21685088 c++ StructHDP: automatic inference of number of clusters and population structure from admixed genotype data. 2011 ritten in [C++]. the code
21685086 python An enhanced Petri-net model to predict synergistic effects of pairwise drug combinations from gene microarray data. 2011 mented in [python] 2.7 progr
21685084 java A generalized model for multi-marker analysis of cell cycle progression in synchrony experiments. 2011 cell. the [java] implement
21685055 r Menu-driven cloud computing and resource sharing for R and Bioconductor. 2011 ring data [and R] scripts w
21685053 python CHASM and SNVBox: toolkit for detecting biologically important single nucleotide mutations in cancer. 2011 source in [python] and c++.
21685053 c++ CHASM and SNVBox: toolkit for detecting biologically important single nucleotide mutations in cancer. 2011 ython and [C++]. requires
21685051 python Methyl-Analyzer--whole genome DNA methylation profiling. 2011 yzer is a [python] package t
21685046 r Noise reduction in genome-wide perturbation screens using linear mixed-effect models. 2011 .org. the [R package] htsmix is
21682923 r MLPAstats: an R GUI package for the integrated analysis of copy number alterations using MLPA data. 2011 stats, an [R package] designed
21666268 java MGV: a generic graph viewer for comparative omics data. 2011 mented in [java] and freel
21666267 java Xwalk: computing and visualizing distances in cross-linking experiments. 2011 and-alone [java] applicati
21666266 r Parent-specific copy number in paired tumor-normal studies using circular binary segmentation. 2011 en-source [R package] named psc
21666252 java Letter to the editor: SeqXML and OrthoXML: standards for sequence and orthology information. 2011 tions for [biojava], bioperl,
21666252 python Letter to the editor: SeqXML and OrthoXML: standards for sequence and orthology information. 2011 perl, and [biopython]. orthoxml
21666252 perl Letter to the editor: SeqXML and OrthoXML: standards for sequence and orthology information. 2011 biojava, [bioperl], and biop
21659319 r mapDamage: testing for damage patterns in ancient DNA sequences. 2011 ols suite [and R] environme
21659319 perl mapDamage: testing for damage patterns in ancient DNA sequences. 2011 mage is a [perl] script th
21653523 java The Biological Connection Markup Language: a SBGN-compliant format for visualization, filtering and analysis of biological pathways. 2011 mented in [java] and suppo
21653522 perl The variant call format and VCFtools. 2011 a general [perl] api.
21636591 java PathVisio-MIM: PathVisio plugin for creating and editing Molecular Interaction Maps (MIMs). 2011 tions and [java] source co
21622663 perl Computational discovery of human coding and non-coding transcripts with conserved splice sites. 2011 er with a [perl] implement
21619703 java OntoCAT--simple ontology search and integration in Java, R and REST/JavaScript. 2011 ration in [java], r and re
21619662 c++ miRFam: an effective automatic miRNA classification method based on n-grams and a multiclass SVM. 2011 ritten in [C++], is freel
21615972 c++ MixtureTree: a program for constructing phylogeny. 2011 ritten in [C++] is a linu
21615941 mathlab Fast empirical Bayesian LASSO for multiple quantitative trait locus mapping. 2011 mented in [matlab] had simil
21615941 fortran Fast empirical Bayesian LASSO for multiple quantitative trait locus mapping. 2011 mented in [fortran], and that
21612622 r rnaSeqMap: a Bioconductor package for RNA sequencing data exploration. 2011 seqmap: a [Bioconductor] package f
21599881 c++ TreeRipper web application: towards a fully automated optical tree recognition software. 2011 mand line [C++] program f
21596792 c++ linkcomm: an R package for the generation, visualization, and analysis of link communities in networks of arbitrary size and type. 2011 ritten in [C++] and desig
21596792 r linkcomm: an R package for the generation, visualization, and analysis of link communities in networks of arbitrary size and type. 2011 kcomm: an [R package] for the g
21596789 java GenPlay, a multipurpose genome analyzer and browser. 2011 ritten in [java] and runs
21595965 javascript Web-based metabolic network visualization with a zooming user interface. 2011 ritten in [javascript] for the c
21595880 r Genotype calling in tetraploid species from bi-allelic marker data using mixture models. 2011 ed in the [R package] fittetra,
21593133 mathlab An ensemble biclustering approach for querying gene expression compendia with experimental lists. 2011 compiled [matlab] code is a
21593132 java Java bioinformatics analysis web services for multiple sequence alignment--JABAWS:MSA. 2011 [java] bioinform
21586520 java Genome-wide association studies pipeline (GWASpi): a desktop application for genome-wide SNP analysis and management. 2011 mented in [java], apache-d
21586517 perl Hidden conformations in protein structures. 2011 a [perl] script im
21561920 r Model-based gene set analysis for Bioconductor. 2011 rs of the [R language]. our pack
21554689 r Elastic SCAD as a novel penalization method for SVM classification tasks in high-dimensional data. 2011 available [R package] 'penalize
21551149 c++ An MCMC algorithm for detecting short adjacent repeats shared by multiple sequences. 2011 e related [C++] source co
21551147 mathlab The role of indirect connections in gene networks in predicting function. 2011 ovided in [matlab] m-code.
21551146 c++ Sim4db and Leaff: utilities for fast batch spliced alignment and sequence indexing. 2011 ten in c, [C++] and perl
21551146 c Sim4db and Leaff: utilities for fast batch spliced alignment and sequence indexing. 2011 leaff are [written in C], c++ and
21551146 perl Sim4db and Leaff: utilities for fast batch spliced alignment and sequence indexing. 2011 , c++ and [perl] for linux
21551143 c++ A multiple network learning approach to capture system-wide condition-specific responses. 2011 [C++] code can
21551136 python BINOCh: binding inference from nucleosome occupancy changes. 2011 en source [python] package i
21548938 r ArrayInitiative - a tool that simplifies creating custom Affymetrix CDFs. 2011 ilable in [Bioconductor].
21546399 r Clonality: an R package for testing clonal relatedness of two tumors from the same patient based on their genomic profiles. 2011 ality: an [R package] for testi
21546396 java famCNV: copy number variant association for quantitative traits in families. 2011 the [java] package i
21546394 java ReMark: an automatic program for clustering orthologs flexibly combining a Recursive and a Markov clustering algorithms. 2011 mented in [java] 1.6 and s
21546390 mathlab Multiple-rule bias in the comparison of classification rules. 2011 mented in [matlab]. the sour
21535899 perl An automated homology-based approach for identifying transposable elements. 2011 numerous [bioperl] scripts.
21535878 java SNPPicker: high quality tag SNP selection across multiple populations. 2011 scripts, [java] source co
21535878 perl SNPPicker: high quality tag SNP selection across multiple populations. 2011 runtime. [perl] scripts,
21531770 r parmigene--a parallel R package for mutual information estimation and gene network reconstruction. 2011 parallel [R package] for mutua
21531769 c++ A detailed investigation of accessibilities around target sites of siRNAs and miRNAs. 2011 the [C++] source co
21527044 r Sequential interim analyses of survival data in DNA microarray experiments. 2011 as a new [R package] 'survgene
21527030 python STSE: Spatio-Temporal Simulation Environment Dedicated to Biology. 2011 org/. the [python] source co
21521499 python ShoRAH: estimating the genetic diversity of a mixed sample from next-generation sequencing data. 2011 d in c++, [python], and perl
21521499 c++ ShoRAH: estimating the genetic diversity of a mixed sample from next-generation sequencing data. 2011 mented in [C++], python,
21521499 perl ShoRAH: estimating the genetic diversity of a mixed sample from next-generation sequencing data. 2011 thon, and [perl] and has b
21513508 java The proteogenomic mapping tool. 2011 ncludes a [java] implement
21511716 java Exploiting prior knowledge and gene distances in the analysis of tumor expression profiles with extended Hidden Markov Models. 2011 en-source [java] library j
21511714 java CytoModeler: a tool for bridging large-scale network analysis and dynamic quantitative modeling. 2011 en-source [java] applicati
21489225 c++ Processing SPARQL queries with regular expressions in RDF databases. 2011 mework in [C++] and condu
21505037 python A graphical interface for the FoldX forcefield. 2011 ritten in [python] and is fr
21505033 c++ Rgtsp: a generalized top scoring pairs package for class prediction. 2011 full [C++] source co
21505033 r Rgtsp: a generalized top scoring pairs package for class prediction. 2011 code and [R package] rgtsp are
21504561 r PhyloSim - Monte Carlo simulation of sequence evolution in the R statistical computing environment. 2011 volution, [written in R], using th
21501497 java Multithreaded comparative RNA secondary structure prediction using stochastic context-free grammars. 2011 table and [java] source co
21501495 python Screening synteny blocks in pairwise genome comparisons through integer programming. 2011 izations. [python] codes and
21501472 r SAQC: SNP array quality control. 2011 ftware is [written in R] and r-gui
21498550 r Exon array data analysis using Affymetrix power tools and R statistical software. 2011 wer tools [and R] statistic
21498403 perl PathScan: a tool for discerning mutational significance in groups of putative cancer genes. 2011 mented in [perl] and is av
21498400 java BACOM: in silico detection of genomic deletion types and correction of normal cell contamination in copy number data. 2011 en-source [java] applicati
21498399 r Normalizing bead-based microRNA expression data: a measurement error model-based approach. 2011 asets and [R package] are avail
21498398 r OTUbase: an R infrastructure package for operational taxonomic unit data. 2011 ase is an [R package] designed
21496265 java SNP-based pathway enrichment analysis for genome-wide association studies. 2011 thod in a [java] software
21493657 java 'Sciencenet'--towards a global search and share engine for all scientific knowledge. 2011 based on [java] 1.6.
21493657 python 'Sciencenet'--towards a global search and share engine for all scientific knowledge. 2011 ritten in [python] 2.7, and
21493652 c++ BamTools: a C++ API and toolkit for analyzing and managing BAM files. 2011 mtools: a [C++] api and t
21486937 java Cobweb: a Java applet for network exploration and visualisation. 2011 cobweb: a [java] applet fo
21478488 python Reliability-oriented bioinformatic networks visualization. 2011 n c++ and [python], and cons
21478488 c++ Reliability-oriented bioinformatic networks visualization. 2011 ritten in [C++] and pytho
21478487 c++ Comrad: detection of expressed rearrangements by integrated analysis of RNA-Seq and low coverage genome sequence data. 2011 a [C++] and perl
21478487 perl Comrad: detection of expressed rearrangements by integrated analysis of RNA-Seq and low coverage genome sequence data. 2011 a c++ and [perl] implement
21471018 r Multi-platform segmentation for joint detection of copy number variants. 2011 ted in an [R package] mpss, and
21471012 python ProDy: protein dynamics inferred from theory and experiments. 2011 veloped a [python] package,
21471010 r Independent surrogate variable analysis to deconvolve confounding factors in large-scale microarray profiling studies. 2011 from www.[CRAN].r-project
21450717 r A qualitative continuous model of cellular auxin and brassinosteroid signaling and their crosstalk. 2011 e via the [Bioconductor] repositor
21450711 r pathClass: an R-package for integration of pathway knowledge into support vector machines for biomarker discovery. 2011 ge on the [CRAN] repositor
21447171 c++ DecGPU: distributed error correction on massively parallel graphics processing units using CUDA and MPI. 2011 n in cuda [C++] and mpi.
21422072 r anota: Analysis of differential translation in genome-wide studies. 2011 the anota [Bioconductor] package,
21414990 r AStream: an R package for annotating LC/MS metabolomic data. 2011 tream: an [R package] for annot
21414234 java ATAQS: A computational software tool for high throughput transition optimization and validation for selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. 2011 ension of [java] algorithm
21414208 r pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves. 2011 rough the [CRAN] and csan
21398675 c++ fastsimcoal: a continuous-time coalescent simulator of genomic diversity under arbitrarily complex evolutionary scenarios. 2011 coal is a [C++] program c
21398674 r TEQC: an R package for quality control in target capture experiments. 2011 teqc: an [R package] for quali
21398673 r PRIMe: a method for characterization and evaluation of pleiotropic regions from multiple genome-wide association studies. 2011 the perl [and R] scripts a
21398673 perl PRIMe: a method for characterization and evaluation of pleiotropic regions from multiple genome-wide association studies. 2011 the [perl] and r scr
21398670 r Identification and quantification of metabolites in (1)H NMR spectra by Bayesian model selection. 2011 the [R package] bquant is
21398667 c++ GeCo++: a C++ library for genomic features computation and annotation in the presence of variants. 2011 geco++: a [C++] library f
21388547 c++ The dChip survival analysis module for microarray data. 2011 in visual [C++] also enab
21385435 java compomics-utilities: an open-source Java library for computational proteomics. 2011 en-source [java] library f
21372081 mathlab Mixtures of common t-factor analyzers for clustering high-dimensional microarray data. 2011 mented in [matlab]. the matl
21342585 c++ Repeat-aware modeling and correction of short read errors. 2011 mented in [C++] and is fr
21342575 python HDX-analyzer: a novel package for statistical analysis of protein structure dynamics. 2011 using r, [python], and rpy2
21342575 r HDX-analyzer: a novel package for statistical analysis of protein structure dynamics. 2011 etry data [using R], python,
21367873 r SurvJamda: an R package to predict patients' survival and risk assessment using joint analysis of microarray gene expression data. 2011 jamda: an [R package] to predic
21367872 java Human variation database: an open-source database template for genomic discovery. 2011 -platform [java] api is pr
21357575 mathlab STOCHSIMGPU: parallel stochastic simulation for the Systems Biology Toolbox 2 for MATLAB. 2011 box 2 for [matlab].
21357574 r aCGH.Spline--an R package for aCGH dye bias normalization. 2011 pline--an [R package] for acgh
21352572 perl BIO::Phylo-phyloinformatic analysis using perl. 2011 sis using [perl].
21352538 python A lightweight, flow-based toolkit for parallel and distributed bioinformatics pipelines. 2011 elines in [python] ('papy').
21349873 java AGRA: analysis of gene ranking algorithms. 2011 mented in [java] and runni
21349869 r R453Plus1Toolbox: an R/Bioconductor package for analyzing Roche 454 Sequencing data. 2011 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/. a v
21349867 java Interactive, multiscale navigation of large and complicated biological networks. 2011 [java] implement
21335612 c++ fconv: Format conversion, manipulation and feature computation of molecular data. 2011 license. [C++] sources a
21330291 c++ libfbi: a C++ implementation for fast box intersection and application to sparse mass spectrometry data. 2011 libfbi: a [C++] implement
21330289 r Defining an informativeness metric for clustering gene expression data. 2011 conductor [R package] attract;
21330288 python Sensitive gene fusion detection using ambiguously mapping RNA-Seq read pairs. 2011 a c++ and [python] implement
21330288 c++ Sensitive gene fusion detection using ambiguously mapping RNA-Seq read pairs. 2011 a [C++] and pytho
21325302 python Proteomics to go: Proteomatic enables the user-friendly creation of versatile MS/MS data evaluation workflows. 2011 in ruby, [python] and php.
21317143 r Cross-platform comparison of microarray data using order restricted inference. 2011 nted in c [and R] is availa
21310747 c++ Entropy-accelerated exact clustering of protein decoys. 2011 our [C++] software
21310746 mathlab FISH Finder: a high-throughput tool for analyzing FISH images. 2011 tandalone [matlab] applicati
21300702 r tigre: Transcription factor inference through gaussian process reconstruction of expression for bioconductor. 2011 ssion for [Bioconductor].
21300701 c++ HLA*IMP--an integrated framework for imputing classical HLA alleles from SNP genotypes. 2011 mented in [C++] and perl,
21300701 perl HLA*IMP--an integrated framework for imputing classical HLA alleles from SNP genotypes. 2011 n c++ and [perl], is avail
21296754 c++ SpaCEM3: a software for biological module detection when data is incomplete, high dimensional and dependent. 2011 eloped in [C++] and can b
21296752 java DDN: a caBIG® analytical tool for differential network analysis. 2011 tandalone [java] applicati
21296752 mathlab DDN: a caBIG® analytical tool for differential network analysis. 2011 java and [matlab] source co
21296750 c++ SIMA: simultaneous multiple alignment of LC/MS peak lists. 2011 a [C++] implement
21296749 mathlab LSPR: an integrated periodicity detection algorithm for unevenly sampled temporal microarray data. 2011 mented as [matlab] software
21296748 javascript Gobe: an interactive, web-based tool for comparative genomic visualization. 2011 heets and [javascript] callback
21278367 python Easyfig: a genome comparison visualizer. 2011 yfig is a [python] applicati
21278191 java Bambino: a variant detector and alignment viewer for next-generation sequencing data in the SAM/BAM format. 2011 dependent [java] and avail
21278190 perl A Ruby API to query the Ensembl database for genomic features. 2011 through a [perl] api for a
21278188 java PiNGO: a Cytoscape plugin to find candidate genes in biological networks. 2011 en-source [java] package u
21278185 perl Quality control and preprocessing of metagenomic datasets. 2011 mented in [perl] and can b
21269502 r VennDiagram: a package for the generation of highly-customizable Venn and Euler diagrams in R. 2011 agram, an [R package] that enab
21266444 python Classifying short gene expression time-courses with Bayesian estimation of piecewise constant functions. 2011 a [python] package i
21261974 java PileLine: a toolbox to handle genome position information in next-generation sequencing studies. 2011 coded in [java] and run o
21258065 mathlab Computational refinement of post-translational modifications predicted from tandem mass spectrometry. 2011 mented in [matlab] and is fr
21258062 r HTSanalyzeR: an R/Bioconductor package for integrated network analysis of high-throughput screens. 2011 en in the [R language] and freel
21258060 perl WIST: toolkit for rapid, customized LIMS development. 2011 mented in [perl] and may b
21245054 r BayesPeak--an R package for analysing ChIP-seq data. 2011 speak--an [R package] for analy
21245051 c++ Automated bond order assignment as an optimization problem. 2011 en-source [C++] lgpl libr
21210988 java The Musite open-source framework for phosphorylation-site prediction. 2010 -designed [java] applicati
21210987 perl ONTO-ToolKit: enabling bio-ontology engineering via Galaxy. 2010 ended the [perl] suite ont
21210979 java The MOLGENIS toolkit: rapid prototyping of biosoftware at the push of a button. 2010 e of sql, [java], r, or ht
21210978 python An intuitive Python interface for Bioconductor libraries demonstrates the utility of language translators. 2010 intuitive [python] interface
21210978 r An intuitive Python interface for Bioconductor libraries demonstrates the utility of language translators. 2010 ed on the [R language], has beco
21210977 python interPopula: a Python API to access the HapMap Project dataset. 2010 popula: a [python] api to ac
21233169 c++ Clustering 16S rRNA for OTU prediction: a method of unsupervised Bayesian clustering. 2011 mented in [C++] and suppo
21233168 r High-accuracy prediction of bacterial type III secreted effectors based on position-specific amino acid composition profiles. 2011 an [R package] of bpbaac
21233166 r A pipeline for RNA-seq data processing and quality assessment. 2011 the [R package] is availa
21233165 c++ ESS++: a C++ objected-oriented algorithm for Bayesian stochastic search model exploration. 2011 ess++: a [C++] objected-
21228048 r CNAmet: an R package for integrating copy number, methylation and expression data. 2011 namet: an [R package] for integ
21224286 python GPU accelerated biochemical network simulation. 2011 present a [python] package,
21217123 r Robust linear regression methods in association studies. 2011 from the [R package] kinship i
21217122 c++ A fast, lock-free approach for efficient parallel counting of occurrences of k-mers. 2011 ritten in [C++] and is gp
21216779 java A Java API for working with PubChem datasets. 2011 a [java] api for w
21216776 java MADGene: retrieval and processing of gene identifier lists for the analysis of heterogeneous microarray datasets. 2011 ase and a [java] applicati
21216773 java A method for identifying haplotypes carrying the causative allele in positive natural selection and genome-wide association studies. 2011 a [java] program,
21208987 r flowPhyto: enabling automated analysis of microscopic algae from continuous flow cytometric data. 2011 phyto, an [R package] that perf
21208986 java MIRACH: efficient model checker for quantitative biological pathway models. 2011 ped using [java] and thus
21208982 java Tabix: fast retrieval of sequence features from generic TAB-delimited files. 2011 ary in c, [java], perl and
21208982 python Tabix: fast retrieval of sequence features from generic TAB-delimited files. 2011 perl and [python]. it is pa
21208982 perl Tabix: fast retrieval of sequence features from generic TAB-delimited files. 2011 c, java, [perl] and pytho
21199577 r MTML-msBayes: approximate Bayesian comparative phylogeographic inference from multiple taxa and multiple loci with rate heterogeneity. 2011 f perl, c [and R] programs
21199577 perl MTML-msBayes: approximate Bayesian comparative phylogeographic inference from multiple taxa and multiple loci with rate heterogeneity. 2011 isting of [perl], c and r
21193521 c++ Multilign: an algorithm to predict secondary structures conserved in multiple RNA sequences. 2011 d in ansi [C++] and can b
21177328 mathlab Improvements in the reconstruction of time-varying gene regulatory networks: dynamic programming and regularization by information sharing among genes. 2011 a [matlab] implement
21172910 mathlab Functional integration of a metabolic network model and expression data without arbitrary thresholding. 2011 mented in [matlab] and requi
21169379 java Lipid Data Analyzer: unattended identification and quantitation of lipids in LC-MS data. 2011 the [java] applicati
21169378 r phangorn: phylogenetic analysis in R. 2011 is in the [R language]. previous
21169377 c++ ABMapper: a suffix array-based tool for multi-location searching and splice-junction mapping. 2011 ritten in [C++] and perl.
21169377 perl ABMapper: a suffix array-based tool for multi-location searching and splice-junction mapping. 2011 n c++ and [perl]. it runs
21159624 r Automated analysis of information processing, kinetic independence and modular architecture in biochemical networks using MIDIA. 2011 xtensible [R package] that perf
21149343 perl When the Web meets the cell: using personalized PageRank for analyzing protein interaction networks. 2011 the [perl] script fo
21149340 java Cytoscape 2.8: new features for data integration and network visualization. 2011 a desktop [java] applicati
21149278 c++ Exploring metabolic pathways in genome-scale networks via generating flux modes. 2011 e code in [C++] is availa
21148545 c++ SurreyFBA: a command line tool and graphics user interface for constraint-based modeling of genome-scale metabolic reaction networks. 2011 mented in [C++], is easil
21148542 c++ SlideSort: all pairs similarity search for short reads. 2011 files and [C++] libraries
21134892 r Rseg--an R package to optimize segmentation of SNP array data. 2011 rseg--an [R package] to optimi
21134890 r Predicting in vitro drug sensitivity using Random Forests. 2011 en in the [R language] and will
21129181 r Merged consensus clustering to assess and improve class discovery with microarray data. 2010 scribe an [R package] containin
21127034 mathlab A regression framework incorporating quantitative and negative interaction data improves quantitative prediction of PDZ domain-peptide interaction from primary sequence. 2011 the [matlab] code for
21127032 c++ MTR: taxonomic annotation of short metagenomic reads using clustering at multiple taxonomic ranks. 2011 atlab and [C++] source co
21127032 mathlab MTR: taxonomic annotation of short metagenomic reads using clustering at multiple taxonomic ranks. 2011 [matlab] and c++ s
21123224 java GLay: community structure analysis of biological networks. 2010 cytoscape [java] program,
21118823 python Improving the quality of protein similarity network clustering algorithms using the network edge weight distribution. 2011 [python] code for
21118515 mathlab Knowledge-based matrix factorization temporally resolves the cellular responses to IL-6 stimulation. 2010 ethods. a [matlab] implement
21118506 r Preprocessing of gene expression data by optimally robust estimators. 2010 ed in the [R package] named rob
21115438 java Real-world comparison of CPU and GPU implementations of SNPrank: a network analysis tool for GWAS. 2011 atlab and [java] as well a
21115438 python Real-world comparison of CPU and GPU implementations of SNPrank: a network analysis tool for GWAS. 2011 including [python], matlab a
21115438 mathlab Real-world comparison of CPU and GPU implementations of SNPrank: a network analysis tool for GWAS. 2011 g python, [matlab] and java
21115436 mathlab von Bertalanffy 1.0: a COBRA toolbox extension to thermodynamically constrain metabolic models. 2011 -platform [matlab] extension
21092255 java Reticular alignment: a progressive corner-cutting method for multiple sequence alignment. 2010 am in the [java] programmi
21088029 r Efficient change point detection for genomic sequences of continuous measurements. 2011 n the new [R package] cumseg av
21081511 python GimmeMotifs: a de novo motif prediction pipeline for ChIP-sequencing experiments. 2011 mented in [python] and runs
21076148 perl PLEXY: efficient target prediction for box C/D snoRNAs. 2011 the [perl] script pl
21075747 r QuACN: an R package for analyzing complex biological networks quantitatively. 2011 quacn: an [R package] for analy
21075742 r Inference of gene networks--application to Bifidobacterium. 2011 le at www.[Bioconductor].org and a
21073736 r Quantification and deconvolution of asymmetric LC-MS peaks using the bi-Gaussian mixture model and statistical model selection. 2010 ed in the [R package] aplcms: h
21062762 mathlab Inverse perturbation for optimal intervention in gene regulatory networks. 2011 the [matlab] code for
21044358 r Stromal microenvironment processes unveiled by biological component analysis of gene expression in xenograft tumor models. 2010 yb probes [and R] script ar
21050468 r Optimizing transformations for automated, high throughput analysis of flow cytometry data. 2010 ithin the [Bioconductor] flowcore
21045073 r dmGWAS: dense module searching for genome-wide association studies in protein-protein interaction networks. 2011 hod in an [R package], which ca
21037244 java Bayesian sampling of genomic rearrangement scenarios via double cut and join. 2010 mented in [java] 1.5 progr
21034480 mathlab Predicting domain-domain interaction based on domain profiles with feature selection and support vector machines. 2010 mented in [matlab] and suppo
20980271 mathlab Optimized data fusion for K-means Laplacian clustering. 2011 the [matlab] code of a
20973958 c++ BALL--biochemical algorithms library 1.3. 2010 extensive [C++] class lib
20971988 perl The GMOD Drupal bioinformatic server framework. 2010 n php and [perl]. freely a
20971985 r Generalized random set framework for functional enrichment analysis using primary genomics datasets. 2011 rt of the [R package] clean fro
20966004 r R/qtl: high-throughput multiple QTL mapping. 2010 atistical [language r], and is m
20946609 perl Integrated database for identifying candidate genes for Aspergillus flavus resistance in maize. 2010 rver, and [perl] cgi scrip
20946604 perl A framework for automated enrichment of functionally significant inverted repeats in whole genomes. 2010 rience in [perl].
20946598 perl Next generation models for storage and representation of microbial biological annotation. 2010 esources, [perl], c, and u
20959382 java MiRonTop: mining microRNAs targets across large scale gene expression studies. 2010 an online [java] web tool
20958996 mathlab Discover protein complexes in protein-protein interaction networks using parametric local modularity. 2010 mented in [matlab] and is fr
20956245 perl High-quality annotation of promoter regions for 913 bacterial genomes. 2010 mented in [perl] and suppo
20956244 java Interactive microbial genome visualization with GView. 2010 view is a [java] applicati
20956243 c++ SPLATCHE2: a spatially explicit simulation framework for complex demography, genetic admixture and recombination. 2010 che2 is a [C++] program c
20950483 mathlab Accurate peak list extraction from proteomic mass spectra for identification and profiling studies. 2010 ssspec, a [matlab] implement
20947524 java OmicsAnalyzer: a Cytoscape plug-in suite for modeling omics data. 2010 mented in [java], omicsana
20947523 java The SMARTCyp cytochrome P450 metabolism prediction server. 2010 smartcyp [java] program a
20942945 mathlab Quadratic variance models for adaptively preprocessing SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry data. 2010 mented in [matlab]. the prop
20942913 java Confronting two-pair primer design for enzyme-free SNP genotyping based on a genetic algorithm. 2010 mented in [java] and a use
20937596 java Pre-calculated protein structure alignments at the RCSB PDB website. 2010 ttp://www.[biojava].org. a so
20929913 mathlab R3D Align: global pairwise alignment of RNA 3D structures using local superpositions. 2010 lign. the [matlab] source co
20929911 python PyETV: a PyMOL evolutionary trace viewer to analyze functional site predictions in protein complexes. 2010 ritten in [python]. installa
20926422 perl TURNIP: tracking unresolved nucleotide polymorphisms in large hard-to-assemble regions of repetitive DNA sequence. 2010 suite of [perl] scripts a
20926421 python MEDELLER: homology-based coordinate generation for membrane proteins. 2010 mented in [python], bash and
20926421 bash MEDELLER: homology-based coordinate generation for membrane proteins. 2010 n python, [bash] and perl
20926421 perl MEDELLER: homology-based coordinate generation for membrane proteins. 2010 bash and [perl] cgi for u
20926419 java GeneMANIA Cytoscape plugin: fast gene function predictions on the desktop. 2010 mented in [java] and is fr
20880956 r A statistical framework for Illumina DNA methylation arrays. 2010 [R package] lumiwclus
20871108 java SylArray: a web server for automated detection of miRNA effects from expression data. 2010 perl and [java] and also
20871108 perl SylArray: a web server for automated detection of miRNA effects from expression data. 2010 perl-cgi, [perl] and java
20861030 r Girafe--an R/Bioconductor package for functional exploration of aligned next-generation sequencing reads. 2010 the [R package] girafe is
20861029 java FastPval: a fast and memory efficient program to calculate very low P-values from empirical distribution. 2010 file, the [java] gui and s
20861028 c++ BUCKy: gene tree/species tree reconciliation with Bayesian concordance analysis. 2010 ucky is a [C++] program t
20847220 java Evidence mining and novelty assessment of protein-protein interactions with the ConsensusPathDB plugin for Cytoscape. 2010 with sun [java] 1.5 or la
20847218 python Ruffus: a lightweight Python library for computational pipelines. 2010 ghtweight [python] library f
20843356 perl Pan-genome sequence analysis using Panseq: an online tool for the rapid analysis of core and accessory genomic regions. 2010 ritten in [perl].
20837570 perl A unified index of sequence quality and contig overlap for DNA barcoding. 2010 a gpl [perl] script is
20834038 r Semi-supervised recursively partitioned mixture models for identifying cancer subtypes. 2010 rried out [using R] (http://w
20834037 c++ Reptile: representative tiling for short read error correction. 2010 mented in [C++] and is av
20829444 java The Chemical Translation Service--a web-based tool to improve standardization of metabolomic reports. 2010 roovy and [java], the web
20828413 r Multivariate Hawkes process models of the occurrence of regulatory elements. 2010 ble as an [R package] from http
20828407 java Next generation tools for genomic data generation, distribution, and visualization. 2010 tandalone [java] swing app
20823315 mathlab De-correlating expression in gene-set analysis. 2010 the [matlab] codes and
20823308 c++ RactIP: fast and accurate prediction of RNA-RNA interaction using integer programming. 2010 mented in [C++], and the
20823304 mathlab Integrating genome assemblies with MAIA. 2010 able as a [matlab] package a
20823298 mathlab Automated construction and analysis of the design space for biochemical systems. 2010 olbox for [matlab] is freely
20817744 mathlab Using manifold embedding for assessing and predicting protein interactions from high-throughput experimental data. 2010 [matlab] code impl
20815925 c++ Harvest: an open-source tool for the validation and improvement of peptide identification metrics and fragmentation exploration. 2010 mework in [C++] for analy
20813878 mathlab Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. 2010 in r and [matlab] at http:/
20810601 c++ CoGAPS: an R/C++ package to identify patterns and biological process activity in transcriptomic data. 2010 en source [C++] code buil
20810601 r CoGAPS: an R/C++ package to identify patterns and biological process activity in transcriptomic data. 2010 the [R package] cogaps an
20801914 r DCGL: an R package for identifying differentially coexpressed genes and links from gene expression microarray data. 2010 dcgl: an [R package] for ident
20739311 mathlab TFInfer: a tool for probabilistic inference of transcription factor activities. 2010 n earlier [matlab] version,
20739307 java BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language. 2010 ns on the [java] virtual m
20736340 java Deep and wide digging for binding motifs in ChIP-Seq data. 2010 _genetika [java] package:
20733064 c++ Improving performances of suboptimal greedy iterative biclustering heuristics via localization. 2010 s in leda [C++] library,
20733063 python OpenStructure: a flexible software framework for computational structural biology. 2010 + or in a [python] layer, me
20733063 c++ OpenStructure: a flexible software framework for computational structural biology. 2010 ritten in [C++] with a cl
20709689 java QuantProReloaded: quantitative analysis of microspot immunoassays. 2010 in r and [java] and is op
20709689 r QuantProReloaded: quantitative analysis of microspot immunoassays. 2010 loaded is [written in R] and java
20704747 perl TF-finder: a software package for identifying transcription factors involved in biological processes using microarray data and existing knowledge base. 2010 ascca, a [perl] controlle
20702402 java Genevar: a database and Java application for the analysis and visualization of SNP-gene associations in eQTL studies. 2010 abase and [java] applicati
20702399 mathlab Automated analysis of time-lapse fluorescence microscopy images: from live cell images to intracellular foci. 2010 mented in [matlab] (the math
20702396 mathlab Cross-species queries of large gene expression databases. 2010 lts and a [matlab] implement
20702395 java BDVal: reproducible large-scale predictive model development and validation in high-throughput datasets. 2010 mented in [java], provided
20702394 python RBSDesigner: software for designing synthetic ribosome binding sites that yields a desired level of protein expression. 2010 ritten in [python] and micro
20696734 perl MASiVE: Mapping and Analysis of Sirevirus Elements in plant genome sequences. 2010 [perl] source co
20691053 java PeakAnalyzer: genome-wide annotation of chromatin binding and modification loci. 2010 n c++ and [java] is provid
20691053 c++ PeakAnalyzer: genome-wide annotation of chromatin binding and modification loci. 2010 e code in [C++] and java
20688976 r A framework for oligonucleotide microarray preprocessing. 2010 ed on the [Bioconductor] principle
20685957 c++ SPRINT: side-chain prediction inference toolbox for multistate protein design. 2010 the full [C++] source co
20673335 java OpenChrom: a cross-platform open source software for the mass spectrometric analysis of chromatographic data. 2010 ritten in [java]. openchro
20671149 r ExpressionView--an interactive viewer for modules identified in gene expression data. 2010 iew is an [R package] that prov
20671148 r Correction of mass calibration gaps in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomics data. 2010 buted via [Bioconductor] under gnu
20667133 r Data reduction for spectral clustering to analyze high throughput flow cytometry data. 2010 thm as an [R package] is freely
20660295 r A fast and robust statistical test based on likelihood ratio with Bartlett correction to identify Granger causality between gene sets. 2010 tions. an [R package] named ggr
20656902 javascript Cytoscape Web: an interactive web-based network browser. 2010 pt with a [javascript] api and i
20651112 perl Prophossi: automating expert validation of phosphopeptide-spectrum matches from tandem mass spectrometry. 2010 tation in [perl] for analy
20647521 java PathwayAccess: CellDesigner plugins for pathway databases. 2010 espective [java] applicati
20639410 mathlab On reverse engineering of gene interaction networks using time course data with repeated measurements. 2010 [matlab] code and
20637081 r R-Gada: a fast and flexible pipeline for copy number analysis in association studies. 2010 ent a new [R package], that int
20634205 r RPPanalyzer: Analysis of reverse-phase protein array data. 2010 ge on the [CRAN] platform
20631160 mathlab Probabilistic analysis of gene expression measurements from heterogeneous tissues. 2010 ritten in [matlab], and are
20628076 java PriorsEditor: a tool for the creation and use of positional priors in motif discovery. 2010 (requires [java] 1.6). the
20628074 perl OWL2Perl: creating Perl modules from OWL class definitions. 2010 creating [perl] modules f
20628073 java BioNetCAD: design, simulation and experimental validation of synthetic biochemical networks. 2010 mented in [java] and suppo
20628070 r Logic Forest: an ensemble classifier for discovering logical combinations of binary markers. 2010 ilable on [CRAN], http://c
20624783 r genoPlotR: comparative gene and genome visualization in R. 2010 dependent [R package], availabl
20624777 java Analyzing taxonomic classification using extensible Markov models. 2010 mented in [java] and suppo
20624289 r Protein structure modelling and evaluation based on a 4-distance description of side-chain interactions. 2010 8 decoys ['R'] us decoy
20610611 r ROAST: rotation gene set tests for complex microarray experiments. 2010 on in the [Bioconductor] package l
20605930 r CNVineta: a data mining tool for large case-control copy number variation datasets. 2010 ineta, an [R package] for rapid
20598126 r A flexible R package for nonnegative matrix factorization. 2010 flexible [R package] for nonne
20595460 r mbmdr: an R package for exploring gene-gene interactions associated with binary or quantitative traits. 2010 mbmdr: an [R package] for explo
20591907 python ABC-SysBio--approximate Bayesian computation in Python with GPU support. 2010 tation in [python] with gpu
20587705 r Mining metabolic pathways through gene expression. 2010 an [R package] containin
20576627 c++ MSAProbs: multiple sequence alignment based on pair hidden Markov models and partition function posterior probabilities. 2010 ritten in [C++], is freel
20576626 r Single feature polymorphism detection using recombinant inbred line microarray expression data. 2010 the [R package] 'dipsfp'
20576622 r Cassis: detection of genomic rearrangement breakpoints. 2010 perl [and R] scripts a
20576622 perl Cassis: detection of genomic rearrangement breakpoints. 2010 [perl] and r scr
20565748 java Computing and visually analyzing mutual information in molecular co-evolution. 2010 mented in [java] and free
20562450 c Bridges: a tool for identifying local similarities in long sequences. 2010 ed in the [C programming] language
20562416 python Manipulation of FASTQ data with Galaxy. 2010 mented in [python] and has b
20562414 java Assemble: an interactive graphical tool to analyze and build RNA architectures at the 2D and 3D levels. 2010 ed in the [java] language
20554691 mathlab Causal relationship inference for a large-scale cellular network. 2010 the [matlab] files for
20554688 c++ A Bayesian approach using covariance of single nucleotide polymorphism data to detect differences in linkage disequilibrium patterns between groups of individuals. 2010 ferences) [C++] software,
20551135 r JAMIE: joint analysis of multiple ChIP-chip experiments. 2010 evelop an [R package] jamie to
20551134 java Count: evolutionary analysis of phylogenetic profiles with parsimony and likelihood. 2010 and-alone [java] applicati
20550700 c++ Detecting lateral gene transfers by statistical reconciliation of phylogenetic forests. 2010 mented in [C++], using th
20546611 java Accessing the SEED genome databases via Web services API: tools for programmers. 2010 thon, and [java].
20546611 python Accessing the SEED genome databases via Web services API: tools for programmers. 2010 as perl, [python], and java
20546611 perl Accessing the SEED genome databases via Web services API: tools for programmers. 2010 s such as [perl], python,
20538724 c++ Testing multiple gene interactions by the ordered combinatorial partitioning method in case-control studies. 2010 [C++] program i
20537149 java mu-CS: an extension of the TM4 platform to manage Affymetrix binary data. 2010 and as a [java] standalon
20534127 r FunctSNP: an R package to link SNPs to functional knowledge and dbAutoMaker: a suite of Perl scripts to build SNP databases. 2010 ctsnp: an [R package] to link s
20534127 perl FunctSNP: an R package to link SNPs to functional knowledge and dbAutoMaker: a suite of Perl scripts to build SNP databases. 2010 suite of [perl] scripts t
20529941 python Assessing the functional coherence of gene sets with metrics based on the Gene Ontology graph. 2010 en in the [python] programmi
20529915 mathlab A fast mathematical programming procedure for simultaneous fitting of assembly components into cryoEM density maps. 2010 uest as a [matlab] code pack
20529905 mathlab Efficient identification of identical-by-descent status in pedigrees with many untyped individuals. 2010 mented in [matlab] and is fr
20529902 python Analyzing circadian expression data by harmonic regression based on autoregressive spectral estimation. 2010 mented by [python] and r. al
20529902 r Analyzing circadian expression data by harmonic regression based on autoregressive spectral estimation. 2010 by python [and R]. all sour
20529900 mathlab Inferring combinatorial association logic networks in multimodal genome-wide screens. 2010 the [matlab] code of t
20529895 java SuperTriplets: a triplet-based supertree approach to phylogenomics. 2010 nline and [java] standalon
20529889 r ACNE: a summarization method to estimate allele-specific copy numbers for Affymetrix SNP arrays. 2010 en-source [R package] acne, whi
20529363 mathlab L2-norm multiple kernel learning and its application to biomedical data fusion. 2010 the [matlab] code of a
20525223 mathlab poolMC: smart pooling of mRNA samples in microarray experiments. 2010 eloped in [matlab]. a proof-
20519286 r Structure-based variable selection for survival data. 2010 matlab [and R] code are
20519286 mathlab Structure-based variable selection for survival data. 2010 [matlab] and r cod
20519285 perl A computational genomics pipeline for prokaryotic sequencing projects. 2010 nation of [perl], bourne s
20513665 java SLIMS--a user-friendly sample operations and inventory management system for genotyping labs. 2010 ped using [java] 1.6.0, s,
20511363 java geWorkbench: an open source platform for integrative genomics. 2010 en source [java] desktop a
20509870 python Colonyzer: automated quantification of micro-organism growth characteristics on solid agar. 2010 packages: [python], rpy and
20505005 java A UIMA wrapper for the NCBO annotator. 2010 mented in [java] for suppo
20505002 perl Threshold Average Precision (TAP-k): a measure of retrieval designed for bioinformatics. 2010 nloadable [perl] script ar
20505000 java DA 1.0: parameter estimation of biological pathways using data assimilation approach. 2010 ped using [java] and thus
20501552 c A parallel algorithm to compute chemical organizations in biological networks. 2010 standard [C programming] language
20492697 java A high-level 3D visualization API for Java and ImageJ. 2010 n api for [java] and image
20487547 r sdef: an R package to synthesize lists of significant features in related experiments. 2010 sdef: an [R package] to synthe
20487544 perl Analysing 454 amplicon resequencing experiments using the modular and database oriented Variant Identification Pipeline. 2010 nts using [perl] and a rel
20472542 python The Newick utilities: high-throughput phylogenetic tree processing in the UNIX shell. 2010 rce code, [python] bindings
20472541 perl Classification of DNA sequences using Bloom filters. 2010 aster 1.6 [perl] module ca
20472540 java Interactive software tool to comprehend the calculation of optimal sequence alignments with dynamic programming. 2010 en in the [java] computer
20462443 mathlab A comparison of approximation techniques for variance-based sensitivity analysis of biochemical reaction systems. 2010 coded in [matlab], which im
20462408 r TumorBoost: normalization of allele-specific tumor copy numbers from a single pair of tumor-normal genotyping microarrays. 2010 -platform [R package],
20459813 perl eHive: an artificial intelligence workflow system for genomic analysis. 2010 agent, a [perl] script, q
20459804 r ChIPpeakAnno: a Bioconductor package to annotate ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip data. 2010 akanno: a [Bioconductor] package t
20459647 r Odefy--from discrete to continuous models. 2010 box, sbml [and R] script fi
20459647 mathlab Odefy--from discrete to continuous models. 2010 uad, gna, [matlab] script fi
20457667 r Repitools: an R package for the analysis of enrichment-based epigenomic data. 2010 tools: an [R package] for the a
20453004 mathlab Discover regulatory DNA elements using chromatin signatures and artificial neural network. 2010 mented in [matlab]. the sour
20453003 c++ Arcadia: a visualization tool for metabolic pathways. 2010 ritten in [C++]. the sour
20439257 c++ A low-polynomial algorithm for assembling clusters of orthologous groups from intergenomic symmetric best matches. 2010 [C++] source co
20439256 c++ Deuteration distribution estimation with improved sequence coverage for HX/MS experiments. 2010 mented in [C++] and inclu
20438641 python Partitioning of copy-number genotypes in pedigrees. 2010 with the [python] interpret
20435580 python The Genomedata format for storing large-scale functional genomics data. 2010 tation in [python] and c com
20429928 c++ WaveletQuant, an improved quantification software based on wavelet signal threshold de-noising for labeled quantitative proteomic analysis. 2010 ng visual [C++] 2005 expr
20427518 r ConsensusClusterPlus: a class discovery tool with confidence assessments and item tracking. 2010 software, [written in R], under gp
20427516 python Modeling RNA loops using sequence homology and geometric constraints. 2010 mented in [python], mysql an
20421198 python DendroPy: a Python library for phylogenetic computing. 2010 ndropy: a [python] library f
20418341 r CGHnormaliter: a Bioconductor package for normalization of array CGH data with many CNAs. 2010 aliter: a [Bioconductor] package f
20418340 r FABIA: factor analysis for bicluster acquisition. 2010 ble as an [R package] on biocon
20416082 python BS Seeker: precise mapping for bisulfite sequencing. 2010 omes. the [python] program i
20413636 java PepC: proteomics software for identifying differentially expressed proteins based on spectral counting. 2010 mented in [java]. it has b
20413635 python HangOut: generating clean PSI-BLAST profiles for domains with long insertions. 2010 mented in [python] 2.3 and r
20412558 r BioPhysConnectoR: Connecting sequence information and biophysical models. 2010 with the [R package] biophysco
20410052 python Inference of combinatorial Boolean rules of synergistic gene sets from cancer microarray datasets. 2010 ritten in [python] and r are
20410052 r Inference of combinatorial Boolean rules of synergistic gene sets from cancer microarray datasets. 2010 in python [and R] are avail
20410051 c++ Supersplat--spliced RNA-seq alignment. 2010 mented in [C++], superspl
20400454 c++ HIV classification using the coalescent theory. 2010 mented in [C++] and the s
20398407 r Starr: Simple Tiling ARRay analysis of Affymetrix ChIP-chip data. 2010 arr is an [R package] that cove
20395285 r Picante: R tools for integrating phylogenies and ecology. 2010 vironment [written in R] and c, re
20385730 r Quality assessment of protein model-structures using evolutionary conservation. 2010 ious perl [and R] scripts u
20385730 perl Quality assessment of protein model-structures using evolutionary conservation. 2010 a [perl] implement
20385013 java web cellHTS2: a web-application for the analysis of high-throughput screening data. 2010 upporting [java] 1.5.0 can
20378558 r BoolNet--an R package for generation, reconstruction and analysis of Boolean networks. 2010 olnet--an [R package] for gener
20378557 python A CROC stronger than ROC: measuring, visualizing and optimizing early retrieval. 2010 vailable. [python] code and
20378555 java Correction of sequencing errors in a mixed set of reads. 2010 the [java] source co
20375112 mathlab Multilevel support vector regression analysis to identify condition-specific regulatory networks. 2010 he ml-svr [matlab] package c
20375111 r partDSA: deletion/substitution/addition algorithm for partitioning the covariate space in prediction. 2010 dsa as an [R package].
20371495 r Modular analysis of gene expression data with R. 2010 oduce two [Bioconductor] software
20370922 java A highly efficient multi-core algorithm for clustering extremely large datasets. 2010 ed of our [java] based alg
20363732 java Streamlining the construction of large-scale dynamic models using generic kinetic equations. 2010 e code in [java], is avail
20363730 java ACCUSA--accurate SNP calling on draft genomes. 2010 rammed in [java] 6 and run
20363728 r Supervised normalization of microarrays. 2010 an [R package] called sn
20346105 java Moara: a Java library for extracting and normalizing gene and protein mentions. 2010 moara: a [java] library f
20338898 r EBImage--an R package for image processing with applications to cellular phenotypes. 2010 image--an [R package] for image
20307295 java In silico fragmentation for computer assisted identification of metabolite mass spectra. 2010 es and as [java] library.
20299327 java ArchSchema: a tool for interactive graphing of related Pfam domain architectures. 2010 hema is a [java] web start
20299326 java HALO--a Java framework for precise transcript half-life determination. 2010 halo--a [java] framework
20298548 mathlab Gene regulatory networks modelling using a dynamic evolutionary hybrid. 2010 nted in a [matlab] toolbox a
20230624 java RNAstructure: software for RNA secondary structure prediction and analysis. 2010 ritten in [java], and new
20230624 c++ RNAstructure: software for RNA secondary structure prediction and analysis. 2010 ibrary of [C++] classes f
20223837 mathlab Inferring cluster-based networks from differently stimulated multiple time-course gene expression data. 2010 a [matlab] implement
20223834 r Integrative mixture of experts to combine clinical factors and gene markers. 2010 ed in the [R package] integrati
20215462 mathlab Genome-wide inferring gene-phenotype relationship by walking on the heterogeneous network. 2010 the [matlab] code of t
20214778 java Mayday--integrative analytics for expression data. 2010 ways. as [java] program,
20214776 mathlab SCPS: a fast implementation of a spectral method for detecting protein families on a genome-wide scale. 2010 y coupled [matlab] scripts t
20208069 c++ Genome-wide synteny through highly sensitive sequence alignment: Satsuma. 2010 mented in [C++] on linux.
20207696 perl Filtering error from SOLiD Output. 2010 ritten in [perl] and runs
20122197 c++ A hub-attachment based method to detect functional modules from confidence-scored protein interactions and expression profiles. 2010 a [C++] implement
20193060 perl The IronChip evaluation package: a package of perl modules for robust analysis of custom microarrays. 2010 ackage of [perl] modules f
20189937 mathlab Exploiting sequence similarity to validate the sensitivity of SNP arrays in detecting fine-scaled copy number variations. 2010 the [matlab] implement
20185407 c++ ESBTL: efficient PDB parser and data structure for the structural and geometric analysis of biological macromolecules. 2010 ghtweight [C++] library t
20181285 java SpectraClassifier 1.0: a user friendly, automated MRS-based classifier-development system. 2010 (sc) is a [java] solution
20179076 r GOSemSim: an R package for measuring semantic similarity among GO terms and gene products. 2010 emsim: an [R package] for measu
20179074 python Domain adaptation for semantic role labeling in the biomedical domain. 2010 mented in [python] and c and
20176580 c++ An optimal experimental design approach to model discrimination in dynamic biochemical systems. 2010 mented in [C++] in the pa
20172942 r CandiSNPer: a web tool for the identification of candidate SNPs for causal variants. 2010 d in perl [and R] and runs
20172942 perl CandiSNPer: a web tool for the identification of candidate SNPs for causal variants. 2010 mented in [perl] and r and
20170493 r A statistical framework for differential network analysis from microarray data. 2010 tions. an [R package] of our te
20163737 r Potentials 'R' Us web-server for protein energy estimations with coarse-grained knowledge-based potentials. 2010 otentials ['R'] us web-se
20156990 r Phybase: an R package for species tree analysis. 2010 ybase: an [R package] for speci
20147305 mathlab Estimating replicate time shifts using Gaussian process regression. 2010 [matlab] code for
20147302 perl Fast and SNP-tolerant detection of complex variants and splicing in short reads. 2010 ograms in [perl] are freel
20144191 r Testing the additional predictive value of high-dimensional molecular data. 2010 ed in the [R package] globalbo
20130031 perl Six Rossmannoid folds, including the Class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, share a partial core with the anti-codon-binding domain of a Class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. 2010 ritten in [perl] and c and
20130030 python Identifying biologically relevant differences between metagenomic communities. 2010 [python] source co
20128918 r BABAR: an R package to simplify the normalisation of common reference design microarray-based transcriptomic datasets. 2010 babar: an [R package] to simpli
20122279 c++ Multiple structure alignment and consensus identification for proteins. 2010 mented in [C++] and can b
20118117 c++ A fast and automated solution for accurately resolving protein domain architectures. 2010 mented in [C++] and compi
20110278 c++ BEDTools: a flexible suite of utilities for comparing genomic features. 2010 ritten in [C++]. source c
20110277 r A hidden Ising model for ChIP-chip data analysis. 2010 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org/.
20106819 c++ invertFREGENE: software for simulating inversions in population genetic data. 2010 [C++] source co
20106815 perl iMotifs: an integrated sequence motif visualization and analysis environment. 2010 s for the [perl], ruby, r
20105306 python Biana: a software framework for compiling biological interactions and analyzing networks. 2010 iana is a [python] framework
20097915 mathlab WellReader: a MATLAB program for the analysis of fluorescence and luminescence reporter gene data. 2010 reader: a [matlab] program f
20096121 r NeatMap--non-clustering heat map alternatives in R. 2010 map is an [R package] designed
20089513 r rMAT--an R/Bioconductor package for analyzing ChIP-chip experiments. 2010 en source [R package], rmat, th
20081222 java Multifactor dimensionality reduction for graphics processing units enables genome-wide testing of epistasis in sporadic ALS. 2010 dely used [java] software
20080510 java NEMO: a tool for analyzing gene and chromosome territory distributions from 3D-FISH experiments. 2010 and-alone [java] applicati
20080509 r pegas: an R package for population genetics with an integrated-modular approach. 2010 pegas: an [R package] for popul
20080508 c++ MSMSpdbb: providing protein databases of closely related organisms to improve proteomic characterization of prokaryotic microbes. 2010 eloped in [C++] using the
20078892 java OLS dialog: an open-source front end to the ontology lookup service. 2010 created a [java] front end
20074382 mathlab LucidDraw: efficiently visualizing complex biochemical networks within MATLAB. 2010 ks within [matlab].
20071372 java BamView: viewing mapped read alignment data in the context of the reference sequence. 2010 teractive [java] applicati
20070885 python ETE: a python Environment for Tree Exploration. 2010 ete: a [python] environme
20061306 python PyRosetta: a script-based interface for implementing molecular modeling algorithms using Rosetta. 2010 contains [python] bindings
20056731 r CaliBayes and BASIS: integrated tools for the calibration, simulation and storage of biological simulation models. 2010 r with an [R package] for consu
20053276 python PyMix--the python mixture package--a tool for clustering of heterogeneous biological data. 2010 ymix--the [python] mixture p
20040588 r GWAF: an R package for genome-wide association analyses with family data. 2010 gwaf: an [R package] for genom
20040587 r Mixtures of regression models for time course gene expression data: evaluation of initialization and random effects. 2010 able from [CRAN] (http://c
20031972 r DR-Integrator: a new analytic tool for integrating DNA copy number and gene expression data. 2010 ment. the [R package] is availa
20028515 java A response to information criterion-based clustering with order-restricted candidate profiles in short time-course microarray experiments. 2009 available [java] implement
20028515 r A response to information criterion-based clustering with order-restricted candidate profiles in short time-course microarray experiments. 2009 in matlab [and R] by liu et
20028515 mathlab A response to information criterion-based clustering with order-restricted candidate profiles in short time-course microarray experiments. 2009 al. using [matlab]. also, ba
20021670 python Using mechanistic Bayesian networks to identify downstream targets of the sonic hedgehog pathway. 2009 kage, the [python] environme
20015393 c TargetSearch--a Bioconductor package for the efficient preprocessing of GC-MS metabolite profiling data. 2009 functions [written in C] for speed
20015393 r TargetSearch--a Bioconductor package for the efficient preprocessing of GC-MS metabolite profiling data. 2009 search--a [Bioconductor] package f
20007740 c++ Tmod: toolbox of motif discovery. 2010 eloped in [C++] with the
20007253 r PCIT: an R package for weighted gene co-expression networks based on partial correlation and information theory approaches. 2010 pcit: an [R package] for weigh
20003544 java CHESS (CgHExpreSS): a comprehensive analysis tool for the analysis of genomic alterations and their effects on the expression profile of the genome. 2009 d in both [java] applicati
20003429 java Graphle: Interactive exploration of large, dense graphs. 2009 teractive [java] applet. t
20003386 mathlab Survival prediction from clinico-genomic models--a comparative study. 2009 ion data. [matlab] code for
20003283 r An improved empirical bayes approach to estimating differential gene expression in microarray time-course data: BETR (Bayesian Estimation of Temporal Regulation). 2009 en-source [R package] betr is a
19996165 mathlab Temporal clustering by affinity propagation reveals transcriptional modules in Arabidopsis thaliana. 2010 [matlab] code for
19996163 c++ HIGEDA: a hierarchical gene-set genetics based algorithm for finding subtle motifs in biological sequences. 2010 mented in [C++] and suppo
19965880 mathlab DataPflex: a MATLAB-based tool for the manipulation and visualization of multidimensional datasets. 2010 ported to [matlab] or .xls.
19958528 java Bioclipse 2: a scriptable integration platform for the life sciences. 2009 mented in [java] and suppo
19942587 java Extraction and comparison of gene expression patterns from 2D RNA in situ hybridization images. 2010 a [java] webstart
19942584 java CMap3D: a 3D visualization tool for comparative genetic maps. 2010 ssing and [java]. binaries
19939831 java Expertomica Cells: analysis of cell monolayer development. 2010 mented in [java] 6 and sup
19933825 java EGAN: exploratory gene association networks. 2010 gan) is a [java] desktop a
19933824 r A personalized microRNA microarray normalization method using a logistic regression model. 2010 asets and [R package] are avail
19933823 java MIRAGAA--a methodology for finding coordinated effects of microRNA expression changes and genome aberrations in cancer. 2010 in r and [java], is avail
19933593 r Joint estimation of DNA copy number from multiple platforms. 2010 the [R package] for mpcbs
19933163 mathlab Bayesian variable selection for disease classification using gene expression data. 2010 a free [matlab] code to p
19933161 python Annotation and merging of SBML models with semanticSBML. 2010 ritten in [python] and relea
19933158 r Pathway analysis using random forests with bivariate node-split for survival outcomes. 2010 [R package] pwayrfsur
19930695 r Regularized estimation of large-scale gene association networks using graphical Gaussian models. 2009 ed in the [R package] parcor ,
19914921 python PyNAST: a flexible tool for aligning sequences to a template alignment. 2010 possible. [python] nearest a
19910308 r edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data. 2010 edger: a [Bioconductor] package f
19880372 java Model aggregation: a building-block approach to creating large macromolecular regulatory networks. 2009 [java] implement
19880369 c++ MicroRazerS: rapid alignment of small RNA reads. 2010 the seqan [C++] library a
19880368 r MATICCE: mapping transitions in continuous character evolution. 2010 ge in the [R language] for mappi
19874609 python multiplierz: an extensible API based desktop environment for proteomics data analysis. 2009 igh-level [python] scripts,
19861356 c Estimating population haplotype frequencies from pooled SNP data using incomplete database information. 2009 rce codes [written in C] (using gn
19861354 mathlab Computational protein profile similarity screening for quantitative mass spectrometry experiments. 2010 a [matlab] toolbox i
19860866 mathlab Gene ARMADA: an integrated multi-analysis platform for microarray data implemented in MATLAB. 2009 mented in [matlab].
19855105 r DEGseq: an R package for identifying differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data. 2010 egseq: an [R package] for ident
19828085 mathlab A scale space approach for unsupervised feature selection in mass spectra classification for ovarian cancer detection. 2009 code, as [matlab] scripts,
19828078 perl The Human EST Ontology Explorer: a tissue-oriented visualization system for ontologies distribution in human EST collections. 2009 relies on [perl] scripts a
19828075 perl Extraction, integration and analysis of alternative splicing and protein structure distributed information. 2009 system of [perl] scripts h
19828071 perl A Perl procedure for protein identification by Peptide Mass Fingerprinting. 2009 a [perl] procedure
19850754 r The gputools package enables GPU computing in R. 2010 gputools [R package] is availa
19849862 perl Direct calibration of PICKY-designed microarrays. 2009 files and [perl] programs
19832995 mathlab Classification and biomarker identification using gene network modules and support vector machines. 2009 rrays.the [matlab] version o
19832968 java Magallanes: a web services discovery and automatic workflow composition tool. 2009 dependent [java] library o
19811691 python Exploratory visual analysis of conserved domains on multiple sequence alignments. 2009 ritten in [python] and using
19811679 r NATbox: a network analysis toolbox in R. 2009 ox in the [language r] that hous
19814779 r Deterministic Effects Propagation Networks for reconstructing protein signaling networks from multiple interventions. 2009 on of the [R package] nem ava
19811632 mathlab Generation of Gene Ontology benchmark datasets with various types of positive signal. 2009 coded in [matlab] and is fr
19808880 r HTqPCR: high-throughput analysis and visualization of quantitative real-time PCR data in R. 2009 d through [Bioconductor] or at htt
19808877 r Effect of read-mapping biases on detecting allele-specific expression from RNA-sequencing data. 2009 n in perl [and R], for simu
19808877 perl Effect of read-mapping biases on detecting allele-specific expression from RNA-sequencing data. 2009 ritten in [perl] and r, fo
19808875 java Qupe--a Rich Internet Application to take a step forward in the analysis of mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics experiments. 2009 mented in [java] utilizing
19776214 java SimCT: a generic tool to visualize ontology-based relationships for biological objects. 2009 specific [java] applet de
19773336 mathlab Bayesian detection of non-sinusoidal periodic patterns in circadian expression data. 2009 [matlab] software
19773334 python MOODS: fast search for position weight matrix matches in DNA sequences. 2009 operl and [biopython] toolkits.
19773334 c++ MOODS: fast search for position weight matrix matches in DNA sequences. 2009 ritten in [C++], with bin
19773334 perl MOODS: fast search for position weight matrix matches in DNA sequences. 2009 e popular [bioperl] and biopy
19751523 r Exploratory and inferential analysis of gene cluster neighborhood graphs. 2009 nsions of [R package] gcexplore
19747395 javascript ICRPfinder: a fast pattern design algorithm for coding sequences and its application in finding potential restriction enzyme recognition sites. 2009 ser-based [javascript] applicati
19744993 javascript QuickGO: a web-based tool for Gene Ontology searching. 2009 mented in [javascript], ajax and
19734153 c Bi-correlation clustering algorithm for determining a set of co-regulated genes. 2009 developed [using C] and visua
19734151 java Saint: a lightweight integration environment for model annotation. 2009 rted. the [java] source co
19720676 java Identification of genes involved in the same pathways using a Hidden Markov Model-based approach. 2009 [java] source co
19713416 c++ A novel algorithm for detecting differentially regulated paths based on gene set enrichment analysis. 2009 [C++] source co
19713415 mathlab ERNEST: a toolbox for chemical reaction network theory. 2009 lbox is a [matlab] package w
19712446 java QPCR: Application for real-time PCR data management and analysis. 2009 web-based [java] applicati
19706745 r integrOmics: an R package to unravel relationships between two omics datasets. 2009 omics: an [R package] to unrave
19706743 r digeR: a graphical user interface R package for analyzing 2D-DIGE data. 2009 interface [R package] for analy
19706742 mathlab Learning gene regulatory networks from gene expression measurements using non-parametric molecular kinetics. 2009 a [matlab] implement
19706180 java Genoviz Software Development Kit: Java tool kit for building genomics visualization applications. 2009 ment kit: [java] tool kit
19698124 c++ MULTI-K: accurate classification of microarray subtypes using ensemble k-means clustering. 2009 well. the [C++] code and
19698094 python p3d--Python module for structural bioinformatics. 2009 this the [python] scripting
19696046 java PiSQRD: a web server for decomposing proteins into quasi-rigid dynamical domains. 2009 requires [java], is avail
19696044 c++ Metabolite and reaction inference based on enzyme specificities. 2009 atlab and [C++] code is f
19696044 mathlab Metabolite and reaction inference based on enzyme specificities. 2009 [matlab] and c++ c
19689961 java CoCoa: a software tool for estimating the coefficient of coancestry from multilocus genotype data. 2009 ritten in [java].
19689961 c++ CoCoa: a software tool for estimating the coefficient of coancestry from multilocus genotype data. 2009 ritten in [C++], while th
19689956 python CEAS: cis-regulatory element annotation system. 2009 the ceas [python] package i
19687029 java SnoopCGH: software for visualizing comparative genomic hybridization data. 2009 ritten in [java] and is av
19679825 r Stability and aggregation of ranked gene lists. 2009 available [Bioconductor] package g
19671693 r Testing the hypothesis of tissue selectivity: the intersection-union test and a Bayesian approach. 2009 th matlab [and R] code that
19671693 mathlab Testing the hypothesis of tissue selectivity: the intersection-union test and a Bayesian approach. 2009 both [matlab] and r cod
19671691 java T-REKS: identification of Tandem REpeats in sequences with a K-meanS based algorithm. 2009 mented in [java], the prog
19661241 r R/Bioconductor software for Illumina's Infinium whole-genome genotyping BeadChips. 2009 the crlmm [Bioconductor] package i
19656385 java Multi-level learning: improving the prediction of protein, domain and residue interactions by allowing information flow between levels. 2009 ritten in [java], and can
19654119 r ShortRead: a bioconductor package for input, quality assessment and exploration of high-throughput sequence data. 2009 rtread: a [Bioconductor] package f
19654115 r Multiple testing in genome-wide association studies via hidden Markov models. 2009 an [R package] plis has
19654113 java The Integrated Genome Browser: free software for distribution and exploration of genome-scale datasets. 2009 mented in [java] that supp
19653903 mathlab Generating rate equations for complex enzyme systems by a computer-assisted systematic method. 2009 athml and [matlab] output fi
19648135 r Gene ranking and biomarker discovery under correlation. 2009 ed in the [R package] 'st', whi
19646231 java sscMap: an extensible Java application for connecting small-molecule drugs using gene-expression signatures. 2009 xtensible [java] applicati
19640299 r CLEAN: CLustering Enrichment ANalysis. 2009 an add-on [R package] and can b
19628503 mathlab Modified variational Bayes EM estimation of hidden Markov tree model of cell lineages. 2009 the [matlab] code for
19628502 r Moderated effect size and P-value combinations for microarray meta-analyses. 2009 an [R package] metama is
19620098 perl Benchmarking homology detection procedures with low complexity filters. 2009 [perl] scripts f
19607672 perl OrthoSelect: a protocol for selecting orthologous groups in phylogenomics. 2009 ritten in [perl] and runs
19605418 c++ DiProGB: the dinucleotide properties genome browser. 2009 mented in [C++] and suppo
19602528 mathlab Expertomica metabolite profiling: getting more information from LC-MS using the stochastic systems approach. 2009 [matlab] scripts w
19589155 r puma: a Bioconductor package for propagating uncertainty in microarray analysis. 2009 puma: a [Bioconductor] package f
19578173 python FRED--a framework for T-cell epitope detection. 2009 mented in [python] in a modu
19578040 c++ TreeTime: an extensible C++ software package for Bayesian phylogeny reconstruction with time-calibration. 2009 xtensible [C++] software
19570806 c++ k-link EST clustering: evaluating error introduced by chimeric sequences under different degrees of linkage. 2009 ritten in [C++].
19561337 java HAPLOWSER: a whole-genome haplotype browser for personal genome and metagenome. 2009 ritten in [java], supports
19561019 r A pipeline for the quantitative analysis of CG dinucleotide methylation using mass spectrometry. 2009 resent an [R package] ('massarr
19558728 mathlab DOTcvpSB, a software toolbox for dynamic optimization in systems biology. 2009 ritten in [matlab] and provi
19534756 perl The Mycoplasma conjunctivae genome sequencing, annotation and analysis. 2009 ected via [perl] scripts.
19534753 java RetroTector online, a rational tool for analysis of retroviral elements in small and medium size vertebrate genomic sequences. 2009 dependent [java] program f
19534749 java A bioinformatics knowledge discovery in text application for grid computing. 2009 ritten in [java] on globus
19534746 java Human microRNA target analysis and gene ontology clustering by GOmir, a novel stand-alone application. 2009 separate [java] applicati
19534737 mathlab 'Brukin2D': a 2D visualization and comparison tool for LC-MS data. 2009 built in [matlab] 7.4, whic
19542152 java SHREC: a short-read error correction method. 2009 en-source [java] implement
19538731 r designGG: an R-package and web tool for the optimal design of genetical genomics experiments. 2009 igngg, an [R package] for desig
19528086 r PROMISE: a tool to identify genomic features with a specific biologically interesting pattern of associations with multiple endpoint variables. 2009 able as a [Bioconductor] package f
19528083 java De novo transcriptome assembly with ABySS. 2009 mented in [java] using the
19528083 c++ De novo transcriptome assembly with ABySS. 2009 mented in [C++]. the para
19505947 c++ Rapid detection, classification and accurate alignment of up to a million or more related protein sequences. 2009 a [C++] implement
19505945 c++ trimAl: a tool for automated alignment trimming in large-scale phylogenetic analyses. 2009 ritten in [C++], it is po
19505944 mathlab Structural and practical identifiability analysis of partially observed dynamical models by exploiting the profile likelihood. 2009 lable for [matlab] and the p
19505942 r Importing ArrayExpress datasets into R/Bioconductor. 2009 from the [Bioconductor] project a
19505940 java Identifying the topology of protein complexes from affinity purification assays. 2009 a [java] implement
19497936 perl ABACAS: algorithm-based automatic contiguation of assembled sequences. 2009 mented in [perl] and is fr
19497932 perl Detecting SNPs and estimating allele frequencies in clonal bacterial populations by sequencing pooled DNA. 2009 mented in [perl] and relie
19486540 c Fpocket: an open source platform for ligand pocket detection. 2009 en in the [C programming] language,
19478022 perl Genotype-phenotype associations: substitution models to detect evolutionary associations between phenotypic variables and genotypic evolutionary rate. 2009 [perl] and hyphy
19478016 java Identifying novel constrained elements by exploiting biased substitution patterns. 2009 nted in a [java] software
19478010 java Efficient exact motif discovery. 2009 mented in [java]. it can b
19477986 c++ Multi-locus match probability in a finite population: a fundamental difference between the Moran and Wright-Fisher models. 2009 a [C++] implement
19477983 mathlab Fewer permutations, more accurate P-values. 2009 the [matlab] code can
19468055 r NTAP: for NimbleGen tiling array ChIP-chip data analysis. 2009 d in perl [and R] and can b
19468055 perl NTAP: for NimbleGen tiling array ChIP-chip data analysis. 2009 mented in [perl] and r and
19468054 r rtracklayer: an R package for interfacing with genome browsers. 2009 layer: an [R package] for inter
19468053 java Using chemical organization theory for model checking. 2009 ata and a [java] applet to
19463149 r Differential splicing using whole-transcript microarrays. 2009 ble as an [R package].
19460889 python An active registry for bioinformatics web services. 2009 with php, [python], mysql an
19447787 r Gradient lasso for Cox proportional hazards model. 2009 [R package] glcoxph i
19442304 r flowClust: a Bioconductor package for automated gating of flow cytometry data. 2009 eloped an [R package] called fl
19439563 java Apollo: a community resource for genome annotation editing. 2009 ollo is a [java] applicati
19435744 perl Generating linkage mapping files from Affymetrix SNP chip data. 2009 agen is a [perl] tool that
19435742 mathlab Robust synthetic biology design: stochastic game theory approach. 2009 oolbox in [matlab]. finally,
19420051 r RJaCGH: Bayesian analysis of aCGH arrays for detecting copy number changes and recurrent regions. 2009 ble as an [R package] from cran
19414529 r apLCMS--adaptive processing of high-resolution LC/MS data. 2009 ted in an [R package] aplcms, w
19401401 java baobabLUNA: the solution space of sorting by reversals. 2009 mented in [java] is freely
19401399 python Affinity Density: a novel genomic approach to the identification of transcription factor regulatory targets. 2009 mented in [python], lisp, r
19398451 r penalizedSVM: a R-package for feature selection SVM classification. 2009 d. in the [R package] 'penalize
19398447 r GeneRegionScan: a Bioconductor package for probe-level analysis of specific, small regions of the genome. 2009 dependent [R package] available
19389734 c++ MetaTISA: Metagenomic Translation Initiation Site Annotator for improving gene start prediction. 2009 the [C++] source co
19389732 python KIRMES: kernel-based identification of regulatory modules in euchromatic sequences. 2009 the [python] source co
19376826 java A stochastic model for the evolution of metabolic networks with neighbor dependence. 2009 ampler in [java] is availa
19376823 c++ A local multiple alignment method for detection of non-coding RNA sequences. 2009 the [C++] source co
19374774 r Data-driven normalization strategies for high-throughput quantitative RT-PCR. 2009 are as an [R package] qpcrnorm
19369502 java Fluctuation analysis CalculatOR: a web tool for the determination of mutation rate using Luria-Delbruck fluctuation analysis. 2009 tten as a [java] applet, r
19358741 r flowCore: a Bioconductor package for high throughput flow cytometry. 2009 ls in the [R package] flowcore
19351618 mathlab Enrichment constrained time-dependent clustering analysis for finding meaningful temporal transcription modules. 2009 data and [matlab] code are
19349284 r Data structures and algorithms for analysis of genetics of gene expression with Bioconductor: GGtools 3.x. 2009 n source. [Bioconductor] 2.3 packa
19307241 r BioconductorBuntu: a Linux distribution that implements a web-based DNA microarray analysis server. 2009 ed by the [Bioconductor] project,
19307239 r KEGGgraph: a graph approach to KEGG PATHWAY in R and bioconductor. 2009 in r and [Bioconductor].
19304878 python Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics. 2009 available [python] tools for
19297349 java DASher: a stand-alone protein sequence client for DAS, the Distributed Annotation System. 2009 en-source [java] das clien
19291295 r Kerfdr: a semi-parametric kernel-based approach to local false discovery rate estimation. 2009 rough the [R package] kerfdr vi
19289448 mathlab Gaussian process regression bootstrapping: exploring the effects of uncertainty in time course data. 2009 [matlab] code for
19289444 python GS2: an efficiently computable measure of GO-based similarity of gene sets. 2009 en-source [python] library.
19289443 java A method and program for estimating graphical models for linkage disequilibrium that scale linearly with the number of loci, and their application to gene drop simulation. 2009 [java] classes a
19286834 c++ SimMLST: simulation of multi-locus sequence typing data under a neutral model. 2009 mented in [C++] and qt4 f
19286833 c++ Statistical detection of cooperative transcription factors with similarity adjustment. 2009 s well as [C++] source co
19286832 c++ A novel parallel approach to the likelihood-based estimation of admixture in population genetics. 2009 pi)-based [C++] implement
19279066 c++ Switching regulatory models of cellular stress response. 2009 atlab and [C++] code used
19279066 mathlab Switching regulatory models of cellular stress response. 2009 [matlab] and c++ c
19276151 r The tspair package for finding top scoring pair classifiers in R. 2009 cribe the [R package], tspair,
19269989 java PADRE: a package for analyzing and displaying reticulate evolution. 2009 en-source [java] program f
19269988 c++ RNATOPS-W: a web server for RNA structure searches of genomes. 2009 mand line [C++] software
19254921 perl DIYA: a bacterial annotation pipeline for any genomics lab. 2009 ritten in [perl], used for
19254356 r RGG: a general GUI Framework for R scripts. 2009 ogramming [language r] by adding
19251774 perl WSsas: a web service for the annotation of functional residues through structural homologues. 2009 ile and a [perl] client ar
19208175 mathlab Advanced analysis and visualization of gene copy number and expression data. 2009 tool is a [matlab] toolbox e
19244389 r Boosting for high-dimensional time-to-event data with competing risks. 2009 ed in the [R package] coxboost
19244386 mathlab BISEN: Biochemical Simulation Environment. 2009 ms in the [matlab] computing
19244385 java PLATINUM: a web tool for analysis of hydrophobic/hydrophilic organization of biomolecular complexes. 2009 requires [java] 5 or high
19237448 r PAnnBuilder: an R package for assembling proteomic annotation data. 2009 ilder: an [R package] for assem
19228411 r RankAggreg, an R package for weighted rank aggregation. 2009 ggreg, an [R package] for weigh
19225024 r gcExplorer: interactive exploration of gene clusters. 2009 t the new [R package] gcexplore
19223449 javascript OnTheFly: a tool for automated document-based text annotation, data linking and network generation. 2009 s to them [javascript] code to i
19218352 javascript CGAS: comparative genomic analysis server. 2009 nchronous [javascript] and xml (
19213739 c++ Enumeration of condition-dependent dense modules in protein interaction networks. 2009 a [C++] implement
19211573 c STEM: species tree estimation using maximum likelihood for gene trees under coalescence. 2009 en in the [C language] to obtain
19200358 r EMMA 2--a MAGE-compliant system for the collaborative analysis and integration of microarray data. 2009 on r and [Bioconductor] packages
19193733 java Radié: visualizing taxon properties and parsimonious mappings using a radial phylogenetic tree. 2009 active 3d [java] applicati
19193729 c++ QVALITY: non-parametric estimation of q-values and posterior error probabilities. 2009 lity is a [C++] program f
19188192 c++ Accurate identification of orthologous segments among multiple genomes. 2009 nted as a [C++] program.
19181685 java NOBLAST and JAMBLAST: New Options for BLAST and a Java Application Manager for BLAST results. 2009 ast and a [java] applicati
19181683 r CORNA: testing gene lists for regulation by microRNAs. 2009 ble as an [R package] from http
19178723 r DFP: a Bioconductor package for fuzzy profile identification and gene reduction of microarray data. 2009 conductor [R package] that impl
19176559 mathlab A novel comprehensive wave-form MS data processing method. 2009 xample of [matlab] scripts u
19176556 r Parallelized prediction error estimation for evaluation of high-dimensional models. 2009 ed by the [R package] peperr, w
19176555 r A flexible rank-based framework for detecting copy number aberrations from array data. 2009 an [R package] rankcopy
19176553 r Testing significance relative to a fold-change threshold is a TREAT. 2009 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org.
19176547 c++ A novel meta-analysis method exploiting consistency of high-throughput experiments. 2009 a [C++] implement
19171029 r Evaluating the impact of scoring parameters on the structure of intra-specific genetic variation using RawGeno, an R package for automating AFLP scoring. 2009 wgeno, an [R package] for autom
19168913 java AssociationViewer: a scalable and integrated software tool for visualization of large-scale variation data in genomic context. 2009 the [java] code for
19166610 javascript Genome Projector: zoomable genome map with multiple views. 2009 nchronous [javascript] and xml (
19154590 mathlab Combining Pareto-optimal clusters using supervised learning for identifying co-expressed genes. 2009 sets, the [matlab] code and
19154578 r Identifying differential exon splicing using linear models and correlation coefficients. 2009 of r and [Bioconductor] (bioclite
19151095 java Jalview Version 2--a multiple sequence alignment editor and analysis workbench. 2009 ghtweight [java] applet fo
19134227 r PreP+07: improvements of a user friendly tool to preprocess and analyse microarray data. 2009 ctions in [Bioconductor] using a t
19114008 r WGCNA: an R package for weighted correlation network analysis. 2008 wgcna: an [R package] for weigh
19114001 r SPRINT: a new parallel framework for R. 2008 systems, [using R], but with
19112081 mathlab Differential dependency network analysis to identify condition-specific topological changes in biological networks. 2009 the ddn [matlab] toolbox a
19109877 r SimHap GUI: an intuitive graphical user interface for genetic association analysis. 2008 he simhap [R package], while pr
19106121 r arrayQualityMetrics--a bioconductor package for quality assessment of microarray data. 2009 etrics--a [Bioconductor] package f
19106120 python AnnotationSketch: a genome annotation drawing library. 2009 ges ruby, [python] and lua.
19102758 java ProfileGrids as a new visual representation of large multiple sequence alignments: a case study of the RecA protein family. 2008 grid is a [java] applicati
19098028 java PuMA: Bayesian analysis of partitioned (and unpartitioned) model adequacy. 2009 e code, a [java].jar appli
19095699 mathlab Probabilistic assignment of formulas to mass peaks in metabolomics experiments. 2009 document, [matlab] code, dat
19087293 perl A compatible exon-exon junction database for the identification of exon skipping events using tandem mass spectrum data. 2008 cripts in [perl], bioperl,
19087285 java SynteBase/SynteView: a tool to visualize gene order conservation in prokaryotic genomes. 2008 e through [java] webstart
19074958 r rHVDM: an R package to predict the activity and targets of a transcription factor. 2009 rhvdm: an [R package] to predic
19073589 r SIMoNe: Statistical Inference for MOdular NEtworks. 2009 the [R package] simone (s
19073588 mathlab Matrix correlations for high-dimensional data: the modified RV-coefficient. 2009 the [matlab] m-files o
19068132 java The APEX Quantitative Proteomics Tool: generating protein quantitation estimates from LC-MS/MS proteomics results. 2008 en source [java] applicati
19043077 r Programs for calculating the statistical powers of detecting susceptibility genes in case-control studies based on multistage designs. 2009 udy using [R language]. in our p
19040729 r Highly sensitive feature detection for high resolution LC/MS. 2008 into the [Bioconductor] r-package
19019849 c++ A multivariate test of association. 2009 a [C++] implement
19015130 c++ Prediction of translation initiation site for microbial genomes with TriTISA. 2009 the [C++] source co
19014642 r CrossHybDetector: detection of cross-hybridization events in DNA microarray experiments. 2008 ithin the [CRAN] project.
19014540 r A Web-based and Grid-enabled dChip version for the analysis of large sets of gene expression data. 2008 e r-based [Bioconductor] and dchip
19014535 perl Extension of the COG and arCOG databases by amino acid and nucleotide sequences. 2008 s such as [perl] applied t
19014471 r Standardized high-throughput evaluation of cell-based compound screens. 2008 s a novel [R package] with a tc
18990722 r A novel signaling pathway impact analysis. 2009 ted as an [R package] available
18990721 java DNAPlotter: circular and linear interactive genome visualization. 2009 teractive [java] applicati
18984599 java TOPALi v2: a rich graphical interface for evolutionary analyses of multiple alignments on HPC clusters and multi-core desktops. 2009 ed from a [java] graphical
18980677 r Learning transcriptional regulatory networks from high throughput gene expression data using continuous three-way mutual information. 2008 from the [R package] archive c
18977780 python PConPy--a Python module for generating 2D protein maps. 2008 pconpy--a [python] module fo
18977779 r Model-based analysis of non-specific binding for background correction of high-density oligonucleotide microarrays. 2009 ed in the [R language] and can b
18974169 mathlab Investigating the correspondence between transcriptomic and proteomic expression profiles using coupled cluster models. 2008 [matlab] code is a
18974073 mathlab Identifying molecular markers associated with classification of genotypes by External Logistic Biplots. 2008 the [matlab] code for
18959772 r minet: A R/Bioconductor package for inferring large transcriptional networks using mutual information. 2008 from the [Bioconductor] website.
18957118 java MetaMine--a tool to detect and analyse gene patterns in their environmental context. 2008 mented in [java] and provi
18953044 r BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts. 2008 beadarray [Bioconductor] package (
18953044 bash BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts. 2008 e present [bash], a tool f
18945685 python CARPET: a web-based package for the analysis of ChIP-chip and expression tiling data. 2008 of perl, [python] and r scr
18945685 r CARPET: a web-based package for the analysis of ChIP-chip and expression tiling data. 2008 l, python [and R] scripts,
18945685 perl CARPET: a web-based package for the analysis of ChIP-chip and expression tiling data. 2008 a set of [perl], python a
18940826 java QGene 4.0, an extensible Java QTL-analysis platform. 2008 xtensible [java] qtl-analy
18937846 mathlab Assessment of protein set coherence using functional annotations. 2008 networks. [matlab] code and
18925941 r CMA: a comprehensive Bioconductor package for supervised classification with high dimensional data. 2008 rehensive [Bioconductor] package f
18922808 r Reconstructing tumor-wise protein expression in tissue microarray studies using a Bayesian cell mixture model. 2008 [R package] to fit cm
18851737 r Probabilistic base calling of Solexa sequencing data. 2008 f 15%. an [R package] is provid
18842601 c A flexible forward simulator for populations subject to selection and demography. 2008 en in the [C programming] language)
18842599 r GEOmetadb: powerful alternative search engine for the Gene Expression Omnibus. 2008 dition, a [Bioconductor] package,
18842599 mathlab GEOmetadb: powerful alternative search engine for the Gene Expression Omnibus. 2008 esponding [matlab] implement
18842147 mathlab Detection of the dominant direction of information flow and feedback links in densely interconnected regulatory networks. 2008 f f90 and [matlab] implement
18819939 r Identifying differentially expressed subnetworks with MMG. 2008 htm, from [CRAN], and has
18818216 fortran Bayesian learning of biological pathways on genomic data assimilation. 2008 the [fortran] source co
18817533 java Presenting and exploring biological pathways with PathVisio. 2008 etely new [java] implement
18812364 java Integrating and annotating the interactome using the MiMI plugin for cytoscape. 2009 hed using [java] webstart
18805798 java MS-BID: a Java package for label-free LC-MS-based comparative proteomic analysis. 2008 ms-bid: a [java] package f
18803830 java GlycomeDB - integration of open-access carbohydrate structure databases. 2008 arge. the [java] applicati
18793458 java Clustering ionic flow blockade toggles with a mixture of HMMs. 2008 arning. a [java] implement
18796477 python tCal: transcriptional probability calculator using thermodynamic model. 2008 odel in a [python] module, '
18790795 r Gene set enrichment analysis using linear models and diagnostics. 2008 ilable as [Bioconductor] package g
18789148 mathlab Increasing the efficiency of bacterial transcription simulations: when to exclude the genome without loss of accuracy. 2008 a simple [matlab] user inte
18784119 java F-Seq: a feature density estimator for high-throughput sequence tags. 2008 en in the [java] language
18784117 fortran Combining partial correlation and an information theory approach to the reversed engineering of gene co-expression networks. 2008 [fortran] 90 source
18776194 java STREAM: Static Thermodynamic REgulAtory Model of transcription. 2008 requires [java] version 5
18757875 c++ PREDICT-2ND: a tool for generalized protein local structure prediction. 2008 required [C++] library i
18755046 java FERN - a Java framework for stochastic simulation and evaluation of reaction networks. 2008 fern - a [java] framework
18753155 r Supervised principal component analysis for gene set enrichment of microarray data with continuous or survival outcomes. 2008 hod in an [R package].
18753153 java StatAlign: an extendable software package for joint Bayesian estimation of alignments and evolutionary trees. 2008 ge in the [java] programmi
18721485 perl SynBlast: assisting the analysis of conserved synteny information. 2008 ritten in [perl] is availa
18718947 r Rtreemix: an R package for estimating evolutionary pathways and genetic progression scores. 2008 eemix: an [R package] for estim
18718946 r Eigen-R2 for dissecting variation in high-dimensional studies. 2008 lable via [Bioconductor].
18718939 r Analyzing gene perturbation screens with nested effects models in R and bioconductor. 2008 en in the [R language] and freel
18710873 r Inference of structure in subdivided populations at low levels of genetic differentiation--the correlated allele frequencies model revisited. 2008 .0 of the [R package] geneland.
18691414 r Methylation Linear Discriminant Analysis (MLDA) for identifying differentially methylated CpG islands. 2008 ilable at [CRAN] 1. this a
18689843 mathlab Gaussian process modelling of latent chemical species: applications to inferring transcription factor activities. 2008 ilable in [matlab] from http
18689838 c++ Non-parametric estimation of posterior error probabilities associated with peptides identified by tandem mass spectrometry. 2008 [C++] code impl
18689828 mathlab Automatic decomposition of kinetic models of signaling networks minimizing the retroactivity among modules. 2008 mented in [matlab] (mathwork
18689821 python Optimal spliced alignments of short sequence reads. 2008 n c++ and [python] are avail
18689821 c++ Optimal spliced alignments of short sequence reads. 2008 mented in [C++] and pytho
18689819 java Efficient representation and P-value computation for high-order Markov motifs. 2008 form of a [java] objectori
18689812 mathlab Comparison of vocabularies, representations and ranking algorithms for gene prioritization by text mining. 2008 the [matlab] code of t
18689808 java BioJava: an open-source framework for bioinformatics. 2008 nt in the [java] programmi
18687127 r Performing statistical analyses on quantitative data in Taverna workflows: an example using R and maxdBrowse to identify differentially-expressed genes from microarray data. 2008 n example [using R] and maxdb
18687127 mathlab Performing statistical analyses on quantitative data in Taverna workflows: an example using R and maxdBrowse to identify differentially-expressed genes from microarray data. 2008 as r and [matlab] require p
18682425 perl BLogo: a tool for visualization of bias in biological sequences. 2008 logo. the [perl] source co
18676972 r Predicting pathway membership via domain signatures. 2008 the [R package] gene2path
18676417 java Large-scale computation of elementary flux modes with bit pattern trees. 2008 tation in [java], with int
18676417 mathlab Large-scale computation of elementary flux modes with bit pattern trees. 2008 tion into [matlab] and suppo
18667443 r A fast Bayesian change point analysis for the segmentation of microarray data. 2008 duced the [R package] bcp (baye
18662925 python Mixture models for protein structure ensembles. 2008 the [python] source co
18641010 c Message-passing algorithms for the prediction of protein domain interactions from protein-protein interaction data. 2008 a [C language] implement
18638416 r Assessing probe-specific dye and slide biases in two-color microarray data. 2008 ance. the [R package] lmgene wh
18635570 r mlegp: statistical analysis for computer models of biological systems using R. 2008 scribe an [R package], mlegp, t
18635567 r A comparative study of survival models for breast cancer prognostication based on microarray data: does a single gene beat them all? 2008 ted in an [R package] called su
18635566 java ProCope--protein complex prediction and evaluation. 2008 rocope, a [java] software
18628290 mathlab Artificial neural network for prediction of antigenic activity for a major conformational epitope in the hepatitis C virus NS3 protein. 2008 [matlab] code is a
18621757 mathlab Integrating metabolic, transcriptional regulatory and signal transduction models in Escherichia coli. 2008 all [matlab] files use
18620604 java PRESTO: rapid calculation of order statistic distributions and multiple-testing adjusted P-values via permutation for one and two-stage genetic association studies. 2008 ble file, [java] source co
18614583 mathlab Dynamical modeling and multi-experiment fitting with PottersWheel. 2008 gned as a [matlab] toolbox a
18613966 r A unified approach to false discovery rate estimation. 2008 from the [R package] archive c
18606607 c++ ProteoWizard: open source software for rapid proteomics tools development. 2008 ng modern [C++] technique
18599518 java FindPeaks 3.1: a tool for identifying areas of enrichment from massively parallel short-read sequencing technology. 2008 running a [java] runtime e
18596077 r ChemmineR: a compound mining framework for R. 2008 ed by the [R package] chemminer
18593718 java BioMAJ: a flexible framework for databanks synchronization and processing. 2008 data. the [java] applicati
18593717 r PuReD-MCL: a graph-based PubMed document clustering methodology. 2008 e in perl [and R] are avail
18593717 perl PuReD-MCL: a graph-based PubMed document clustering methodology. 2008 e code in [perl] and r are
18586744 mathlab MicroRNA prediction with a novel ranking algorithm based on random walks. 2008 rammed in [matlab] on window
18586742 c++ Efficient algorithms for accurate hierarchical clustering of huge datasets: tackling the entire protein space. 2008 ervice. a [C++] implement
18586734 python Modeling peptide fragmentation with dynamic Bayesian networks for peptide identification. 2008 [python] and c sou
18586722 mathlab Protein complex identification by supervised graph local clustering. 2008 [matlab] implement
18586716 python Contact replacement for NMR resonance assignment. 2008 dependent [python] code. the
18586711 mathlab Combinatorial influence of environmental parameters on transcription factor activity. 2008 the [matlab] code is a
18586707 mathlab Alignment and classification of time series gene expression in clinical studies. 2008 [matlab] implement
18579568 java PRIMEGENS-v2: genome-wide primer design for analyzing DNA methylation patterns of CpG islands. 2008 the c and [java] programmi
18541052 mathlab Quantitative analysis of numerical solvers for oscillatory biomolecular system models. 2008 s. we use [matlab] numerical
18567917 c++ Database indexing for production MegaBLAST searches. 2008 the ncbi [C++] toolkit.
18544547 r Microarray-based classification and clinical predictors: on combined classifiers and additional predictive value. 2008 available [R package] 'maclinic
18544546 perl Sequence-specific reconstruction from fragmentary databases using seed sequences: implementation and validation on SAGE, proteome and generic sequencing data. 2008 seed is a [perl] program t
18535082 mathlab Hyperbolic SOM-based clustering of DNA fragment features for taxonomic visualization and classification. 2008 sifier in [matlab] is provid
18515276 r Sparse kernel methods for high-dimensional survival data. 2008 nse as an [R package] and can b
18513431 mathlab poolHiTS: a shifted transversal design based pooling strategy for high-throughput drug screening. 2008 hits. the [matlab] codes for
18511468 java Ontologizer 2.0--a multifunctional tool for GO term enrichment analysis and data exploration. 2008 izer is a [java] applicati
18511467 c++ Efficient functional clustering of protein sequences using the Dirichlet process. 2008 mented as [C++] software
18507856 r TileQC: a system for tile-based quality control of Solexa data. 2008 en in the [R language]. tileqc p
18501020 perl Predikin and PredikinDB: a computational framework for the prediction of protein kinase peptide specificity and an associated database of phosphorylation sites. 2008 nd (ii) a [perl] module, w
18501020 javascript Predikin and PredikinDB: a computational framework for the prediction of protein kinase peptide specificity and an associated database of phosphorylation sites. 2008 ritten in [javascript].
18499696 c++ The Sleipnir library for computational functional genomics. 2008 sleipnir [C++] library i
18499695 c EM-random forest and new measures of variable importance for multi-locus quantitative trait linkage analysis. 2008 for emrf [written in C] is availa
18485197 javascript Visualization of large influenza virus sequence datasets using adaptively aggregated trees with sampling-based subscale representation. 2008 mented in [javascript] within th
18482995 r qpcR: an R package for sigmoidal model selection in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. 2008 qpcr: an [R package] for sigmo
18480100 java Computing chemical organizations in biological networks. 2008 ata and a [java] implement
18477576 perl A distance metric for a class of tree-sibling phylogenetic networks. 2008 the [perl] package b
18474508 c++ DupTree: a program for large-scale phylogenetic analyses using gene tree parsimony. 2008 ritten in [C++].
18474506 java Malin: maximum likelihood analysis of intron evolution in eukaryotes. 2008 and-alone [java] applicati
18474505 java FunSiP: a modular and extensible classifier for the prediction of functional sites in DNA. 2008 and-alone [java] applicati
18474116 perl Discovery and assembly of repeat family pseudomolecules from sparse genomic sequence data using the Assisted Automated Assembler of Repeat Families (AAARF) algorithm. 2008 ritten in [perl] and with
18467348 r lumi: a pipeline for processing Illumina microarray. 2008 lumi is a [Bioconductor] package e
18467347 java Microbial genotype-phenotype mapping by class association rule mining. 2008 de of the [java] implement
18467344 c++ PatMaN: rapid alignment of short sequences to large databases. 2008 the [C++] source co
18453554 c++ An efficient method to identify differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments. 2008 the [C++] code to i
18450812 r A correction for estimating error when using the Local Pooled Error Statistical Test. 2008 ed in the [R language] and can b
18450810 c++ quantiNemo: an individual-based program to simulate quantitative traits with explicit genetic architecture in a dynamic metapopulation. 2008 coded in [C++] using an
18447951 java Implementing EM and Viterbi algorithms for Hidden Markov Model in linear memory. 2008 optimized [java] implement
18445606 java jSquid: a Java applet for graphical on-line network exploration. 2008 jsquid: a [java] applet fo
18445289 java An efficient method for the prediction of deleterious multiple-point mutations in the secondary structure of RNAs using suboptimal folding solutions. 2008 teractive [java] applicati
18441000 r fdrtool: a versatile R package for estimating local and tail area-based false discovery rates. 2008 versatile [R package] for estim
18440999 c++ MAMOT: hidden Markov modeling tool. 2008 mented in [C++], and is d
18430251 perl VariVis: a visualisation toolkit for variation databases. 2008 executing [perl] cgi scrip
18424458 java Fast grid layout algorithm for biological networks with sweep calculation. 2008 [java] implement
18416814 mathlab anNET: a tool for network-embedded thermodynamic analysis of quantitative metabolome data. 2008 eloped in [matlab] a general
18387211 perl Version VI of the ESTree db: an improved tool for peach transcriptome analysis. 2008 a [perl] modular p
18413327 r Analysing georeferenced population genetics data with Geneland: a new algorithm to deal with null alleles and a friendly graphical user interface. 2008 nse as an [R package] on the co
18407922 c Divisive Correlation Clustering Algorithm (DCCA) for grouping of genes: detecting varying patterns in expression profiles. 2008 developed [using C] and visua
18405375 java uShuffle: a useful tool for shuffling biological sequences while preserving the k-let counts. 2008 ode in c, [java], and c#,
18405375 python uShuffle: a useful tool for shuffling biological sequences while preserving the k-let counts. 2008 perl and [python] are provi
18405375 perl uShuffle: a useful tool for shuffling biological sequences while preserving the k-let counts. 2008 tions for [perl] and pytho
18400774 c++ A system for generating transcription regulatory networks with combinatorial control of transcription. 2008 enco is a [C++] command l
18397895 r adegenet: a R package for the multivariate analysis of genetic markers. 2008 egenet: a [R package] for the m
18390879 java UniProtJAPI: a remote API for accessing UniProt data. 2008 created a [java] library n
18375965 python CompariMotif: quick and easy comparisons of sequence motifs. 2008 en source [python] modules u
18371228 java A perl package and an alignment tool for phylogenetic networks. 2008 veloped a [java] applet th
18371228 perl A perl package and an alignment tool for phylogenetic networks. 2008 a [perl] package a
18366796 java Chromhome: a rich internet application for accessing comparative chromosome homology maps. 2008 nterprise [java] platform
18356193 mathlab Bayesian inference of the sites of perturbations in metabolic pathways via Markov chain Monte Carlo. 2008 [matlab] code used
18353790 perl A suite of Perl modules for handling microarray data. 2008 suite of [perl] modules f
18344518 r Unequal group variances in microarray data analyses. 2008 [R package] to perfor
18344248 mathlab Fitting a geometric graph to a protein-protein interaction network. 2008 [matlab] code impl
18325927 mathlab Merging two gene-expression studies via cross-platform normalization. 2008 s and xpn [matlab] code are
18325106 r Empirical Bayes analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms. 2008 le in the [R package] siggenes
18318917 r Normalization of oligonucleotide arrays based on the least-variant set of genes. 2008 ation. an [R package] called lv
18318908 java Goldsurfer2 (Gs2): a comprehensive tool for the analysis and visualization of genome wide association studies. 2008 mented in [java] and can b
18312684 java A software application for comparing large numbers of high resolution MALDI-FTICR MS spectra demonstrated by searching candidate biomarkers for glioma blood vessel formation. 2008 a [java] applicati
18296463 r CGHweb: a tool for comparing DNA copy number segmentations from multiple algorithms. 2008 atistical [language r]. we encou
18292114 mathlab MMG: a probabilistic tool to identify submodules of metabolic pathways. 2008 [matlab] code is a
18284666 r K-OPLS package: kernel-based orthogonal projections to latent structures for prediction and interpretation in feature space. 2008 or matlab [and R], licensed
18284666 mathlab K-OPLS package: kernel-based orthogonal projections to latent structures for prediction and interpretation in feature space. 2008 rithm for [matlab] and r, li
18267948 mathlab Complexity reduction of biochemical rate expressions. 2008 box 2 for [matlab], which is
18263642 java Interactive visualization software for exploring phylogenetic trees and clades. 2008 ste) is a [java] applicati
18252739 r ITALICS: an algorithm for normalization and DNA copy number calling for Affymetrix SNP arrays. 2008 the [R package] italics (
18252737 java LibSBML: an API library for SBML. 2008 mon lisp, [java], python,
18252737 python LibSBML: an API library for SBML. 2008 sp, java, [python], perl, ma
18252737 c++ LibSBML: an API library for SBML. 2008 iso c and [C++], provides
18252737 perl LibSBML: an API library for SBML. 2008 , python, [perl], matlab a
18252737 mathlab LibSBML: an API library for SBML. 2008 on, perl, [matlab] and octav
18251994 java The VirusBanker database uses a Java program to allow flexible searching through Bunyaviridae sequences. 2008 se uses a [java] program t
18251993 java A comparison of common programming languages used in bioinformatics. 2008 c++, c#, [java], perl and
18251993 python A comparison of common programming languages used in bioinformatics. 2008 perl and [python].
18251993 c++ A comparison of common programming languages used in bioinformatics. 2008 ted in c, [C++], c#, java
18251993 perl A comparison of common programming languages used in bioinformatics. 2008 c#, java, [perl] and pytho
18245128 r Using flowViz to visualize flow cytometry data. 2008 ble as an [R package] from the
18245126 c++ Model-based Bayesian clustering (MBBC). 2008 ox, r and [C++], taking a
18245126 r Model-based Bayesian clustering (MBBC). 2008 un the ox [and R] programs
18245124 perl ONTO-PERL: an API for supporting the development and analysis of bio-ontologies. 2008 ://search.[CPAN].org/dist/
18238804 java Interoperability with Moby 1.0--it's better than sharing your toothbrush! 2008 perl and [java] code-base
18238804 perl Interoperability with Moby 1.0--it's better than sharing your toothbrush! 2008 upporting [perl] and java
18237431 r AWclust: point-and-click software for non-parametric population structure analysis. 2008 ted as an [R package]. the soft
18237374 r SIGffRid: a tool to search for sigma factor binding sites in bacterial genomes using comparative approach and biologically driven statistics. 2008 es finder [using R]'mes to se
18227118 java Utility library for structural bioinformatics. 2008 ritten in [java] language
18227117 r Estimating large-scale signaling networks through nested effect models with intervention effects from microarray data. 2008 ithin the [Bioconductor] r-package
18227116 java TaxonGap: a visualization tool for intra- and inter-species variation among individual biomarkers. 2008 xecutable [java] archive f
18221524 perl TOBFAC: the database of tobacco transcription factors. 2008 used the [perl] programmi
18221524 javascript TOBFAC: the database of tobacco transcription factors. 2008 mented in [javascript] and perl
18218657 perl Colorstock, SScolor, Ratón: RNA alignment visualization tools. 2008 scolor, a [perl] script th
18208605 r SignS: a parallelized, open-source, freely available, web-based tool for gene selection and molecular signatures for survival and censored data. 2008 tool and [R package] for gene
18205906 perl T2prhd: a tool to study the patterns of repeat evolution. 2008 nted in a [perl] script (t
18204060 r HCGene: a software tool to support the hierarchical classification of genes. 2008 the [R package] hcgene (h
18204055 r Estimation and assessment of raw copy numbers at the single locus level. 2008 en-source [R package] named aro
18204054 r Using repeated measurements to validate hierarchical gene clusters. 2008 oped in c [and R] languages
18203773 r Multiple testing on the directed acyclic graph of gene ontology. 2008 le on www.[Bioconductor].org.
18202028 perl The SGN comparative map viewer. 2008 oriented [perl], with a s
18201381 r Cross-species and cross-platform gene expression studies with the Bioconductor-compliant R package 'annotationTools'. 2008 compliant [R package] 'annotati
18194961 mathlab Pinnacle: a fast, automatic and accurate method for detecting and quantifying protein spots in 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis data. 2008 [matlab] code to i
18194537 java NestedMICA as an ab initio protein motif discovery tool. 2008 ritten in [java], is drive
18187444 java Effect of spatial distribution of T-Cells and HIV load on HIV progression. 2008 c++ and [java] have been
18187444 c++ Effect of spatial distribution of T-Cells and HIV load on HIV progression. 2008 [C++] and java
18187443 mathlab A feed-forward loop guarantees robust behavior in Escherichia coli carbohydrate uptake. 2008 [matlab] files for
18187441 r OutlierD: an R package for outlier detection using quantile regression on mass spectrometry data. 2008 lierd: an [R package] for outli
18184687 mathlab A hybrid model for robust detection of transcription factor binding sites. 2008 a [matlab] implement
18184432 c++ SeqAn an efficient, generic C++ library for sequence analysis. 2008 , generic [C++] library f
18180239 c++ FAST: Fourier transform based algorithms for significance testing of ungapped multiple alignments. 2008 includes [C++] implement
18177498 r Extending pathways based on gene lists using InterPro domain signatures. 2008 lable via [Bioconductor].
18175769 mathlab Structural systems identification of genetic regulatory networks. 2008 the [matlab] code is a
18174185 java Automated programming for bioinformatics algorithm deployment. 2008 for most [java] bioinform
18154664 javascript Userscripts for the life sciences. 2007 ritten in [javascript]. informat
18086686 r affyGG: computational protocols for genetical genomics with Affymetrix arrays. 2008 s: (i) an [R package] providing
18086686 perl affyGG: computational protocols for genetical genomics with Affymetrix arrays. 2008 and (ii) [perl] scripts p
18056736 c++ Rfold: an exact algorithm for computing local base pairing probabilities. 2008 the [C++] source co
18056069 java Automated manipulation of systems biology models using libSBML within Taverna workflows. 2008 nd invoke [java] classes a
18056063 r Model-based deconvolution of genome-wide DNA binding. 2008 en-source [R package], includin
18042557 mathlab Estimating parameters and hidden variables in non-linear state-space models based on ODEs for biological networks inference. 2007 [matlab] code avai
18037684 r RReportGenerator: automatic reports from routine statistical analysis using R. 2008 analysis [using R].
18037683 perl Identification of phylogenetically conserved microRNA cis-regulatory elements across 12 Drosophila species. 2008 l and the [perl] scripts p
18034891 java Dendroscope: An interactive viewer for large phylogenetic trees. 2007 ritten in [java] 1.4 and i
18033794 java Analysis of a Gibbs sampler method for model-based clustering of gene expression data. 2008 ganesh, a [java] package f
18033791 java PedVizApi: a Java API for the interactive, visual analysis of extended pedigrees. 2008 vizapi: a [java] api for t
18028540 c Recodon: coalescent simulation of coding DNA sequences with recombination, migration and demography. 2007 ecodon is [written in C], can run
18025006 r Estimating node degree in bait-prey graphs. 2008 rough the [Bioconductor] project (
18024976 r GlobalANCOVA: exploration and assessment of gene group effects. 2008 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org) offe
18024975 mathlab Multi-RELIEF: a method to recognize specificity determining residues from multiple sequence alignments using a Machine-Learning approach for feature weighting. 2008 tirelief. [matlab] source co
18024972 mathlab A profile-based deterministic sequential Monte Carlo algorithm for motif discovery. 2008 [matlab] code is a
18024473 r Defining clusters from a hierarchical cluster tree: the Dynamic Tree Cut package for R. 2008 tree cut [R package] that impl
18006550 r GEIGER: investigating evolutionary radiations. 2008 en in the [R language], to descr
18006546 c++ GWAsimulator: a rapid whole-genome simulation program. 2008 the [C++] source co
18005434 r Novel definition files for human GeneChips based on GeneAnnot. 2007 uidelines [and R] code, cdf
18005402 perl A general strategy to determine the congruence between a hierarchical and a non-hierarchical classification. 2007 tegies. a [perl] script th
18003646 mathlab Independent component analysis for the extraction of reliable protein signal profiles from MALDI-TOF mass spectra. 2008 the [matlab] implement
18003643 r Vbmp: variational Bayesian Multinomial Probit Regression for multi-class classification in R. 2008 bmp is an [R package] for gauss
17997843 r BGX: a Bioconductor package for the Bayesian integrated analysis of Affymetrix GeneChips. 2007 conductor [R package] that impl
17996092 java An open source infrastructure for managing knowledge and finding potential collaborators in a domain-specific subset of PubMed, with an example from human genome epidemiology. 2007 esign and [java] as a plat
17989096 r Rintact: enabling computational analysis of molecular interaction data from the IntAct repository. 2008 intact, a [Bioconductor] package t
17989094 java Hierarchical tree snipping: clustering guided by prior knowledge. 2007 a [java] package i
17977888 python Moment invariants as shape recognition technique for comparing protein binding sites. 2007 [python] code is a
17977884 mathlab Ensemble learning of genetic networks from time-series expression data. 2007 the [matlab] codes are
17977882 java PfamAlyzer: domain-centric homology search. 2007 yzer is a [java] applet th
17947255 c++ i-ADHoRe 2.0: an improved tool to detect degenerated genomic homology using genomic profiles. 2008 tains the [C++] source co
17947255 perl i-ADHoRe 2.0: an improved tool to detect degenerated genomic homology using genomic profiles. 2008 s various [perl] scripts a
17941985 java Large scale clustering of protein sequences with FORCE -A layout based heuristic for weighted cluster editing. 2007 mented in [java]. the soft
17939871 mathlab Local Renyi entropic profiles of DNA sequences. 2007 eloped in [matlab] m-code, t
17937818 java MindSeer: a portable and extensible tool for visualization of structural and functional neuroimaging data. 2007 lization, [java] and java3
17937790 r Large scale statistical inference of signaling pathways from RNAi and microarray data. 2007 from the [Bioconductor] homepage.
17933854 r MDQC: a new quality assessment method for microarrays based on quality control reports. 2007 able from [Bioconductor].
17921494 java Biclustering as a method for RNA local multiple sequence alignment. 2007 mented in [java]. source c
17921491 c++ Improved BLAST searches using longer words for protein seeding. 2007 cbi c and [C++] toolkit c
17921172 r I/NI-calls for the exclusion of non-informative genes: a highly effective filtering tool for microarray data. 2007 ed in the [R package] farms (ww
17906332 r A microarray analysis for differential gene expression in the soybean genome using Bioconductor and R. 2007 conductor [and R].
17903289 r Graphs in molecular biology. 2007 rough the [Bioconductor] project a
17900369 r A latent variable approach for meta-analysis of gene expression data from multiple microarray experiments. 2007 ble as an [R package], metaarra
17895273 perl TandTRAQ: an open-source tool for integrated protein identification and quantitation. 2007 tandtraq [perl] scripts a
17893085 java TreeSnatcher: coding trees from images. 2007 ui-driven [java] applicati
17881408 r Moderated statistical tests for assessing differences in tag abundance. 2007 an [R package] can be ac
17880681 c A cross-species alignment tool (CAT). 2007 plemented [using C] scripts a
17877799 mathlab A framework for significance analysis of gene expression data using dimension reduction methods. 2007 le, and a [matlab] toolbox (
17875544 r oneChannelGUI: a graphical interface to Bioconductor tools, designed for life scientists who are not familiar with R language. 2007 liar with [R language].
17872912 mathlab Graph-based consensus clustering for class discovery from gene expression data. 2007 [matlab] source co
17855420 javascript AVIS: AJAX viewer of interactive signaling networks. 2007 nchronous [javascript] with xml)
17855418 java Cyto-Sim: a formal language model and stochastic simulator of membrane-enclosed biochemical processes. 2007 and-alone [java] program v
17855418 mathlab Cyto-Sim: a formal language model and stochastic simulator of membrane-enclosed biochemical processes. 2007 sbml and [matlab] m-files.
17854506 javascript OntologyWidget - a reusable, embeddable widget for easily locating ontology terms. 2007 nchronous [javascript] and xml)
17846036 c++ Clustal W and Clustal X version 2.0. 2007 ritten in [C++]. this wil
17846035 c++ A genotype calling algorithm for the Illumina BeadArray platform. 2007 the [C++] executabl
17827205 mathlab Exploiting sample variability to enhance multivariate analysis of microarray data. 2007 [matlab] script fi
17768165 r An error model for protein quantification. 2007 matlab [and R] code is a
17768165 mathlab An error model for protein quantification. 2007 [matlab] and r cod
17767709 r GeneSrF and varSelRF: a web-based tool and R package for gene selection and classification using random forest. 2007 tool and [R package] for gene
17725829 java Integrated network reconstruction, visualization and analysis using YANAsquare. 2007 ackage in [java]. it is fu
17725821 perl MaxAlign: maximizing usable data in an alignment. 2007 able as a [perl] stand-alo
17720985 mathlab Metal reduction kinetics in Shewanella. 2007 mented in [matlab]. it consi
17720982 r A comparison of background correction methods for two-colour microarrays. 2007 le in the [R package] limma (sm
17716377 java Protein structural similarity search by Ramachandran codes. 2007 and-alone [java] program t
17683598 java TomoJ: tomography software for three-dimensional reconstruction in transmission electron microscopy. 2007 ritten in [java] as a plug
17683565 r Bayesian hierarchical model for transcriptional module discovery by jointly modeling gene expression and ChIP-chip data. 2007 ithin the [R package] gimmr whi
17678535 perl PepBank--a database of peptides based on sequence text mining and public peptide data sources. 2007 ell as on [CPAN] (http://w
17660206 r Robust smooth segmentation approach for array CGH data analysis. 2007 the [R package] smoothseg
17660205 r sMOL Explorer: an open source, web-enabled database and exploration tool for Small MOLecules datasets. 2007 from weka [and R] packages
17655753 r msBayes: pipeline for testing comparative phylogeographic histories using hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation. 2007 several c [and R] programs
17655753 perl msBayes: pipeline for testing comparative phylogeographic histories using hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation. 2007 un with a [perl] front-en
17646351 java Homology search for genes. 2007 the [java] implement
17646350 java In search of lost introns. 2007 the [java] implement
17646338 r From protein microarrays to diagnostic antigen discovery: a study of the pathogen Francisella tularensis. 2007 grams are [written in R] and avail
17646331 java Continuous hidden process model for time series expression experiments. 2007 a [java] implement
17646320 java Functional annotation of regulatory pathways. 2007 mented in [java] and is av
17646311 r Nested effects models for high-dimensional phenotyping screens. 2007 le in the [R package] 'nem' fro
17646288 mathlab Kernel-based data fusion for gene prioritization. 2007 the [matlab] code used
17644558 java GSEA-P: a desktop application for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis. 2007 on of the [java] based sof
17626633 java A novel ensemble learning method for de novo computational identification of DNA binding sites. 2007 nterface, [java] source co
17623703 c++ HMMoC--a compiler for hidden Markov models. 2007 efficient [C++] implement
17623700 r RefPlus: an R package extending the RMA Algorithm. 2007 fplus: an [R package] extending
17605777 mathlab Robust regression for periodicity detection in non-uniformly sampled time-course gene expression data. 2007 lable for [matlab] and will
17599937 perl CASVM: web server for SVM-based prediction of caspase substrates cleavage sites. 2007 ritten in [perl] and hoste
17599935 mathlab Improving gene quantification by adjustable spot-image restoration. 2007 mented in [matlab] (the math
17599926 python QPRIMER: a quick web-based application for designing conserved PCR primers from multigenome alignments. 2007 pygr (the [python] graph dat
17594490 java Constructing a meaningful evolutionary average at the phylogenetic center of mass. 2007 design. a [java] implement
17594490 r Constructing a meaningful evolutionary average at the phylogenetic center of mass. 2007 atistical [language r].
17594472 r Ringo--an R/Bioconductor package for analyzing ChIP-chip readouts. 2007 en-source [R package] ringo tha
17586828 r beadarray: R classes and methods for Illumina bead-based data. 2007 from the [Bioconductor] web page
17586826 mathlab BiVisu: software tool for bicluster detection and visualization. 2007 eloped in [matlab] and is av
17586549 java Evaporative cooling feature selection for genotypic data involving interactions. 2007 ritten in [java], is freel
17586546 r Annotation-based distance measures for patient subgroup discovery in clinical microarray studies. 2007 ovide the [R package] adsplit a
17586543 r Multivariate correlation estimator for inferring functional relationships from replicated genome-wide data. 2007 ted in an [R package] 'correp'
17584939 mathlab Precise protein quantification based on peptide quantification using iTRAQ. 2007 2.2. the [matlab] scripts o
17584922 python Three-Dimensional Phylogeny Explorer: distinguishing paralogs, lateral transfer, and violation of molecular clock assumption with 3D visualization. 2007 cientific [python] to genera
17559666 perl Bio::NEXUS: a Perl API for the NEXUS format for comparative biological data. 2007 :nexus: a [perl] api for t
17553857 r Predicting survival from microarray data--a comparative study. 2007 matlab [and R] code for
17553857 mathlab Predicting survival from microarray data--a comparative study. 2007 [matlab] and r cod
17550911 java Finding cis-regulatory modules in Drosophila using phylogenetic hidden Markov models. 2007 available [java] program:
17545183 java OBO-Edit--an ontology editor for biologists. 2007 mented in [java], obo-edit
17540683 c++ Simple and fast alignment of metabolic pathways by exploiting local diversity. 2007 mented in [C++] as a user
17540682 mathlab Bayesian modelling of shared gene function. 2007 ement and [matlab] code are
17537755 python PALMA: mRNA to genome alignments using large margin algorithms. 2007 n c++ and [python] are avail
17537755 c++ PALMA: mRNA to genome alignments using large margin algorithms. 2007 mented in [C++] and pytho
17537750 java StrBioLib: a Java library for development of custom computational structural biology applications. 2007 biolib: a [java] library f
17519250 r Discovering gene expression patterns in time course microarray experiments by ANOVA-SCA. 2007 atistical [language r] and is av
17519247 c++ The evolutionary forest algorithm. 2007 a [C++] implement
17519018 r GOSim--an R-package for computation of information theoretic GO similarities between terms and gene products. 2007 ithin the [CRAN] project.
17510172 perl Error detection in SNP data by considering the likelihood of recombinational history implied by three-site combinations. 2007 the [perl] script im
17496320 r GEOquery: a bridge between the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and BioConductor. 2007 (geo) and [Bioconductor].
17496317 java OBO to OWL: a protege OWL tab to read/save OBO ontologies. 2007 verter, a [java] tool to c
17495999 r WilcoxCV: an R package for fast variable selection in cross-validation. 2007 coxcv: an [R package] for fast
17495998 java MutationFinder: a high-performance system for extracting point mutation mentions from text. 2007 perl and [java]. mutation
17495998 python MutationFinder: a high-performance system for extracting point mutation mentions from text. 2007 ilable in [python], perl and
17495998 perl MutationFinder: a high-performance system for extracting point mutation mentions from text. 2007 n python, [perl] and java.
17495997 mathlab PLMaddon: a power-law module for the Matlab SBToolbox. 2007 e for the [matlab] sbtoolbox
17495995 java Nucleotide composition string selection in HIV-1 subtyping using whole genomes. 2007 the [java] executabl
17488757 c++ Madeline 2.0 PDE: a new program for local and web-based pedigree drawing. 2007 -oriented [C++] and relea
17485432 r CALIB: a Bioconductor package for estimating absolute expression levels from two-color microarray data. 2007 calib: a [Bioconductor] package f
17485430 r Assessment of survival prediction models based on microarray data. 2007 ted in an [R package] called pe
17483508 mathlab Phenotypic clustering of yeast mutants based on kinetochore microtubule dynamics. 2007 ritten in [matlab], can be d
17483503 java PQuad--a visual analysis platform for proteomic data exploration of microbial organisms. 2007 requires [java] 1.5 and h
17477871 r A forward-backward fragment assembling algorithm for the identification of genomic amplification and deletion breakpoints using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. 2007 ted in an [R package] faseg, wh
17470480 java SPACER: identification of cis-regulatory elements with non-contiguous critical residues. 2007 a [java] 1.4 imple
17468121 mathlab Alignment of molecular networks by integer quadratic programming. 2007 [matlab] code and
17463028 mathlab Identifying the biologically relevant gene categories based on gene expression and biological data: an example on prostate cancer. 2007 e code in [matlab] is access
17463026 java iHMMune-align: hidden Markov model-based alignment and identification of germline genes in rearranged immunoglobulin gene sequences. 2007 -platform [java] executabl
17459965 perl TOPD/FMTS: a new software to compare phylogenetic trees. 2007 the [perl] source co
17459963 c++ GENOME: a rapid coalescent-based whole genome simulator. 2007 ogram and [C++] source co
17459961 c++ Murlet: a practical multiple alignment tool for structural RNA sequences. 2007 the [C++] source co
17445272 perl CGKB: an annotation knowledge base for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) methylation filtered genomic genespace sequences. 2007 using the [perl] programmi
17445272 javascript CGKB: an annotation knowledge base for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) methylation filtered genomic genespace sequences. 2007 mented in [javascript] and perl
17430557 perl ESTuber db: an online database for Tuber borchii EST sequences. 2007 developed [perl] scripts.
17428344 python Flexible mapping of homology onto structure with homolmapper. 2007 ritten in [python] to ensure
17425803 perl BranchClust: a phylogenetic algorithm for selecting gene families. 2007 mented in [perl] with the
17394657 r Transcript-based redefinition of grouped oligonucleotide probe sets using AceView: high-resolution annotation for microarrays. 2007 ible with [Bioconductor], affymetr
17392333 java Cyclone: java-based querying and computing with Pathway/Genome databases. 2007 xtensible [java] object ap
17392331 mathlab Modeling sequence-sequence interactions for drug response. 2007 ritten in [matlab] can be do
17389034 java Modeling biochemical transformation processes and information processing with Narrator. 2007 mented as [java] software
17384430 java MPP: a microarray-to-phylogeny pipeline for analysis of gene and marker content datasets. 2007 mpp is a [java] applicati
17384428 java Semantic Web Service provision: a realistic framework for Bioinformatics programmers. 2007 existing [java] applicati
17384426 perl GoSh: a web-based database for goat and sheep EST sequences. 2007 e tags. a [perl] pipeline
17384020 r IlluminaGUI: graphical user interface for analyzing gene expression data generated on the Illumina platform. 2007 nted as a [R package] based on
17384017 mathlab SBML export interface for the systems biology toolbox for MATLAB. 2007 olbox for [matlab].
17384016 java Mediante: a web-based microarray data manager. 2007 oped as a [j2ee] three-tie
17379692 r Domain-enhanced analysis of microarray data using GO annotations. 2007 e in r as [Bioconductor] packages,
17346331 java Orthology prediction at scalable resolution by phylogenetic tree analysis. 2007 eliminary [java] version o
17344241 r pcaMethods--a bioconductor package providing PCA methods for incomplete data. 2007 ethods--a [Bioconductor] package p
17344240 r Codelink: an R package for analysis of GE healthcare gene expression bioarrays. 2007 elink: an [R package] for analy
17344233 java BioGuideSRS: querying multiple sources with a user-centric perspective. 2007 stem with [java] 5.0.
17341494 java Comparative annotation of viral genomes with non-conserved gene structure. 2007 the [java] code is a
17341299 java SBMLeditor: effective creation of models in the Systems Biology Markup language (SBML). 2007 ritten in [java] using jco
17332022 perl NucPred--predicting nuclear localization of proteins. 2007 tion, the [perl] code is m
17332019 c++ COBALT: constraint-based alignment tool for multiple protein sequences. 2007 the ncbi [C++] toolkit.
17324941 java Multiple structural alignment and clustering of RNA sequences. 2007 mented in [java] and is, a
17324941 perl Multiple structural alignment and clustering of RNA sequences. 2007 ompanying [perl] scripts,
17324940 java Enabling high-throughput data management for systems biology: the Bioinformatics Resource Manager. 2007 ped using [java] and other
17316423 java Bioclipse: an open source workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics. 2007 ritten in [java] and based
17309895 java Cerebral: a Cytoscape plugin for layout of and interaction with biological networks using subcellular localization annotation. 2007 en-source [java] plugin fo
17308338 java A new JAVA interface implementation of THESIAS: testing haplotype effects in association studies. 2007 a new [java] interface
17282999 c++ Assessment of the probabilities for evolutionary structural changes in protein folds. 2007 system in [C++] and using
17280615 java NeuroTerrain--a client-server system for browsing 3D biomedical image data sets. 2007 of a thin [java] client bu
17280615 c++ NeuroTerrain--a client-server system for browsing 3D biomedical image data sets. 2007 n in ansi [C++]. the java
17277335 c Hardware acceleration of processing of mass spectrometric data for proteomics. 2007 algorithm [written in C], running
17267438 mathlab An ensemble approach to microarray data-based gene prioritization after missing value imputation. 2007 the [matlab] codes are
17267436 r SNPassoc: an R package to perform whole genome association studies. 2007 assoc: an [R package] to perfor
17244370 java GraphDNA: a Java program for graphical display of DNA composition analyses. 2007 aphdna: a [java] program f
17242030 c++ SatDNA Analyzer: a computing tool for satellite-DNA evolutionary analysis. 2007 mented in [C++], for the
17237105 c++ A comparative genome approach to marker ordering. 2007 ftware in [C++], includin
17237103 c++ Simultaneous alignment and annotation of cis-regulatory regions. 2007 ine based [C++] implement
17237103 perl Simultaneous alignment and annotation of cis-regulatory regions. 2007 e provide [perl] scripts f
17237101 c++ Tandem repeats over the edit distance. 2007 mented in [C++], and the
17237073 perl ProServer: a simple, extensible Perl DAS server. 2007 xtensible [perl] das serve
17237072 python Biskit--a software platform for structural bioinformatics. 2007 -oriented [python] library t
17237071 mathlab SBaddon: high performance simulation for the Systems Biology Toolbox for MATLAB. 2007 olbox for [matlab].
17237067 mathlab Inferring pairwise regulatory relationships from multiple time series datasets. 2007 [matlab] implement
17237065 mathlab Peak selection from MALDI-TOF mass spectra using ant colony optimization. 2007 erial and [matlab] scripts t
17237063 c++ Compressed suffix tree--a basis for genome-scale sequence analysis. 2007 the [C++] implement
17237060 mathlab Quick calculation for sample size while controlling false discovery rate with application to microarray analysis. 2007 a [matlab] code impl
17237056 java The ESID Online Database network. 2007 based on [java] 2 enterpr
17237045 mathlab Genomic characterization of multiple clinical phenotypes of cancer using multivariate linear regression models. 2007 sas and [matlab] codes are
17237038 r R/qtlbim: QTL with Bayesian Interval Mapping in experimental crosses. 2007 able from [CRAN].r-project
17234643 r A faster circular binary segmentation algorithm for the analysis of array CGH data. 2007 ge of the [Bioconductor] project.
17234637 r snp.plotter: an R-based SNP/haplotype association and linkage disequilibrium plotting package. 2007 developed [R package] which pro
17233908 java AYUMS: an algorithm for completely automatic quantitation based on LC-MS/MS proteome data and its application to the analysis of signal transduction. 2007 ped using [java] and runs
17224057 r Interpretation of multiple probe sets mapping to the same gene in Affymetrix GeneChips. 2007 etrix and [Bioconductor] in early
17217518 java SVM Classifier - a comprehensive java interface for support vector machine classification of microarray data. 2006 rehensive [java] interface
17217507 c++ Parallelization of multicategory support vector machines (PMC-SVM) for classifying microarray data. 2006 g mpi and [C++] libraries
17204461 r SNPchip: R classes and methods for SNP array data. 2007 tion. the [R package] snpchip c
17204155 c++ FLAME, a novel fuzzy clustering method for the analysis of DNA microarray data. 2007 hms, in a [C++] software
17199898 c++ TPRpred: a tool for prediction of TPR-, PPR- and SEL1-like repeats from protein sequences. 2007 , and the [C++] and perl
17199898 perl TPRpred: a tool for prediction of TPR-, PPR- and SEL1-like repeats from protein sequences. 2007 e c++ and [perl] sources o
17182699 c++ URec: a system for unrooted reconciliation. 2007 mented in [C++] and can b
17182698 c++ Robust prediction of consensus secondary structures using averaged base pairing probability matrices. 2007 the [C++] source co
17166856 r Segmentation and intensity estimation of microarray images using a gamma-t mixture model. 2007 mentation [R language] softwares
17166856 mathlab Segmentation and intensity estimation of microarray images using a gamma-t mixture model. 2007 mented in [matlab]. the matl
17166289 java The NeuARt II system: a viewing tool for neuroanatomical data based on published neuroanatomical atlases. 2006 ') in the [java] language
17158515 mathlab Quantitative performance metrics for robustness in circadian rhythms. 2007 orithm in [matlab] (mathwork
17158513 r GGtools: analysis of genetics of gene expression in bioconductor. 2007 ession in [Bioconductor].
17145740 c cBrother: relaxing parental tree assumptions for Bayesian recombination detection. 2007 s a novel [C language] implement
17142814 java The automation of Nested Clade Phylogeographic Analysis. 2007 ritten in [java] and requi
17138590 java MotifScorer: using a compendium of microarrays to identify regulatory motifs. 2007 ritten in [java] and matla
17138590 mathlab MotifScorer: using a compendium of microarrays to identify regulatory motifs. 2007 java and [matlab], manual a
17138589 java Visualization of genomic aberrations using Affymetrix SNP arrays. 2007 dependent [java] applicati
17138585 java BioNetBuilder: automatic integration of biological networks. 2007 able as a [java] webstart,
17130137 mathlab Improved breast cancer prognosis through the combination of clinical and genetic markers. 2007 and [matlab] codes are
17127677 r Mosclust: a software library for discovering significant structures in bio-molecular data. 2007 the [R package] mosclust
17121773 mathlab PrepMS: TOF MS data graphical preprocessing tool. 2007 files and [matlab] toolbox a
17118131 c++ Permutation test for periodicity in short time series data. 2006 a set of [C++] programs
17116249 r CoXpress: differential co-expression in gene expression data. 2006 press, an [R package] that allo
17105719 mathlab Detecting protein dissimilarities in multiple alignments using Bayesian variable selection. 2007 the [matlab] code for
17101042 java 4SALE--a tool for synchronous RNA sequence and secondary structure alignment and editing. 2006 ritten in [java] and there
17098774 r Using GOstats to test gene lists for GO term association. 2007 ble as an [R package] from the
17095514 c Pattern locator: a new tool for finding local sequence patterns in genomic DNA sequences. 2006 e code is [written in C] and distr
17092991 java Modular organization of protein interaction networks. 2007 orithm. a [java] program,
17092990 r Odds ratio based multifactor-dimensionality reduction method for detecting gene-gene interactions. 2007 e program [written in R] is availa
17087823 java XML schemas for common bioinformatic data types and their application in workflow systems. 2006 them in a [java] library (
17077099 java Towards clustering of incomplete microarray data without the use of imputation. 2007 ped using [java] language,
17068091 c++ Adding sequence context to a Markov background model improves the identification of regulatory elements. 2006 our [C++] program i
17064411 perl CAFTAN: a tool for fast mapping, and quality assessment of cDNAs. 2006 ritten in [perl] and in a
17060354 java Prediction of oxidoreductase-catalyzed reactions based on atomic properties of metabolites. 2006 ses via a [java] program a
17059604 perl SNP-PHAGE--High throughput SNP discovery pipeline. 2006 ritten in [perl] and uses
17059595 r Goulphar: rapid access and expertise for standard two-color microarray normalization methods. 2006 using the [R language] and envir
17054794 java Java GUI for InterProScan (JIPS): a tool to help process multiple InterProScans and perform ortholog analysis. 2006 [java] gui for i
17054788 java inGeno--an integrated genome and ortholog viewer for improved genome to genome comparisons. 2006 ritten in [java] with bioj
17046977 java MetaQuant: a tool for the automatic quantification of GC/MS-based metabolome data. 2006 ritten in [java] and is av
17038344 c++ Parameter estimation using Simulated Annealing for S-system models of biochemical networks. 2007 ritten in [C++] is availa
17038193 java A Fisheye Viewer for microarray-based gene expression data. 2006 mented in [java] so that i
17038191 java MIMOX: a web tool for phage display based epitope mapping. 2006 view as a [java] applet to
17038191 perl MIMOX: a web tool for phage display based epitope mapping. 2006 coded in [perl] using mod
17032677 java ChromoScan: a scan statistic application for identifying chromosomal regions in genomic studies. 2006 ements. a [java] graphic u
17021156 r P2BAT: a massive parallel implementation of PBAT for genome-wide association studies in R. 2006 le as the [R package] 'pbatr' w
17005537 r BNArray: an R package for constructing gene regulatory networks from microarray data by using Bayesian network. 2006 array: an [R package] for const
17005535 perl CAPS: coevolution analysis using protein sequences. 2006 aps) is a [perl] based sof
17000750 c++ Software for dynamic analysis of tracer-based metabolomic data: estimation of metabolic fluxes and their statistical analysis. 2006 the [C++] applicati
16982708 r RankProd: a bioconductor package for detecting differentially expressed genes in meta-analysis. 2006 nkprod: a [Bioconductor] package f
16966362 mathlab Probabilistic inference of transcription factor concentrations and gene-specific regulatory activities. 2006 [matlab] code is a
16966359 python SCAssign: a sparky extension for the NMR resonance assignment of aliphatic side-chains of uniformly 13C,15N-labeled large proteins. 2006 ritten in [python] to assist
16954144 java SEBINI: Software Environment for BIological Network Inference. 2006 html. the [java] source co
16953879 java A database application for pre-processing, storage and comparison of mass spectra derived from patients and controls. 2006 ritten in [java], 2) a mys
16940322 r Bio3d: an R package for the comparative analysis of protein structures. 2006 bio3d: an [R package] for the c
16928738 c++ MARD: a new method to detect differential gene expression in treatment-control time courses. 2006 coded in [C++] and is av
16895932 r COPA--cancer outlier profile analysis. 2006 pa) in an [R package] (that we
16895923 c++ Few crucial links assure checkpoint efficiency in the yeast cell-cycle network. 2006 [C++] source co
16882649 c++ Nemo: an evolutionary and population genetics programming framework. 2006 as both a [C++] programmi
16882648 python PYCHEM: a multivariate analysis package for python. 2006 ckage for [python].
16882648 mathlab PYCHEM: a multivariate analysis package for python. 2006 ools like [matlab], pychem 2
16882647 r Reliable gene signatures for microarray classification: assessment of stability and performance. 2006 [R package] at http:/
16877754 c++ General framework for developing and evaluating database scoring algorithms using the TANDEM search engine. 2006 ritten in [C++].
16877753 r Variance stabilization and normalization for one-color microarray data using a data-driven multiscale approach. 2006 the [R package] of the da
16877752 r Partition resampling and extrapolation averaging: approximation methods for quantifying gene expression in large numbers of short oligonucleotide arrays. 2006 ent as an [R package] for the b
16873522 mathlab AClAP, Autonomous hierarchical agglomerative Cluster Analysis based protocol to partition conformational datasets. 2006 nted in a [matlab] metalangu
16873504 mathlab Integrating copy number polymorphisms into array CGH analysis using a robust HMM. 2006 ritten in [matlab] is availa
16873460 java Analysis of sample set enrichment scores: assaying the enrichment of sets of genes for individual samples in genome-wide expression profiles. 2006 ctave and [java] (with a g
16870933 java JVirGel 2.0: computational prediction of proteomes separated via two-dimensional gel electrophoresis under consideration of membrane and secreted proteins. 2006 dependent [java] version a
16864592 r arrayQCplot: software for checking the quality of microarray data. 2006 developed [using R] and provi
16845144 mathlab Bayesian variable selection for the analysis of microarray data with censored outcomes. 2006 the [matlab] code for
16844712 r OrderedList--a bioconductor package for detecting similarity in ordered gene lists. 2006 edlist--a [Bioconductor] package f
16844709 perl SynView: a GBrowse-compatible approach to visualizing comparative genome data. 2006 ritten in [perl] and runs
16844707 java CART variance stabilization and regularization for high-throughput genomic data. 2006 ithin the [java] software
16844704 mathlab Gene selection in cancer classification using sparse logistic regression with Bayesian regularization. 2006 a [matlab] implement
16837522 mathlab Remote homology detection based on oligomer distances. 2006 e/thomas. [matlab] code for
16824223 r AMDA: an R package for the automated microarray data analysis. 2006 amda: an [R package] for the a
16820431 java VAMP: visualization and analysis of array-CGH, transcriptome and other molecular profiles. 2006 ritten in [java]. it can b
16820430 mathlab Ribostral: an RNA 3D alignment analyzer and viewer based on basepair isostericities. 2006 form with [matlab] 7.1 (sp3)
16820429 r Probe-level measurement error improves accuracy in detecting differential gene expression. 2006 ted in an [R package] pplr. the
16820429 mathlab Probe-level measurement error improves accuracy in detecting differential gene expression. 2006 mented in [matlab]. both sof
16820428 r Improved peak detection in mass spectrum by incorporating continuous wavelet transform-based pattern matching. 2006 le in the [Bioconductor] project.
16817977 java PROMPT: a protein mapping and comparison tool. 2006 ty of the [java] applicati
16809393 c++ An iterative refinement algorithm for consistency based multiple structural alignment methods. 2006 the [C++] code of t
16809388 java ET viewer: an application for predicting and visualizing functional sites in protein structures. 2006 ted using [java] to run ac
16809386 r Pathway analysis using random forests classification and regression. 2006 urce code [written in R] is availa
16792813 r PSMIX: an R package for population structure inference via maximum likelihood method. 2006 psmix: an [R package] for popul
16790057 perl AgdbNet - antigen sequence database software for bacterial typing. 2006 rsed by a [perl] cgi scrip
16787977 mathlab A lock-and-key model for protein-protein interactions. 2006 rithm (in [matlab] format) i
16787976 python Cleaver: software for identifying taxon specific restriction endonuclease recognition sites. 2006 that have [python] 2.3 and n
16787969 r Transcript mapping with high-density oligonucleotide tiling arrays. 2006 [R package] tilingarr
16782726 java Building chromosome-wide LD maps. 2006 coded in [java], which ru
16782725 java JCell--a Java-based framework for inferring regulatory networks from time series data. 2006 is a pure [java] applicati
16777905 r Robust estimation of the false discovery rate. 2006 of s-plus [and R] routines
16766560 java JADE: a distributed Java application for deleterious genomic mutation (DGM) estimation. 2006 stributed [java] applicati
16766557 java SeqVis: visualization of compositional heterogeneity in large alignments of nucleotides. 2006 seqvis, a [java] applicati
16766556 mathlab Transcriptome network component analysis with limited microarray data. 2006 olbox for [matlab] is availa
16762054 java Cell_motility: a cross-platform, open source application for the study of cell motion paths. 2006 en source [java] applicati
16740163 java AceTree: a tool for visual analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis. 2006 ritten in [java] we have p
16740163 c AceTree: a tool for visual analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis. 2006 g program [written in C] with a us
16731697 mathlab Metatool 5.0: fast and flexible elementary modes analysis. 2006 octave or [matlab] environme
16717070 c NETGEN: generating phylogenetic networks with diploid hybrids. 2006 netgen is [written in C] and is av
16716215 r Spatial normalization of array-CGH data. 2006 ed in the [R package] manor (mi
16709589 mathlab Independent component analysis-based penalized discriminant method for tumor classification using gene expression data. 2006 [matlab] scripts a
16709588 java Combo: a whole genome comparative browser. 2006 ritten in [java], runs on
16705015 r Combining multiple microarrays in the presence of controlling variables. 2006 programs [written in R] will be e
16700920 java Bounded search for de novo identification of degenerate cis-regulatory elements. 2006 ethods. a [java] implement
16682424 r PACK: Profile Analysis using Clustering and Kurtosis to find molecular classifiers in cancer. 2006 from (www.[CRAN].r-project
16675467 fortran A mixture model with random-effects components for clustering correlated gene-expression profiles. 2006 a [fortran] program b
16643673 mathlab PDA: Pooled DNA analyzer. 2006 with the [matlab] language,
16640789 java JColorGrid: software for the visualization of biological measurements. 2006 orgrid, a [java] library a
16638137 java RNAmute: RNA secondary structure mutation analysis tool. 2006 teractive [java] applicati
16632491 c++ GeneRecon--a coalescent based tool for fine-scale association mapping. 2006 ritten in [C++] and schem
16632490 mathlab A probabilistic dynamical model for quantitative inference of the regulatory mechanism of transcription. 2006 [matlab] code is a
16630347 java Exploration of biological network centralities with CentiBiN. 2006 rsions: a [java] web start
16623940 r Assessment of the relationship between pre-chip and post-chip quality measures for Affymetrix GeneChip expression data. 2006 p and the [Bioconductor] packages
16611354 mathlab Integrative investigation of metabolic and transcriptomic data. 2006 oolbox in [matlab].
16600045 java An interactive tool for visualization of relationships between gene expression profiles. 2006 ritten in [java], treebuil
16600027 java AbMiner: a bioinformatic resource on available monoclonal antibodies and corresponding gene identifiers for genomic, proteomic, and immunologic studies. 2006 rammed in [java].
16595561 java ProMAT: protein microarray analysis tool. 2006 en-source [java] and r cod
16595561 r ProMAT: protein microarray analysis tool. 2006 urce java [and R] code.
16595560 r Pvclust: an R package for assessing the uncertainty in hierarchical clustering. 2006 clust: an [R package] for asses
16594991 c++ Bio++: a set of C++ libraries for sequence analysis, phylogenetics, molecular evolution and population genetics. 2006 a set of [C++] libraries
16574698 r SScore: an R package for detecting differential gene expression without gene expression summaries. 2006 score: an [R package] for detec
16574696 mathlab SBMLToolbox: an SBML toolbox for MATLAB users. 2006 olbox for [matlab] users.
16569235 java The Gaggle: an open-source software system for integrating bioinformatics software and data sources. 2006 en-source [java] software
16556315 java BioWarehouse: a bioinformatics database warehouse toolkit. 2006 the c and [java] languages
16551664 java BicAT: a biclustering analysis toolbox. 2006 tems. the [java] source co
16551355 mathlab Unraveling condition specific gene transcriptional regulatory networks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2006 on of the [matlab] implement
16542435 java Score-based prediction of genomic islands in prokaryotic genomes using hidden Markov models. 2006 ritten in [java] and is pu
16539707 mathlab mGrid: a load-balanced distributed computing environment for the remote execution of the user-defined Matlab code. 2006 r-defined [matlab] code.
16526950 r An unsupervised classification scheme for improving predictions of prokaryotic TIS. 2006 udomallei [and R]. solanace
16522668 java MACGT: multi-dimensional automated clustering genotyping tool for analysis of microarray-based mini-sequencing data. 2006 cgt) is a [java] applicati
16522212 java MAGIC-SPP: a database-driven DNA sequence processing package with associated management tools. 2006 ) or as a [java] graphical
16522212 perl MAGIC-SPP: a database-driven DNA sequence processing package with associated management tools. 2006 tabase, a [perl] pipeline,
16519817 java VANTED: a system for advanced data analysis and visualization in the context of biological networks. 2006 nted as a [java] web start
16510496 r GALGO: an R package for multivariate variable selection using genetic algorithms. 2006 galgo: an [R package] for multi
16507094 java The Ontology Lookup Service, a lightweight cross-platform tool for controlled vocabulary queries. 2006 a sample [java] client to
16504125 mathlab Multiscale Hy3S: hybrid stochastic simulation for supercomputers. 2006 ritten in [matlab], to help
16492684 r Matched-pairs tests of homogeneity with applications to homologous nucleotide sequences. 2006 programs [written in R] to do the
16473875 perl Look-Align: an interactive web-based multiple sequence alignment viewer with polymorphism analysis support. 2006 ritten in [perl] using ope
16473874 r A new summarization method for Affymetrix probe level data. 2006 the farms [R package] is availa
16469097 java HotSwap for bioinformatics: a STRAP tutorial. 2006 using the [java] hotswap t
16466584 java JLIN: a java based linkage disequilibrium plotter. 2006 jlin: a [java] based lin
16466568 java BAMarraytrade mark: Java software for Bayesian analysis of variance for microarray data. 2006 ade mark: [java] software
16464251 java PathSys: integrating molecular interaction graphs for systems biology. 2006 able as a [java] web start
16455752 r affylmGUI: a graphical user interface for linear modeling of single channel microarray data. 2006 gui is an [R package] freely av
16452111 perl MAMMOT--a set of tools for the design, management and visualization of genomic tiling arrays. 2006 ection of [perl] and php s
16441875 perl Querying the public databases for sequences using complex keywords contained in the feature lines. 2006 specific [perl] scripts t
16434446 java JAF: reference information and tools for proteomics. 2006 nces. the [java] analysis
16418234 java Panta rhei (QAlign2): an open graphical environment for sequence analysis. 2006 s and the [java] source co
16410320 r Comparison of Affymetrix GeneChip expression measures. 2006 rt of the [Bioconductor] project (
16410318 java Maximum likelihood estimates of allele frequencies and error rates from samples of related individuals by gene counting. 2006 the [java] classes a
16403793 mathlab Using a state-space model with hidden variables to infer transcription factor activities. 2006 data and [matlab] code will
16403221 python A high level interface to SCOP and ASTRAL implemented in python. 2006 mented in [python].
16398931 perl Application of machine learning in SNP discovery. 2006 ritten in [perl] and can b
16397008 perl ANDY: a general, fault-tolerant tool for database searching on computer clusters. 2006 a set of [perl] programs
16377613 java Improving missing value estimation in microarray data with gene ontology. 2006 [java] and matla
16377613 mathlab Improving missing value estimation in microarray data with gene ontology. 2006 java and [matlab] codes are
16377612 python GenomeDiagram: a python package for the visualization of large-scale genomic data. 2006 iagram: a [python] package f
16371165 r WebArray: an online platform for microarray data analysis. 2005 ckages in [Bioconductor], need sop
16371163 perl The Gene Set Builder: collation, curation, and distribution of sets of genes. 2005 eatures a [perl] api (appl
16368771 java FLOSS: flexible ordered subset analysis for linkage mapping of complex traits. 2006 ritten in [java] for easy
16357032 java SEAN: SNP prediction and display program utilizing EST sequence clusters. 2006 iction. a [java] viewer is
16357031 java eQTL Explorer: integrated mining of combined genetic linkage and expression experiments. 2006 ata via a [java] graphical
16351742 perl ESTree db: a tool for peach functional genomics. 2005 developed [perl] scripts a
16332714 perl TRAP: automated classification, quantification and annotation of tandemly repeated sequences. 2006 ram, is a [perl] program t
16332708 r Clusterv: a tool for assessing the reliability of clusters discovered in DNA microarray data. 2006 ent a new [R package] for the a
16332707 python BALLView: a tool for research and education in molecular modeling. 2006 language [python] it is eas
16332704 java PubMed Assistant: a biologist-friendly interface for enhanced PubMed search. 2006 veloped a [java] program,
16322049 r apTreeshape: statistical analysis of phylogenetic tree shape. 2006 hape is a [R package] dedicated
16321157 r ArrayQuest: a web resource for the analysis of DNA microarray data. 2005 as those [written in R], bioperl
16321157 perl ArrayQuest: a web resource for the analysis of DNA microarray data. 2005 ten in r, [bioperl] and c++;
16317076 mathlab Systems Biology Toolbox for MATLAB: a computational platform for research in systems biology. 2006 software [matlab]. the tool
16303798 fortran Statistical estimation of gene expression using multiple laser scans of microarrays. 2006 [fortran] 90 code f
16293669 java Gene Time E{chi}pression Warper: a tool for alignment, template matching and visualization of gene expression time series. 2006 the [java] program,
16287941 c++ WindowMasker: window-based masker for sequenced genomes. 2006 the ncbi [C++] toolkit.
16287938 mathlab Classification of microarray data with factor mixture models. 2006 ritten in [matlab] and avail
16287932 python An efficient randomized algorithm for contact-based NMR backbone resonance assignment. 2006 dependent [python] code. the
16269418 r ClaNC: point-and-click software for classifying microarrays to nearest centroids. 2006 ble as an [R package].
16269415 java LogoBar: bar graph visualization of protein logos with gaps. 2006 obar is a [java] applicati
16269077 java maxdLoad2 and maxdBrowse: standards-compliant tools for microarray experimental annotation, data management and dissemination. 2005 chema and [java] applicati
16257986 mathlab Classification using functional data analysis for temporal gene expression data. 2006 [matlab] programs
16257984 mathlab Robust multi-scale clustering of large DNA microarray datasets with the consensus algorithm. 2006 [matlab] source co
16249260 mathlab Gene selection using support vector machines with non-convex penalty. 2006 [matlab] codes are
16249259 mathlab Integrating time-course microarray gene expression profiles with cytotoxicity for identification of biomarkers in primary rat hepatocytes exposed to cadmium. 2006 [matlab] source co
16239306 python ConFind: a robust tool for conserved sequence identification. 2005 requires [python] 2.3, but
16234319 java A novel algorithm and web-based tool for comparing two alternative phylogenetic trees. 2006 nted as a [java] applet at
16216830 r The influence of missing value imputation on detection of differentially expressed genes from microarray data. 2005 the [R package] for linim
16204346 r Sample size determination for the false discovery rate. 2005 ed s-plus [and R] code libr
16204111 c++ RNA secondary structural alignment with conditional random fields. 2005 mented in [C++] is availa
16204098 java Recovering haplotype structure through recombination and gene conversion. 2005 mented in [java] and are a
16204097 mathlab Discriminating between rate heterogeneity and interspecific recombination in DNA sequence alignments with phylogenetic factorial hidden Markov models. 2005 nted in a [matlab] package t
16204095 c++ A gamma mixture model better accounts for among site rate heterogeneity. 2005 [C++] source co
16188927 r HapSim: a simulation tool for generating haplotype data with pre-specified allele frequencies and LD coefficients. 2005 ble as an [R package] and can b
16188923 java Medusa: a simple tool for interaction graph analysis. 2005 dusa is a [java] applicati
16188037 c++ SIMPROT: using an empirically determined indel distribution in simulations of protein evolution. 2005 nted in a [C++] program n
16179358 java Doelan: a solution for quality control monitoring of microarray production. 2005 ritten in [java] and works
16166098 mathlab RSIR: regularized sliced inverse regression for motif discovery. 2005 [matlab] programs
16159919 mathlab Analysis of mass spectral serum profiles for biomarker selection. 2005 [matlab] scripts t
16159913 r A comparison study: applying segmentation to array CGH data for downstream analyses. 2005 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org
16144805 mathlab Optimal word sizes for dissimilarity measures and estimation of the degree of dissimilarity between DNA sequences. 2005 mented in [matlab] code, and
16144548 java Generalizations of Markov model to characterize biological sequences. 2005 mented in [java] and is av
16141249 java BiQ Analyzer: visualization and quality control for DNA methylation data from bisulfite sequencing. 2005 ed in the [java] programmi
16141248 r Network constrained clustering for gene microarray data. 2005 ted in an [R package] genent
16122395 r stam--a Bioconductor compliant R package for structured analysis of microarray data. 2005 compliant [R package] for struc
16118262 mathlab DNA microarray data imputation and significance analysis of differential expression. 2005 [matlab] code is a
16118259 java Modified SIMPSON O(n3) algorithm for the full sibship reconstruction problem. 2005 ritten in [java] is availa
16109746 mathlab A statistical model providing comprehensive predictions for the mRNA differential display. 2005 mented in [matlab] (the math
16105898 java MESHI: a new library of Java classes for molecular modeling. 2005 ibrary of [java] classes f
16102175 r Calibration of mass spectrometric peptide mass fingerprint data without specific external or internal calibrants. 2005 rt of the [Bioconductor] package m
16096348 r ROCR: visualizing classifier performance in R. 2005 atistical [language r]. it featu
16082012 r BioMart and Bioconductor: a powerful link between biological databases and microarray data analysis. 2005 is a new [Bioconductor] package t
16081474 java Blast2GO: a universal tool for annotation, visualization and analysis in functional genomics research. 2005 lable via [java] web start
16076888 r Simpleaffy: a BioConductor package for Affymetrix Quality Control and data analysis. 2005 leaffy: a [Bioconductor] package f
16076886 java An automated genotyping system for analysis of HIV-1 and other microbial sequences. 2005 ped using [java] programmi
16076886 perl An automated genotyping system for analysis of HIV-1 and other microbial sequences. 2005 mming and [perl] scripts,
16051675 java SpA: web-accessible spectratype analysis: data management, statistical analysis and visualization. 2005 rams in a [java] applet an
16046497 mathlab Automated Microarray Image Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB. 2005 olbox for [matlab].
16045803 r Evaluation of normalization methods for cDNA microarray data by k-NN classification. 2005 using the [R language] for stati
16042799 perl CGH-Profiler: data mining based on genomic aberration profiles. 2005 d through [perl] scripts.c
16030074 perl HTHquery: a method for detecting DNA-binding proteins with a helix-turn-helix structural motif. 2005 a set of [perl] scripts a
16022740 perl Approaching the taxonomic affiliation of unidentified sequences in public databases--an example from the mycorrhizal fungi. 2005 a [perl] script pa
16020473 java MAVisto: a tool for the exploration of network motifs. 2005 arge as a [java] webstart
16020470 r A tractable probabilistic model for Affymetrix probe-level analysis across multiple chips. 2005 ted in an [R package], which is
16020468 r goCluster integrates statistical analysis and functional interpretation of microarray expression data. 2005 e via the [Bioconductor] portal at
16011807 r Normal uniform mixture differential gene expression detection for cDNA microarrays. 2005 case. an [R package] called nu
16011796 java SeqX: a tool to detect, analyze and visualize residue co-locations in protein and nucleic acid structures. 2005 veloped a [java] tool, cal
16002431 c++ Rapid simulation and analysis of isotopomer distributions using constraints based on enzyme mechanisms: an example from HT29 cancer cells. 2005 also as a [C++] program i
15998662 r Local modeling of global interactome networks. 2005 nd in the [R package] apcomplex
15994196 perl SynBrowse: a synteny browser for comparative sequence analysis. 2005 en source [bioperl] modules.
15994194 java TO-GO: a Java-based Gene Ontology navigation environment. 2005 nted as a [java] applicati
15992409 perl Prediction of twin-arginine signal peptides. 2005 based on [perl] syntax re
15987530 r Species-specific analysis of protein sequence motifs using mutual information. 2005 sing perl [and R] as well a
15987530 perl Species-specific analysis of protein sequence motifs using mutual information. 2005 ice using [perl] and r as
15985178 python Full cyclic coordinate descent: solving the protein loop closure problem in Calpha space. 2005 f fccd in [python] is availa
15976072 java ACT: the Artemis Comparison Tool. 2005 ritten in [java] and can r
15972284 java BiNGO: a Cytoscape plugin to assess overrepresentation of gene ontology categories in biological networks. 2005 en-source [java] tool to d
15969769 perl transAlign: using amino acids to facilitate the multiple alignment of protein-coding DNA sequences. 2005 en-source [perl] script th
15961495 mathlab Bayesian neural network approaches to ovarian cancer identification from high-resolution mass spectrometry data. 2005 mented in [matlab], r and ne
15961487 r Robust classification modeling on microarray data using misclassification penalized posterior. 2005 le at the [Bioconductor] website (
15961469 perl A systematic approach for comprehensive T-cell epitope discovery using peptide libraries. 2005 s in r or [perl] are avail
15961466 java High-recall protein entity recognition using a dictionary. 2005 mented in [java]. algorith
15961453 java Clustering short time series gene expression data. 2005 taining a [java] implement
15961441 java caBIONet--A .NET wrapper to access and process genomic data stored at the National Cancer Institute's Center for Bioinformatics databases. 2005 veloped a [java] based dat
15961440 java Querying and computing with BioCyc databases. 2005 perl and [java], and sql
15961440 perl Querying and computing with BioCyc databases. 2005 for lisp, [perl] and java,
15960857 perl AutoFACT: an automatic functional annotation and classification tool. 2005 mented in [perl] and runs
15947019 perl A quantitative determination of multi-protein interactions by the analysis of confocal images using a pixel-by-pixel assessment algorithm. 2005 eloped in [perl] (v. 5.8,
15947017 python Sarment: Python modules for HMM analysis and partitioning of sequences. 2005 sarment: [python] modules f
15941744 r Answer to the comments of K. Dobbin, J. Shih and R. Simon on the paper 'Evaluation of the gene-specific dye-bias in cDNA microarray experiments'. 2005 , j. shih [and R]. simon on
15938750 c++ libcov: a C++ bioinformatic library to manipulate protein structures, sequence alignments and phylogeny. 2005 libcov: a [C++] bioinform
15932904 c++ Statistics of protein library construction. 2005 rface and [C++] source co
15932902 python PROVAT: a tool for Voronoi tessellation analysis of protein structures and complexes. 2005 a set of [python] scripts t
15910684 c Genome comparison without alignment using shortest unique substrings. 2005 hulen are [written in C] and avail
15905279 mathlab Semi-supervised protein classification using cluster kernels. 2005 he spider [matlab] package i
15905277 r Prediction error estimation: a comparison of resampling methods. 2005 f results [and R] code for
15905276 java CGHAnalyzer: a stand-alone software package for cancer genome analysis using array-based DNA copy number data. 2005 the free [java] runtime e
15905274 java Sequence to Structure (S2S): display, manipulate and interconnect RNA data from sequence to structure. 2005 using the [java] language
15905273 java Dasty and UniProt DAS: a perfect pair for protein feature visualization. 2005 ted using [java] and macro
15879451 perl Fast parsers for Entrez Gene. 2005 larity of [perl] programmi
15860559 java ABNER: an open source tool for automatically tagging genes, proteins and other entity names in text. 2005 ncludes a [java] applicati
15855247 java jPHYDIT: a JAVA-based integrated environment for molecular phylogeny of ribosomal RNA sequences. 2005 ydit is a [java] applicati
15845656 r Donuts, scratches and blanks: robust model-based segmentation of microarray images. 2005 ntributed [R package] mclust fo
15840706 perl SNPLINK: multipoint linkage analysis of densely distributed SNP data incorporating automated linkage disequilibrium removal. 2005 link is a [perl] script th
15836795 java MARS: microarray analysis, retrieval, and storage system. 2005 he latest [j2ee] applicati
15829007 r ProGenExpress: visualization of quantitative data on prokaryotic genomes. 2005 press, an [R package] that allo
15827079 perl Visualizing profile-profile alignment: pairwise HMM logos. 2005 ownload a [perl] package t
15817693 python Automated genome annotation and pathway identification using the KEGG Orthology (KO) as a controlled vocabulary. 2005 and-alone [python] program t
15817692 c++ Stochastic reaction-diffusion simulation with MesoRD. 2005 ritten in [C++] and licen
15817688 r twilight; a Bioconductor package for estimating the local false discovery rate. 2005 ilight; a [Bioconductor] package f
15817687 c++ pFind: a novel database-searching software system for automated peptide and protein identification via tandem mass spectrometry. 2005 with the [C++] stl, .net
15814553 c++ BEST: binding-site estimation suite of tools. 2005 in qt, a [C++] applicati
15807904 java CGHPRO -- a comprehensive data analysis tool for array CGH. 2005 and-alone [java] applicati
15804359 c++ Super paramagnetic clustering of protein sequences. 2005 use using [C++] and it is
15802285 fortran Density guided importance sampling: application to a reduced model of protein folding. 2005 [fortran] code avai
15797915 r MADE4: an R package for multivariate analysis of gene expression data. 2005 made4: an [R package] for multi
15788106 perl Wildfire: distributed, Grid-enabled workflow construction and execution. 2005 e such as [perl]. programm
15780146 mathlab MBEToolbox: a MATLAB toolbox for sequence data analysis in molecular biology and evolution. 2005 oolbox: a [matlab] toolbox f
15769840 java SNPNB: analyzing neighboring-nucleotide biases on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). 2005 mented by [java] and perl.
15769840 perl SNPNB: analyzing neighboring-nucleotide biases on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). 2005 java and [perl]. snpnb ca
15757508 java JAtlasView: a Java atlas-viewer for browsing biomedical 3D images and atlases. 2005 asview: a [java] atlas-vie
15746275 java Partition-distance via the assignment problem. 2005 ritten in [java] is availa
15723693 java Atlas - a data warehouse for integrative bioinformatics. 2005 ges: c++, [java], and perl
15723693 c++ Atlas - a data warehouse for integrative bioinformatics. 2005 anguages: [C++], java, an
15723693 perl Atlas - a data warehouse for integrative bioinformatics. 2005 java, and [perl]. the meth
15713734 fortran FastContact: rapid estimate of contact and binding free energies. 2005 ritten in [fortran]. the exec
15705654 r Estimating cancer survival and clinical outcome based on genetic tumor progression scores. 2005 datasets [and R] code for
15699024 fortran Time accelerated Monte Carlo simulations of biological networks using the binomial tau-leap method. 2005 ion.html. [fortran] 90 code a
15694009 java The Molecular Biology Toolkit (MBT): a modular platform for developing molecular visualization applications. 2005 ritten in [java], thus off
15677704 r Molecular decomposition of complex clinical phenotypes using biologically structured analysis of microarray data. 2005 compliant [R package]
15673564 r Feature extraction and quantification for mass spectrometry in biomedical applications using the mean spectrum. 2005 his paper [and R] code for
15673564 mathlab Feature extraction and quantification for mass spectrometry in biomedical applications using the mean spectrum. 2005 [matlab] scripts t
15671116 mathlab Investigating metabolite essentiality through genome-scale analysis of Escherichia coli production capabilities. 2005 e form of [matlab] script fi
15671115 perl TruMatch--a BLAST post-processor that identifies bona fide sequence matches to genome assemblies. 2005 ritten in [perl] and is fr
15657105 r Testing association of a pathway with survival using gene expression data. 2005 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org
15657102 r Use of within-array replicate spots for assessing differential expression in microarray experiments. 2005 from the [CRAN] repositor
15647304 java AGML Central: web based gel proteomic infrastructure. 2005 tering. a [java] applet vi
15647300 java Detecting clusters of different geometrical shapes in microarray gene expression data. 2005 ped using [java] language,
15647291 perl ALOHOMORA: a tool for linkage analysis using 10K SNP array data. 2005 ritten in [perl] and may b
15642112 java Critical evaluation of the JDO API for the persistence and portability requirements of complex biological databases. 2005 used the [java] data obje
15634352 perl Visualization of comparative genomic analyses by BLAST score ratio. 2005 nted in a [perl] script, c
15613388 java An enhanced Java graph applet interface for visualizing interactomes. 2005 enhanced [java] graph app
15598833 r Differential gene expression detection using penalized linear regression models: the improved SAM statistics. 2005 s results [and R] functions
15598829 c++ CARHTA GENE: multipopulation integrated genetic and radiation hybrid mapping. 2005 used as a [C++] library,
15593402 mathlab CGH-Plotter: MATLAB toolbox for CGH-data analysis. 2003 -plotter: [matlab] toolbox f
15593401 java GFPE: gene-finding program evaluation. 2003 a set of [java] classes f
15588288 java ABC: software for interactive browsing of genomic multiple sequence alignment data. 2004 teractive [java] software
15585532 perl TERMINUS--Telomeric End-Read Mining IN Unassembled Sequences. 2005 a set of [perl] scripts t
15585529 java RBT--a tool for building refined Buneman trees. 2005 ritten in [java], is avail
15585527 r OLIN: optimized normalization, visualization and quality testing of two-channel microarray data. 2005 available [R package]. addition
15585059 r A two-way interface between limited Systems Biology Markup Language and R. 2004 language [and R].
15572472 java Generalized Venn diagrams: a new method of visualizing complex genetic set relations. 2005 teractive [java] applicati
15550481 java CRAVE: a database, middleware and visualization system for phenotype ontologies. 2005 ccessible [java] applicati
15546938 c++ PermutMatrix: a graphical environment to arrange gene expression profiles in optimal linear order. 2005 ms-visual [C++], has a cl
15541170 r Calibration and assessment of channel-specific biases in microarray data with extended dynamical range. 2004 -platform [R package] aroma, wh
15531616 perl ESTminer: a suite of programs for gene and allele identification. 2005 ritten in [perl] and are f
15531613 mathlab The SBW-MATLAB interface. 2005 ce allows [matlab] users to
15531604 java A Java tool for dynamic web-based 3D visualization of anatomy and overlapping gene or protein expression patterns. 2005 a [java] tool for
15509605 r Implementation of a gene expression index calculation method based on the PDNN model. 2005 atistical [language r].
15509599 java MedKit: a helper toolkit for automatic mining of MEDLINE/PubMed citations. 2005 veloped a [java] package,
15488149 java Caryoscope: an Open Source Java application for viewing microarray data in a genomic context. 2004 en source [java] applicati
15479716 java Circular genome visualization and exploration using CGView. 2005 wer) is a [java] applicati
15477491 c++ GenomeMixer: a complex genetic cross simulator. 2004 entation, [C++] source, a
15466910 r BagBoosting for tumor classification with gene expression data. 2004 ble as an [R package] under gnu
15458579 perl GeneXplorer: an interactive web application for microarray data visualization and analysis. 2004 load from [CPAN] http://se
15458579 javascript GeneXplorer: an interactive web application for microarray data visualization and analysis. 2004 html and [javascript] to displa
15454413 r arrayMagic: two-colour cDNA microarray quality control and preprocessing. 2005 the [R package] arraymagi
15454409 python Modelling cellular systems with PySCeS. 2005 the [python] simulator
15381628 r Analysis of array CGH data: from signal ratio to gain and loss of DNA regions. 2004 the [R package] glad (gai
15377505 perl HaploPainter: a tool for drawing pedigrees with complex haplotypes. 2005 ritten in [perl] and may b
15374874 c Clann: investigating phylogenetic information through supertree analyses. 2005 en in the [C programming] language.
15374872 r An experimental evaluation of a loop versus a reference design for two-channel microarrays. 2005 the data [and R] code are
15374871 r VarMixt: efficient variance modelling for the differential analysis of replicated gene expression data. 2005 the [R package] is freely
15374867 mathlab Improving genome annotations using phylogenetic profile anomaly detection. 2005 ted using [matlab] and open
15374864 java ESTminer: a Web interface for mining EST contig and cluster databases. 2005 mented in [java] and the
15374860 mathlab Reliability analysis of microarray data using fuzzy c-means and normal mixture modeling based classification methods. 2005 rms where [matlab] is availa
15374858 java Expression-based monitoring of transcription factor activity: the TELiS database. 2005 erlocking [java] applicati
15355552 mathlab Iterative class discovery and feature selection using Minimal Spanning Trees. 2004 ions. the [matlab] programs
15353451 mathlab A Bayesian approach to reconstructing genetic regulatory networks with hidden factors. 2005 x.htm and [matlab] source co
15353448 java SNAP: workbench management tool for evolutionary population genetic analysis. 2005 kbench, a [java] program t
15347576 perl easyLINKAGE: a PERL script for easy and automated two-/multi-point linkage analyses. 2005 inkage: a [perl] script fo
15339346 c++ Estimating mutual information using B-spline functions--an improved similarity measure for analysing gene expression data. 2004 easures.a [C++] source co
15339345 r Bayesian model accounting for within-class biological variability in Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). 2004 ool or as [R language] scripts a
15333457 java OntologyTraverser: an R package for GO analysis. 2005 stem uses [java] to instan
15333457 r OntologyTraverser: an R package for GO analysis. 2005 erser: an [R package] for go an
15319258 java Simulating genetic networks made easy: network construction with simple building blocks. 2005 the [java] program,
15310559 python BlastAlign: a program that uses blast to align problematic nucleotide sequences. 2005 perl and [python] and will
15310559 perl BlastAlign: a program that uses blast to align problematic nucleotide sequences. 2005 s of both [perl] and pytho
15308543 java SNP Chart: an integrated platform for visualization and interpretation of microarray genotyping data. 2005 hart is a [java] applicati
15297302 java Modular, scriptable and automated analysis tools for high-throughput peptide mass fingerprinting. 2004 her via a [java] user inte
15297301 r Network structures and algorithms in Bioconductor. 2005 rithms in [Bioconductor].
15297299 perl GO::TermFinder--open source software for accessing Gene Ontology information and finding significantly enriched Gene Ontology terms associated with a list of genes. 2004 -oriented [perl] modules f
15297296 r limmaGUI: a graphical user interface for linear modeling of microarray data. 2004 ted as an [R package]. the soft
15284097 java CLANS: a Java application for visualizing protein families based on pairwise similarity. 2004 clans: a [java] applicati
15271780 mathlab A probabilistic measure for alignment-free sequence comparison. 2004 ritten in [matlab] are avail
15271779 java Data exploration tools for the Gene Ontology database. 2004 based on [java] 2 enterpr
15271778 mathlab Microarray Data Analysis Toolbox (MDAT): for normalization, adjustment and analysis of gene expression data. 2004 e a novel [matlab] toolbox f
15262800 c An efficient algorithm for detecting frequent subgraphs in biological networks. 2004 ms in the [C programming] language
15262781 c++ Analysis of domain correlations in yeast protein complexes. 2004 the ncbi [C++] toolkit.
15262778 r Statistical modeling of sequencing errors in SAGE libraries. 2004 ted as an [R package]. an onlin
15262777 mathlab Deconvolving cell cycle expression data with complementary information. 2004 [matlab] implement
15256416 r Importing MAGE-ML format microarray data into BioConductor. 2004 data into [Bioconductor].
15256415 r A graph-theoretic approach to testing associations between disparate sources of functional genomics data. 2004 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org.
15256401 perl CBS Genome Atlas Database: a dynamic storage for bioinformatic results and sequence data. 2004 tem, csh, [perl] and mysql
15253776 java Base-By-Base: single nucleotide-level analysis of whole viral genome alignments. 2004 net using [java] web start
15247095 java VisRD--visual recombination detection. 2004 ritten in [java] and is de
15230973 perl mlstdbNet - distributed multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) databases. 2004 rsed by a [perl] cgi scrip
15201188 java The CRASSS plug-in for integrating annotation data with hierarchical clustering results. 2004 nted as a [java] plug-in f
15201186 java SNPicker: a graphical tool for primer picking in designing mutagenic endonuclease restriction assays. 2004 mented in [java], which si
15201182 c++ Breakpoint identification and smoothing of array comparative genomic hybridization data. 2004 in visual [C++], has a us
15189572 mathlab M-CGH: analysing microarray-based CGH experiments. 2004 -cgh is a [matlab] toolbox w
15180939 java A statistical framework for the design of microarray experiments and effective detection of differential gene expression. 2004 nted as a [java] applicati
15180930 java Java Treeview--extensible visualization of microarray data. 2004 [java] treeview-
15176974 perl Detection of chromosomal regions showing differential gene expression in human skeletal muscle and in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. 2004 equently, [perl] software
15166027 r Regulatory motif finding by logic regression. 2004 d.html an [R package] for mfure
15145813 java ClutrFree: cluster tree visualization and interpretation. 2004 clutrfree [java] source co
15117754 mathlab Identification of DNA regulatory motifs using Bayesian variable selection. 2004 the [matlab] code for
15117748 java YAdumper: extracting and translating large information volumes from relational databases to structured flat files. 2004 mper is a [java] applicati
15113410 java A web services choreography scenario for interoperating bioinformatics applications. 2004 ard coded [java] applicati
15105279 java GDPC: connecting researchers with multiple integrated data sources. 2004 ritten in [java] and provi
15105278 java ProteoMix: an integrated and flexible system for interactively analyzing large numbers of protein sequences. 2004 suite of [java] programs
15087316 java Sfixem--graphical sequence feature display in Java. 2004 isplay in [java].
15087313 mathlab Analysis of longitudinal metabolomics data. 2004 files for [matlab] for the a
15087311 fortran MathSBML: a package for manipulating SBML-based biological models. 2004 html and [fortran]. by acces
15073026 java ArrayNorm: comprehensive normalization and analysis of microarray data. 2004 dependent [java] applicati
15073025 java Pedro: a configurable data entry tool for XML. 2004 edro is a [java] applicati
15073017 perl Alignment of RNA base pairing probability matrices. 2004 mented in [perl] and can b
15072998 java Web-based kinetic modelling using JWS Online. 2004 ser based [java] applets,
15059840 java MuSiC: a tool for multiple sequence alignment with constraints. 2004 mented in [java] language
15059837 mathlab Extraction of fluorescent cell puncta by adaptive fuzzy segmentation. 2004 ritten in [matlab] are avail
15059834 java Designing and executing scientific workflows with a programmable integrator. 2004 irements: [java] v1.3 (htt
15059827 perl SCANMS: adjusting for multiple comparisons in sliding window neutrality tests. 2004 a [perl] utility c
15059823 c++ PedSplit: pedigree management for stratified analysis. 2004 cutables, [C++] source co
15059819 java Pelican: pedigree editor for linkage computer analysis. 2004 igher). a [java] web start
15044243 mathlab Quantitative characterization of the transcriptional regulatory network in the yeast cell cycle. 2004 [matlab] code and
15044236 java ConSSeq: a web-based application for analysis of amino acid conservation based on HSSP database and within context of structure. 2004 nted as a [java] applet.
15040818 perl The tissue microarray data exchange specification: implementation by the Cooperative Prostate Cancer Tissue Resource. 2004 formative [perl] script. t
15033875 r Degrees of differential gene expression: detecting biologically significant expression differences and estimating their magnitudes. 2004 rg or www.[Bioconductor].org
15033871 perl Optimization models for cancer classification: extracting gene interaction information from microarray expression data. 2004 a [perl] script th
15033870 java Phylo-VISTA: interactive visualization of multiple DNA sequence alignments. 2004 wser with [java] plug-in 1
15033868 r Enhancing scatterplots with smoothed densities. 2004 or matlab [and R] are avail
15033868 mathlab Enhancing scatterplots with smoothed densities. 2004 tions for [matlab] and r are
14988125 mathlab Decoupling dynamical systems for pathway identification from metabolic profiles. 2004 with the [matlab] module bs
14988124 r Mixture models for assessing differential expression in complex tissues using microarray data. 2004 ds in the [R language] can be do
14988123 java GeneCluster 2.0: an advanced toolset for bioarray analysis. 2004 and-alone [java] applicati
14988118 r matchprobes: a Bioconductor package for the sequence-matching of microarray probe elements. 2004 the [R package] matchprob
14988110 mathlab Robust PCA and classification in biosciences. 2004 rt of the [matlab] toolbox f
14988107 java TOPALi: software for automatic identification of recombinant sequences within DNA multiple alignments. 2004 is a new [java] graphical
14988100 java Haplotypes histories as pathways of recombinations. 2004 oped on a [java] platform
14962941 java ToPNet--an application for interactive analysis of expression data and biological networks. 2004 is a pure [java] applicati
14962938 mathlab Modeling T-cell activation using gene expression profiling and state-space models. 2004 data and [matlab] computer
14962926 c++ A graph theoretical approach for predicting common RNA secondary structure motifs including pseudoknots in unaligned sequences. 2004 mented in [C++] in a prog
14962918 python Amplicon: software for designing PCR primers on aligned DNA sequences. 2004 form with [python] 2.3 insta
14962913 perl Simple sequence repeat marker loci discovery using SSR primer. 2004 ritten in [perl] and is fr
14960475 perl VisCoSe: visualization and comparison of consensus sequences. 2004 mand line [perl] script fo
14960472 java The Jalview Java alignment editor. 2004 e jalview [java] alignment
14960468 c++ LDDist: a Perl module for calculating LogDet pair-wise distances for protein and nucleotide sequences. 2004 mented in [C++] that allo
14960468 perl LDDist: a Perl module for calculating LogDet pair-wise distances for protein and nucleotide sequences. 2004 lddist: a [perl] module fo
14960456 r affy--analysis of Affymetrix GeneChip data at the probe level. 2004 age is an [R package] of functi
14871871 c++ Bayesian mixture model based clustering of replicated microarray data. 2004 esponding [C++] code are
14871861 python Open source clustering software. 2004 nerated a [python] and a per
14871861 c++ Open source clustering software. 2004 her c and [C++] programs.
14871861 perl Open source clustering software. 2004 hon and a [perl] interface
14871859 java CNplot: visualizing pre-clustered networks. 2004 a [java] implement
14764576 java Ontologizing gene-expression microarray data: characterizing clusters with Gene Ontology. 2004 xml-based [java] applicati
14764570 java GelScape: a web-based server for interactively annotating, manipulating, comparing and archiving 1D and 2D gel images. 2004 . it uses [java] applet-se
14764568 perl Sequence analysis and membrane partitioning energies of alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides. 2004 zed using [perl] programs.
14764558 java An evaluation of new criteria for CpG islands in the human genome as gene markers. 2004 cpgie, a [java] software
14764554 c Multiple sequence alignment in parallel on a workstation cluster. 2004 kstations [using C] and messa
14764551 r ChromoViz: multimodal visualization of gene expression data onto chromosomes using scalable vector graphics. 2004 viz is an [R package] for the v
14751995 perl Reproducibility of SELDI-TOF protein patterns in serum: comparing datasets from different experiments. 2004 atlab and [perl] code used
14751995 mathlab Reproducibility of SELDI-TOF protein patterns in serum: comparing datasets from different experiments. 2004 the [matlab] and perl
14751994 mathlab Predicting protein structure classes from function predictions. 2004 [matlab] code is a
14751988 java Java-based application framework for visualization of gene regulatory region annotations. 2004 es, using [java] technolog
14751975 java Visualization of near-optimal sequence alignments. 2004 sent to a [java] applet, w
14751975 c++ Visualization of near-optimal sequence alignments. 2004 face to a [C++] program g
14734327 r APE: Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution in R language. 2004 official [R package] archive a
14734323 java JDotter: a Java interface to multiple dotplots generated by dotter. 2004 dotter: a [java] interface
14734312 mathlab Comparative evaluation of word composition distances for the recognition of SCOP relationships. 2004 all [matlab] code used
14734308 python A comparative phylogenetic approach for dating whole genome duplication events. 2004 en in the [python] programmi
14734306 perl Computational identification of novel chitinase-like proteins in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. 2004 [perl] program a
14734305 perl Transposable element annotation of the rice genome. 2004 a set of [perl] scripts.
14715091 perl Using 3D Hidden Markov Models that explicitly represent spatial coordinates to model and compare protein structures. 2004 in c and [perl]. the code
14706121 python PyEvolve: a toolkit for statistical modelling of molecular evolution. 2004 standard [python] code to d
14693822 java BugView: a browser for comparing genomes. 2004 view is a [java] applicati
14693819 c++ GRIL: genome rearrangement and inversion locator. 2004 mented in [C++] and runs
14693816 mathlab Adjustment of systematic microarray data biases. 2004 [matlab] software
14693814 r A global test for groups of genes: testing association with a clinical outcome. 2004 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org
14693813 java VizStruct: exploratory visualization for gene expression profiling. 2004 ritten in [java] and matla
14693813 mathlab VizStruct: exploratory visualization for gene expression profiling. 2004 java and [matlab] and softw
14693803 r Identifying periodically expressed transcripts in microarray time series data. 2004 ed in the [R package] genets av
14678565 java AnaBench: a Web/CORBA-based workbench for biomolecular sequence analysis. 2003 ddleware, [java], jdbc, an
14668247 perl Characterizing gene sets with FuncAssociate. 2003 code (in [perl] and c) is
14668233 r A CART-based approach to discover emerging patterns in microarray data. 2003 atistical [language r] implement
14668224 java caCORE: a common infrastructure for cancer informatics. 2003 provides [java], simple o
14668219 c Efficient estimation of emission probabilities in profile hidden Markov models. 2003 lgorithms [written in C] language
14668218 java JXP4BIGI: a generalized, Java XML-based approach for biological information gathering and integration. 2003 eralized, [java] xml-based
14630669 c++ NCL: a C++ class library for interpreting data files in NEXUS format. 2003 ncl: a [C++] class lib
14630667 c++ Libsequence: a C++ class library for evolutionary genetic analysis. 2003 quence: a [C++] class lib
14630665 mathlab Gene Expression Dynamics Inspector (GEDI): for integrative analysis of expression profiles. 2003 ritten in [matlab], and bina
14630660 python PDB file parser and structure class implemented in Python. 2003 mented in [python].
14630649 mathlab MGraph: graphical models for microarray data analysis. 2003 roduces a [matlab] toolbox,
14604444 java PathMAPA: a tool for displaying gene expression and performing statistical tests on metabolic pathways at multiple levels for Arabidopsis. 2003 ritten in [java] that can
14594724 java RED-T: utilizing the Ratios of Evolutionary Distances for determination of alternative phylogenetic events. 2003 ed-t is a [java] applicati
14594722 java LDA--a java-based linkage disequilibrium analyzer. 2003 user, the [jre] version 1
14594719 java An unsupervised hierarchical dynamic self-organizing approach to cancer class discovery and marker gene identification in microarray data. 2003 [java] software
14594459 java GeneViTo: visualizing gene-product functional and structural features in genomic datasets. 2003 propriate [java] runtime e
14583100 java A knowledge discovery object model API for Java. 2003 l api for [java].
14555636 java GCHap: fast MLEs for haplotype frequencies by gene counting. 2003 the [java] classes a
14555628 r Local-pooled-error test for identifying differentially expressed genes with a small number of replicated microarrays. 2003 th s-plus [and R] functions
14534191 python Finding optimal degenerate patterns in DNA sequences. 2003 the [python] script su
14512356 java The design of Jemboss: a graphical user interface to EMBOSS. 2003 ritten in [java] and is do
14512356 c The design of Jemboss: a graphical user interface to EMBOSS. 2003 en in the [C language]. another
14512353 c Transformation and normalization of oligonucleotide microarray data. 2003 a program [written in C] is availa
14512352 java Controlling false-negative errors in microarray differential expression analysis: a PRIM approach. 2003 estanding [java] applicati
12962546 perl Genome-wide prediction, display and refinement of binding sites with information theory-based models. 2003 cripts in [perl]. multi-pr
12875658 java Evolutionary algorithms for the selection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. 2003 spea2) in [java]. our impl
12874048 mathlab Exact significance levels for the maximum chi(2) method of detecting recombination. 2003 [matlab] source co
12874047 mathlab Estimation of transformation parameters for microarray data. 2003 r and [matlab] code and
12835278 c Calculation of helix packing angles in protein structures. 2003 [C language] source co
12835277 perl GeneComber: combining outputs of gene prediction programs for improved results. 2003 en in the [perl] programmi
12835276 java Longest biased interval and longest non-negative sum interval. 2003 [java] code of t
12835275 java TableView: portable genomic data visualization. 2003 ritten in [java], tablevie
12801871 mathlab Novel clustering algorithm for microarray expression data in a truncated SVD space. 2003 ilable as [matlab] programs
12801870 r Simultaneous gene clustering and subset selection for sample classification via MDL. 2003 ed in the [R language]. the sour
12801869 r Bagging to improve the accuracy of a clustering procedure. 2003 ttp://www.[Bioconductor].org.
12801867 c++ K-ary clustering with optimal leaf ordering for gene expression data. 2003 rithms in [C++] on the li
12761071 java Ligand-Info, searching for similar small compounds using index profiles. 2003 uires the [java] runtime e
12761070 java ACGT-a comparative genomics tool. 2003 ritten in [java] and can b
12761060 mathlab Fuzzy C-means method for clustering microarray data. 2003 text and [matlab] functions
12761052 java FPV: fast protein visualization using Java 3D. 2003 ion using [java] 3d.
12724301 perl GeneMerge--post-genomic analysis, data mining, and hypothesis testing. 2003 ritten in [perl] that retu
12724295 java ALES: cell lineage analysis and mapping of developmental events. 2003 compliant [java] 2 environ
12720549 c++ DNA microarray data and contextual analysis of correlation graphs. 2003 e data. a [C++] implement
12697067 perl Significance analysis of lexical bias in microarray data. 2003 ilable as [perl] source or
12691998 java GoFish finds genes with combinations of Gene Ontology attributes. 2003 fish is a [java] applicati
12691997 java Java editor for biological pathways. 2003 [java] editor fo
12691990 java Client-server environment for high-performance gene expression data analysis. 2003 scalable [java] environme
12651733 java PedNavigator: a pedigree drawing servlet for large and inbred populations. 2003 ritten in [java] and is in
12651728 mathlab MatArray: a Matlab toolbox for microarray data. 2003 tarray: a [matlab] toolbox f
12611807 mathlab Alignment-free sequence comparison-a review. 2003 mented in [matlab] code and
12611802 mathlab Clustering of time-course gene expression data using a mixed-effects model with B-splines. 2003 [matlab] programs
12611799 mathlab An information theoretic approach for analyzing temporal patterns of gene expression. 2003 nsi c and [matlab] (mathwork
12611798 fortran Can transcriptome size be estimated from SAGE catalogs? 2003 to share [fortran] sourcecod
12584141 perl Wrapping up BLAST and other applications for use on Unix clusters. 2003 eloped in [perl] on a 20-n
12584131 perl Redundancy based detection of sequence polymorphisms in expressed sequence tag data using autoSNP. 2003 ritten in [perl] and is fr
12538267 python ARIA: automated NOE assignment and NMR structure calculation. 2003 sspeaks), [python] scripts f
12538266 c DPX: for the analysis of the protein core. 2003 e program [written in C] and its s
12538262 perl G-language Genome Analysis Environment: a workbench for nucleotide sequence data mining. 2003 a set of [perl] libraries
12538259 c RnaViz 2: an improved representation of RNA secondary structure. 2003 ng pieces [written in C] and in th
12538256 java AVA: visual analysis of gene expression microarray data. 2003 zer) is a [java] program t
12538252 c++ An efficient algorithm for minimal primer set selection. 2003 mented in [C++] programmi
12538248 mathlab FluxAnalyzer: exploring structure, pathways, and flux distributions in metabolic networks on interactive flux maps. 2003 ckage for [matlab] and facil
12538244 perl A naive Bayes model to predict coupling between seven transmembrane domain receptors and G-proteins. 2003 t for the [perl] program f
12538241 python Rank order metrics for quantifying the association of sequence features with gene regulation. 2003 a [python] program f
12538238 r A comparison of normalization methods for high density oligonucleotide array data based on variance and bias. 2003 rt of the [R package] affy, whi
12538236 mathlab Chemometric modelling based on 2D-fluorescence spectra without a calibration measurement. 2003 the [mathlab] routine i
12513700 java SeqVISTA: a graphical tool for sequence feature visualization and comparison. 2003 em with a [java] 1.4 virtu
12511063 python Phase4: automatic evaluation of database search methods. 2002 language [python] whose obj
12499313 javascript ModView, visualization of multiple protein sequences and structures. 2003 d through [javascript] commands
12499308 r An extensible application for assembling annotation for genomic data. 2003 der is an [R package] for assem
12499304 c++ Simulating complex traits influenced by genes with fuzzy-valued effects in pedigreed populations. 2003 a [C++] library f
12493080 java ORFer--retrieval of protein sequences and open reading frames from GenBank and storage into relational databases or text files. 2002 a [java] program w
12424130 java Poxvirus Orthologous Clusters (POCs). 2002 ocs) is a [java] client-se
12424129 perl GeneCards 2002: towards a complete, object-oriented, human gene compendium. 2002 -oriented [perl], migratio
12401134 c++ SeqHound: biological sequence and structure database as a platform for bioinformatics research. 2002 erl, c or [C++] remote ap
12401134 perl SeqHound: biological sequence and structure database as a platform for bioinformatics research. 2002 through a [perl], c or c++
12398795 perl Making sense of EST sequences by CLOBBing them. 2002 ed on the [perl] scripting
12385980 c++ Modeling splicing sites with pairwise correlations. 2002 the [C++] source co
12376386 perl Genquire: genome annotation browser/editor. 2002 existing [bioperl] data mode
12376379 c++ Threading using neural nEtwork (TUNE): the measure of protein sequence-structure compatibility. 2002 the [C++] source co
12376376 mathlab Gene perturbation and intervention in probabilistic Boolean networks. 2002 ritten in [matlab] for simul
12366869 perl Oliz, a suite of Perl scripts that assist in the design of microarrays using 50mer oligonucleotides from the 3' untranslated region. 2002 suite of [perl] scripts t
12230038 java The Bio* toolkits--a brief overview. 2002 ython and [biojava] projects
12230038 python The Bio* toolkits--a brief overview. 2002 bioperl, [biopython] and bioja
12230038 perl The Bio* toolkits--a brief overview. 2002 en source [bioperl], biopytho
12217927 java An ontology driven architecture for derived representations of macromolecular structure. 2002 ader. the [java] source co
12217926 java Applications of Tree-Maps to hierarchical biological data. 2002 [java] class fil
12217919 java VIZARD: analysis of Affymetrix Arabidopsis GeneChip data. 2002 zard is a [java] program c
12176842 perl DiffTool: building, visualizing and querying protein clusters. 2002 . all the [perl] sources a
12176840 mathlab MArray: analysing single, replicated or reversed microarray experiments. 2002 rray is a [matlab] toolbox w
12176838 perl TFBS: Computational framework for transcription factor binding site analysis. 2002 -oriented [perl] modules f
12169562 java PseudoViewer: automatic visualization of RNA pseudoknots. 2002 nted in a [java] program,
12117796 c CX, an algorithm that identifies protruding atoms in proteins. 2002 e program [written in C] and its s
12075029 java BAOBAB: a Java editor for large phylogenetic trees. 2002 baobab: a [java] editor fo
12050079 perl A bioinformatics tool to select sequences for microarray studies of mouse models of oncogenesis. 2002 ent (dbi) [perl] to annota
12050073 java Gene structure identification with MyGV using cDNA evidence and protein homologs to improve ab initio predictions. 2002 ritten in [java] and is fr
12028595 java RIO: analyzing proteomes by automated phylogenomics using resampled inference of orthologs. 2002 ral c and [java] programs.
12028595 perl RIO: analyzing proteomes by automated phylogenomics using resampled inference of orthologs. 2002 mented as [perl] pipeline
12019022 perl NBLAST: a cluster variant of BLAST for NxN comparisons. 2002 c/c++ and [perl] applicati
12016048 java Compensation for nucleotide bias in a genome by representation as a discrete channel with noise. 2002 ignal.' a [java] applicati
11934743 java PatternHunter: faster and more sensitive homology search. 2002 t support [java]. patternh
11847095 javascript The EBI SRS server--recent developments. 2002 icksearch [javascript] interface
11836236 java PCSB--a program collection for structural biology and biophysical chemistry. 2002 ackage of [java] classes s
11836235 java Genesis: cluster analysis of microarray data. 2002 sy to use [java] suite for
11836221 java The Binding Database: data management and interface design. 2002 cted with [java] servlet t
11836216 java Automated ortholog inference from phylogenetic trees and calculation of orthology reliability. 2002 mented in [java] and calcu
11751242 c CONSEL: for assessing the confidence of phylogenetic tree selection. 2001 grams are [written in C] language.
11751232 perl MELTING, computing the melting temperature of nucleic acid duplex. 2001 n-source. [perl] scripts a
11751230 c A neural network classifier capable of recognizing the patterns of all major subcellular structures in fluorescence microscope images of HeLa cells. 2001 functions [written in C]. the scri
11751230 mathlab A neural network classifier capable of recognizing the patterns of all major subcellular structures in fluorescence microscope images of HeLa cells. 2001 products [matlab], s-plus,
11751227 perl How to reconstruct a large genetic network from n gene perturbations in fewer than n(2) easy steps. 2001 a [perl] implement
11724739 perl Database-driven multi locus sequence typing (MLST) of bacterial pathogens. 2001 a set of [perl] scripts f
11707150 java FastGroup: a program to dereplicate libraries of 16S rDNA sequences. 2001 tgroup, a [java] program d
11673244 mathlab Birth of scale-free molecular networks and the number of distinct DNA and protein domains per genome. 2001 [matlab] (mathwork
11591214 java FOUNTAIN: a JAVA open-source package to assist large sequencing projects. 2001 untain: a [java] open-sour
11590102 perl GeneMachine: gene prediction and sequence annotation. 2001 suite of [perl] programs
11524384 python SIR: a simple indexing and retrieval system for biological flat file databases. 2001 ritten in [python]. since th
11524378 c++ Multi-query sequence BLAST output examination with MuSeqBox. 2001 standard [C++] and is fr
11524374 c++ The Bioinformatics Template Library--generic components for biocomputing. 2001 ndard for [C++] includes
11448890 java A Java applet for visualizing protein-protein interaction. 2001 a [java] applet fo
11448888 java PAL: an object-oriented programming library for molecular evolution and phylogenetics. 2001 ection of [java] classes f
11448887 c ADAPTSITE: detecting natural selection at single amino acid sites. 2001 urce code [written in C], binary f
11331235 perl Retrieval and on-the-fly alignment of sequence fragments from the HIV database. 2001 ection of [perl] scripts t
11301314 java ATV: display and manipulation of annotated phylogenetic trees. 2001 atv) is a [java] tool for
11301307 java J-Express: exploring gene expression data using Java. 2001 ata using [java].
11301303 java NIFAS: visual analysis of domain evolution in proteins. 2001 a [java] applet, n
11238077 perl Virtual PCR. 2001 [perl] code and
11159329 perl Saturated BLAST: an automated multiple intermediate sequence search used to detect distant homology. 2000 ped using [perl] and perl/
11159311 perl Arbor 3D: an interactive environment for examining phylogenetic and taxonomic trees in multiple dimensions. 2000 irix 6.4, [perl] parsers,
11120685 java Artemis: sequence visualization and annotation. 2000 mented in [java], and can
11108704 c++ BALL--rapid software prototyping in computational molecular biology. Biochemicals Algorithms Library. 2000 mework in [C++] that has
11038333 python Object-oriented parsing of biological databases with Python. 2000 ases with [python].
10871272 java Viral Genome DataBase: storing and analyzing genes and proteins from complete viral genomes. 2000 -friendly [java] gui. resu
10869040 java A browser for expression data. 2000 xtensible [java] applicati
10869029 java JESAM: CORBA software components to create and publish EST alignments and clusters. 2000 y example [java] applet br
10869029 c++ JESAM: CORBA software components to create and publish EST alignments and clusters. 2000 ll the c, [C++] and idl c
10869028 perl GABAagent: a system for integrating data on GABA receptors. 2000 ritten in [perl] script, a
10869022 java Storing biological sequence databases in relational form. 2000 perl and [java] in combin
10869022 perl Storing biological sequence databases in relational form. 2000 ons using [perl] and java
10869012 c Homology-based gene structure prediction: simplified matching algorithm using a translated codon (tron) and improved accuracy by allowing for long gaps. 2000 ritten in [ansi-C] and the t
10745985 java IMAGEne I: clustering and ranking of I.M.A.G.E. cDNA clones corresponding to known genes. 1999 intuitive [java] interface
10743559 fortran A simple algorithm for detecting circular permutations in proteins. 1999 a [fortran] program t
10743555 perl Evaluation of gene prediction software using a genomic data set: application to Arabidopsis thaliana sequences. 1999 set, the [perl] programs
10705440 perl MULTICLUSTAL: a systematic method for surveying Clustal W alignment parameters. 1999 stal is a [perl] script de
10705437 java ORBIT: an integrated environment for user-customized bioinformatics tools. 1999 upporting [java]. the syst
10705434 r An analysis of the Protein Data Bank in search of temporal and global trends. 1999 esolution [and R] value sho
10498781 perl Swissknife - 'lazy parsing' of SWISS-PROT entries. 1999 a set of [perl] modules w
10487877 java Interactive data input into the GeneNet database. null base, the [java] graphical
10366663 java JaDis: computing distances between nucleic acid sequences. 1999 adis is a [java] applicati
10366658 java CRAWview: for viewing splicing variation, gene families, and polymorphism in clusters of ESTs and full-length sequences. 1999 awview, a [java] based vis
10320405 java CoPE: a collaborative pedigree drawing environment. 1999 ncludes a [java] program f
10320399 java DINAMO: interactive protein alignment and model building. 1999 web-based [java] applet at
10068695 c++ Genetic Simulation Library. 1999 a set of [C++] programs
9918957 java WEBMAP: radiation hybrid mapping on the WWW. 1998 a [java] interface
9918956 perl SPEM: a parser for EMBL style flat file database entries. 1998 a set of [perl] modules f
9918950 java Representing metabolic pathway information: an object-oriented approach. 1998 ped using [java], an objec
9789101 java A web server to locate periodicities in a sequence 1998 er with a [java] interface
9789101 c++ A web server to locate periodicities in a sequence 1998 ritten in [C++], which im
9789100 java A visual environment for the manipulation and integration of JAVA beans. 1998 ration of [java] beans.
9789091 perl GeneCards: a novel functional genomics compendium with automated data mining and query reformulation support. 1998 mpiled by [perl] scripts t
9730921 perl The LabBase system for data management in large scale biology research laboratories. 1998 ritten in [perl].
9694997 java Graphical interface to the genetic network database GeNet. 1998 esigned a [java] applet wh
9694992 java GeneNet: a gene network database and its automated visualization. 1998 ritten in [java] provides
9694986 java The bio-objects project. Part I: the object data model core elements. 1998 aries and [java] binary fi
9694986 c++ The bio-objects project. Part I: the object data model core elements. 1998 assemble [C++] libraries
9694985 c++ Formal design and implementation of an improved DDBJ DNA database with a new schema and object-oriented library. 1998 nted as a [C++] object-or
9682060 c CloneIt: finding cloning strategies, in-frame deletions and frameshifts. 1998 ritten in [ansi-C] language,
9682055 perl Removing near-neighbour redundancy from large protein sequence collections. 1998 90, and a [perl] script (n
9520496 perl The Merck Gene Index browser: an extensible data integration system for gene finding, gene characterization and EST data mining. 1998 suite of [perl] routines.
9183530 c++ Object-oriented developmental environment for image-analysis applications: implementation for 2D gel electrophoretogram analysis. 1997 lities of [C++] programmi
9146965 perl Hopper: software for automating data tracking and flow in DNA sequencing. 1997 a central [perl] program,
8872394 fortran IBIS version 3: an OSF/Motif-based interface for IBIS--integrated biological imaging system. 1996 ritten in [fortran] 77 for co
8744774 c++ Object-oriented sequence analysis: SCL--a C++ class library. 1996 s: scl--a [C++] class lib
8590181 c MATRIX SEARCH 1.0: a computer program that scans DNA sequences for transcriptional elements using a database of weight matrices. 1995 is in the ['C'] language,
8590180 c Compression of protein sequence databases. 1995 interface [written in C] which all
8590169 fortran A FORTRAN program to simulate the evolution of genetic variability in a small population. 1995 a [fortran] program t
8521055 c DNASTAT: a Pascal unit for the statistical analysis of DNA and protein sequences. 1995 ritten in [ansi-C] for pcs a
7796269 fortran Simulating efficiently the evolution of DNA sequences. 1995 nu-driven [fortran] programs
7704656 c++ Design and application of PDBlib, a C++ macromolecular class library. 1994 pdblib, a [C++] macromole
7828069 fortran A consensus procedure for predicting the location of alpha-helical transmembrane segments in proteins. 1994 ethods. a [fortran] program h
7528631 c Nucleic acid modeling tool (NAMOT): an interactive graphic tool for modeling nucleic acid structures. 1994 rogram is [written in C] using xvi
8019868 c++ MEGA: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis software for microcomputers. 1994 ritten in [C++] and is in
8143154 c FT3D: three-dimensional Fourier analysis on small Unix workstations for electron microscopy and tomographic studies. 1993 en in the [C language] for unix
8293331 c A general UNIX interface for biocomputing and network information retrieval software. 1993 ogram was [written in C] language
7507400 c Automatic display of RNA secondary structures. 1993 programs [written in C] language
8402211 c SCAMP: a general-purpose simulator and metabolic control analysis program. 1993 rogram is [written in C] and is po
8481826 c A hypertext-like approach to navigating through the GCG sequence analysis package. 1993 en in the [C language] and using
1468016 fortran IBIS integrated biological imaging system: electron micrograph image-processing software running on Unix workstations. 1992 ritten in [fortran] 77 and ru
1422877 c++ METASIM: object-oriented modelling of cell regulation. 1992 itions in [C++] is presen
1633564 c++ Redesigning, implementing and integrating Escherichia coli genome software tools with an object-oriented database system. 1992 rted into [C++], and then
1353007 fortran A microcomputer FORTRAN program for rapid determination of lethal concentrations of biocides in mosquito control. 1992 ocomputer [fortran] program f
1591615 c CLUSTAL V: improved software for multiple sequence alignment. 1992 which is [written in C] and can b
1568123 fortran MULTICOMP: a program package for multiple sequence comparison. 1992 mented in [fortran] 77 for va
2059852 fortran PROMOT: a FORTRAN program to scan protein sequences against a library of known motifs. 1991 promot: a [fortran] program t
2059843 fortran Software for the development and evaluation of probabilistic identification matrices. 1991 ritten in [fortran] 77 and ca
2207751 c POLCA, a library running in a modern environment, implements a protocol for averaging randomly oriented images. 1990 polca is [written in C] and runs
2207747 c MUCIDS: an operative C environment for acquisition and processing of polarized-light scattered from biological specimens. 1990 tware was [written in C] lattice a
2207743 c A C version of Fourier-derived affinity spectrum analysis (FASA) to resolve binding heterogeneity. 1990 re in the [language C]. new appl
2207743 fortran A C version of Fourier-derived affinity spectrum analysis (FASA) to resolve binding heterogeneity. 1990 ritten in [fortran], is exten
2207741 fortran The development of a high-order Taylor expansion solution to the chemical rate equation for the simulation of complex biochemical systems. 1990 develop a [fortran] algorithm
2361183 c Olga--oligonucleotide primer design program for the Atari ST. 1990 standard ['C'] and makes
2310954 fortran Analysis of mixed lipid extracts using 1H NMR spectra. 1990 ts. a new [fortran] algorithm
2819513 fortran HYLAS: program for generating H curves (abstract three-dimensional representations of long DNA sequences). 1989 ritten in [fortran] with sepa
2766006 fortran A FORTRAN subroutine to compute inbreeding and kinship coefficients according to the number of ancestral generations. 1989 a [fortran] subroutin
2924171 fortran SDSE: a software package to simulate the evolution of a pair of DNA sequences. 1989 eme. five [fortran] programs,
3208177 fortran A program for drawing evolutionary trees. 1988 ritten in [fortran] 66, which
3167604 fortran Computer program Jamsek combining statistical and stereochemical rules for the prediction of protein secondary structure. 1988 ritten in [fortran] for an ic
3167596 fortran A computer program to display codon changes caused by mutagenesis. 1988 a [fortran] program f
3453239 fortran A computer program for the design of optimal synthetic oligonucleotide probes for protein coding genes. 1987 ritten in [fortran] 77 to loc
3453234 fortran Interfacing similarity search software with the sequence retrieval system ACNUC. 1987 ritten in [fortran] 77 and is
3453230 fortran A modified Chou and Fasman protein structure algorithm. 1987 a [fortran] program p
3453213 fortran Programs for evaluating and characterising bacterial taxonomic data. 1987 ritten in [fortran] 77 and im
3453210 c Pattern matching of biological sequences with limited storage. 1987 mented in [C programming] language
3450370 fortran Visualization of the entire surface of a protein by cartographic projection. 1986 ritten in [fortran] iv (surfa
3450368 fortran An improved FORTRAN 77 recombinant DNA database management system with graphic extensions in GKS. 1986 improved [fortran] 77 recomb
3880341 fortran ACNUC--a portable retrieval system for nucleic acid sequence databases: logical and physical designs and usage. 1985 ritten in [fortran] 77 which
3880336 fortran Assessing the biological significance of primary structure consensus patterns using sequence databanks. I. Heat-shock and glucocorticoid control elements in eukaryotic promoters. 1985 describe [fortran] 77 softwa
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
view raw graph.svg hosted with ❤ by GitHub
all: graph.png
graph.png : biostar251002.tsv script.gnuplot
grep -v YEAR $< | awk -F ' ' '{printf("%s\t%s\n",4,2);}'| tr " " "_" | grep -v null |\
sed 's/$$/ 1/'| ${HOME}/src/cmd-utils/src/yxv2table -a sum -n 0 | sed 's/^#/YEAR/' > graph.tsv && \
gnuplot script.gnuplot
rm -f graph.tsv
biostar251002.tsv :
java -jar $(JVARKIT_HOME)/pubmeddump.jar 'Cabios[journal] OR Bioinformatics[journal]' |\
java -jar $(JVARKIT_HOME)/pubmedcodinglang.jar -c 2> /dev/null |tr '"' ' ' | tr '"' ' ' |\
tee /dev/tty >> $@
view raw Makefile hosted with ❤ by GitHub
set terminal svg size 1000,800;
set output "graph.svg"
set title "Bioinformatics/language"
set key invert reverse Left outside
set key autotitle columnheader
set yrange [0:]
set auto x
set datafile separator "\t"
unset xtics
set xlabel "Year"
set ylabel "Count"
set xtics nomirror rotate by -45 scale 0
set style data histogram
set style histogram rowstacked
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.75
N=`awk 'NR==1 {print NF}' graph.tsv`
plot 'graph.tsv' using 2:xtic(1), for [i=3:N] '' using i;
view raw script.gnuplot hosted with ❤ by GitHub

* update *

histogram for 'bioinformaticsenter image description here

(php is overrated because many urls end with '.php' )

Entering edit mode

That's more like it ;) Nicely done!

What about newer languages, like golang, rust... Do you need to add code to detect these?

Entering edit mode

yes it's hard-coded (feel free to suggest some more). I can send you the table (pmid/lang/title/year/context) if you want

Entering edit mode

I cloned and compiled (with make) jvarkit. How do I run the code for PubmedCodingLanguages? Java newbie here :)

EDIT: I also tried javac but got errors. Not sure it is meant to be compiled by itself.

Entering edit mode

I'm refactoring my code these days, that's why I Haven't compiled the documentation.

make pubmedcodinglang pubmeddump

(requires java oracle 8)

and then something like:

java -jar dist/pubmeddump.jar 'Bioinformatics' | java -jar dist/pubmedcodinglang.jar 
Entering edit mode

Working :)

I'll see if I can tweak the code to add languages or add things as needed.

Entering edit mode

cool! I've commented out 'R', 'PHP' needs to be separated from the URLS, I only look at the abstract (not the title) etc...

Entering edit mode
7.9 years ago
John 13k

Code posted on github has a breakdown of the languages used in the project at the top. It should be possible to automate the process of going from a Github url to a CSV of langauge usage. Probably with both relative percentages, and absolute lines of code.

Then you could parse pubmed for github urls.

Entering edit mode

cp "${HOME}/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxxxxx.default/cookies.sqlite" tmp.sqlite
# see
sqlite3 -header -separator ' ' tmp.sqlite "select host, case substr(host,1,1)='.' when 0 then 'FALSE' else 'TRUE' end, path, case isSecure when 0 then 'FALSE' else 'TRUE' end, expiry, name, value from moz_cookies;" > tmp.cookies
seq 1 10 | while read PAGE
curl -s --cookie tmp.cookies "${PAGE}" > tmp.json
echo "var doc= JSON.parse(readFully('tmp.json'));for(var i in doc.items) {var project=doc.items[i]; print('\t'+project.language+'\t'+project.description);} " | jjs -scripting
done | sort | uniq | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
rm tmp.sqlite tmp.cookies
1 OCaml
1 Parrot
1 TeX
2 Clojure
2 Julia
2 Makefile
2 Perl
3 Go
3 null
3 Scala
4 Groovy
5 Java
5 Jupyter Notebook
5 Shell
6 JavaScript
7 C
7 Ruby
10 R
13 C++
28 Python
view raw output.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Entering edit mode

Your ability to get shit done (in under 5 minutes) will never cease to amaze me Pierre :D

Entering edit mode

I up vote your answer and Pierre's code snippet because both are awesome, but this is not really what I am looking for. These are GitHub projects mentioning the word "bioinformatics" in the description (EDIT or somewhere in the file or directory names). It seems the gap between this and published programs is too big for the count to be informative. GitHub has its own bias for Python and scripts or random repositories will also be different from published programs.

Still, I really like this! I'll give a look at GitHub's API.

Entering edit mode

Could you scan a repository's README for a DOI? That might be a way to quickly filter for published work.

Entering edit mode

Here's a little python function that will scrape github for the code usage statistics:

def get_stats(github_url,pretty=False):
    import requests
    import lxml
    files = {}
    tree = lxml.etree.HTML(requests.get(github_url + '/search?l=markdown').content)

    for language in tree.xpath("//span[@class='count']"):
        info = language.getparent().itertext()
        count = int(next(info))
        lang = next(info).strip()
        files[lang] = count

    if not pretty: return files

    total_files = sum(files.values())/100.
    print 'Language    Files    Percentage'
    for language,counts in files.items():
        print language.ljust(11),
        print str(counts).rjust(5),'  ',
        print counts/total_files

It can either return either a dict of langauge_names:raw_counts, or it can just print it (with percentages):

>>> stats = get_stats('',True)
Language    Files    Percentage
XML            12    1.99004975124
Shell           3    0.497512437811
Java          513    85.0746268657
Text           60    9.95024875622
JavaScript      2    0.331674958541
Gradle          2    0.331674958541
R               9    1.49253731343
Dockerfile      1    0.16583747927
CSS             1    0.16583747927

will return an empty dict if the github repo doesnt exist. If you can make a list of bioinformatic repos to scan, pop this function in a loop and aggregate the data :) I couldn't get the code usage stats via the github api unfortunately, so scraping html was all i could do.


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