I'm trying to annotate a transcriptome using de Blast2go. For this I downloaded the nr ncbi database to make the blast. My problem is that the file has 72GB and when I created the database using the command line "makeblastdb" the file is divided into 57 parts (as you can see at image nr.00, nr.01, nr.02....nr56 [https://ibb.co/bxBhBQ]
) but I have got to have just one part.
I have never used Blast2go, but in normal blast this is normal, when you specify just the name of the database, I presume in this case it is nr. For example, if I were to run blastn it would be
blastn -query foo.fasta -db nr
The free version of BLAST2GO can only be run through a graphical interface and is going to take forever on such a big dataset. Nowadays there are better alternatives to functionally annotate a transcriptome. I suggest you trying TRINOTATE which is very easy to run and it will give you comments from a bunch of different databases (e.g. GO, KEGG, Pfam, etc.).
CMD: /home/lucas/Downloads/Trinotate-3.0.2/admin/util/trinotateSeqLoader/TrinotateSeqLoader.pl --sqlite Trinotate.sqlite --gene_trans_map Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map --transcript_fasta prasiola.fasta --transdecoder_pep longest_orfs.pep --bulk_load
Can't exec "/home/lucas/Downloads/Trinotate-3.0.2/admin/util/trinotateSeqLoader/TrinotateSeqLoader.pl": Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado at Trinotate line 124.
Error, cmd: /home/lucas/Downloads/Trinotate-3.0.2/admin/util/trinotateSeqLoader/TrinotateSeqLoader.pl --sqlite Trinotate.sqlite --gene_trans_map Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map --transcript_fasta prasiola.fasta --transdecoder_pep longest_orfs.pep --bulk_load died with ret -1 at Trinotate line 126.
Have you ever seen this? Thank you for your attention.
Well, it is going to be hard since the output has some parts in portuguese (i think), but it says it couldn't find the file at "/home/lucas/Downloads/Trinotate-3.0.2/admin/util/trinotateSeqLoader/TrinotateSeqLoader.pl", you can check where it is and then modify the perl script :)
I think you can use Blast2Go and give it a blast file generated by local Blast. However, to run local Blast please refer to the Blast manual and download blast databases only by using update_blastdb.pl --decompress nr
I have never used Blast2go, but in normal blast this is normal, when you specify just the name of the database, I presume in this case it is nr. For example, if I were to run blastn it would be
blastn -query foo.fasta -db nr
The problem is that the program is not by command line and the program allows to chose just one file.
I have also never used blast2go (too slow). Did you try using the index file