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7.6 years ago
I'm trying to create truncated versions of my bams for testing. The samtools docs say:
Regions can be specified as: RNAME[:STARTPOS[-ENDPOS]] and all position coordinates are 1-based. Important note: when multiple regions are given, some alignments may be output multiple times if they overlap more than one of the
specified regions.
Examples of region specifications: chr1 Output all alignments mapped to the reference sequence named `chr1' (i.e. @SQ SN:chr1). chr2:1000000 The region on chr2 beginning at base position 1,000,000 and ending at the end of the chromosome. chr3:1000-2000 The 1001bp region on chr3 beginning at base position 1,000 and ending at base position 2,000 (including both end positions).
This is what I'm trying:
for i in *.bam; do echo $i; name=${i%%.*}; echo $name; samtools view -b -h -1 -@ 4 $i chr2:1000-1001000 > $name_chr2-1000000-2000000.bam; done
I get the error:
[main_samview] region "chr2:1000-1001000" specifies an unknown reference name. Continue anyway.
Yup! That did it. I thought I had tried that... Thanks!