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7.9 years ago
I get a large number of DMRs by seqlm package in comparison between two tissues after filtering by p-value <0.05 , it is near 115000 regions which contains one bp differentially methylated sites,too. Does anyone of you have recommendations for filtering these regions to get some meaningful sites and regions? I have features like number of probes have changed, CpG islands, different regions in genome such as body, UTR,... and beta value.
Are you doing WGBS, array, MBD or other profiling protocol? That's a lot of DMRs. Try using GREAT (http://bejerano.stanford.edu/great/public/html/) to annotate DMRs with gene names. GREAT also does a reasonable job at GO enrichment. Alternatively, you can annotate DMRs with gene names using a BedTools with an bed file of gene/TSS coordinates. Once annotated with gene names, a pathway analysis using GSEA would be insightful.