Dear all,
I am following this tutorial about bacterial GWAS using GEMMA and Bugwas :
When I try correct for population structure, I obtain a segmentation fault.
Rscript bacterialGWAS/kmerGWAS/kmerLMM.R -chisqStat fus300.gwaskmer-out.chisqStat.txt -patternKey fus300.gwaskmer-out.patternKey.txt -patternIndex fus300.gwaskmer-out.patternIndex.txt -signif 5000 -relateMatrix ~/data/fus300_gemma_relmatrixout.cXX.txt -phenotype data/fus300_bugwas.pheno.txt -prefix fus300 -externalSoftware dependencies.txt
Running kmerLMM.R (...) Produce a matrix to fill to create the GEMMA gen file: Create GEMMA snp file: # Find the patterns which each kmer corresponds to out of those used in the LMM: (...) Reading Files ... Segmentation fault (core dumped) Error in file(file, "rt") : impossible d'ouvrir la connexion Calls: read.table -> file De plus : Warning message: In file(file, "rt") : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier './output/fus300_kmer_lmmout.assoc.txt' : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type Exécution arrêtée
I can't understand why... Can someone help me ?
Thank you !