I am trying to use a pipeline for aligning data from a technique developed by another lab: https://github.com/SavageLab/dipseq/blob/master/README.md It was written a couple years ago and I think that it's not compatible with the most up to date samtools distribution.
I am trying to debug it and fix it so I can use it for my data analysis. The current error I am having is:
[E::bgzf_flush] hwrite error (wrong size) samtools view: writing to standard output failed: Broken pipe [E::bgzf_close] file write error samtools view: error closing standard output: -1
Does anyone know why it might be incopatible with samtools and how to approach solving this problem?
Thanks Willow
Not sure if this helps but I usually get a broken pipe if my computer sleeps during an analysis. If that's the case you can run it with
or use a screen.Sounds like your bam files might be too big. See here:
ANGSD hwrite error (wrong size)
dipseq comes with a bunch of tests and concise instructions how to run them. Did you try the tests? That would be my first suggestion.
If you suspect a newer SAMtools is the culprit, install an old one, they are still available for download.
I had the same error with samtools=1.8 so downgraded to 0.1.19 and this fixed the problem.