I'm trying to make a copy of the entire human genome for local blast queries on my machine. I understand that I need to download it from the NCBI FTP server here...
After downloading it I need to format it into a database that blast can search. I do this using NCBI's makeformatdb command. It is run like this...
makeblastdb -in entire_human_genome.fasta -dbtype nucl -title human_genome -out human_genome.db
My question is... Where do I get the fasta file containing the entire human genome? Do I download the fasta files for all 22 chromosomes, the X chromosome, and then the Y chromosome and concatenate them? Is there a fasta file on the site containing the entire genome? A fasta file that is not partitioned by chromosome?
see also Where Can I Download Human Reference Genome In Fasta Format? Hgref.Fa File