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7.6 years ago
I am running SSPACE after assembly of reads using SPADES. However SSPACE returns the following error.
perl ~/my_scripts/SSPACE/SSPACE_Basic.pl -l libraries.txt -s contigs.fasta -k 5 -a 0.7 -x 0 -b standard_out
Your inserted inputs on [SSPACE_Basic v2.1] at Mon May 15 13:10:55 2017:
Required inputs:
-l = libraries.txt
-s = contigs.fasta
-b = standard_out
Optional inputs:
-x = 0
-z = 0
-k = 5
-a = 0.7
-n = 15
-T = 1
-p = 0
=>Mon May 15 13:10:55 2017: Reading, filtering and converting input sequences of library file initiated
Reading read-pairs lib1.1 @ 0
=>Mon May 15 13:10:56 2017: Storing contigs to format for scaffolding
=>Mon May 15 13:10:56 2017: Reading contig file
=>Mon May 15 13:10:56 2017: Building Bowtie index for contigs
**Bowtie-build error; -1 at /home/local/KWTRP/mmwanga/my_scripts/SSPACE/bin/PairingAndScaffolding.pl line 823.**
Your help will be valuable.
I have always had issue with running bowtie within SSPACE so I have used bwa instead. You can try bwa if you have bwa available in the path.
How do you switch from Bowtie to BWA on SSPACE v2?