I am using "seqlm" package to find DMRs. Seqlm returns statistical parameters such as p.value, Bonferroni, FDR, ...for each segment (deferentially methylated region) .In one of these analysis, most segments had meaningful p.value(<0.05) but their FDR are more than 0.5 and Bonferroni is 1 or near 1. How can i filter correct value based on statistic? Is there a problem with this run?
I think you should learn about multiple testing correction. It is perfectly possible that after correction, you don't get any significant test. This just means that at the level of confidence you selected, you can't reject the null hypothesis (usually of no difference between samples). However, don't make the mistake of thinking that statistical significance means biological relevance.
Nice way to put it. It is important to understand how one performs the multiple testing. The line sentence speaks volumes about correlation of statistical testing with biological significance.
For omics data most people use FDR corrected p-values, Bonferroni is much too stringent. Don't use raw p-values with omics data.