I want to use SamToFastq in Picard tools to convert 100 bam files to fastq (pair-end). I wrote a loop, but it does not work. Anyone can help me to look at the code. I have no idea what's going on. Appreciate ahead.
for b in $bamfolder
echo $b
java -jar picard.jar SamToFastq \
I=$b \
FASTQ= /path/to/folder/*_R1.fastq \
SECOND_END_FASTQ= /path/to/folder/*_R2.fastq
Are you getting anything back from
echo $b
. There can be no spaces betweenFASTQ=
and the paths.When I run echo $b done, It listed all bam files in the folder.
This is academic since @Pierre's solution works but the reason yours is not working is because your are passing
as the entire file name (with .bam extension intact). So instead if you try the following and see if that works.I have tried. ERROE: Neither file nor parent directory exist.
I think for the "FASTQ=" and "SECOND_END_FASTQ=" I can not use /path/to/folder/${b%.*}, because it shows output=/path/to/folder/path/to/folder/. If only use FASTQ=${b%.bam}_R1.fq.gz, it works.
As is customary with these
is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with a real path available on your computer. It is there to show that you can use/write data from/to any other location.Does not work? How it doesn't work? What is the error message?
Anyway, I think there should not be spaces after
.erroe msg is INPUT is required. It's kind wired. I think the I=$b is right....