Does anybody know a tools that get the genomic regions such as chr3 345216:345250 and return its role in genome, for example promoter, enhancer, ...? UCSC genome browser do that but i want a tools.
Does anybody know a tools that get the genomic regions such as chr3 345216:345250 and return its role in genome, for example promoter, enhancer, ...? UCSC genome browser do that but i want a tools.
With BEDOPS, you can convert an annotation file to BED with convert2bed
and then do a bedmap --echo-map
operation on it to find overlaps.
For example, here's how to get a set of Gencode v21 annotations into BED format:
$ wget -qO- ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_21/gencode.v21.annotation.gff3.gz | gunzip -c - | convert2bed -i gff - > annotations.bed
And here's how to do an ad-hoc search of this file, for instance, looking for any annotations which overlap chr3:345216-345250
$ echo -e 'chr3\t345216\t345250' | bedmap --echo --echo-map --delim '\t' - annotations.bed > answer.bed
If you have a BED file of intervals you want to query, you can specify it directly, instead of using echo -e
$ bedmap --echo --echo-map --delim '\t' intervals.bed annotations.bed > answer.bed
In each case, you get the interval and any overlapping annotation (including that annotation's type: gene, etc.).
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I have run bedops but when i want to sort my file i get this error Non-numeric end coordinate seeline 1 in test.bed and it is the first of my file :
what is wrong?
cat -te test.bed | head
to make sure your file doesn't have extra tabs or non-Unix line endings. Then fix the file if it does. Thensort-bed
the fixed file.