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7.7 years ago
When we perform a ncbi blast on its server the output is something like below: The local blast setup that we use (BLAST-2.3.0+) gives us the speed but I believe that we can only parse the hsps which may be many for a single subject. How can we get the max score,total score, e-value,identity, accession as shown above in a tabular form?.
Look into usin option
-outfmt 6
(and its extensions). More information is in blast handbook (Table c-1).Blast is currently in v.2.6.0. You should upgrade if you can.
Thanks for the reply. I have been using outfmt 6 option but the output it gives is in terms of hsp (hsp evalue, hsp length, hsp bit score etc). I would want the combined total bit score.
I'm not sure what a combined bit score would be but from the above it sounds like you might want just the top hit? You can look into the
options.Ah good old perl homework... I wish every bioinf pipe was as easy as this.
"Read a FASTA protein sequence from file (test file given) and use this sequence for a standalone BLAST search against swissprot at NCBI. Parse the BLAST output and for the top ten hits print the sequence identifier, score, E-value and % sequence identity (that is between Query and Hit)."
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