Hi ,
I want to obtain significant GO-terms of gene lists that I have already had. I used BioMart R package and it returns all GO-terms of gene lists but it does not supply any p-value (fisher exact test for instance ) or fdr value to eliminate insignificant GO-terms. I researched on the internet but I haven't found any information about how BioMart presents GO- terms without any criteria. Does BioMart based go-terms contains any insignificant GO-terms when we used our gene lists as parameter ? Does BioMart return GO- terms (without any test) whether they involve in any GO- terms or not ?
Thank you for your interest.
thank you for the reply. Does BioMart based go-terms are significant ? or they are only GO-terms in which genes in our gene list involve in ? The last question, GO-terms of all genes in the gene lists retrieved using genes separately or all together ?
"Does BioMart based go-terms are significant ?" No - significance is not considered at all
"Are [they] only GO-terms in which genes in our gene list involve in?" Yes - you tell biomart a gene name, biomart tells you the go-terms that are associated with that gene name (there is no test for significance)
"separately or all together?"- Seperately
Biomart is just a tool for getting information from a database of annotated genes. It does not consider the relationship between the genes in the list. It does not test for significance. It sounds like you are looking for a tool like g-profiler which does do those things.
Finally I found exact answer. Thank you so much.
It's pretty much the same as Jean-Karim said.
You are right and I had marked Jean-Karim's answer as solution before you stated it. Thank you all. ( @Jean-Karim and @kennethcondon2007)