I have a .bed file with Chromosomal coordinates instead of gene names in columns 1, 2 and 3. How do I get the coesponding gene list from this information?
Select group: Genes and Genes predictions, RefSeq, hg19/hg38
Define regions in region field (chr:start-end), then select output format: all fields from selected table, get output.
At the end of text file you will have field name2 - gene name.
I think it is possible to filter all unnecessary informations from this file and leave only gene name, transcript etc. and save in BED file.
I tried this and I would like to add something extra. Also select Track:- UCSC. I obtained multiple lines w.r.t. original co-ordinates in .bed so I collapsed it using bedtools: bedtools map -a original.bed -b ucsc_based_gene_list.bed -c 5 -o collapse
Is the gene name in your file itself? Though
may be onchr1
if that line is correct.Hi, Sorry, that column is the name of the experiment. The gene name is definitely not in there. Can you help? O.
You can use biomaRt package to get the genes' chromesome information, then you can map your bed file to gene symbols or gene IDs.