I have called SNP in transcriptome data using GATK pipeline. I installed circos on linux platform. I understand from circos tutorial that it needs conf. file with plot setting.
In that I need to mention path to karyotype file which contain information about chromosomes. But still I am not able to understand how to give SNP.VCf as a input file?
Please suggest how to give input files to draw histogram form SNP.VCF file.
histogram of what ? variant per Mb ? per sample/genotypes Mb ?
I have a two contrasting genotype transcriptome. I mapped these pair end reads to same reference genome. I want to see SNP histogram along the all chromosomes for both genotypes. I think it should be varient per Mb.
Circos only accepts data in its simple but strict tabular format and does not accept VCF as an input. You will need to either use another tool or preprocess the data until you have the exact data you want to plot in the format Circo needs.
Thanks a lot for this valuable help. I will try it and inform you if works for me.
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