I am working on De-novo assembly of a bacterial genome. While running SPAdes I get this following error.
<jemalloc>: Error in malloc(): out of memory
== Error == system call for: "['/root/SPAdes-3.5.0-Linux/bin/hammer',
'/root/spades_AM1_output/corrected/configs/config.info']" finished
abnormally, err code: -6
But I am using a system with the following configuration
Thread 16
Memory 16GB
Disk Space 500GB
Please let me what can I do to rectify this error?
Try it on a machine with more memory.
How much more?? around 32 GB RAM?
¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯ Enough that you don't run out. Alternatively, you could try a different assembler, perhaps something else will be more memory efficient.
+1 for
¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯
It depends basically of: How much reads do you have? How long is your genome expected to be? and, in the case of spades, which and how many kmers are you using?, spades_manual
you may try: -k 21,33 --careful --only-assembler
Can you show the command you used, that gave you the error?