Dear everyone!
I have a big SNP genotype table (about 6 million SNPs) with the following format:
SNP_ID ind_1 ind_1 ind_2 ind_2 ind_3 ind_3
snp_1 A A A A G A
snp_2 T T T T T T
snp_3 A G G A G G
Where each individual (ind) has two alleles (ind_1 & ind_1).
How can I convert this table to a plink (.ped) file? My aim is to use this file as input for ADMIXTURE; I am aware that I also have to create a (.map) file containing info on the SNPs, but I'm also not sure how to do it. Any tips? Additionally, I would like to cluster ind1 and ind2 together, but not ind3. A Perl-based script would be highly appreciated.
Here the parameters for the plink (.ped) file:
1) Family_ID=?
2) Individual_ID=?
3) Paternal_ID=0
4) Maternal_ID=0
5) Sex=2
6) Phenotype=1
Any help is very welcomed; thank you so much! ☺