I am installing LoRDEC for long read correction.
Following is the installation instruction of LoRDEC. I am having trouble with the 4th step. Could anyone give me some advice? Thank you so much!
Unpack LoRDEC-0.6.tar.gz.
cd LoRDEC-0.6
Download the GATB Core library from http://gatb-core.gforge.inria.fr/. LoRDEC has been tested with GATB Core 1.0.6. Either download the binary version or follow the instructions to build the GATB Core library from the sources. for linux systems type: make installdep
Modify the GATB variable in Makefile in the LoRDEC-0.6 directory to point to your installation of GATB Core library.
Run make in directory LoRDEC-0.6.