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7.5 years ago
I am using SSH to connect to my school's server and map a couple hundred fastq.gz samples to a reference genome. Everything is uploaded on the server and I am trying to run the following script to submit. I already tried the same script on my Ubuntu personal computer with no problems but it doesn’t seem to work on the server. Also, I am not too sure if with this script I am actually using the 8 processors and 16Gb of memory that I am assigning. Thanks in advance!
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -N bowtie2_alignment
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:intel,mem=16gb
#PBS -j oe
#Loading Java
module load jdk/1.8.0_31
module load bowtie/2-2.2.4
#Changing to current directory
cd $PWD
#Mapping with bowtie2
for i in $(ls *.fastq.gz | rev | cut -c 10- | rev | uniq)
# map the reads and sort the alignment
bowtie2 --rg-id ${i} --rg SM:${i} --rg PL:ILLUMINA -t -x ${REFERENCE} -U ${i}.fastq.gz 2> ${i}_bowtie2.log;
I get the following error:
ls: cannot access *.fastq.gz: No such file or directory
I am new to running these types of scripts on a SSH server so any help would help. Thanks
To begin with those fastq files do not appear to be in the directory where you are trying to run this script from. Easiest thing would be to change into directory with fastq files and see if you are able to run the script there.
for the actual folder where the fastq files are.Hint: What is
getting set as on the cluster nodes? Are you sure it's where you're submitting the job (do anecho $PWD
in the script and capturestdout
)?define $PWD and make sure that .fastq.gz files are in that directory.
Do not set
is an environment variable automatically set by the shell every time you usecd
, so it could lead to unexpected behaviours messing with it.In my interactive shell, $PWD is used to set my prompt, so if I mess with it, my prompt gets messed as well:
edit: check the wonderfully comprehensive answer from Stéphane Chazelas on this UnixExchange post, explaining
and a lot more.